-- Copyright (C) 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- RetrieveXDefs.mesa, Transport Mechanism: User: Private DEFS for mail retrieval -- HGM: 10-Dec-84 23:44:37 -- Andrew Birrell September 1, 1982 3:16 pm DIRECTORY BodyDefs USING [ItemHeader, Password, RName, Timestamp], PupDefs USING [PupAddress], PupTypes USING [Pair], RetrieveDefs USING [MBXState, ServerState], Stream USING [Handle]; RetrieveXDefs: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- The client's mailboxes are represented by a chain: -- MBXData: TYPE = RECORD [ next: MBXPtr, state: RetrieveDefs.ServerState, addrState: {unknown, known, bad}, replyWanted: BOOLEAN, addr: PupDefs.PupAddress, name: BodyDefs.RName]; MBXPtr: TYPE = POINTER TO MBXData; noMBX: MBXPtr = NIL; -- The overall state of mail is represented by a HandleObject -- Handle: TYPE = POINTER TO HandleObject; HandleObject: TYPE = MONITORED RECORD [ -- list of the user's mailboxes -- MBXChain: MBXPtr, mbxKnown: BOOLEAN, -- whether user's mailbox sites are known -- notEmptyMBXCount: CARDINAL, unknownMBXCount: CARDINAL, -- Current state of mail reading: -- state: {beforeMBX, beforeTOCr, beforeBody, inBody, beforeTOCw, afterMessage, afterMBX}, spareByte: BOOLEAN, -- GV padding, or MTP odd-byte mess -- spareByteValue: CHARACTER, -- for MTP odd-byte mess -- header: BodyDefs.ItemHeader, -- header of current item -- currentMBX: MBXPtr, -- mailbox being read -- messages: CARDINAL, -- number of messages in the mailbox -- currentStr: Stream.Handle, -- stream to mailbox being read -- ftpUser: UNSPECIFIED, -- actually, FTPDefs.FTPUser except in Cedar -- -- State of mailbox polling: -- mbxState: RetrieveDefs.MBXState, polling: BOOLEAN, pollWanted: BOOLEAN, newPollWanted: BOOLEAN, pollReplying: BOOLEAN, mbxStateChange: CONDITION, pollCond: CONDITION, pollID: PupTypes.Pair, sendPoll: PROCESS, pollStarted: LONG CARDINAL, -- real time when poll last started -- -- Global information supplied by the client: -- interval: CARDINAL, -- polling interval, in seconds -- changes: PROCEDURE [RetrieveDefs.MBXState], userName: BodyDefs.RName, userPwd: STRING, userKey: BodyDefs.Password]; -- Interface to mailbox polling: exported by RetrievePoll -- SendPollProcess: PROC [handle: Handle]; -- for forking to -- NoteChangedMBX: PROC [ handle: Handle, mbx: MBXPtr, new: RetrieveDefs.ServerState]; -- changes handle.mbxState appropriately to reflect change in the -- known state of this mailbox -- SetMBXState: PROC [handle: Handle, state: RetrieveDefs.MBXState]; -- changes handle.mbxState to given value. -- -- Interface to obtain new info about user: exported by RetrieveInit -- FindRegistryAndMailboxes: PROC [handle: Handle]; -- determines registry type and mailbox locations -- FindAddress: PROC [handle: Handle, mbx: MBXPtr]; -- attempts to find mailboxes address (which must have been unknown) -- ServerAddress: PROC [handle: Handle] RETURNS [PupDefs.PupAddress]; -- may signal Failed[communicationError] or Failed[noSuchServer] -- -- Procedures for access to mail on GV servers -- -- See "RetrieveDefs" for specifications of these procedures -- GVNextMessage: PROC [handle: Handle] RETURNS [msgExists: BOOLEAN, archived: BOOLEAN, deleted: BOOLEAN]; GVReadTOC: PROC [handle: Handle, text: STRING]; GVStartMessage: PROC [ handle: Handle, postmark: POINTER TO BodyDefs.Timestamp ← NIL, sender: BodyDefs.RName ← NIL, returnTo: BodyDefs.RName ← NIL]; GVNextItem: PROC [handle: Handle] RETURNS [itemHeader: BodyDefs.ItemHeader]; GVNextBlock: PROC [ handle: Handle, buffer: DESCRIPTOR FOR PACKED ARRAY OF CHARACTER] RETURNS [bytes: CARDINAL]; GVWriteTOC: PROC [handle: Handle, text: STRING]; GVDeleteMessage: PROC [handle: Handle]; GVAccept: PROC [handle: Handle]; GVClose: PROC [handle: Handle]; -- Close any stream created for this mailbox without deleting messages -- Does not complain if there is no stream. END.