Last edited by Bier on August 17, 1985 10:46:15 pm PDT
Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Contents: A flexible setup for processing mouse input as fast as you can (but no faster). I will use it to synchronize my mouse point processing with the mousepoint. If the processing algorithms become faster, this procedure will still do the right thing.
GargoyleData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GargoyleData;
Point: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Point;
EventProc: TYPE = PROC [event: LIST OF REF ANY, gargoyleData: GargoyleData];
MouseEventProc: TYPE = PROC [input: LIST OF REF ANY, gargoyleData: GargoyleData, worldPt: Point];
QueueInputAction: PROC [callBack: MouseEventProc, inputAction: LIST OF REF ANY, worldPt: Point, gargoyleData: GargoyleData];
Queues the paint action and returns immediately. The action is guaranteed to be done eventually (unless the queue overflows).
QueueOrBashInputAction: PROC [callBack: MouseEventProc, inputAction: LIST OF REF ANY, worldPt: Point, gargoyleData: GargoyleData];
Queues the paint action and returns immediately. If this paint action is right behind another of the same type, it replaces it.
QueueInputActionNoPoint: PROC [callBack: EventProc, inputAction: LIST OF REF ANY, gargoyleData: GargoyleData];
For paint actions generated from menu points (i.e. not from mouse points. Behaves like QueuePaintAction.
QueueOrBashInputActionNoPoint: PROC [callBack: EventProc, inputAction: LIST OF REF ANY, gargoyleData: GargoyleData];
For paint actions generated from menu points (i.e. not from mouse points. Behaves like QueueOrBashPaintAction.
QueueInputActionAndWait: PROC [callBack: MouseEventProc, inputAction: LIST OF REF ANY, worldPt: Point, gargoyleData: GargoyleData];
Queues the paint action, and does not return until it is accomplished. Useful when so many calls are planned that the paint queue is sure to overflow with QueuePaintAction.
Restart: PROC [];
OutputLog: PROC [];
LogRawMouse: PROC [point: Point];
OpenSessionLog: PROC [fileName: Rope.ROPE];
CloseSessionLog: PROC [];
Creates a new draw process. Call this procedure if a bug in the draw process forces it to be aborted.