DIRECTORY Rope USING [ROPE]; PrintFonts: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE ; DeviceType: TYPE = {hornet, platemaker, versatec}; Subrange: TYPE = RECORD[first, last: NAT]; PrintACFile: PROC[name: ROPE, device: DeviceType, scale: REAL] RETURNS [pd: ROPE]; PrintSDFile: PROC[name: ROPE, device: DeviceType, pointSize, scale: REAL] RETURNS [pd: ROPE]; PrintSFFile: PROC[name: ROPE, device: DeviceType, pointSize, scale: REAL] RETURNS [pd: ROPE]; ScaleSF: PROC [input, output: ROPE, scale: REAL]; END. ΜPrintFonts.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Changed: Maureen Stone March 18, 1985 3:58:23 pm PST Written by: Maureen Stone May 7, 1985 5:01:06 pm PDT Prints all the characters in the file. Scale is in bits (ie: scale=2 gives 2 bits/bit) Prints all the characters in the file. SD and SF fonts do not inherently contain a pointSize so the pointSize parameter is necessary. Size is in output coordinates as above. Κ˜šœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™