DIRECTORY II USING [Context, DoSaveAll, Error, MakeGray, MaskRectangle, Rectangle, SetXY, Trans], IIBackdoor USING [Clipper, IntKey, RealKey], IIColor USING [Color, ColorOperator, MakeSampledBlack, MakeSampledColor], IIFont USING [Font, MapText, XChar, XStringProc], IIPath USING [Outline, OutlineFromPath, PathProc], IIPixelArray USING [PixelArray], IIState USING [AndChangeFlags, ChangeFlags, NonPersistentVariables, notChanged, OrChangeFlags, PersistentVariables, State, StateRep], IITransformation USING [ApplyPreConcat, ApplyPreRotate, ApplyPreScale2, ApplyPreTranslate, ApplyTranslateTo, Concat, DRound, InverseTransform, Transform, Transformation, TransformationRep, TransformVec], Rope USING [ROPE], Vector2 USING [Add, Div, InlineAdd, InlineMulC, Length, Mul, Sub, VEC]; IIStateImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS II, IIColor, IIFont, IIPath, IIState, IITransformation, Vector2 EXPORTS II, IIState ~ BEGIN OPEN IIState; Context: TYPE ~ II.Context; State: TYPE ~ IIState.State; StateRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ IIState.StateRep; -- export to II.StateRep ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; VEC: TYPE ~ Vector2.VEC; Transformation: TYPE ~ IITransformation.Transformation; TransformationRep: TYPE ~ IITransformation.TransformationRep; Rectangle: TYPE ~ II.Rectangle; Font: TYPE ~ IIFont.Font; XChar: TYPE ~ IIFont.XChar; XStringProc: TYPE ~ IIFont.XStringProc; Color: TYPE ~ IIColor.Color; ColorOperator: TYPE ~ IIColor.ColorOperator; PixelArray: TYPE ~ IIPixelArray.PixelArray; PathProc: TYPE ~ IIPath.PathProc; Outline: TYPE ~ IIPath.Outline; Clipper: TYPE ~ IIBackdoor.Clipper; Changed: PROC[state: State, changed: ChangeFlags] ~ INLINE { state.changed _ OrChangeFlags[state.changed, changed]; _ OrChangeFlags[, changed]; }; refChanges: ChangeFlags ~ [T: TRUE, font: TRUE, color: TRUE, clipper: TRUE]; StateDoSave: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, action: PROC, all: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; p: PersistentVariables ~ state.p; np: NonPersistentVariables ~; T: TransformationRep ~ state.T^; font: Font ~ state.font; color: Color ~ state.color; clipper: Clipper ~ state.clipper; Restore: PROC ~ { state.changed _ OrChangeFlags[state.changed,]; IF all THEN state.p _ p; _ np; state.T^ _ T; state.font _ font; state.color _ color; state.clipper _ clipper; }; _ notChanged; action[! UNWIND => Restore[]]; IF AndChangeFlags[, refChanges]=notChanged THEN { state.changed _ OrChangeFlags[state.changed,]; IF all THEN state.p _ p; _ np; } ELSE Restore[]; }; StateSetInt: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, key: IIBackdoor.IntKey, val: INT] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; SELECT key FROM priorityImportant => { _ val; Changed[state, [priority: TRUE]] }; noImage => _ val; strokeEnd => _ val; strokeJoint => _ val; correctPass => _ val; ENDCASE => ERROR II.Error[[$unimplemented, "Unknown IntKey"]]; }; StateSetReal: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, key: IIBackdoor.RealKey, val: REAL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; SELECT key FROM DCScpx => state.p.cp.x _ val; DCScpy => state.p.cp.y _ val; correctMX => state.p.correctMeasure.x _ val; correctMY => state.p.correctMeasure.y _ val; mediumXSize => _ val; mediumYSize => _ val; fieldXMin => _ val; fieldYMin => _ val; fieldXMax => _ val; fieldYMax => _ val; strokeWidth => _ val; underlineStart => _ val; amplifySpace => _ val; correctShrink => _ val; correctTX => _ val; correctTY => _ val; ENDCASE => ERROR II.Error[[$unimplemented, "Unknown RealKey"]]; }; StateSetT: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, m: Transformation] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.T^ _ m^; Changed[state, [T: TRUE]]; }; StateSetClipper: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, clipper: Clipper] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.clipper _ clipper; Changed[state, [clipper: TRUE]]; }; StateSetFont: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, font: Font] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.font _ font; Changed[state, [font: TRUE]]; }; StateSetColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, color: Color] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.color _ color; Changed[state, [color: TRUE]]; }; StateGetInt: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, key: IIBackdoor.IntKey] RETURNS[INT] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; SELECT key FROM priorityImportant => RETURN[]; noImage => RETURN[]; strokeEnd => RETURN[]; strokeJoint => RETURN[]; correctPass => RETURN[]; ENDCASE => ERROR II.Error[[$unimplemented, "Unknown IntKey"]]; }; StateGetReal: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, key: IIBackdoor.RealKey] RETURNS[REAL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; SELECT key FROM DCScpx => RETURN[state.p.cp.x]; DCScpy => RETURN[state.p.cp.y]; correctMX => RETURN[state.p.correctMeasure.x]; correctMY => RETURN[state.p.correctMeasure.y]; mediumXSize => RETURN[]; mediumYSize => RETURN[]; fieldXMin => RETURN[]; fieldYMin => RETURN[]; fieldXMax => RETURN[]; fieldYMax => RETURN[]; strokeWidth => RETURN[]; underlineStart => RETURN[]; amplifySpace => RETURN[]; correctShrink => RETURN[]; correctTX => RETURN[]; correctTY => RETURN[]; ENDCASE => ERROR II.Error[[$unimplemented, "Unknown RealKey"]]; }; StateGetT: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context] RETURNS[Transformation] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; RETURN[NEW[TransformationRep _ state.T^]]; }; StateGetClipper: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context] RETURNS[Clipper] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; RETURN[state.clipper]; }; StateGetFont: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context] RETURNS[Font] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; RETURN[state.font]; }; StateGetColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context] RETURNS[Color] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; RETURN[state.color]; }; StateGetCP: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, rounded: BOOL] RETURNS[VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; p: VEC _ state.p.cp; IF rounded THEN p _ IITransformation.DRound[p]; RETURN[state.T.InverseTransform[p]]; }; StateConcatT: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, m: Transformation] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.T.ApplyPreConcat[m]; Changed[state, [T: TRUE]]; }; StateScale2T: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, s: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.T.ApplyPreScale2[s]; Changed[state, [T: TRUE]]; }; StateRotateT: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, a: REAL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.T.ApplyPreRotate[a]; Changed[state, [T: TRUE]]; }; StateTranslateT: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, t: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.T.ApplyPreTranslate[t]; Changed[state, [T: TRUE]]; }; StateMove: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, rounded: BOOL _ TRUE] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; p: VEC _ state.p.cp; IF rounded THEN p _ IITransformation.DRound[p]; state.T.ApplyTranslateTo[p]; Changed[state, [T: TRUE]]; }; StateSetXY: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, p: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.p.cp _ state.T.Transform[p]; }; StateSetXYRel: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, v: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.p.cp _ state.p.cp.InlineAdd[state.T.TransformVec[v]]; }; StateSetGray: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, f: REAL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.color _ II.MakeGray[f]; Changed[state, [color: TRUE]]; }; StateSetSampledColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, pa: PixelArray, m: Transformation, colorOperator: ColorOperator] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; um: Transformation ~ m.Concat[state.T]; -- color to view state.color _ IIColor.MakeSampledColor[pa: pa, um: um, colorOperator: colorOperator]; Changed[state, [color: TRUE]]; }; StateSetSampledBlack: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, pa: PixelArray, m: Transformation, clear: BOOL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; um: Transformation ~ m.Concat[state.T]; -- color to view state.color _ IIColor.MakeSampledBlack[pa: pa, um: um, clear: clear]; Changed[state, [color: TRUE]]; }; StateStartUnderline: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; p: VEC ~ state.T.InverseTransform[state.p.cp]; _ p.x; }; StateMaskUnderline: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, dy, h: REAL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; p2: VEC ~ state.T.InverseTransform[state.p.cp]; -- current position (client coords) p1: VEC ~ [, p2.y-dy-h]; -- starting corner (client coords) underline: PROC ~ { II.SetXY[context, p1]; II.Trans[context]; II.MaskRectangle[context, [0, 0, p2.x-p1.x, h]]; }; II.DoSaveAll[context, underline]; }; StateClip: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, path: PathProc, oddWrap: BOOL, exclude: BOOL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; outline: Outline ~ IIPath.OutlineFromPath[path: path, m: state.T]; state.clipper _ CONS[[outline: outline, oddWrap: oddWrap, exclude: exclude], state.clipper]; Changed[state, [clipper: TRUE]]; }; StateClipRectangle: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, r: Rectangle, exclude: BOOL] ~ { path: PathProc ~ { moveTo[[r.x, r.y]]; lineTo[[r.x+r.w, r.y]]; lineTo[[r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h]]; lineTo[[r.x, r.y+r.h]]; }; StateClip[context: context, path: path, oddWrap: FALSE, exclude: exclude]; }; StateClipRectangleI: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, x, y, w, h: INTEGER, exclude: BOOL] ~ { path: PathProc ~ { moveTo[[x, y]]; lineTo[[x+w, y]]; lineTo[[x+w, y+h]]; lineTo[[x, y+h]]; }; StateClip[context: context, path: path, oddWrap: FALSE, exclude: exclude]; }; StateCorrectMask: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; IF THEN { SELECT FROM 1 => state.p.correctMaskCount _ state.p.correctMaskCount+1; 2 => IF state.p.correctMaskCount#0 THEN { state.p.cp _ state.p.cp.InlineAdd[state.p.correctMask]; state.p.correctMaskCount _ state.p.correctMaskCount-1; }; ENDCASE; }; }; StateCorrectSpace: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, v: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; IF THEN { s: VEC ~ state.T.TransformVec[v]; SELECT FROM 1 => state.p.correctSum _ state.p.correctSum.InlineAdd[s]; 2 => state.p.cp _ state.p.cp.InlineAdd[state.p.correctSpace.InlineMulC[s]]; ENDCASE; }; }; StateSpace: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, x: REAL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; s: VEC ~ state.T.TransformVec[[x, 0]]; state.p.cp _ state.p.cp.InlineAdd[s]; SELECT FROM 0 => NULL; 1 => state.p.correctSum _ state.p.correctSum.InlineAdd[s]; 2 => state.p.cp _ state.p.cp.InlineAdd[state.p.correctSpace.InlineMulC[s]]; ENDCASE; }; StateSetCorrectMeasure: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, v: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; state.p.correctMeasure _ state.T.TransformVec[v]; }; StateSetCorrectTolerance: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, v: VEC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; _ state.T.TransformVec[v]; }; StateCorrect: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, action: PROC] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; shrink: REAL ~; tolerance: VEC ~; start, end, measure, target, correction: VEC; mask, space: VEC _ [0, 0]; state.p.correctMaskCount _ 0; state.p.correctSum _ [0, 0]; _ 1; _ 1; start _ state.p.cp; -- starting position StateDoSave[context, action]; -- pass 1 end _ state.p.cp; -- ending position measure _ state.p.correctMeasure; -- desired measure (note: may be set during pass 1) target _ start.Add[measure]; -- target position correction _ target.Sub[end]; -- amount of correction needed (end + correction = target) IF correction.Length<=tolerance.Length THEN NULL -- close enough ELSE IF end.Sub[start].Length(shrink*state.p.correctSum.Length) THEN { mask _ correction.Add[state.p.correctSum.Mul[shrink]]; space _ correction.Sub[mask]; }; }; IF state.p.correctSum.x#0 THEN space.x _ space.x/state.p.correctSum.x ELSE IF space.x#0 THEN { mask.x _ mask.x+space.x; space.x _ 0 }; IF state.p.correctSum.y#0 THEN space.y _ space.y/state.p.correctSum.y ELSE IF space.y#0 THEN { mask.y _ mask.y+space.y; space.y _ 0 }; IF state.p.correctMaskCount#0 THEN { IF mask.x=0 AND mask.y=0 THEN state.p.correctMaskCount _ 0 ELSE IF state.p.correctMaskCount>1 THEN { state.p.correctMaskCount _ state.p.correctMaskCount-1; mask _ mask.Div[state.p.correctMaskCount]; }; }; state.p.correctMask _ mask; state.p.correctSpace _ space; _ 0; _ 2; state.p.cp _ start; StateDoSave[context, action]; -- pass 2 _ 0; end _ state.p.cp; -- ending position state.p.cp _ target; }; StateDontCorrect: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, action: PROC, saveCP: BOOL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; correctPass: INT ~; cp: VEC ~ state.p.cp; Restore: PROC ~ INLINE { _ correctPass; IF saveCP THEN state.p.cp _ cp }; action[! UNWIND => Restore[]]; Restore[]; }; StateShow: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, string: XStringProc, xrel: BOOL] ~ { state: State ~ context.state; }; StateShowText: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, text: REF READONLY TEXT, start, len: NAT, xrel: BOOL] ~ { string: XStringProc ~ { IIFont.MapText[text, start, len, charAction] }; StateShow[context, string, xrel]; }; END. "ImagerStateImpl.mesa Copyright c 1984, 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, August 22, 1986 4:11:28 pm PDT Doug Wyatt, May 7, 1986 5:56:33 pm PDT IF target.Sub[end].Length>tolerance.Length THEN ERROR Imager.Error[$UnableToProperlyAdjustMaskPositions]; font: Font ~ state.font; charAction: PROC[char: XChar] ~ { doSaveAction: PROC ~ { width: VEC _ font.Width[char]; IF font.Amplified[char] THEN width _ width.Mul[]; StateTrans[context]; ImagerFontClass.MaskChar[font, char, context]; StateSetXYRel[context, width]; SELECT font.Correction[char] FROM none => NULL; space => StateCorrectSpace[context, width]; mask => StateCorrectMask[context]; ENDCASE => ERROR Imager.Error[$Bug]; }; StateDoSave[context, doSaveAction]; }; string[charAction]; StateMaskFill: PROC[context: Context, path: PathProc, parity: BOOL] ~ { ERROR Imager.Error[[$unimplemented, "MaskFill not implemented"]]; }; StateMaskRectangle: PROC[context: Context, x, y, w, h: REAL] ~ { path: PathProc ~ { moveTo[[x, y]]; lineTo[[x+w, y]]; lineTo[[x+w, y+h]]; lineTo[[x, y+h]] }; Imager.MaskFill[context, path]; }; StateMaskRectangleI: PROC[context: Context, x, y, w, h: INTEGER] ~ { path: PathProc ~ { moveTo[[x, y]]; lineTo[[x+w, y]]; lineTo[[x+w, y+h]]; lineTo[[x, y+h]] }; Imager.MaskFill[context, path]; }; StateMaskStroke: PROC[context: Context, path: PathProc, closed: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { ERROR Imager.Error[[$unimplemented, "MaskStroke not implemented"]]; }; StateMaskVector: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, p1, p2: VEC] ~ { path: PathProc ~ { moveTo[p1]; lineTo[p2] }; Imager.MaskStroke[context, path]; }; StateMaskVectorI: PUBLIC PROC[context: Context, p1, p2: IVEC] ~ { path: PathProc ~ { moveTo[[p1.x, p1.y]]; lineTo[[p2.x, p2.y]] }; Imager.MaskStroke[context, path]; }; StateMaskPixel: PROC[context: Context, pa: PixelArray] ~ { ERROR Imager.Error[[$unimplemented, "MaskPixel not implemented"]]; }; StateMaskBits: PROC[context: Context, base: LONG POINTER, wordsPerLine: NAT, sMin, fMin, sSize, fSize: NAT, sOffset, fOffset: INTEGER _ 0] ~ { ERROR Imager.Error[[$unimplemented, "MaskBits not implemented"]]; }; CreateClass: PUBLIC PROC[type: ATOM] RETURNS[ImagerClass.Class] ~ { class: ImagerClass.Class ~ NEW[ImagerClass.ClassRep _ stateClass^]; class.type _ type; RETURN[class]; }; CreateState: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[State] ~ { state: State ~ NEW[StateRep _ []]; state.T _ ImagerTransformation.Scale[1]; state.color _ ImagerColor.MakeGray[1]; RETURN[state]; }; stateClass: ImagerClass.Class ~ NEW[ImagerClass.ClassRep _ [ type: $State, DoSave: StateDoSave, SetInt: StateSetInt, SetReal: StateSetReal, SetT: StateSetT, SetClipper: StateSetClipper, SetFont: StateSetFont, SetColor: StateSetColor, GetInt: StateGetInt, GetReal: StateGetReal, GetT: StateGetT, GetClipper: StateGetClipper, GetFont: StateGetFont, GetColor: StateGetColor, GetCP: StateGetCP, ConcatT: StateConcatT, Scale2T: StateScale2T, RotateT: StateRotateT, TranslateT: StateTranslateT, Trans: StateTrans, SetXY: StateSetXY, SetXYI: StateSetXYI, SetXYRel: StateSetXYRel, SetXYRelI: StateSetXYRelI, SetGray: StateSetGray, SetSampledColor: StateSetSampledColor, StartUnderline: StateStartUnderline, Clip: StateClip, ClipRectangle: StateClipRectangle, ClipRectangleI: StateClipRectangleI, CorrectMask: StateCorrectMask, CorrectSpace: StateCorrectSpace, Space: StateSpace, SpaceI: StateSpaceI, SetCorrectMeasure: StateSetCorrectMeasure, SetCorrectTolerance: StateSetCorrectTolerance, Correct: StateCorrect, Show: StateShow, ShowText: StateShowText, MaskFill: StateMaskFill, MaskRectangle: StateMaskRectangle, MaskRectangleI: StateMaskRectangleI, MaskStroke: StateMaskStroke, MaskVector: StateMaskVector, MaskVectorI: StateMaskVectorI, MaskUnderline: StateMaskUnderline, MaskUnderlineI: StateMaskUnderlineI, MaskPixel: StateMaskPixel, MaskBits: StateMaskBits, props: NIL ]]; 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