MKaplan, September 12, 1985 0:52:25 am PDT
{ DOCUMENT¤ { POUR¤ POUR.LabelSet={LineText}
FONT.Points=12 FONT.Boldness=1 FONT.Italic=0
{ BOX¤ PAGE¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=85*254 BOX.H=110*254
{ BOX¤ BOX.X=20*254 BOX.W=50*254 BOX.Y=24000 BOX.H=800
{ CHARS¤ FONT¤ FONT.Points=18 FONT.Boldness=2 <Two Languages in Parallel Columns>} }
{ BOX¤ BOX.X=400 BOX.W=10000 BOX.Y=200 BOX.H=600
{ CHARS¤ FONT$ FONT.Points=8 <Interscript Example Pours .. Bob Ayers .. June 1984>} }
{ BOX¤ BOX.X=10*254 BOX.W=65*254 BOX.Y=6*600 BOX.H=30*600
{ TEMPLATE¤ {BOX¤ MOLD¤ LABELS¤ LABELS.Labels=LineText BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=0 BOX.H=600} } } }
{ BOX¤ PAGE¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=85*254 BOX.H=110*254
{ BOX¤ BOX.X=10*254 BOX.W=65*254 BOX.Y=6*600 BOX.H=35*600
{BOX¤ MOLD¤ LABELS¤ LABELS.Labels=LineText BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=0 BOX.H=600 } } } }
BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=85*254 BOX.H=110*254 }
RegularTextPara={ LABELS.Labels=LineText
{ BOX¤ LABELS¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=65*254 BOX.H=600
{CHARS¤ MOLD¤ LABELS¤ LABELS.Labels=BodyText} } }
{ BOX¤ LABELS¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=65*254 BOX.H=600 } }
CanadianTextPara={ LABELS$ LABELS.Labels=LineText
{ BOX¤ LABELS¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=65*254 BOX.H=600
{ BOX¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=30*254 BOX.H=600
{CHARS¤ MOLD¤ LABELS¤ LABELS.Labels=FrenchText} }
{ BOX¤ BOX.X=35*254 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=30*254 BOX.H=600
{CHARS¤ MOLD¤ LABELS¤ LABELS.Labels=EnglishText} } } }
{ BOX¤ LABELS¤ BOX.X=0 BOX.Y=0 BOX.W=65*254 BOX.H=600 } }
{ POUR¤ POUR.Template=RegularTextPara! POUR.LabelSet={BodyText}
LABELS.Labels=BodyText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <The Interscript concept of 'pouring' text (or other document content) as part of the paginate operation, together with the notion that there can be multiple levels of 'pour' .. text can be poured into paragraph lines, then the lines into page columns .. is here used to prepare a document with side-by-side paragaphs of French and English text. >} }
{ POUR¤ POUR.Template=RegularTextPara! POUR.LabelSet={BodyText}
LABELS.Labels=BodyText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Each pair of corresponding paragraphs is a 'pour' node in the Interscript. Each node simply has two 'pour streams' of characters, and the pour operation does the rest, pouring text into the left and right halves of lines, creating lines until both streams are exausted, then pouring the lines into the page column. >} }
{ POUR¤ POUR.Template=RegularTextPara! POUR.LabelSet={BodyText}
LABELS.Labels=BodyText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <The quotes, below, are taken from a box of 'flavor crystals' purchased in Canada. I kept the container because I loved the name of the fruit-flavor. In French it is 'L'Annanas et Pamplemousse.' [I have elided occasional portions of the text, the better to illustrate that the right things happen if the language texts are of unequal length.] >} }
{ POUR¤ POUR.LabelSet={FrenchText EnglishText} POUR.Template=CanadianTextPara!
LABELS.Labels=FrenchText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Le Sungold de Nabob est un breuvage delicieux et refraichissant a toute heure du jour. Il est ideal pour bien commencer la journee et pour calmer une soif persistante. Le secret de Sungold reside dans ses cristaux de saveur qui liberent ce gout delicieux au contact de l'eau froide. >}
LABELS.Labels=EnglishText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Nabob Sungold is the deliciously refreshing drink for any time of the day ... a wonderful pick-me-up when you need a thirst-quenching lift. The secret is Sungold's flavor crystals that release their locked-in goodness when added to cold water. > } }
{ POUR¤ POUR.LabelSet={FrenchText EnglishText} POUR.Template=CanadianTextPara!
LABELS.Labels=FrenchText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Sungold contient de la vitamine C. Chaque verre de 4 onces de Sungold contient 30 milligrammes de vitamine C. Aidex a la bonne sante ... en servant regulierement la vitamine C contenue dans le Sungold de Nabob aux membres de votre famille. >}
LABELS.Labels=EnglishText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Sungold contains vitamin C. Every 4-ounce glass of Sungold contains 30 milligrams of Vitamin C. Help maintain good health and aid in the normal development and maintenance of bones, teeth, and gums by serving Vitamin C contained in Nabob Sungold to your family regularly.> } }
{ POUR¤ POUR.LabelSet={FrenchText EnglishText} POUR.Template=CanadianTextPara!
LABELS.Labels=FrenchText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Ingredients: Sucre, dextrose, acide citrique, citrate de sodium, gomme vegetale, preparations aromatisanies, naturelles et artificielles, bioxide de silicium, huile vegetale hydrogenee, cellulose carboxymethyl de sodium, vitamine C (169 mg au 100 g), colorant alimentaire. >}
LABELS.Labels=EnglishText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <Ingredients: Sugar, Dextrose, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Vegetable Gum, Natural and Artificial Flavours, Silicon Dioxide, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Sodium Carbomethyl Cellulose, Vitamin C (169 mg per 100 g), Food Colour. > } }
{ POUR¤ POUR.Template=RegularTextPara! POUR.LabelSet={BodyText}
LABELS.Labels=BodyText {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ <The 'pour' operation that combines the French and English actually generates full-width 'lines' of text (with French in the left half and English in the right half) and passes these lines to the 'pour' operation that builds the page. >} {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ CHAR.Font=1202 <The page formatting is completely separate from the paragraph formatting.>} {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ < Thus mixed French/English and regular paragraphs, and page-breaking, are handled 'automatically' >} {CHARS$ LABELS$ CHAR.Font=1202 <with no changes>} {CHARS¤ LABELS¤ FONT¤ < to the 'template' that formats the pages. >} } }
} } } } } }