Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, August 19, 1986 10:32:14 am PDT
Doug Wyatt, March 7, 1986 2:41:21 pm PST
IISample USING [Function, maxCount, nullFunction, Sample, SampleBuffer, SampleMap],
IITransformation USING [Transformation],
SF USING [Box, BoxGenerator, Vec, zeroVec];
Function: TYPE ~ IISample.Function;
maxCount: NAT ~ IISample.maxCount;
nullFunction: Function ~ IISample.nullFunction;
Sample: TYPE ~ IISample.Sample;
SampleBuffer: TYPE ~ IISample.SampleBuffer;
SampleMap: TYPE ~ IISample.SampleMap;
Transformation: TYPE ~ IITransformation.Transformation;
Pixels, PixelBuffers and PixelMaps
PixelProc: TYPE ~ PROC [i: NAT] RETURNS [Sample];
PixelBuffer: TYPE ~ REF PixelBufferRep;
PixelBufferRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
length: NAT,
sampleBuffers: SEQUENCE samplesPerPixel: NAT OF SampleBuffer
NewPixels: PROC [samplesPerPixel: NAT, length: NAT,
scratch: PixelBuffer ← NIL] RETURNS [PixelBuffer];
ObtainScratchPixels: PROC [samplesPerPixel: NAT, length: NAT] RETURNS [PixelBuffer];
ReleaseScratchPixels: PROC [pixels: PixelBuffer];
DoWithScratchPixels: PROC [samplesPerPixel: NAT, length: NAT, action: PROC [PixelBuffer]];
PixelMap: TYPE ~ REF PixelMapRep;
PixelMapRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
box: SF.Box,
sampleMaps: SEQUENCE samplesPerPixel: NAT OF SampleMap
NewPixelMap: PROC [samplesPerPixel: NAT, box: SF.Box, maxSample: PixelProc] RETURNS [PixelMap];
MakePixelMap: PROC [s0, s1, s2, s3, s4: SampleMap ← NIL] RETURNS [PixelMap];
Convenience for creating a PixelMap from up to 5 existing SampleMaps. The boxes of the SampleMaps must all be the same.
GetPixels: PROC [self: PixelMap, initIndex: SF.Vec ← SF.zeroVec, delta: SF.Vec ← [s: 0, f: 1],
pixels: PixelBuffer, start: NAT ← 0, count: NAT ← maxCount];
Gets a run of pixels from a pixel map into a pixel buffer. The effect is:
FOR i: NAT IN [0..self.samplesPerPixel) DO
self[i].GetSamples[initIndex, delta, pixels[i], start, count];
PutPixels: PROC [self: PixelMap, initIndex: SF.Vec ← SF.zeroVec, delta: SF.Vec ← [s: 0, f: 1],
pixels: PixelBuffer, start: NAT ← 0, count: NAT ← maxCount,
function: Function ← nullFunction];
Stores a run of pixels into a pixel map from a pixel buffer. The effect is:
FOR i: NAT IN [0..self.samplesPerPixel) DO
self[i].PutSamples[initIndex, delta, pixels[i], start, count, function];
ResampleAction: TYPE ~ PROC [pixels: PixelBuffer, min: SF.Vec];
Resample: PROC [self: PixelMap, m: Transformation, interpolate: BOOL,
boxes: SF.BoxGenerator, bounds: SF.Box, action: ResampleAction];