Copyright Ó 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, June 30, 1987 7:32:43 pm PDT
This interface is for printer Imager implementations, and provides the functionality needed for decoding and rendering colors of all kinds. Other clients should not need this interface.
ImagerTransformation USING [Transformation],
ImagerBitmapContext USING [Brick],
ImagerColor USING [Color],
ImagerPixel USING [PixelMap],
ImagerSample USING [Function, SampleMap],
PrintColor USING [ColorCorrection, HalftoneProperties, Ink, LogicalDevice, Toner, TonerUniverse],
SF USING [Box, BoxGenerator];
ColorCase: TYPE ~ {nil, constant, tile, sampledColor, sampledBlack};
DeviceColorData: TYPE ~ REF DeviceColorDataRep;
DeviceColorDataRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
logicalDevice: PrintColor.LogicalDevice, -- parameter for SetDeviceColorData
halftoneProperties: PrintColor.HalftoneProperties, -- parameter for SetDeviceColorData
correction: PrintColor.ColorCorrection, -- parameter for SetDeviceColorData
interpolate: BOOLFALSE, -- speed/quality tradeoff parameter for MaskBoxes (for sampledColor case only)
tonerUniverse: PrintColor.TonerUniverse,
toner: PrintColor.Toner, -- toner for current separation
brick: ImagerBitmapContext.Brick, -- the cached brick
sampleMapInUse: ImagerSample.SampleMap, -- to be recycled next time.
case: ColorCase ← constant,
constant =>
ink: PrintColor.Ink, -- ignores tile, alpha, etc.
tile =>
tileBits: ImagerSample.SampleMap ← NIL, -- the tile bitmap
tilePhase: NAT ← 0, -- the tile phase shift for each row
alpha: BYTE ← 255, -- coverage: 0 = none, 255 = full (this may not work)
sampledColor =>
separation: ImagerPixel.PixelMap ← NIL, -- the samples for this separation (may also have alpha)
sampledBlack =>
bitmap: ImagerPixel.PixelMap ← NIL, -- the source bitmap
sampledColor, sampledBlack =>
pixelToDevice: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← NIL,
tile, sampledBlack =>
function: ImagerSample.Function, -- The only functions that are guaranteed to work for all implementations are [null, null] and [or, null]
private: REFNIL -- not for client use
NewDeviceColorData: PROC [logicalDevice: PrintColor.LogicalDevice, halftoneProperties: PrintColor.HalftoneProperties, correction: PrintColor.ColorCorrection ← NIL, interpolate: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [DeviceColorData];
Sets up a separation-specific color description
SetSeparation: PROC [deviceColorData: DeviceColorData, toner: PrintColor.Toner];
Indicates which separation to work on.
SetDeviceColorData: PROC [deviceColorData: DeviceColorData, color: ImagerColor.Color, viewToDevice: ImagerTransformation.Transformation];
Sets up a separation-specific color description
MaskBoxes: PROC [bitmap: ImagerSample.SampleMap, deviceColorData: DeviceColorData, bounds: SF.Box, boxes: SF.BoxGenerator];
Applies the color to the bitmap.