Last Edited by: Crow, June 7, 1986 11:10:35 am PDT
BasicTime   USING [PulsesToSeconds, GetClockPulses],
Atom     USING [PutPropOnList, GetPropFromList, RemPropFromList],
CedarProcess   USING [CheckAbort, DoWithPriority],
ViewerIO    USING [CreateViewerStreams],
Terminal    USING [Virtual, GetColorMode, SetColor, GetColor,
        WaitForBWVerticalRetrace, ColorMode,
        SetRedMap, SetGreenMap, SetBlueMap],
IO      USING [STREAM, PutRope, Flush, Close, GetLineRope],
FS      USING [StreamOpen],
Rope     USING [ROPE, Index, Cat],
Convert    USING [RopeFromCard],
Real     USING [Float, FixC, RoundC, FixI],
RealFns    USING [Sin, Cos, Power],
Imager    USING [Context, Rectangle, SetColor, Font,
        SetFont, SetXY, ShowRope],
Vector2    USING [ VEC ],
ImagerBackdoor  USING [ GetBounds ],
ImagerColor   USING [ ColorFromRGB, RGBFromHSL, RGB ],
ImagerFont   USING [ Find, Scale ],
NamedColors   USING [ RopeToHSL ],
Pixels     USING [ PixelBuffer, Extent, BYTE, ValueOp, Transfer, GetSampleSet,
         SampleSet, PutPixel, GetScanSeg, PutScanSeg, SampleSetSequence
Vector3d    USING [ Pair, Triple, Quad ],
Matrix3d    USING [ Matrix ],
Plane3d    USING [ DistanceToPt ],
ScanConvert   USING [ IntRGB, GetColorProc, MappedRGB,
         DitheredRGB, PutLine ],
ThreeDScenes  USING [ AddShape, ClipState, Context, Create, Error, FillInBackGround,
         FillViewPort, FindShape, GetShading, InitShades,
         NewShape, NoneOut, OutCode, PlaceShape, PutShading,
         ReadColors, ReadNormals, ReadScene, WriteScene,
         ReadTextureCoords, SetUpStandardFile, SetView, SetViewPort,
         ShadingProcs, ShadingSequence, ShadingValue, ShapeInstance,
         ShapeSequence, Vertex, VertexSequence, VtxToRealSeqProc,
         XfmPtToEyeSpace, XfmPtToDisplay ],
ThreeDSurfaces  USING [ Patch, PtrPatch, ShowObjects, ShowWireFrameObjects,
         PtrPatchSequence, LoadShape, GetPolyNormals, GetPatchColors,
         GetVtxNormals, PatchProcs, RegisterSurfaceType ],
Tilers     USING [ FancyTiler],
TextureMaps   USING [ TextureMap ],
SolidTextures   USING [ RopeToProc, GetLerpedVals ],
AISAnimation  USING [ StoreFiles, PutAIS ],
Animation3D   USING [ MoveInOrbit, MoveOnLine ],
StandardPatches  USING [ BezierExpand, BezierSubdivide, BezierDisplay,
         BezierDisplayLines ],
ThreeDMisc   USING [ ];
IMPORTS Basics, Imager, Pixels, ThreeDScenes, ThreeDSurfaces, Tilers, Real, RealFns, IO,
   ImagerFont, AISAnimation, Animation3D, CedarProcess, Atom,
   Terminal, ImagerColor, NamedColors, ImagerBackdoor, ScanConvert,
   Rope, ViewerIO, Convert, BasicTime, Plane3d, SolidTextures, StandardPatches, FS
Context: TYPE ~ ThreeDScenes.Context;
Pair: TYPE ~ Vector3d.Pair;           -- RECORD [ x, y: REAL];
Triple: TYPE ~ Vector3d.Triple;
RGB: TYPE ~ ImagerColor.RGB;
IntRGB: TYPE ~ ScanConvert.IntRGB;
IntRGBSequence: TYPE ~RECORD [ SEQUENCE length: NAT OF IntRGB ];
Rectangle: TYPE ~ Pixels.Extent;
NatSequence: TYPE ~ RECORD [ SEQUENCE length: NAT OF NAT ];
Utility Procedures
clrValues: Pixels.SampleSet ← Pixels.GetSampleSet[4];
RGBtoPixelValue: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, clr: RGB,
          values: Pixels.SampleSet]
      RETURNS[ Pixels.SampleSet ] ~ {
base: NATIF context.alphaBuffer THEN 1 ELSE 0;
values[0] ← 0;        
SELECT context.renderMode FROM
$FullClr, $Dorado24  => {
values[base ] ← Real.RoundC[clr.R*255.0];
values[base+1] ← Real.RoundC[clr.G*255.0];
values[base+2] ← Real.RoundC[clr.B*255.0];
$Grey   => {
values[base] ← Real.RoundC[(clr.R + clr.G + clr.B) / 3.0 * 255.0];
$Dithered, $PseudoClr => {
values[base] ← ScanConvert.MappedRGB[
[ Real.RoundC[clr.R*255.0], Real.RoundC[clr.G*255.0], Real.RoundC[clr.B*255.0] ]
ENDCASE  => SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Improper renderMode"]];
PutPixel: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, x, y: NAT, clr: RGB] ~ {
clrValues ← RGBtoPixelValue[context, clr, clrValues];
Pixels.PutPixel[context.display, x, y, clrValues];
ClipLineWithPlane: PUBLIC PROC[plane: Vector3d.Quad, p1, p2: Triple]
       RETURNS[ insidePt, clippedPt: Triple, state: ThreeDScenes.ClipState ] ~ {
alpha: REAL;
dist1: REAL ← Plane3d.DistanceToPt[ p1, plane ];
dist2: REAL ← Plane3d.DistanceToPt[ p2, plane ];
IF dist1 > 0.0 AND dist2 > 0.0
THEN RETURN[p1, p2, in]     -- all inside, no clipping
ELSE IF dist1 < 0.0 AND dist2 < 0.0
THEN RETURN[p1, p2, out]   -- all outside, no clipping
pOut: Triple;
alpha ← dist1 / (dist1 - dist2);    -- clip it
pOut.x ← p1.x * (1.0 - alpha) + p1.x * alpha;
pOut.y ← p1.y * (1.0 - alpha) + p1.y * alpha;
pOut.z ← p1.z * (1.0 - alpha) + p1.z * alpha;
IF dist1 > 0.0
THEN RETURN [p1, pOut, clipped]
ELSE RETURN [p2, pOut, clipped];
DrawRGBLine: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, inP1, inP2: Triple, clr: RGB] ~ {
Draw 3D lines, clipped
p1, p2: Triple;
code1, code2, orOfCodes : ThreeDScenes.OutCode;
[p1, code1] ← ThreeDScenes.XfmPtToEyeSpace[context, inP1];  -- xfm and get clip code
[p2, code2] ← ThreeDScenes.XfmPtToEyeSpace[context, inP2];
orOfCodes ← LOOPHOLE[
Basics.BITOR[ LOOPHOLE[code1], LOOPHOLE[code2] ],
IF orOfCodes # ThreeDScenes.NoneOut        -- not all inside?
andOfCodes: ThreeDScenes.OutCode ← LOOPHOLE[
Basics.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[code1], LOOPHOLE[code2] ],
IF andOfCodes # ThreeDScenes.NoneOut     -- all outside?
ELSE {          -- clipping needed, do it
clipState: ThreeDScenes.ClipState;
IF orOfCodes.near THEN
[p1, p2, clipState] ← ClipLineWithPlane[ context.clippingPlanes[Near], p1, p2];
IF orOfCodes.far THEN
[p1, p2, clipState] ← ClipLineWithPlane[ context.clippingPlanes[Far], p1, p2];
IF orOfCodes.left THEN
[p1, p2, clipState] ← ClipLineWithPlane[ context.clippingPlanes[Left], p1, p2];
IF orOfCodes.right THEN
[p1, p2, clipState] ← ClipLineWithPlane[ context.clippingPlanes[Right], p1, p2];
IF orOfCodes.bottom THEN
[p1, p2, clipState] ← ClipLineWithPlane[ context.clippingPlanes[Bottom], p1, p2];
[p1, p2, clipState] ← ClipLineWithPlane[ context.clippingPlanes[Top], p1, p2];
p1 ← ThreeDScenes.XfmPtToDisplay[context, p1];  -- xfm to screen
p2 ← ThreeDScenes.XfmPtToDisplay[context, p2];
clrValues ← RGBtoPixelValue[context, clr, clrValues];
[Real.FixC[p1.x], Real.FixC[p1.y] ],
[Real.FixC[p2.x], Real.FixC[p2.y] ],
PrependWorkingDirectory: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, file: Rope.ROPE]          RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] ~ {
wDir: Rope.ROPENARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $WDir] ];
IF wDir = NIL
ELSE IF file = NIL OR (Rope.Index[s1: file, s2: "/"] > 0 AND Rope.Index[s1: file, s2: "["] > 0)  
THEN file ← Rope.Cat[ wDir, file ];  -- if first char not / or [ then prepend wDir
RETURN[ file ];
ElapsedTime: PROC[startTime: REAL] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] ~ {
RETURN[ Rope.Cat[
Real.FixC[BasicTime.PulsesToSeconds[BasicTime.GetClockPulses[]] - startTime]
" secs. "
] ];
CurrentTime: PROC[] RETURNS[REAL] ~ {
RETURN[ BasicTime.PulsesToSeconds[BasicTime.GetClockPulses[]] ];
GetImagerContext: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] RETURNS[Imager.Context] ~ {
imagerCtx: Imager.Context ← NIL;
ref: REF ANY ← Atom.GetPropFromList[context.display.props, $ImagerContext];
IF ref # NIL
THEN imagerCtx ← NARROW[ref, Imager.Context]
ELSE SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$Condition, "No Imager context"]];
SetViewPortFromImager: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context,
            imagerCtx: Imager.Context] ~ {
bounds: Imager.Rectangle ← ImagerBackdoor.GetBounds[imagerCtx];
ThreeDScenes.SetViewPort[ context, bounds ];   -- set clippers etc.
CopyContextData: PUBLIC PROC [dstCtx, srcCtx: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] ~ {
dstCtx.shapes ← srcCtx.shapes;
dstCtx.lights ← srcCtx.lights;
dstCtx.environment ← srcCtx.environment;
dstCtx.eyePoint ← srcCtx.eyePoint;
dstCtx.ptOfInterest ← srcCtx.ptOfInterest;
dstCtx.rollAngle ← srcCtx.rollAngle;
dstCtx.upDirection ← srcCtx.upDirection;
dstCtx.fieldOfView ← srcCtx.fieldOfView;
dstCtx.window ← srcCtx.window;
dstCtx.hitherLimit ← srcCtx.hitherLimit;
dstCtx.yonLimit ← srcCtx.yonLimit;
dstCtx.clippingPlanes ← srcCtx.clippingPlanes;
dstCtx.eyeSpaceXfm ← srcCtx.eyeSpaceXfm;
dstCtx.eyeToNDC ← srcCtx.eyeToNDC;
Don't copy display, assumed to be using that for double buffering or something else
dstCtx.viewPort ← srcCtx.viewPort;
dstCtx.renderMode ← srcCtx.renderMode;
dstCtx.lineDrawing ← srcCtx.lineDrawing;
dstCtx.depthResolution ← srcCtx.depthResolution;
dstCtx.sortSequence ← srcCtx.sortSequence;
dstCtx.props ← srcCtx.props;
RegisterSurfaceType: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, type: ATOM] ~ {
procRecord: REF ThreeDSurfaces.PatchProcs ← NEW[ThreeDSurfaces.PatchProcs];
$ConvexPolygon => RETURN[];
$Bezier => {
procRecord.expand ← StandardPatches.BezierExpand;
procRecord.subdivide ← StandardPatches.BezierSubdivide;
procRecord.display ← StandardPatches.BezierDisplay;
procRecord.displayLines ← StandardPatches.BezierDisplayLines;
ThreeDSurfaces.RegisterSurfaceType[ context, $Bezier, procRecord];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$UnImplemented, "Unknown surface type"]];
StartLog: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF Context] RETURNS[IO.STREAM] ~ {
[out: log] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[
name: "ThreeDWorld.log",
backingFile: PrependWorkingDirectory[context, "ThreeDWorld.log"]
context.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[context.props, $Log, log];
RETURN[ log ];
FlushLog: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF Context] ~ {
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log]];
IF log # NIL THEN IO.Flush[log];
CloseLog: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF Context] ~ {
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log]];
IF log # NIL THEN IO.Close[log];
IF number < 0. THEN RETURN[-1.] ELSE RETURN[1.];
Colors and Text
GetMappedColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, clr: IntRGB]
      RETURNS[Pixels.BYTE] ~ {
value: NAT ← ScanConvert.MappedRGB[context.renderMode, clr];
SetNamedColor: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, color: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
clr: RGB ← ImagerColor.RGBFromHSL[ NamedColors.RopeToHSL[color] ];
Imager.SetColor[ GetImagerContext[context], ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB[clr] ];
SetRGBColor: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, clr: RGB] ~ {
Imager.SetColor[ GetImagerContext[context], ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB[clr] ];
LoadStd8BitClrMap: PUBLIC PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual] ~ {
Linearize: PROC [value: REAL] RETURNS[NAT] ~ {
RETURN[ Real.RoundC[RealFns.Power[value / 255.0, .43] * 255.0] ];
vt.SetColor[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; vt.SetColor[1, 0, 0, 0, 0];
FOR i: NAT IN [2..254) DO          -- 6 x 7 x 6 color cube
j: NAT ← i - 2;
red: NAT ← Linearize[51.0 * (j/42)];
grn: NAT ← Linearize[42.5 * ((j/6) MOD 7)];
blu: NAT ← Linearize[51.0 * (j MOD 6)];
vt.SetColor[i, 0, red, grn, blu];
vt.SetColor[254, 0, 255, 255, 255]; vt.SetColor[255, 0, 255, 255, 255];
Rotate8BitClrMap: PUBLIC PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual, firstValue, lastValue, duration: NAT ← 0] ~ { 
Rotates color map entries in given range
r, g, b: ARRAY [0..256) OF [0..256);
times: NAT;
IF lastValue = 0 THEN lastValue ← 255;
FOR i: NAT IN [firstValue .. lastValue] DO
[r[i], g[i], b[i]] ← Terminal.GetColor[ vt, i];
IF duration = 0
THEN times ← 0          -- will be one complete cycle
ELSE times ← duration * 75;      -- seconds times fields per second
times ← times +            -- Fill out full cycle
  (lastValue - firstValue + 1) - times MOD (lastValue - firstValue + 1);
FOR i: NAT IN [0..times) DO
tr, tg, tb: [0..256);
CedarProcess.CheckAbort[];   -- check for external abort request before proceeding
vt.WaitForBWVerticalRetrace[];    -- await top of scan (to control update rate)
tr ← r[firstValue]; tg ← g[firstValue]; tb ← b[firstValue];
FOR j: NAT IN (firstValue .. lastValue] DO
r[j-1] ← r[j]; g[j-1] ← g[j]; b[j-1] ← b[j];
r[lastValue] ← tr; g[lastValue] ← tg; b[lastValue] ← tb;
FOR i: NAT IN [firstValue .. lastValue] DO
Terminal.SetColor[ vt, i, 0, r[i], g[i], b[i]];
Show8BitClrMap: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] ~ {
firstBottom: INTEGER ← Real.FixC[.75 * context.viewPort.h];
size: INTEGER ← Real.FixC[ .025 * MIN[context.viewPort.h, context.viewPort.w] ];
firstTop: INTEGER ← firstBottom + size;
firstLeft: INTEGER ← Real.FixC[context.viewPort.w/2.0] - 16*size;
firstRight: INTEGER ← firstLeft + size;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..256) DO
top: NAT ← firstTop + size * (i / 32);
bottom: NAT ← firstBottom + size * (i / 32);
left: NAT ← firstLeft + size * (i MOD 32);
right: NAT ← firstRight + size * (i MOD 32);
Pixels.ValueOp[context.display, [left, bottom, right-left, top-bottom], i];
LoadColorRamp: PUBLIC PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual, clr1, clr2, exponent: RGB] ~ {
state: Terminal.ColorMode ← vt.GetColorMode[];
maxVal: REALIF state.full
THEN 255.0
ELSE Real.Float[Basics.BITSHIFT[1, state.bitsPerPixelChannelA] - 1];
clr1.R ← MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, clr1.R]]; clr2.R ← MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, clr2.R]];
clr1.G ← MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, clr1.G]]; clr2.G ← MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, clr2.G]];
clr1.B ← MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, clr1.B]]; clr2.B ← MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, clr2.B]];
FOR i: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.FixC[maxVal] ] DO      -- linear ramp exponentiated
jr: [0..256) ← Real.FixC[
    RealFns.Power[clr1.R + i/maxVal * (clr2.R - clr1.R), exponent.R] * maxVal];
jg: [0..256) ← Real.FixC[
    RealFns.Power[clr1.G + i/maxVal * (clr2.G - clr1.G), exponent.G] * maxVal];
jb: [0..256) ← Real.FixC[
    RealFns.Power[clr1.B + i/maxVal * (clr2.B - clr1.B), exponent.B] * maxVal];
IF Terminal.GetColorMode[vt].full
THEN { vt.SetRedMap[i, jr]; vt.SetGreenMap[i, jg]; vt.SetBlueMap[i, jb]; }
ELSE vt.SetColor[i, 0, jr, jg, jb];
LoadMultiRamps: PUBLIC PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual, colors: LIST OF RGB] ~ {
clr: REF IntRGBSequence ← NEW[ IntRGBSequence[32] ];
numClrs, thisClr, nextClr, rampLength: NAT ← 0;
state: Terminal.ColorMode ← vt.GetColorMode[];
maxVal: REALIF state.full
THEN 255.0
ELSE Real.Float[Basics.BITSHIFT[1, state.bitsPerPixelChannelA] - 1];
WHILE colors # NIL DO
clr[numClrs].r ← Real.FixC[maxVal * MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, colors.first.R]] ];
clr[numClrs].g ← Real.FixC[maxVal * MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, colors.first.G]] ];
clr[numClrs].b ← Real.FixC[maxVal * MAX[0.0, MIN[1.0, colors.first.B]] ];
numClrs ← numClrs + 1;
colors ←;
rampLength ← Real.FixC[maxVal] / (numClrs-1);
FOR i: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.FixC[maxVal] ] DO
jr, jg, jb: [0..256);
position: NAT ← i MOD rampLength;
IF position = 0 THEN IF nextClr < numClrs-1
THEN { thisClr ← nextClr; nextClr ← nextClr + 1; }
ELSE thisClr ← nextClr;
jr ← clr[thisClr].r * (rampLength - position) / rampLength
+ clr[nextClr].r * position / rampLength;
jg ← clr[thisClr].g * (rampLength - position) / rampLength
 + clr[nextClr].g * position / rampLength;
jb ← clr[thisClr].b * (rampLength - position) / rampLength
 + clr[nextClr].b * position / rampLength;
IF Terminal.GetColorMode[vt].full
THEN { vt.SetRedMap[i, jr]; vt.SetGreenMap[i, jg]; vt.SetBlueMap[i, jb]; }
ELSE vt.SetColor[i, 0, jr, jg, jb];
AdjustValueRamp: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, exponent: RGB] ~ {
Adjust the values in the display memory for TRC or ? (only for full-color or grey)
Action: PROC[] ~ {
scanSeg: REF Pixels.SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
maxValue: REAL ← 255.0;
expTableR: REF NatSequence ← NEW[ NatSequence[256] ];
expTableG: REF NatSequence ← NEW[ NatSequence[256] ];
expTableB: REF NatSequence ← NEW[ NatSequence[256] ];
start: NATIF context.alphaBuffer THEN 1 ELSE 0;
SELECT context.renderMode FROM
$FullClr, $Dorado24  => FOR i: NAT IN [0..256) DO
expTableR[i] ← Real.RoundC[ RealFns.Power[ i/255.0, exponent.R] * 255.0 ];
expTableG[i] ← Real.RoundC[ RealFns.Power[ i/255.0, exponent.G] * 255.0 ];
expTableB[i] ← Real.RoundC[ RealFns.Power[ i/255.0, exponent.B] * 255.0 ];
$Grey   => {
exp: REAL ← (exponent.R + exponent.G + exponent.B) / 3.0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..256) DO
expTableG[i] ← Real.RoundC[ RealFns.Power[ i/255.0, exp] * 255.0 ];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Improper renderMode"]];
FOR y: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.h] ) DO
scanSeg ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[context.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
FOR x: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w] ) DO
SELECT context.renderMode FROM
$FullClr, $Dorado24  => FOR i: NAT IN [start .. start+3) DO
start => scanSeg[i][x] ← expTableR[scanSeg[i][x]];
start+1 => scanSeg[i][x] ← expTableG[scanSeg[i][x]];
start+2 => scanSeg[i][x] ← expTableB[scanSeg[i][x]];
$Grey   => scanSeg[start][x] ← expTableG[scanSeg[start][x]];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Improper renderMode"]];
Pixels.PutScanSeg[context.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];
AdjustSaturation: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, percent: REAL] ~ {
Adjust the values in the display memory for Saturation (only for full-color)
Action: PROC[] ~ {
scanSeg: REF Pixels.SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
maxValue: REAL ← 255.0;
start: NATIF context.alphaBuffer THEN 1 ELSE 0;
FOR y: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.h] ) DO
scanSeg ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[context.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
FOR x: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w] ) DO
SELECT context.renderMode FROM
$FullClr, $Dorado24  => {
scale: REAL;
redVal: CARDINAL ← scanSeg[start][x];
grnVal: CARDINAL ← scanSeg[start+1][x];
bluVal: CARDINAL ← scanSeg[start+2][x];
min: CARDINALMIN[redVal, grnVal, bluVal];
max: CARDINALMAX[redVal, grnVal, bluVal];
newMin: CARDINALMIN[max, Real.FixC[percent * min]];
IF (min = 0) OR (max - min = 0) THEN LOOP;
scale ← 1.0 * (max - newMin) / (max - min);
redVal ← Real.FixC[ (redVal - min) * scale + newMin ];
grnVal ← Real.FixC[ (grnVal - min) * scale + newMin ];
bluVal ← Real.FixC[ (bluVal - min) * scale + newMin ];
scanSeg[start ][x] ← redVal;
scanSeg[start+1][x] ← grnVal;
scanSeg[start+2][x] ← bluVal;
ENDCASE => SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Improper renderMode"]];
Pixels.PutScanSeg[context.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];
LoadOldStd8BitClrMap: PUBLIC PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual] ~ {
Linearize: PROC [value: REAL] RETURNS[NAT] ~ {
RETURN[ Real.RoundC[RealFns.Power[value / 255.0, .43] * 255.0] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..40) DO              -- greyscale
grey: NAT ← Linearize[i*6.5];
vt.SetColor[i + 216, 0, grey, grey, grey];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..216) DO          -- 6 x 6 x 6 color cube
vt.SetColor[i, 0,
Linearize[42.5 * (i/36 + 1)],
Linearize[42.5 * ((i/6) MOD 6 + 1)],
Linearize[42.5 * (i MOD 6 + 1)]
vt.SetColor[0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
SetUpTerrainColors: PUBLIC PROC[vt: Terminal.Virtual] ~ {   -- for setting up colors for old terrain pictures
terrainHues: ARRAY [0..4) OF RGB ← [[.05, .4, .0], [.5, .6, .1], [.4, .4, .4], [1., 1., 1.]];
{ forest, savannah, rock, snow }
skyHue: RGB ← [.5, .5, 1.0];
waterHue: RGB ← [.2, .2, .8];
start: NAT ← 8;      -- start^ ← 8;
length: NAT ← 240;
valueStepSize, minValue, rampValue, index, hueRampSize: NAT ← 0;
hueRampSize ← 238 / (LENGTH[terrainHues] + 1);
valueStepSize ← 256 / hueRampSize;
minValue ← 256 - valueStepSize*hueRampSize;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..4) DO     -- do hue steps from each hue to next
currentHue: RGB ← [terrainHues[j].R, terrainHues[j].G, terrainHues[j].B];
rampValue ← minValue;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..hueRampSize) DO   -- build hue ramps
r, g, b: NAT;
r ← Real.RoundC[ rampValue * currentHue.R ];
g ← Real.RoundC[ rampValue * currentHue.G ];
b ← Real.RoundC[ rampValue * currentHue.B ];
vt.SetColor[index+start, 0, r, g, b ];
rampValue ← rampValue + valueStepSize;
index ← index + 1;
vt.SetColor[239+start, 0,
   Real.FixC[skyHue.R*255], Real.FixC[skyHue.G*255], Real.FixC[skyHue.B*255] ];
vt.SetColor[start, 0,
  Real.FixC[waterHue.R*255], Real.FixC[waterHue.G*255], Real.FixC[waterHue.B*255] ];
ShowRope: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, x, y: REAL,
        rope: Rope.ROPE, fontRope: Rope.ROPENIL, size: REAL ← 20] ~{
imagerCtx: Imager.Context ← GetImagerContext[context];
font: Imager.Font;
IF fontRope = NIL THEN fontRope ← "Xerox/Pressfonts/TimesRoman-MRR";
font ← ImagerFont.Find[fontRope];
font ← ImagerFont.Scale[font, size];
Imager.SetFont[imagerCtx, font];
Imager.SetXY[imagerCtx, [x, y]];
Imager.ShowRope[imagerCtx, rope];
AIS Files and Texture Generation
DitherImage: PUBLIC PROC[dstContext, rgbContext: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] ~ {
Action: PROC ~ {
width: NAT ← Real.FixI[MIN[dstContext.viewPort.w, rgbContext.viewPort.w] ];
height: NAT ← Real.FixI[MIN[dstContext.viewPort.h, rgbContext.viewPort.h] ];
scanSegIn, scanSegOut: REF Pixels.SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
IF rgbContext.display.samplesPerPixel < 3
THEN SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "24-bit input needed for dithering"]];
FOR y: NAT IN [0..height) DO
scanSegIn ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[rgbContext.display, 0, y,
         Real.RoundC[rgbContext.viewPort.w], scanSegIn];
scanSegOut ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[dstContext.display, 0, y,
         Real.RoundC[dstContext.viewPort.w], scanSegOut];
FOR x: NAT IN [0..width) DO
scanSegOut[0][x] ← ScanConvert.DitheredRGB[$PseudoClr, x, y,
         scanSegIn[0][x], scanSegIn[1][x], scanSegIn[2][x] ];
Pixels.PutScanSeg[dstContext.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[dstContext.viewPort.w],
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];    -- be nice to other processess
ScaleDownImage: PUBLIC PROC[dstContext, srcContext: REF Context] ~ {
Bresenham-like walk across image, areas averaged down
Action: PROC ~ {
srcHght: NAT ← Real.RoundC[srcContext.viewPort.h];
dstHght: NAT ← Real.RoundC[dstContext.viewPort.h];
srcWdth: NAT ← Real.RoundC[srcContext.viewPort.w];
dstWdth: NAT ← Real.RoundC[dstContext.viewPort.w];
numHits: REF NatSequence ← NEW[ NatSequence[dstWdth] ];
xPos, yPos: INTEGER;
xCtr, yCtr: NAT ← 0;
scanSegIn, scanSegOut: REF Pixels.SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
scanSegOutPixels.GetScanSeg[dstContext.display, 0, 0, dstWdth];
FOR x: NAT IN [0..dstWdth) DO          -- clear the pixels
FOR i: NAT IN [0..scanSegOut.length) DO scanSegOut[i][x] ← 0; ENDLOOP;
yPos ← 2 * dstHght - srcHght;
FOR x: NAT IN [0..dstWdth) DO numHits[x] ← 0; ENDLOOP;
FOR y: NAT IN [ 0 .. srcHght ) DO     -- work up through source scan lines
scanSegIn ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[srcContext.display, 0, y, srcWdth, scanSegIn];
xPos ← 2 * dstWdth - srcWdth;
xCtr ← 0;
FOR x: NAT IN [ 0 .. srcWdth ) DO     -- work across source scan line
FOR i: NAT IN [0..scanSegOut.length) DO
scanSegOut[i][xCtr] ← scanSegOut[i][xCtr] + scanSegIn[i][x]; -- sum intensities
numHits[xCtr] ← numHits[xCtr] + 1;        -- sum hits per pixel
IF xPos > 0 THEN { 
xCtr ← xCtr + 1; xPos ← xPos - 2 * srcWdth; IF xCtr > dstWdth THEN EXIT;
xPos ← xPos + 2 * dstWdth;
IF yPos > 0 THEN {            -- big increment exceeded
FOR x: NAT IN [0..dstWdth) DO
FOR i: NAT IN [0..scanSegOut.length) DO
scanSegOut[i][x] ← scanSegOut[i][x] / numHits[x];
numHits[x] ← 0;
Pixels.PutScanSeg[dstContext.display, 0, yCtr, dstWdth, scanSegOut];
FOR x: NAT IN [0..dstWdth) DO          -- clear the pixels
FOR i: NAT IN [0..scanSegOut.length) DO scanSegOut[i][x] ← 0; ENDLOOP;
yPos ← yPos - 2 * srcHght;     -- subtract big increment from position
yCtr ← yCtr + 1; IF yCtr > dstHght THEN EXIT;
yPos ← yPos + 2 * dstHght;  -- add in little incrment until big increment exceeded
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];    -- be nice to other processess
MakeStripes: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, numStripes, min, max, power: REAL] ~ {
factor: REAL ← ( numStripes * 2. * 3.1416 ) / Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w];
maxValue: REAL ← 255.0;
scanSeg: REF Pixels.SampleSetSequence ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[context.display, 0, 0,
             Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
FOR x: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w] ) DO
sineValue: REAL ← RealFns.Sin[ factor * x ];
sineValue ← RealFns.Power[ABS[sineValue], power] * Sgn[sineValue];
scanSeg[0][x] ← Real.RoundC[maxValue * (((sineValue + 1.) / 2.0) * (max - min) + min)];
FOR y: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.h] ) DO
Pixels.PutScanSeg[context.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
MakeStretchedSpots: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context,
           spotsAcross, min, max, power: REAL,
           stretched: BOOLEANFALSE] ~ {
Action: PROC ~ {
maxValue: REAL ← 255.0;
factor: REAL ← (spotsAcross * 2 * 3.1416) / Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w];
map: NATIF context.alphaBuffer THEN 1 ELSE 0;
FOR y: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.h] ) DO
scanSeg: REF Pixels.SampleSetSequence ← Pixels.GetScanSeg[context.display, 0, y,
             Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w] ];
spread: REAL
IF stretched THEN
RealFns.Cos[ 3.1416 * (y - Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.h] / 2.0) /
              (Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.h]) ]
ELSE 1.0;
sineY: REAL ← RealFns.Cos[ factor * y ];
sineY ← RealFns.Power[ABS[sineY], power] * Sgn[sineY];
FOR x: NAT IN [ 0 .. Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w] ) DO
sineX: REAL ← RealFns.Cos[ spread * factor * (x - Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w]/2.0) ];
sineX ← RealFns.Power[ABS[sineX], power] * Sgn[sineX];
scanSeg[0][x] ← Real.RoundC[
maxValue * (((sineX * sineY + 1.) / 2.0) * (max - min) + min) ];
Pixels.PutScanSeg[context.display, 0, y, Real.RoundC[context.viewPort.w], scanSeg];
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];    -- be nice to other processess
DrawQuad: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, intensity: REAL,
      x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: REAL] ~ {
poly: REF ThreeDSurfaces.Patch ← NEW[ ThreeDSurfaces.Patch[4] ];
poly.nVtces ← 4;
poly.vtx[0].coord.x ← x1; poly.vtx[0].coord.y ← y1; poly.vtx[0].shade.g ← intensity;
poly.vtx[1].coord.x ← x2; poly.vtx[1].coord.y ← y2; poly.vtx[1].shade.g ← intensity;
poly.vtx[2].coord.x ← x3; poly.vtx[2].coord.y ← y3; poly.vtx[2].shade.g ← intensity;
poly.vtx[3].coord.x ← x4; poly.vtx[3].coord.y ← y4; poly.vtx[3].shade.g ← intensity;
Tilers.FancyTiler[context, poly];
View and Lighting control
SetAmbientLight: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, color: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
ambientColor: REF RGBNEW[ RGB
         ImagerColor.RGBFromHSL[ NamedColors.RopeToHSL[color] ] ];
[] ← Atom.PutPropOnList[context.environment, $AmbientLight, ambientColor];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO
context.shapes[i].shadingInValid ← TRUE;
SetBackground: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, color: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
bkgrdColor: REF RGBNEW[ RGB
         ImagerColor.RGBFromHSL[ NamedColors.RopeToHSL[color] ] ];
context.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[context.props, $BackGround, bkgrdColor]; -- set color
GetBackground: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] RETURNS [color: RGB] ~ {
ref: REF ← Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $BackGround]; -- get background color
IF ref # NIL THEN color ← NARROW[ref, REF RGB]^ ELSE color ← [0., 0., 0.];
Shape Manipulation
Hide: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
Maintain data but don't display
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
shape.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[shape.props, $Hidden, $DoIt];
Reveal: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE] ~ { -- undo Hide
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
shape.props ← Atom.RemPropFromList[shape.props, $Hidden];
MakePlane: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, squaresPerSide: NAT] ~{
surface: REF ThreeDSurfaces.PtrPatchSequence;
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.NewShape[shapeName];
vtcesPerSide: NAT ← squaresPerSide + 1;
shape.numSurfaces ← squaresPerSide * squaresPerSide;
shape.vertex ← NEW[ ThreeDScenes.VertexSequence[ vtcesPerSide * vtcesPerSide ] ];
shape.boundingRadius ← 1.414;
shape.surface ← NEW[ ThreeDSurfaces.PtrPatchSequence[shape.numSurfaces] ];
surface ← NARROW[shape.surface, REF ThreeDSurfaces.PtrPatchSequence];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.vertex.length) DO
IF shape.vertex[i] # NIL THEN {
divisor: REAL ← Real.Float[squaresPerSide] / 2.;
shape.vertex[i] ← NEW[ThreeDScenes.Vertex];
shape.vertex[i].x ← (i / vtcesPerSide) / divisor - 1.;    -- x-coordinate
shape.vertex[i].y ← (i MOD vtcesPerSide) / divisor - 1.;  -- y-coordinate
shape.vertex[i].z ← 0.;   -- constant z-coordinate
FOR i: INT IN [0..shape.numSurfaces) DO
vtxNumber: NAT ← i + (i / squaresPerSide); -- add one at end of each row
surface[i] ← NEW[ThreeDSurfaces.PtrPatch[4]];
surface[i].nVtces ← 4;
surface[i].vtxPtr[0] ← vtxNumber;
surface[i].vtxPtr[1] ← vtxNumber + 1;
surface[i].vtxPtr[2] ← vtxNumber + vtcesPerSide + 1;
surface[i].vtxPtr[3] ← vtxNumber + vtcesPerSide;
context.shapes ← ThreeDScenes.AddShape[context.shapes, shape];
AddShapeAt: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, fileName: Rope.ROPE,
        position: Triple←[0.,0.,0.],
        type: ATOM ← $ConvexPolygon, insideVisible: BOOLEANFALSE] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.NewShape[shapeName];
shape.fileName ← PrependWorkingDirectory[context, fileName];
ThreeDSurfaces.LoadShape[   -- get vertices, polygons, etc.
PrependWorkingDirectory[context, fileName],
type,   -- $ConvexPolygon, $Bezier
ThreeDScenes.PlaceShape[shape, position];
context.shapes ← ThreeDScenes.AddShape[context.shapes, shape];
IF Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, type] = NIL
THEN RegisterSurfaceType[context, type];
SetFacetedColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, color: RGB] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
IF shape # NIL
patchInfo: REF ThreeDScenes.ShadingSequence ← NARROW[
ThreeDScenes.GetShading[ shape, $PatchColors ]
IF patchInfo = NIL
THEN patchInfo ← NEW[ThreeDScenes.ShadingSequence[shape.numSurfaces] ]
ELSE IF ThreeDScenes.GetShading[ shape, $PatchColorFile ] # NIL
THEN SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Patches individually colored"]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.numSurfaces) DO
patchInfo[i] ← NEW[ ThreeDScenes.ShadingValue ];
patchInfo[i].r ← color.R;
patchInfo[i].g ← color.G;
patchInfo[i].b ← color.B;
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[shape, $Type, $Faceted];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $Color, NEW[RGB ← color] ];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $PatchColors, patchInfo ];
shape.shade ← ThreeDScenes.InitShades[ shape ];
ThreeDSurfaces.GetPolyNormals[shape ! ThreeDScenes.Error =>
           IF reason.code = $MisMatch THEN CONTINUE ];
SetSmoothColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, color: RGB] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
IF shape # NIL
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[shape, $Type, $Smooth];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $Color, NEW[RGB ← color] ];
IF ThreeDScenes.GetShading[ shape, $VertexColorFile ] # NIL
THEN SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Vertices individually colored"]];
shape.shade ← ThreeDScenes.InitShades[ shape ]; -- color vtces
ThreeDSurfaces.GetVtxNormals[ shape ! ThreeDScenes.Error =>
         IF reason.code = $MisMatch THEN CONTINUE ];
SetLinesColor: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, color: RGB] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
IF shape # NIL
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[shape, $Type, $Lines];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $Color, NEW[RGB ← color] ];
IF ThreeDScenes.GetShading[ shape, $VertexColorFile ] # NIL
THEN SIGNAL ThreeDScenes.Error[[$MisMatch, "Vertices individually colored"]];
shape.shade ← ThreeDScenes.InitShades[ shape ]; -- color vtces
SetShininess: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, shininess: REAL] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
IF shape # NIL THEN ThreeDScenes.PutShading[shape, $Shininess, NEW[REAL ← shininess]];
SetTransmittance: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE, t: REAL] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
IF shape # NIL THEN {
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $Transmittance, NEW[REAL ← t] ];
IF shape.shade # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.shade.length) DO
IF shape.shade[i] # NIL THEN shape.shade[i].t ← t;
ShadingProcName: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, shapeName, procName: Rope.ROPE ] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
shadeProc: ScanConvert.GetColorProc ← SolidTextures.RopeToProc[procName];
storeProc: ThreeDScenes.VtxToRealSeqProc ← SolidTextures.GetLerpedVals;
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $ShadingProcs,
[ ThreeDScenes.ShadingProcs ← [ storeProc, shadeProc ] ] ];
GetShadingProcs: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, shapeName: Rope.ROPE,
          storeProc: ThreeDScenes.VtxToRealSeqProc,
          shadeProc: ScanConvert.GetColorProc] ~{
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $ShadingProcs,
[ ThreeDScenes.ShadingProcs ← [ storeProc, shadeProc ] ] ];
GetNormals: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, shapeName, normalFile: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                     shapeName ];
stream: IO.STREAM;
numEntries: NAT;
[stream, numEntries] ← ThreeDScenes.SetUpStandardFile[
             PrependWorkingDirectory[context, normalFile] ];
ThreeDScenes.ReadNormals[ shape.shade, stream, numEntries ];
GetVertexColors: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, shapeName, colorFile: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                     shapeName ];
stream: IO.STREAM;
numEntries: NAT;
[stream, numEntries] ← ThreeDScenes.SetUpStandardFile[
             PrependWorkingDirectory[context, colorFile] ];
ThreeDScenes.ReadColors[ shape.shade, stream, numEntries ];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[ shape, $VertexColorFile, colorFile ];
GetPolygonColors: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, shapeName, colorFile:Rope.ROPE] ~ {
ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes, shapeName ],
PrependWorkingDirectory[context, colorFile]
GetTextureCoords: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context, shapeName, coordinateFile: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
Get Texture Coordinates for vertices
texture: REF TextureMaps.TextureMap;
shape: REF ThreeDScenes.ShapeInstance ← ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context.shapes,
                    shapeName ];
stream: IO.STREAM;
numEntries: NAT;
[stream, numEntries] ← ThreeDScenes.SetUpStandardFile[
           PrependWorkingDirectory[context, coordinateFile] ];
ThreeDScenes.ReadTextureCoords[ shape.shade, stream, numEntries ];
texture ← NARROW[ThreeDScenes.GetShading[shape, $TextureMap],
IF texture = NIL THEN texture ← NEW[TextureMaps.TextureMap];
texture.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[texture.props, $CoordType, $File];
texture.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[texture.props, $Coords, coordinateFile];
ThreeDScenes.PutShading[shape, $TextureMap, texture];
Scene Manipulation
SaveOnFile: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, fileName: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
wDir: Rope.ROPE ← PrependWorkingDirectory[context, NIL];
output: IO.STREAMFS.StreamOpen[fileName: fileName, accessOptions: $create, wDir: wDir];
IO.PutRope[ output, Rope.Cat[" -- ", fileName, "\n"] ];
ThreeDScenes.WriteScene[context, output];
RestoreFromFile: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, fileName: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
wDir: Rope.ROPE ← PrependWorkingDirectory[context, NIL];
input: IO.STREAMFS.StreamOpen[fileName: fileName, accessOptions: $read, wDir: wDir];
[] ← IO.GetLineRope[ input ];   -- ignore first line
ThreeDScenes.ReadScene[context, input];
MakeFrameFromFile: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, fileName: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
wDir: Rope.ROPENARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $WDir] ];
time: REAL;
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ];
bufferCtx: REF ThreeDScenes.Context ← ThreeDScenes.Create[
bufferCtx.display ← context.display;
bufferCtx.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[bufferCtx.props, $WDir, wDir];
time ← CurrentTime[];
RestoreFromFile[bufferCtx, fileName];       -- may mash viewport
IF log # NIL THEN log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ "Setup Time: ", ElapsedTime[time], "\n"] ];
bufferCtx ← NIL;
ThreeDScenes.SetViewPort[context, context.viewPort];   -- restore viewport
Frame Generation and Animation
MakeFrame: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] ~ {
time: REAL ← CurrentTime[];
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ];
IF context.alphaBuffer
THEN ThreeDScenes.FillViewPort[context, [0.0,0.0,0.0] ] -- clear screen and alpha buffer
ELSE ThreeDScenes.FillInBackGround[context];    -- load background
IF context.lineDrawing AND NOT context.alphaBuffer
THEN ShowWireFrameShapes[context]
ELSE ShowShapes[context];
IF context.alphaBuffer THEN ThreeDScenes.FillInBackGround[context]; -- load background
IF log # NIL THEN {
log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ "Home Processor Frame Time: ", ElapsedTime[time], "\n"] ];
MakeHiResFrame: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context,
          width, height: NAT, name: Rope.ROPE] ~ {
time: REAL ← CurrentTime[];
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ];
hiResCtxt: REF ThreeDScenes.Context ← ThreeDScenes.Create[
CopyContextData[dstCtx: hiResCtxt, srcCtx: context];
hiResCtxt.viewPort ← [ x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: Real.Float[width], h: Real.Float[height] ];
[] ← StartLog[hiResCtxt];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..hiResCtxt.shapes.length) DO
hiResCtxt.shapes[i].vtcesInValid ← TRUE;
IF hiResCtxt.alphaBuffer
THEN ThreeDScenes.FillViewPort[hiResCtxt, [0.0,0.0,0.0] ] -- clear screen and alpha buffer
ELSE ThreeDScenes.FillInBackGround[hiResCtxt];    -- load background
IF hiResCtxt.lineDrawing AND NOT hiResCtxt.alphaBuffer
THEN ShowWireFrameShapes[hiResCtxt]
ELSE ShowShapes[hiResCtxt];
IF hiResCtxt.alphaBuffer            -- load background
THEN ThreeDScenes.FillInBackGround[hiResCtxt];
AISAnimation.PutAIS[hiResCtxt, name ];
IF log # NIL THEN {
log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ "Home Processor Frame Time: ", ElapsedTime[time], "\n"] ];
ShowShapes: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] ~ {
Action: PROC ~ {
context: context,
frontToBack: context.alphaBuffer
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];
ShowWireFrameShapes: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context] ~ {
Action: PROC ~ {
ThreeDSurfaces.ShowWireFrameObjects[ context ];
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];
OrbitEye: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context,
      lookingFrom, lookingAt, axis: Triple, framesPerRev: NAT,
      filename: Rope.ROPENIL, numFrames: NAT ← 32767, startAt: NAT ← 0] ~ {
frameNo: NAT ← startAt;
bufContext, ditherContext: REF ThreeDScenes.Context ← NIL;
NewFrame: PROC[lookingFrom, lookingAt: Triple] ~ {
ThreeDScenes.SetView[ bufContext, lookingFrom, lookingAt];
IF bufContext # context THEN Pixels.Transfer[ context.display, bufContext.display];
CedarProcess.CheckAbort[];   -- check for external abort request before proceeding
IF filename # NIL THEN
IF context.renderMode = $Dorado24 OR context.renderMode = $FullClr
DitherImage[ditherContext, context];
AISAnimation.StoreFiles[ditherContext, filename, frameNo];
ELSE AISAnimation.StoreFiles[context, filename, frameNo];
frameNo ← frameNo + 1;
IF filename = NIL AND context.renderMode # $LF AND context.renderMode # $Dithered
THEN {             -- double buffer if not storing files
bufContext ← ThreeDScenes.Create[
CopyContextData[dstCtx: bufContext, srcCtx: context];
ELSE {        -- no double buffer if storing files or using Imager
bufContext ← context;
IF context.renderMode = $Dorado24 OR context.renderMode = $FullClr
THEN ditherContext ← ThreeDScenes.Create[
Animation3D.MoveInOrbit[ lookingFrom, lookingAt, axis, NewFrame,
        framesPerRev, numFrames, startAt ];
MakeFramesFromTo: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF ThreeDScenes.Context,
        lookingFrom, lookingAt, toLookingFrom, toLookingAt: Triple,
        numFrames: NAT, startAt: NAT ← 0, filename: Rope.ROPENIL] ~ {
frameNo: NAT ← startAt;
NewFrame: PROC[lookingFrom, lookingAt: Triple] ~ {
ThreeDScenes.SetView[ context, lookingFrom, lookingAt];
CedarProcess.CheckAbort[];   -- check for external abort request before proceeding
frameNo ← frameNo + 1;
IF filename # NIL THEN
AISAnimation.StoreFiles[context, filename, frameNo];
Animation3D.MoveOnLine[ lookingFrom, lookingAt, toLookingFrom, toLookingAt,
        NewFrame, numFrames, startAt ];