Package: PressReader Filed on [Indigo]<ISL>Documentation>PressReader.tioga
Maintainers: Wyatt, Shore
Date: March 15, 1983
DF file: [Indigo]<ISL>Top>PressReader.df
Purpose: A package and tool to read Press files.
UserExec commands:
ReadPress — Creates a listing of a Press file a la the Alto ReadPress Program.
Running ReadPress registers the command of that name. ReadPress <foo>.press creates <foo>.lst and
opens a Viewer onto it. The listing is a Tioga file that uses levels to convey Press file structure.
ListFontsInPressFile lists the fonts used in the named press file.
Running ListFontsInPressFile registers the command of that name. ListFontsInPressFile <foo>.press lists the fonts used, right in the exec window.
Mesa interfaces:
PressReader.mesaAllows semi-sequential access to Press file components (Parts, Entities, Commands, etc.).
The interface is documented in detail. The Tool (ReadPressTool.mesa) is a good example of its use.