DIRECTORY Cubic USING [Bezier], Complex USING [Vec, Sub, Abs, Mul, Add], Seq USING [ComplexSequence, ComplexSequenceRec,JointSequence, JointSequenceRec], FitBasic, FitStateUtils, FitState; FitStateImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Complex, FitStateUtils EXPORTS FitState = BEGIN Handle: TYPE = FitBasic.Handle; SampleHandle: TYPE = FitBasic.SampleHandle; SListHandle: TYPE = FitBasic.SListHandle; LinkHandle: TYPE = FitBasic.LinkHandle; TrajHandle: TYPE = FitBasic.TrajHandle; Contour: TYPE = FitBasic.Contour; DataType: TYPE = FitState.DataType; Vec: TYPE = Complex.Vec; Create: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [handle: Handle] = { handle _ NEW[FitBasic.Rec _ [ traj: NEW[FitBasic.Traj], slist: NEW[FitBasic.SList _ NewSList[]], closed: FALSE, minDist: 0, otherContours: NIL, undo: NIL ]]; }; NewSList: PROC RETURNS [s: FitBasic.SList] = { s.header _ NEW[FitBasic.Sample]; s.selectedSample _ _ s.header.prev _ s.header; s.first _ NIL; s.last _ NIL; }; UnlinkSamples: PROC[slist: SListHandle] = { IF slist#NIL AND slist.header#NIL THEN { s,t: SampleHandle; s _; UNTIL s = slist.header DO t _; _ s.prev _ NIL; s _ t; ENDLOOP; _ slist.header.prev _ NIL; }; }; UnlinkLinks: PROC[traj: TrajHandle] = { IF traj #NIL THEN { l,t: LinkHandle; l _ traj.links; UNTIL l=NIL DO t _; _l.prev _ NIL; l _ t; ENDLOOP; }; }; ResetData: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, type: DataType, all: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { SELECT type FROM samples => { reset: FitStateUtils.SListProc = { UnlinkSamples[slist]; slist^ _ NewSList[]; }; [] _ reset[handle.slist]; IF all THEN FitStateUtils.ForAllOtherSLists[handle,reset]; }; links => { reset: FitStateUtils.TrajProc = { UnlinkLinks[traj]; traj.links _ NIL; traj.lastLink _ NIL; }; [] _ reset[handle.traj]; IF all THEN FitStateUtils.ForAllOtherTrajs[handle,reset]; }; joints => { reset: FitStateUtils.SListProc = {FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist, ResetJoint]}; [] _ reset[handle.slist]; IF all THEN FitStateUtils.ForAllOtherSLists[handle,reset]; }; contours => { ResetData[handle, samples, all]; ResetData[handle, links, all]; IF all THEN handle.otherContours _ NIL; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ScaleData: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, scale: REAL, type: DataType, all: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { XFormData[handle: handle, scale: [scale,scale], type: type, all: all]; }; TranslateData: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, trans: Vec, type: DataType, all: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { XFormData[handle: handle, trans: trans, type: type, all: all]; }; XFormData: PROC[handle: Handle, scale: Vec _ [1,1], trans: Vec _ [0,0], type: DataType, all: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { xformSample: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = { p: Vec _ s.xy; s.xy _ Complex.Mul[p,scale]; p _ s.tanIn; s.tanIn _ Complex.Mul[p,scale]; p _ s.tanOut; s.tanOut _ Complex.Mul[p,scale]; }; SELECT type FROM samples => { xform: FitStateUtils.SListProc = {FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist,xformSample]}; [] _ xform[handle.slist]; IF all THEN FitStateUtils.ForAllOtherSLists[handle,xform]; }; links => { xform: FitStateUtils.LinkProc = { cubic: Cubic.Bezier _ l.cubic; l.cubic.b0 _ Complex.Add[Complex.Mul[scale,cubic.b0], trans]; l.cubic.b1 _ Complex.Add[Complex.Mul[scale,cubic.b1], trans]; l.cubic.b2 _ Complex.Add[Complex.Mul[scale,cubic.b2], trans]; l.cubic.b3 _ Complex.Add[Complex.Mul[scale,cubic.b3], trans]; }; do: FitStateUtils.TrajProc = {FitStateUtils.ForAllLinks[handle.traj,xform]}; [] _ do[handle.traj]; IF all THEN FitStateUtils.ForAllOtherTrajs[handle,do]; }; joints => { xform: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = {IF s.jointType#none THEN [] _ xformSample[s]}; do: FitStateUtils.SListProc = {FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist,xform]}; [] _ do[handle.slist]; IF all THEN FitStateUtils.ForAllOtherSLists[handle,do]; }; contours => { XFormData[handle, scale, trans, samples, all]; XFormData[handle, scale, trans, links, all]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; AddSample: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, x,y: REAL, joint: FitBasic.JointType _ none, tanIn,tanOut: Complex.Vec _ [0,0]] = { IF Complex.Abs[Complex.Sub[[x,y],handle.slist.header.prev.xy]]>handle.minDist THEN { update: BOOLEAN _ handle.slist.last=handle.slist.header.prev OR handle.slist.last=NIL; handle.slist.selectedSample _ handle.slist.header; InsertBeforeSample[handle, x,y, joint, tanIn, tanOut]; IF handle.slist.first=NIL THEN handle.slist.first _; IF update THEN handle.slist.last _ handle.slist.header.prev; }; }; RemoveSample: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle] = { IF handle.slist#NIL AND handle.slist.selectedSample # handle.slist.header THEN { sample: SampleHandle _ handle.slist.selectedSample; handle.slist.selectedSample _; IF handle.slist.first=sample THEN handle.slist.first _; IF handle.slist.last=sample THEN handle.slist.last _; _; _ sample.prev; _ sample.prev _ NIL; }; }; InsertBeforeSample: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, x,y: REAL, joint: FitBasic.JointType _ none, tanIn,tanOut: Complex.Vec _ [0,0]] = { IF handle.slist#NIL THEN { s: SampleHandle _ handle.slist.selectedSample; new: SampleHandle _ NEW[FitBasic.Sample _ [ next: s, prev: s.prev, xy: [x,y], jointType: joint, tanIn: tanIn, tanOut: tanOut]]; s.prev _ new; _ new; handle.slist.selectedSample _ new; }; }; AddLink: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, b: Cubic.Bezier] = { new: LinkHandle _ NEW[FitBasic.Link]; new.cubic _ b; IF handle.traj.links=NIL THEN { handle.traj.links _ new; handle.traj.lastLink _ new; } ELSE { _ new; new.prev _ handle.traj.lastLink; handle.traj.lastLink _ new; }; }; SetJoint: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, index: NAT, joint: FitBasic.JointType _ potential, tanIn,tanOut: Complex.Vec _ [0,0]] = { i:NAT _ 0; FOR s: SampleHandle _, UNTIL s=handle.slist.header DO IF i=index THEN {s.jointType _ joint; s.tanIn _ tanIn; s.tanOut _ tanOut; EXIT}; i_i+1; ENDLOOP; }; ResetJoint: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = { s.jointType _ none; s.tanIn _ s.tanOut _ [0,0]; }; NewContour: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle] = { IF handle.otherContours = NIL THEN handle.otherContours _ LIST[[handle.traj, handle.slist]] ELSE { p: LIST OF Contour _ handle.otherContours; UNTIL = NIL DO p _ ENDLOOP; _ LIST[[handle.traj, handle.slist]]; }; handle.slist _ NEW[FitBasic.SList _ NewSList[]]; handle.traj _ NEW[FitBasic.Traj]; }; NextContour: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle] = { IF handle.otherContours # NIL THEN { p: LIST OF Contour _ handle.otherContours; ts: Contour _ handle.otherContours.first; handle.otherContours.first _ [handle.traj, handle.slist]; [handle.traj, handle.slist] _ ts; UNTIL = NIL DO p _ ENDLOOP; _ handle.otherContours; -- make it circular for a few microseconds p _; handle.otherContours _; _ NIL; } }; CurrentJoints: PUBLIC PROC [handle: Handle] RETURNS[joints: Seq.JointSequence, tangents: Seq.ComplexSequence] = { i,n:NAT _ 0; count: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = {IF s.jointType#none THEN n_n+1}; copy: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = { IF s.jointType#none THEN { joints[n] _[index: i, forced: s.jointType=forced]; tangents[2*n] _ s.tanIn; tangents[2*n+1] _ s.tanOut; n_n+1; }; i_i+1; }; FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist,count]; joints _ IF n>0 THEN NEW[Seq.JointSequenceRec[n]] ELSE NIL; tangents _ IF n>0 THEN NEW[Seq.ComplexSequenceRec[2*n]] ELSE NIL; i _ n _ 0; FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist,copy]; }; CurrentSamples: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle] RETURNS [z: Seq.ComplexSequence] = { i,n:NAT _ 0; count: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = {n_n+1}; copy: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = { z[i] _ s.xy; i_i+1; }; FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist,count]; z _ NEW[Seq.ComplexSequenceRec[n]]; i _ 0; FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[handle.slist,copy]; }; EnumerateLinks: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, newContour: PROC[x,y: REAL], newCubic: PROC[c: Cubic.Bezier]] = { trajProc: FitStateUtils.TrajProc = { newContour[traj.links.cubic.b0.x, traj.links.cubic.b0.y]; FitStateUtils.ForAllLinks[traj,callCubic]; }; callCubic: FitStateUtils.LinkProc = {newCubic[l.cubic]}; --there's a defaulted return[false] FitStateUtils.ForAllTrajs[handle, trajProc]; }; EnumerateSamples: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle, newContour: PROC[x,y: REAL], newSample: PROC[x,y: REAL]] = { first: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; slistProc: FitStateUtils.SListProc = { first _ TRUE; FitStateUtils.ForAllSamples[slist,callNewSample]; }; callNewSample: FitStateUtils.SampleProc = { IF first THEN {newContour[s.xy.x, s.xy.y]; first _ FALSE} ELSE newSample[s.xy.x, s.xy.y]; }; FitStateUtils.ForAllSLists[handle, slistProc]; }; CountContours: PUBLIC PROC[handle: Handle] RETURNS [INT] = { i: INT _ 1; FOR p: LIST OF Contour _ handle.otherContours, UNTIL p=NIL DO i_i+1 ENDLOOP; RETURN[i] }; END. 8FitState.mesa Maureen Stone February 14, 1985 5:18:35 pm PST Changes the state of the FitState.Handle Rec: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ traj: TrajHandle, slist: SListHandle, closed: BOOLEAN, minDist: REAL, --affects AddSample. Won't add a new sample inside of this distance otherContours: LIST OF Contour ]; Ê 0˜Jšœ ™ Jšœ.™.J™(šÏk ˜ Jšœœ ˜Jšœœ˜(JšœœG˜PJšœ ˜ J˜Jšœ ˜ J˜—šœœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ ˜—Jš˜J˜šœœ˜šœœœœ™J™J™Jšœœ™Jšœ œÏcD™SJšœœœ™J™J™——Jšœœ˜+Jšœ œ˜)Jšœ œ˜'Jšœ œ˜'Jšœ œ˜!Jšœ œ˜#Jšœœ˜J™J˜šÏnœœœœ˜0šœ œ˜Jšœœ˜Jšœœ˜(Jšœœ˜J˜ Jšœœ˜Jšœ˜ J˜—J˜J˜—šŸœœœ˜.Jšœ œ˜ J˜˜>J˜—šŸ œœNœœ˜qšœ)˜)Jšœ˜J˜J˜ J˜J˜ J˜ J˜J˜—šœ˜˜ JšœY˜YJšœ˜Jšœœ/˜:J˜—šœ ˜ šœ!˜!J˜Jšœ=˜=Jšœ=˜=Jšœ=˜=Jšœ=˜=Jšœ˜—JšœL˜LJ˜Jšœœ+˜6J˜—šœ ˜ Jšœ#œœ˜QJšœP˜PJ˜Jšœœ,˜7J˜—šœ ˜ J˜.J˜,J˜—Jšœœ˜—J˜J˜—šŸ œœœœJ˜zšœL˜TJšœœ.œœ˜VJšœ3˜3Jšœ6˜6Jšœœœ/˜MJšœœ.˜˜qJšœœ˜ Jšœ#œœ˜Cšœ"˜"šœœ˜Jšœ2˜2Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜—J˜Jšœ˜—J˜0Jš œ œœœœœ˜;Jš œ œœœœœ˜AJ˜ J˜/J˜J˜—J˜šŸœœœœ˜PJšœœ˜ Jšœ*˜*šœ"˜"J˜ J˜Jšœ˜—J˜0Jšœœ˜#J˜J˜/J˜J˜—J˜š Ÿœœœœœ œ˜m˜$J˜9J˜*J˜—Jšœ9ž#˜\J˜,J˜J˜—š Ÿœ œœœœœ˜jJšœœœ˜˜&Jšœœ˜ Jšœ1˜1J˜—šœ+˜+Jšœœ&œ˜9Jšœ˜Jšœ˜—J˜.J˜—J˜š Ÿ œœœœœ˜