Julian E. Orr / Raven Master / X4809 6 April 1984RAVEN ERROR MESSAGESK0K0 indicates an undefined and unrecoverable printing error. Check the LED Display onthe Raven for status code report; follow instructions to fix problem, then type . Ifno status code report shows and On-Line LED is lit, Press doesn't like your file. Type Shift-Swat or boot; when the executive comes back, type Press rep to try a reprint. If thisfails, type @Server.cm and go fix your file.K1K1 indicates that the printer is out of paper. The LED status code display on the printerwill say C4. Follow the directions on the printer to refill, being sure to refill both cassettesand to replace each cassette in the slot whence it came. The curl goes up. If the statuscodes still complain, wiggle the cassettes and the locking handle until it's happy. When thestatus codes are contented, type and the file will print.K2K2 indicates that the printer has shut itself down from lack of use {a feature of Ravenprinters}. The print request will restart the Raven; until it is ready the LED status codedisplay on the printer will say L1. While it warms up, Press continues to poll the printerto see if it is ready; you can see the K2 change to P1 and back again. When the Raven isready, the next time Press polls it will respond affirmatively, and it will print. You nolonger have to do anything except be patient.OpX%`am-qN J\1rstm Ou ItsP G?Pts Et.0 C[ A,5Uu /hts,, -ts'/ +E8" ){*3 '#!tsu ts$1  P ts1 2 ts ts# gC -|`=_2Nfs a4 OLDENGLISH CLASSIC  OLDENGLISHCLASSIC CLASSIC TIMESROMAND`Qj/ RavenErrors.jletterOrrApril 6, 1984 9:42 AM