Subject: ISL 4.1 release
From: ISL Release Master <>
To: ISL^, CedarUsers^
cc: ISLImplementors^

ISL 4.1 is released.

This release of ISL software includes updates to several packages. All components of the release are compatible with Cedar 4.1.

**** System components ****
The following is a complete list of the components included in this release. Details about the relationship of each component to the previous release and pointers to documentation and DF files appear in the "Summary of Release Components" section, below.
The summary field indicates what has changed. It can take the following values:
 new  component is new for this release
 old  component is unchanged for this release (DF file is from ISL 4.0)
 minor  component has minor bugs fixed or has only been recompiled
 major  component has significant changes
 gone  component no longer exists
AIS       old
BandsClient     old
Callig       old
CGBands      old
ColorCRTTool    old
ColorDemo     minor
Dither      old
DitherAIS     old
Fit       minor
GL       old
GraphicsToPress    major
IconEditor     major
IPDefs      minor
IPOut       minor
JaMObjectEdit    old
Map       old
Math       old
ParametricMap    old
Peanut      new
PressFontIO     old
PressIP      major
PressReader     major
ShowPress     old
SolidViews     old
SplinePkg     old
StyleTool      minor
TJaMGraphics    minor
Video       minor

**** Summary of Release Components ****
Note: In the descriptions that follow, unless otherwise specified, the DF file or files for a component are located on [Indigo]<ISL>Top>. If the documentation file name is not a path, it is assumed to be accessible using the DF file name and BringOver, i.e.,

 BringOver /o DocFileName DFFileName

In general, documentation is stored on


but there are occasional exceptions.
Components are listed below only if there is something of interest to say about them for this release. Unless otherwise indicated, questions about changes in individual components should be addressed to their implementors.
DF file: ColorDemo.df
Documentation: contact implementor
Implementor: Maureen Stone

I've added the cable car as part of the standard demo. I've removed the shape
description slide from the black and white part of the demo. Those of you with
cheat-sheets will want to update them.
DF file: Fit.df
Documentation: contact implementor
Implementors: Plass, Stone

Big fixes.
DF file: GraphicsToPress.df
Documentation: contact implementor
Implementor: Maureen Stone, Michael Plass

The JaM interface is back (GraphicsToPressJaM). There is a new command that
intercepts paths and outlines instead of trapezoids into the Press file. With any
luck, we won't need this package much longer!
DF file: IconEditor.df
Documentation: IconEditor.tioga, press
Implementor: Teitelman, et al.

The icon editor has been modified so that if the IconRegistry package is loaded, (a) the "name" of the icon being edited, if any, is displayed, (b) if an icon that has been registered is edited, its iconFlavor, if any, is flushed from the cache of the IconRegistry, and (c) it is possible to register an icon using the register button. This will enable programs to obtain the corresponding icon flavor via IconRegistry.GetIcon. For more details on the iconregistry package, see IconRegistry.mesa, obtainable via [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>IconRegistry.df.
DF file: IPDefs.df
Documentation: none
Implementor: Wyatt

IPXeroxEncoding incorporates encoding values from the Full Interpress proposal.
DF file: IPOut.df
Documentation: IPOut.tioga, .press
Implementors: Shore, Wyatt

Recompiled to accommodate changes in IPDefs.
DF file: Peanut.df
Implementor: Paxton

A few bug fixes.
DF file: PressIP.df
Documentation: PressToInterpress.tioga, .press
Implementors: Shore, Wyatt

Much of ConvertPressToInterpress has been rewritten to handle fonts, positioning, and spacing in a simpler and less buggy fashion. Commands are now registered with the Commander interface.
DF file: PressReader.df
Documentation: PressReader.tioga, .press
Implementor: Plass

A new program, ListFontsInPressFile, provides a UserExec command that lists all the fonts in a press file. No changes to the old programs.
DF file: StyleTool.df
Documentation: StyleToolDoc.tioga,
Implementor: Beach

Recompile to fix IO.GetReal circumvention.
Modified format to print real numbers left-justified.
DF file: TJaMGraphics.df
Documentation: JaMGraphics.tioga
Implementor: Maureen Stone

Bug fixes only.
DF file: Video.df
Documentation: contact implementor
Implementor: Pier

No major changes