Doug Wyatt, June 24, 1983 2:33 pm
ISL 4.2.1 Release
This release of ISL software includes a new Sliders package, some changes to ShowPress, and documentation for ColorDemo. All components of the release are compatible with Cedar 4.2.
A copy of this message is stored on [Indigo]<ISL>Documentation>ISL4.2.1.tioga.
**** System components ****
The following is a complete list of the system components included in this release. Details about the relationship of each component to the previous release and pointers to documentation and DF files appear in the "Summary of Release Components" section, below.
The field after the package name indicates what has changed. It can take the following values:
new component is new for this release
old component is unchanged for this release (DF file is from ISL 4.2)
minor component only has minor bugs fixed and/or simple recompilation
major component has significant changes
gone component no longer exists
AIS  old
BandsClient  old
Callig  old
CGBands  old
ColorCRTTool old
ColorDemo  minor
Dither  old
DitherAIS  old
EncryptTool  old
Fit  old
GL  old
GraphicsToPress old
IconEditor  old
IPDefs  old
IPOut  old
JaMObjectEdit old
Map  old
Math  old
MonitorTool  old
ParametricMap old
Peanut  old
PressFontIO  old
PressIP  old
PressReader  old
Roots  old
ShowPress  major
Sliders  new
SolidViews  old
SplinePkg  old
StyleTool  old
TJaMGraphics old
Video  old
**** Summary of Release Components ****
Note: In the descriptions that follow the DF file or files for a component are located on [Indigo]<ISL>Top> unless otherwise specified. If the documentation file name is not a path, it is assumed to be accessible using the DF file name and BringOver, i.e.,
BringOver /o DocFileName DFFileName
In general, documentation is stored on
but there are occasional exceptions. For brevity, we do not list Component.Press if Component.Tioga exists, and we do not include [Indigo]<ISL>Documentation> in the file name if that is the prefix. If not specified, the host is assumed to be [Indigo].
Components are listed below only if there has been a change for this release. Unless otherwise indicated, questions about changes in individual components should be addressed to their implementors.
DF file: ColorDemo.df
Documentation: ColorDemoDoc.Tioga
Implementor: Rick <Beach>, Maureen <Stone>
The documentation is new. It's intended to cover both the preparations for giving a demonstration of ISL color graphics as well as describing interesting details that you might include in your demonstration talk. Minor fixes to the DF file.
DF file: ShowPress.df
Documentation: ShowPress.Tioga
Implementor: Rick <Beach>
This version provides a new page scroll bar and different paging buttons for easier navigation in multipage press files.
ShowPress now registers with the Commander interface. NOTE: the command name has been changed to ShowPress from the ambiguous Show. The bcd is now called ShowPressPackage.
DF file: Sliders.df
Documentation: See implementor
Implementor: Darlene <Plebon>
Sliders is a viewer class providing general purpose slider viewers for graphics input. A slider has a value between 0.0 and 1.0 which is set by depressing the red mouse button in the slider's viewer. The position of the mouse determines the slider's value. The value may be changed continuously by holding the red button down while moving the mouse. The size of a bar painted in the slider viewer indicates the value of the slider. A client supplied procedure is called each time the slider's value is changed. The client may also supply a procedure for filtering the slider's value (e.g. to make the slider value discrete).