**** System components ****
The following is a complete list of the system components included in this release. Details about the relationship of each component to the previous release and pointers to documentation and DF files appear in the "Summary of Release Components" section, below.
The field after the package name indicates what has changed. It can take the following values:
new component is new for this release
old component is unchanged for this release (DF file is from ISL 4.2.1)
minor component only has minor bugs fixed and/or simple recompilation
major component has significant changes
gone component no longer exists
AIS old
BandsClient minor
Callig old
CGBands minor
CKViewer new
ColorCRTTool old
ColorDemo minor
Dither old
DitherAIS old
EncryptTool old
Fit old
GL old
GraphicsToPress old
IconEditor old
IPDefs old
IPOut old
JaMObjectEdit old
Map old
Math old
MonitorTool old
ParametricMap old
Peanut major
PressFontIO old
PressIP old
PressReader old
Roots old
ShowPress old
Sliders old
SolidModeler new
SolidViews major
SplinePkg old
StyleTool old
TJaMGraphics minor
Video old
**** Summary of Release Components ****
Note: In the descriptions that follow the DF file or files for a component are located on [Indigo]<ISL>Top> unless otherwise specified. If the documentation file name is not a path, it is assumed to be accessible using the DF file name and BringOver, i.e.,
BringOver /o DocFileName DFFileName
In general, documentation is stored on
but there are occasional exceptions. For brevity, we do not list Component.Press if Component.Tioga exists, and we do not include [Indigo]<ISL>Documentation> in the file name if that is the prefix. If not specified, the host is assumed to be [Indigo].
Components are listed below only if there has been a change for this release. Unless otherwise indicated, questions about changes in individual components should be addressed to their implementors.
DF file: BandsClient.df
Documentation: Read the BandsClient.mesa interface
Implementors: Bier and Pier
Recompiled to use the new CGBands package.
DF file: CGBands.df
Documentation: See implementor
Implementor: Pier
No changes. One bug fixed. This package is a dinosaur and should not be used by new clients.
DF file: CKViewer.df
Documentation: CKViewerDoc.tioga
Implementor: Pier
This package puts a "proper" viewer-based interface on the ColorKinetic program used to test color display systems. It has some added functionality as well, and more will be added. Those familiar with ColorKinetic should find the control panel viewer obvious. Others see CKViewerDoc.tioga.
DF file: ColorDemo.df
Documentation: ColorDemoDoc.Tioga
Implementors: Beach, Lamming, Stone, Wyatt
To conserve real memory it now operates the color display in 8 bpp mode and uses dithered images. The finale now includes some color map waggling.
DF file: Peanut.df
Documentation: see implementor
Implementor: Randy Pausch, et al.
1) Painting sped up by not re-painting viewer for each mail file name
2) Now saves files serially, keeping machines from sometimes crashing
3) Now has distinct icons for mail messages and mail sets. Also handles making icons "dirty" when files are edited, etc.
4) Allows you to use another name than 'active.mail'. This is useful if you live on public machines. In your user profile, set it to something like smithActive.mail
5) Allows you to specify whether or not to generate yourself as a member of the 'cc' list.
6) Allows you to specify that copies of all outgoing mail be appended to a file (can be used in combination with 5 to get copies of outgoing mail without sending them thru a mailer and reading them back in).
If you've been wondering what
ALL of Peanut's UserProfile options are, here's the list:
Peanut.ActiveMailFile -- see 4 above
Peanut.CarbonCopyToSelf -- (BOOLEAN, default TRUE) see 5 above
Peanut.OutGoingMailFile -- see 6 above
Peanut.WindowHeight -- (INTEGER, default 80), sets height of open peanut viewer
Peanut.StartIconic -- (BOOLEAN, default TRUE) sets initial state of peanut viewer
Peanut.AutomaticNewMail -- (BOOLEAN, default FALSE) makes peanut retrieve hungrily
Peanut.KillViewersOnSaveall -- (BOOLEAN, default FALSE), hitting saveall will cause each viewer to be destroyed after saving the file. Your active and/or OutGoingMail files are special cased and only closed.
DF file: SolidModeler.df
Documentation: See DisplayList3d.mesa and Implementor
Implementor: Bier
The Solidmodeler was originally part of the Solidviews package. It has been separated out to encourage the building of new interfaces on top of the solid modeling part of the system. Solidviews.df is now just the interface.
The solid modeling part of Solidviews has changed to support new interface features. This will be documented in the Solidviews release message.
DF file: SolidViews.df
Documentation: SolidviewsManual.doc and .press
Implementor: Bier
Solidviews has been separated from the solid modeling system (see SolidModeler.df). A message describing the changes was recently sent to SolidviewsUsers^.pa. A copy of that message has been stored on [Indigo]<Solidviews>Documentation>SolidviewsRelease4.4.tioga.
Briefly, new features include: Shadows. Background color is now stored as part of a pic file . The camera section of the edittool allows you to specify the ray casting resolution. The scratchpad is smarter about redrawing so it shouldn't make you wait while it catches up.
Bug fixes include: Solidviews should no longer have trouble ray tracing scenes where some of the nodes have less than two children. SetColorArtwork will use the listed material (plastic or chalk) without fail. Tori should look correct when you ray-trace them (they still take a long time however since the root-solver allocates like crazy--we're working on it).
Interface changes include: The solid viewer file commands act somewhat more like Tioga commands.
Known Problems: The new pic file parser won't accept a null options section. Add:
Background color: [1,1,1]
or something like to get your old files to load. Also, Shadow information is not written into the pic file. If you want Shadows, you must always set them by hand after loading the file.
DF file: TJaMGraphics.df
Documentation: JaMGraphics.tioga
Implementor: Stone; last changed by Wyatt
Registers the JaMGraphics command with Commander instead of UserExec.