-- Copyright (C) 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- ServerMisc.config, Grapevine: Server kit of parts -- HGM, 22-May-85 0:20:03 -- Brenda Hankins 23-Aug-84 14:15:17 -- Ted Wobber 2-Nov-82 12:37:05 -- -- AlHall 9-Jul-82 14:54:52 -- -- Mark Johnson 14-Jan-82 11:44:57 -- -- Andrew Birrell 20-Oct-81 10:43:51 -- PACK FTPPupComHot, FTPUserHot; PACK FTPEvent, FTPPair; ServerMisc: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS Buffer, BufferOps, ByteBlt, BodyDefs, DeviceError, EnquiryDefs, Inline, Heap, MDSStorage, MFile, Process, ProcessOperations, ProcessorFace, ProtocolDefs, PupDefs, PupStream, Runtime, SLDefs, Space, SpecialMFile, SpecialSpace, Stream, String, System, Time, TTY EXPORTS BitMapDefs, BTreeDefs, EnquiryDefs, FileDefs, FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs, GlassDefs, HeapDefs, IODefs, LogDefs, LogPrivateDefs, LogWatchDefs, ObjectDirDefs, PolicyDefs, RestartDefs, -- ShortTermHeap -- Storage, LongTermHeap: Storage, TimeExtra, VMDefs, VMSpecial, VMStorage CONTROL IdleTime, MDSWatcher, Policy = BEGIN -- ******** Virtual Memory ******** -- [FileDefs, VMDefs, VMSpecial, VMStorage] ← VMem[Buffer, ByteBlt, Heap, LogDefs, MFile, Process, PupDefs, Runtime, Space, SpecialMFile, Storage, String, Time]; -- ******** Log facilities ******** -- [LogDefs, LogWatchDefs] ← Log[Process, Storage, String, Time, VMDefs]; LogDefs ← LogDisplayCold[LogDefs, LogPrivateDefs, Process, Runtime, String, Storage, LongTermHeap, Time, TTY]; [LogDefs, LogPrivateDefs] ← LogDisplayHot[Inline, Process, String, TTY]; ReadLog; IODefs ← IO[LogPrivateDefs, TTY]; -- ******** BTree ******** -- bt: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS VMDefs, ShortTermHeap: Storage EXPORTS BTreeDefs = BEGIN BTreeSupportDefs ← BTreeSupport[ShortTermHeap, VMDefs]; BTree2; BTree; END; BTreeDefs ← bt[VMDefs, Storage]; -- ******** FTP package ******** -- FTPforDMS: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS ByteBlt, MDSStorage, Process, String, Time, Stream, PupDefs, PupStream EXPORTS FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs, TimeExtra = BEGIN FTPAccessories; FTPCold; FTPEvent; FTPPair; FTPProtError; FTPProtFiles; FTPProtocol; FTPTrace; FTPQueue; FTPUtilities; TimeExtraImpl; FTPPupComCool; FTPPupComHot; FTPServerCommon; FTPServerFiles; FTPServerMail; FTPUserHot; FTPUserCommon; FTPUserFiles; FTPUserFileNub; FTPUserDump; FTPUserRetrieve; FTPUserStore; FTPUserMailNub; FTPUserMailOut; FTPUserMailIn; END; FTPforDMS; -- ******** Disk Heap ******** -- HeapConfig: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS BitMapDefs, LogDefs, LogPrivateDefs, PolicyDefs, Process, ProtocolDefs, PupStream, Stream, String, Storage, System, TTY, VMDefs EXPORTS HeapDefs, ObjectDirDefs CONTROL ReaderAlloc, Reader, Writer -- they display variables -- = -- HeapRestart is started explicitly, and starts HeapFile and ObjectDir -- Compactor is started explicitly BEGIN HeapFile; ObjectDir; ReaderAlloc; Reader; Writer; Compactor; HeapRestart; END; [HeapDefs, ObjectDirDefs] ← HeapConfig[ BitMapDefs, LogDefs, LogPrivateDefs, PolicyDefs, Process, ProtocolDefs, PupStream, Stream, String, LongTermHeap, System, TTY, VMDefs]; -- ******** Everything else ******** -- -- General data handling -- Storage ← StorageGVImpl[Heap]; LongTermHeap ← StorageGVImpl[Heap]; BitMapDefs ← BitMap[Inline, LongTermHeap]; -- Communications -- GlassImpl; -- Operational facilities -- IdleTime; MDSWatcher; DiskWatcher; Policy; END.