Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Pier on February 3, 1987 12:59:53 pm PST
Last edited by Bier on January 30, 1987 6:17:40 pm PST
Contents: Implements various slice classes in Gargoyle.
Atom, Convert, FileNames, FS, GGBasicTypes, GGBoundBox, GGError, GGFromImager, GGInterfaceTypes, GGLines, GGModelTypes, GGObjects, GGParseOut, GGParseIn, GGSlice, GGShapes, GGTransform, GGUtility, GGVector, Imager, ImagerFont, ImagerInterpress, ImagerMemory, ImagerTransformation, Interpress, IO, IPMaster, NodeStyle, RealFns, RefText, Rope, ViewerClasses;
IMPORTS Atom, Convert, FileNames, FS, GGBoundBox, GGError, GGFromImager, GGLines, GGObjects, GGParseIn, GGParseOut, GGSlice, GGShapes, GGTransform, GGUtility, GGVector, Imager, ImagerFont, ImagerInterpress, ImagerMemory, ImagerTransformation, Interpress, IO, RealFns, RefText, Rope EXPORTS GGSlice = BEGIN
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Text Points as shown
Text Edges: 0 => left, 1=> top, 2=> right, 3=> bottom, 4 => baseline, 5 => horizontal centerline, 6 => vertical centerline
BoundBox: TYPE = GGModelTypes.BoundBox;
CameraData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.CameraData;
Color: TYPE = Imager.Color;
DisplayStyle: TYPE = GGSlice.DisplayStyle;
ExtendMode: TYPE = GGModelTypes.ExtendMode;
GargoyleData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GargoyleData;
GargoyleDataObj: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GargoyleDataObj;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
PointGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointGenerator;
PointGeneratorObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointGeneratorObj;
PointPairGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointPairGenerator;
PointPairGeneratorObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointPairGeneratorObj;
Scene: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Scene;
SelectedObjectData: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SelectedObjectData;
SelectionClass: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.SelectionClass;
SelectMode: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SelectMode;
Slice: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Slice;
SliceClass: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceClass;
SliceClassObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceClassObj;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceDescriptor;
SliceDescriptorObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceDescriptorObj;
SliceObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceObj;
SliceParts: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceParts;
Vector: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Vector;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
TextEdgeArray: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..textMaxEdges) OF BOOL; -- left, top, right, bottom, baseline, centerline.
TextPointArray: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..textMaxPoints) OF BOOL; -- see picture. Used in text parts data.
TextPoints: TYPE = REF TextPointsData;
TextPointsData: TYPE = ARRAY [0..textMaxPoints) OF Point; -- see picture
textMaxPoints: INTEGER = 12;
textMaxEdges: INTEGER = 7;
TextData: TYPE = REF TextDataObj;
TextDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
box: BoundBox ← NIL, -- not a bounding box but part of the text representation
feedbackBox: BoundBox ← NIL, -- both a bounding box and part of the text representation
transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation,
inverse: ImagerTransformation.Transformation, -- inverse of transform
inverseScale: Vector, -- cached value of ImagerTransformation.Factor[inverse].s
points: TextPoints, -- cache for "joints"
color: Imager.Color ← NIL,
rope: Rope.ROPENIL,
fontPrefix: Rope.ROPE, -- e.g. "xerox/xc1-2-2/" or "xerox/pressfonts/"
fontFamily: Rope.ROPE, -- e.g. "Helvetica" or "Tioga" or "Gacha"
fontFace: Rope.ROPE, -- e.g. "-bi"
fontName: Rope.ROPE, -- exact stiring to give to ImagerFont.Find
scale: REAL ← 0.0, -- preferred size in points for screen fonts
preferredSize: REAL ← 0.0, -- preferred size in points for screen fonts
trueFont: ImagerFont.Font ← NIL,
screenFont: ImagerFont.Font ← NIL,
amplifySpace: REAL, -- because the Imager allows space correction (see Imager.mesa)
dropShadowOn: BOOLFALSE,
dropShadowOffset: Vector,
shadowColor: Imager.Color ← NIL
TextParts: TYPE = REF TextPartsObj;
TextPartsObj: TYPE = RECORD [
points: TextPointArray, -- which corners of text box are selected.
edges: TextEdgeArray, -- which edges of text box are selected.
includeText: BOOL -- FALSE => corners and edges only; no text
TextHitData: TYPE = REF TextHitDataObj;
TextHitDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
Filled in by BoxClosestPoint, BoxClosestSegment, in same order as TextPointArray and TextEdgeArray. -1 means not hit
point: [-1..textMaxPoints), -- which point of box is hit.
edge: [-1..textMaxEdges), -- which edge of box is hit.
hitPoint: Point
Procs peculiar to text
BuildTextSliceClass: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [class: SliceClass] = {
class ← NEW[SliceClassObj ← [
type: $Text,
getBoundBox: TextBoundBox,
getTightBox: TextTightBox,
copy: TextCopy,
drawParts: TextDrawParts,
drawTransform: TextDrawTransform,
drawSelectionFeedback: TextDrawSelectionFeedback,
drawAttractorFeedback: NoOpDrawAttractorFeedback,
transform: TextTransform,
Textual Description
describe: TextDescribe,
fileout: TextFileout,
filein: TextFilein,
emptyParts: TextEmptyParts,
newParts: TextNewParts,
unionParts: TextUnionParts,
differenceParts: TextDiffParts,
movingParts: TextMovingParts,
fixedParts: TextFixedParts,
augmentParts: TextAugmentParts,
Hit Testing
pointsInDescriptor: TextPointsInDescriptor,
pointPairsInDescriptor: TextPointPairsInDescriptor,
nextPoint: TextNextPoint,
nextPointPair: TextNextPointPair,
closestPoint: TextClosestPoint,
closestPointAndTangent: NIL,
closestSegment: TextClosestSegment,
lineIntersection: NoOpLineIntersection,
circleIntersection: NoOpCircleIntersection,
hitDataAsSimpleCurve: NoOpHitDataAsSimpleCurve,
setStrokeWidth: TextSetStrokeWidth,
getStrokeWidth: TextGetStrokeWidth,
setStrokeColor: TextSetStrokeColor,
getStrokeColor: TextGetStrokeColor,
setFillColor: TextSetFillColor,
getFillColor: TextGetFillColor
MakeTextSlice: PUBLIC PROC [text: Rope.ROPE, color: Imager.Color ←, amplifySpace: REAL, dropShadowsOn: BOOLFALSE, dropShadowOffset: Vector ← [0.0, 0.0], shadowColor: Imager.Color ←] RETURNS [slice: Slice] = {
textData: TextData ← NEW[TextDataObj ← [
box: GGBoundBox.NullBoundBox[], -- filled in by call to TextSetBoundBox
feedbackBox: GGBoundBox.NullBoundBox[], -- filled in by call to TextSetBoundBox
inverseScale: [-1.0, -1.0], -- dummy vector
amplifySpace: amplifySpace,
points: NEW[TextPointsData],
color: color,
rope: text,
dropShadowOn: dropShadowsOn,
dropShadowOffset: dropShadowOffset,
shadowColor: shadowColor
other font related values must be filled in by client call to SetTextFont
slice ← NEW[SliceObj ← [
class: GGSlice.FetchSliceClass[$Text],
data: textData,
parent: NIL,
selectedInFull: [FALSE, FALSE, FALSE],
boundBox: GGBoundBox.CreateBoundBox[0,0,0,0], -- gets filled in later
onOverlay: FALSE
GetText: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [text: Rope.ROPE] = {
RETURN[IF slice.class.type#$Text THEN NIL ELSE NARROW[, TextData].rope];
AppendText: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice, text: Rope.ROPE] = {
textData: TextData;
IF slice.class.type#$Text THEN RETURN;
textData ← NARROW[];
textData.rope ← Rope.Concat[textData.rope, text]; -- update text
BackspaceText: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] = {
textData: TextData;
IF slice.class.type#$Text THEN RETURN;
textData ← NARROW[];
textData.rope ← Rope.Substr[base: textData.rope, len: Rope.Length[textData.rope]-1]; -- update text
DigitBreak: IO.BreakProc = {
RETURN[IF char IN ['0..'9] THEN break ELSE other];
FontNameFromFontParams: PROC [fontFamily: ATOM, fontFace: NodeStyle.FontFace, fontSize: REAL] RETURNS [fontName: Rope.ROPENIL] = {
sizeRope: Rope.ROPE ← Convert.RopeFromReal[fontSize];
faceRope: Rope.ROPESELECT fontFace FROM
BoldItalic => "BI",
Bold => "B",
Italic => "I",
ENDCASE => "";
fontName ← Rope.Cat[Atom.GetPName[fontFamily], sizeRope, faceRope];
TFontParamsFromFontName: PROC [fontName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [fontFamily: Rope.ROPE, fontFace: Rope.ROPE, fontSize: REAL] = {
A fontName is a font designation with family, size, and face, like Helvetica23BI or TimesRoman6.95 (real font sizes are OK)
GetNumber: PROC [s: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [x: REAL ← 0.0] = {
frac, fracCount: REAL ← 0.0;
c: CHAR;
UNTIL (c ← IO.GetChar[s ! IO.EndOfStream => {c ← '\000; CONTINUE;}; ]) NOT IN ['0..'9] DO
x ← x*10+(c-'0);
IF c#'\000 AND c#'. THEN s.Backup[c]; -- restore the terminating character except for decimal point
IF c='. THEN { -- fractional part
UNTIL (c ← IO.GetChar[s ! IO.EndOfStream => {c ← '\000; CONTINUE;}; ]) NOT IN ['0..'9] DO
fracCount ← fracCount+1;
frac ← frac*10.0+(c-'0);
x ← x+frac*RealFns.Power[10.0, -1*fracCount];
IF c#'\000 THEN s.Backup[c]; -- restore the terminating character
face: Rope.ROPE;
fontStream: IO.STREAMIO.RIS[fontName];
[fontFamily, ----] ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream: fontStream, breakProc: DigitBreak ! IO.EndOfStream => SIGNAL FontNameError];
fontSize ← GetNumber[fontStream ! IO.EndOfStream => SIGNAL FontNameError];
can't user IO.GetInt because a string like Helvetica9BI causes it to fail!
[face, ----] ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream: fontStream, breakProc: IO.TokenProc ! IO.EndOfStream => {face ← NIL; CONTINUE; };];
IF face#NIL THEN fontFace ← Rope.Concat["-", face];
SetTextFont: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice, prefix: Rope.ROPE, family: Rope.ROPE, face: Rope.ROPE, fontName: Rope.ROPE, scale: REAL ← 1.0, fontScale: REAL ← 1.0, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation, feedback: ViewerClasses.Viewer] RETURNS [ success: BOOLTRUE] = {
The text slice's font will be set to the desired prefix, family, and face (face may be NIL to denote the "regular" face). If transform=NIL, the existing slice transformation will be factored and the translation component will be retained; i.e. the SetTextFont will have the effect of changing the font and font size but retaining the origin of the text. Previous rotation/scaling will be lost. The new text transformation will use the old translation component and the new value of scale. The font will be itself scaled by the value fontScale. If transform#NIL, the old text transformation is replaced by the new transform, scale is ignored, and fontScale is simply stored in the textData.
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
IF slice.class.type#$Text THEN RETURN;
IF prefix=NIL OR family=NIL OR scale<=0.0 OR fontScale<=0.0 THEN GOTO Abort;
IF transform=NIL THEN transform ← ImagerTransformation.PreScale[m: ImagerTransformation.Translate[ImagerTransformation.Factor[m: textData.transform].t], s: scale];
textData.trueFont ← ImagerFont.Scale[ImagerFont.Find[fontName ! Imager.Error => GOTO Abort;], 1.0/fontScale ];
textData.screenFont ← textData.trueFont; -- for now
textData.fontPrefix ← prefix;
textData.fontFamily ← family;
textData.fontFace ← face;
textData.fontName ← fontName;
textData.scale ← scale;
textData.preferredSize ← fontScale;
textData.transform ← transform;
textData.inverse ← ImagerTransformation.Invert[transform];
textData.inverseScale ← ImagerTransformation.Factor[textData.inverse].s;
Abort => {
scratch: IO.STREAMIO.ROS[];
IF transform#NIL THEN GGParseOut.WriteFactoredTransformation[scratch, transform];
GGError.PutF[feedback, oneLiner, "No Such Font: %g%g%g scale: %g transform: %g", [rope[prefix]], [rope[family]], [rope[face]], [real[scale]], [rope[IO.RopeFromROS[scratch]]] ];
success ← FALSE;
GetFontValues: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [prefix, family, face: Rope.ROPE, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation, preferredSize: REAL] = {
problem: Rope.ROPE;
textData: TextData;
IF slice.class.type#$Text THEN ERROR;
textData ← NARROW[];
[prefix, family, face, ----, preferredSize, problem] ← GGUtility.UserDataFromFontData[textData.fontName, textData.scale, textData.preferredSize];
RETURN[prefix, family, face, textData.transform, preferredSize];
GetFontValuesRope: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [values: Rope.ROPE] = {
prefix, family, face, problem: Rope.ROPE;
preferredSize: REAL ← -1.0;
textData: TextData;
scratch: IO.STREAMIO.ROS[];
IF slice.class.type#$Text THEN RETURN[NIL];
textData ← NARROW[];
[prefix, family, face, ----, preferredSize, problem] ← GGUtility.UserDataFromFontData[textData.fontName, textData.scale, textData.preferredSize];
IO.PutChar[self: scratch, char: ' ];
GGParseOut.WriteFactoredTransformation[scratch, textData.transform];
IO.PutChar[self: scratch, char: ' ];
RETURN[IO.PutFR["%g %g%g %g %g", [rope[prefix]], [rope[family]], [rope[face]], [rope[IO.RopeFromROS[scratch]]], [real[preferredSize]] ] ];
SetTextAmplifySpace: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice, amplifySpace: REAL, feedback: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = {
textData: TextData;
textData ← NARROW[];
textData.amplifySpace ← amplifySpace;
GetTextAmplifySpace: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [amplifySpace: REAL] = {
textData: TextData;
textData ← NARROW[];
DropShadowOn: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice, offset: Vector] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textData.dropShadowOn ← TRUE;
textData.dropShadowOffset ← offset;
DropShadowOff: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textData.dropShadowOn ← FALSE
UnpackComplexFontName: PROC [fontName: Rope.ROPE, fontSize: REAL] RETURNS [new: Rope.ROPE] = {
Takes a complex name like "xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica-MIR" and a font size and returns a simple name like Helvetica10I
face: Rope.ROPE;
new ← FileNames.GetShortName[fontName]; -- throw away "xerox/pressfonts/"
face ← FileNames.Tail[new, '-]; -- get face component (MIR, BRR, ...)
new ← Rope.Substr[base: new, start: 0, len: Rope.SkipTo[s: new, pos: 0, skip: "-"]]; -- throw away "-XXX"
new ← Rope.Cat[new, Convert.RopeFromReal[fontSize], SELECT TRUE FROM
Rope.Equal[face, "MRR", FALSE] => "",
Rope.Equal[face, "BRR", FALSE] => "B",
Rope.Equal[face, "MIR", FALSE] => "I",
Rope.Equal[face, "BIR", FALSE] => "BI",
Text slice class procs
TextBoundBox: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [box: BoundBox]= {
TextTightBox: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [box: BoundBox] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
The following 7 values are of interest:
left: <the origin of the first character> = 0.0.
right: <the right escapement of the last character> = Width[string].
middle: (left + right) / 2.
top: <the ascender extent of the string "acbdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ">
base: 0.0
bottom: <the descender extent of the string "acbdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ">
center: (top + bottom) / 2
StringEscapement: PROC [font: ImagerFont.Font, string: ImagerFont.XStringProc, amplifySpace: REAL] RETURNS [ImagerFont.VEC] = {
sum: ImagerFont.VEC ← [0, 0];
charAction: ImagerFont.XCharProc ~ {
width: ImagerFont.VEC;
width ← ImagerFont.Width[font, char];
IF ImagerFont.Amplified[font, char] THEN {
width.x ← width.x*amplifySpace;
width.y ← width.y*amplifySpace;
sum.x ← sum.x+width.x; sum.y ← sum.y+width.y;
RopeEscapement: PROC [font: ImagerFont.Font, rope: Rope.ROPE, amplifySpace: REAL,
start: INT ← 0, len: INTINT.LAST] RETURNS [ImagerFont.VEC] ~ {
string: ImagerFont.XStringProc ~ { ImagerFont.MapRope[rope, start, len, charAction] };
RETURN[StringEscapement[font, string, amplifySpace]];
TextSetBoundBox: PROC [slice: Slice] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
fontExtents: ImagerFont.Extents;
halfCP: REAL = GGModelTypes.halfJointSize + 1;
left, right, middle, top, base, bottom, center: REAL;
ASSERT: extents all positive—subtract left and descent, add right and ascent
Bounding Boxes are calculated from screen fonts (which are larger).
left ← 0.0;
right ← RopeEscapement[textData.screenFont, textData.rope, textData.amplifySpace].x;
middle ← (left + right)/2.0;
fontExtents ← ImagerFont.RopeBoundingBox[textData.screenFont, "acbdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"];
top ← fontExtents.ascent;
base ← 0.0;
bottom ← -fontExtents.descent;
center ← (top + bottom)/2.0;
GGBoundBox.UpdateBoundBox[, left, bottom, right, top]; ← GGBoundBox.BoundBoxOfBoundBox[, textData.transform];
GGBoundBox.EnlargeByOffset[, halfCP];
IF textData.dropShadowOn THEN GGBoundBox.EnlargeByVector[, textData.dropShadowOffset];
slice.boundBox ← GGBoundBox.CopyBoundBox[];
feedbackBoxes are used for hit testing and are calculated from the print font.
left ← 0.0;
right ← RopeEscapement[textData.trueFont, textData.rope, textData.amplifySpace].x;
middle ← (left + right)/2.0;
fontExtents ← ImagerFont.RopeBoundingBox[textData.trueFont, "acbdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"];
top ← fontExtents.ascent;
base ← 0.0;
bottom ← -fontExtents.descent;
center ← (top + bottom)/2.0;
GGBoundBox.UpdateBoundBox[textData.feedbackBox, left, bottom, right, top];
textData.feedbackBox ← GGBoundBox.BoundBoxOfBoundBox[textData.feedbackBox, textData.transform]; -- take into account the font transformation
textData.points[0] ← [left, bottom];
textData.points[1] ← [left, base];
textData.points[2] ← [left, center];
textData.points[3] ← [left, top];
textData.points[4] ← [middle, bottom];
textData.points[5] ← [middle, base];
textData.points[6] ← [middle, center];
textData.points[7] ← [middle, top];
textData.points[8] ← [right, bottom];
textData.points[9] ← [right, base];
textData.points[10] ← [right, center];
textData.points[11] ← [right, top];
TextCopy: PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [copy: Slice] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
copy ← MakeTextSlice[textData.rope, textData.color, textData.amplifySpace, textData.dropShadowOn, textData.dropShadowOffset, textData.shadowColor];
IF NOT SetTextFont[copy, textData.fontPrefix, textData.fontFamily, textData.fontFace, textData.fontName, textData.scale, textData.preferredSize, ImagerTransformation.Copy[textData.transform], NIL] THEN ERROR;
TextDrawParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: GGInterfaceTypes.CameraData, quick: BOOL] = {
DoDrawText: PROC = {
Imager.ConcatT[dc, textData.transform];
IF textData.dropShadowOn THEN DrawDropShadow[dc, textData, camera];
DrawText[dc, textData, camera];
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[parts];
IF textParts = NIL OR textParts.includeText THEN Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoDrawText];
TextDrawSelectionFeedback: PROC [slice: Slice, selectedParts: SliceParts, hotParts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, dragInProgress, caretIsMoving, hideHot, quick: BOOL] = {
DoDrawFeedback: PROC = {
feedbackBox: BoundBox ← textData.feedbackBox;
thisCPisHot, thisCPisSelected: BOOL;
pts: ARRAY [0..11] OF Point;
t: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← textData.transform;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..11] DO
pts[i] ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[i]];
FOR point: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxPoints) DO
thisCPisHot ← hotTextParts#NIL AND hotTextParts.points[point];
thisCPisSelected ← normalTextParts#NIL AND normalTextParts.points[point];
IF thisCPisHot THEN GGShapes.DrawSelectedJoint[dc, pts[point], hot];
IF thisCPisSelected THEN GGShapes.DrawSelectedJoint[dc, pts[point], normal];
IF NOT thisCPisHot AND NOT thisCPisSelected THEN GGShapes.DrawCP[dc, pts[point]];
IF NOT quick AND normalTextParts#NIL THEN {
IF normalTextParts#NIL THEN {
Imager.SetStrokeJoint[dc, round];
Imager.SetStrokeWidth[dc, 1.0];
FOR edge: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
IF normalTextParts.edges[edge] THEN
0 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[0], pts[3] ];
1 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[3], pts[11] ];
2 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[11], pts[8] ];
3 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[8], pts[0] ];
4 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[1], pts[9] ];
5 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[2], pts[10] ];
6 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[4], pts[7] ];
normalTextParts, hotTextParts: TextParts;
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
IF caretIsMoving OR dragInProgress THEN RETURN;
IF selectedParts = NIL AND hotParts = NIL THEN RETURN;
normalTextParts ← NARROW[selectedParts];
hotTextParts ← NARROW[hotParts];
IF camera.quality#quality THEN Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoDrawFeedback];
DrawText: PROC [dc: Imager.Context, textData: TextData, camera: CameraData] = {
called with the dc transformation already set to object coordinates
Imager.SetFont[dc, IF camera.displayStyle=screen THEN textData.screenFont ELSE textData.trueFont];
Imager.SetColor[dc, IF textData.color=NIL THEN ELSE textData.color];
Imager.SetXY[dc, [0.0, 0.0]]; -- dc must be transformed completely here
Imager.SetAmplifySpace[dc, textData.amplifySpace]; -- adjust spacing (for right justified text)
Imager.ShowRope[dc, textData.rope];
DrawDropShadow: PROC [dc: Imager.Context, textData: TextData, camera: CameraData] = {
called with the dc transformation already set to object coordinates
DoDrawDropShadow: PROC = {
Imager.TranslateT[dc, textData.dropShadowOffset];
Imager.SetFont[dc, IF camera.displayStyle=screen THEN textData.screenFont ELSE textData.trueFont];
Imager.SetColor[dc, IF textData.shadowColor=NIL THEN ELSE textData.shadowColor];
Imager.SetXY[dc, [0.0, 0.0]]; -- dc must be transformed completely here
Imager.SetAmplifySpace[dc, textData.amplifySpace]; -- adjust spacing (for right justified text)
Imager.ShowRope[dc, textData.rope];
Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoDrawDropShadow];
TextDrawTransform: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: GGInterfaceTypes.CameraData, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation] = {
DoTextDrawTransform: PROC = {
Imager.ConcatT[dc, ImagerTransformation.Concat[textData.transform, transform]];
IF textData.dropShadowOn THEN DrawDropShadow[dc, textData, camera];
DrawText[dc, textData, camera];
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoTextDrawTransform];
TextTransform: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textData.transform ← ImagerTransformation.Concat[textData.transform, transform];
textData.inverse ← ImagerTransformation.Invert[textData.transform];
textData.inverseScale ← ImagerTransformation.Factor[textData.inverse].s;
Textual Description
TextDescribe: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE] = {
prefix: Rope.ROPE;
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[parts];
eCount, pCount: NAT ← 0;
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxPoints) DO
IF textParts.points[i] THEN {
pCount ← pCount + 1;
prefix ← textPointRopes[i];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
IF textParts.edges[i] THEN {
eCount ← eCount + 1;
prefix ← textEdgeRopes[i];
IF pCount+eCount>1 THEN RETURN["multiple parts of a Text slice"];
IF eCount=0 AND pCount=0 THEN RETURN["NO parts of a Text slice"];
rope ← Rope.Concat[prefix, " of a Text slice"];
TextFileout: PROC [slice: Slice, f: IO.STREAM] = {
Write a description of yourself onto stream f.
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
f.PutF["\"%q\" %g %g%g ", [rope[textData.rope]], [rope[textData.fontPrefix]], [rope[textData.fontFamily]], [rope[textData.fontFace]] ];
GGParseOut.WriteTransformation[f, textData.transform];
f.PutF[" %g ", [real[textData.preferredSize]] ];
GGParseOut.WriteColor[f, textData.color];
IF textData.dropShadowOn THEN {
GGParseOut.WriteBOOL[f, TRUE];
GGParseOut.WritePoint[f, textData.dropShadowOffset];
GGParseOut.WriteColor[f, textData.shadowColor];
ELSE GGParseOut.WriteBOOL[f, FALSE];
f.PutF[" %g", [real[textData.amplifySpace]]];
TextFilein: PROC [f: IO.STREAM, version: REAL, feedback: Viewer] RETURNS [slice: Slice] = {
Read a description of yourself from stream f.
rope, fontName: Rope.ROPE;
prefix: Rope.ROPE ← "xerox/pressfonts/";
family: Rope.ROPE ← "Helvetica";
face: Rope.ROPE ← "";
size: REAL ← 1.0;
preferredSize: REAL ← 1.0;
transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
shadowColor: Imager.Color ←;
textColor: Imager.Color ←;
dropShadowOn, good: BOOLFALSE;
dropShadowOffset: Vector ← [0.0, 0.0];
amplifySpace: REAL ← 1.0;
Get the text
IF version > 8601.22 THEN {
rope ← f.GetRopeLiteral[];
GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndRope[f, "("];
rope ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndRope[f, ")"];
Get the prefix
IF version >= 8701.30 THEN {
prefix ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
Get the family and face and size
IF version <= 8601.06 THEN { }-- use default family and face
ELSE IF version <= 8601.27 THEN { -- a simple name like "Helvetica" or "Gacha"
family ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
ELSE IF version <= 8605.12 THEN { -- a complex name like "xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica-BIR"
fontName ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
size ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndReal[f];
[] ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
fontName ← UnpackComplexFontName[fontName, size]; -- like Helvetica12BI
[family, face, ----] ← TFontParamsFromFontName[fontName];
ELSE IF version <= 8605.28 THEN { -- a mixed mode name like Helvetica7BI or TimesRoman12
fontName ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
size ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndReal[f];
[] ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
[family, face, ----] ← TFontParamsFromFontName[fontName];
ELSE IF version < 8701.30 THEN { -- a mixed mode name like Helvetica7BI or TimesRoman12. No colorName, real text color
fontName ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndWord[f];
size ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndReal[f];
[family, face, ----] ← TFontParamsFromFontName[fontName];
[fail, ----, family, face] ← GGUtility.ParseFontData[f, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE];
transform ← GGParseIn.ReadTransformation[f];
preferredSize ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndReal[f];
get color
IF version > 8605.28 THEN {
textColor ← GGParseIn.ReadColor[f, version];
Handle Drop Shadows
IF version >= 8609.26 THEN {
[dropShadowOn, good] ← GGParseIn.ReadBOOL[f, version];
IF dropShadowOn THEN {
dropShadowOffset ← GGParseIn.ReadPoint[f];
shadowColor ← GGParseIn.ReadColor[f, version];
ELSE dropShadowOn ← FALSE;
IF version <= 8607.22 THEN { -- a point rather than a transform
point: Point ← GGParseIn.ReadPoint[f];
transform ← ImagerTransformation.Translate[point];
transform ← ImagerTransformation.PreScale[transform, size];
size ← 1.0;
ELSE IF version < 8701.30 THEN {
transform ← GGParseIn.ReadTransformation[f];
transform ← ImagerTransformation.PreScale[transform, size];
size ← 1.0;
}; -- transform already read in for later versions
IF version >= 8701.13 THEN {
amplifySpace ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndReal[f];
ELSE amplifySpace ← 1.0;
slice ← MakeTextSlice[text: rope, color: textColor, amplifySpace: amplifySpace, dropShadowsOn: dropShadowOn, dropShadowOffset: dropShadowOffset, shadowColor: shadowColor];
IF NOT SetTextFont[slice: slice, prefix: prefix, family: family, face: face, fontName: GGUtility.FontDataFromUserData[prefix, family, face, size, preferredSize].fontName, scale: size, fontScale: preferredSize, transform: transform, feedback: feedback] THEN ERROR;
Hit Testing
MakeComplete: PROC [parts: SliceParts] = {
textParts: TextParts => {
textParts.points ← ALL[TRUE];
textParts.edges ← ALL[TRUE];
textParts.includeText ← TRUE;
ipParts: IPParts => {
ipParts.points ← ALL[TRUE];
ipParts.edges ← ALL[TRUE];
ipParts.innards ← TRUE;
IsComplete: PROC [parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
textParts: TextParts => RETURN[ textParts.points=ALL[TRUE] AND textParts.edges=ALL[TRUE] AND textParts.includeText=TRUE];
ipParts: IPParts => RETURN[ ipParts.points=ALL[TRUE] AND ipParts.edges=ALL[TRUE] AND ipParts.innards=TRUE];
IsEmpty: PROC [parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
textParts: TextParts => RETURN[ textParts.points=ALL[FALSE] AND textParts.edges=ALL[FALSE] AND textParts.includeText = FALSE];
ipParts: IPParts => RETURN[ ipParts.points=ALL[FALSE] AND ipParts.edges=ALL[FALSE] AND ipParts.innards = FALSE];
TextEmptyParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
TextNewParts: PROC [slice: Slice, hitData: REF ANY, mode: SelectMode] RETURNS [parts: SliceParts] = {
textHitData: TextHitData ← NARROW[hitData];
textParts: TextParts ← NEW[TextPartsObj ← [points: ALL[FALSE], edges: ALL[FALSE], includeText: FALSE ] ];
joint => {
IF textHitData.point#-1 THEN {
textParts.points[textHitData.point] ← TRUE;
hitData: REF ANY;
pointHitData: TextHitData;
success: BOOL;
wholeParts: SliceParts;
wholeD: SliceDescriptor;
wholeParts ← TextNewParts[slice, NIL, topLevel];
wholeD ← NEW[SliceDescriptorObj ← [slice, wholeParts]];
[----, ----, hitData, success] ← slice.class.closestPoint[wholeD, textHitData.hitPoint, GGUtility.plusInfinity];
pointHitData ← NARROW[hitData];
IF pointHitData.point = -1 THEN ERROR;
textParts.points[pointHitData.point] ← TRUE;
textParts.includeText ← TRUE;
segment => IF textHitData.edge#-1 THEN {
textParts.edges[textHitData.edge] ← TRUE;
textParts.includeText ← TRUE;
controlPoint => {
textParts.points ← ALL[TRUE];
textParts.edges ← ALL[TRUE];
traj, slice, topLevel => MakeComplete[textParts];
none => { -- prefer corner to edge if both are true
IF textHitData.point#-1 THEN textParts.points[textHitData.point] ← TRUE
ELSE IF textHitData.edge#-1 THEN textParts.edges[textHitData.edge] ← TRUE;
parts ← textParts; -- RETURN[textParts]
TextUnionParts: PROC [slice: Slice, partsA: SliceParts, partsB: SliceParts] RETURNS [aPlusB: SliceParts] = {
textPartsA: TextParts ← NARROW[partsA];
textPartsB: TextParts ← NARROW[partsB];
newParts: TextParts ← NEW[TextPartsObj ← [points: ALL[FALSE], edges: ALL[FALSE], includeText: FALSE ] ];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxPoints) DO
newParts.points[i] ← textPartsA.points[i] OR textPartsB.points[i];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
newParts.edges[i] ← textPartsA.edges[i] OR textPartsB.edges[i];
newParts.includeText ← textPartsA.includeText OR textPartsB.includeText;
aPlusB ← newParts; -- RETURN[newParts]
TextDiffParts: PROC [slice: Slice, partsA: SliceParts, partsB: SliceParts] RETURNS [aMinusB: SliceParts] = {
textPartsA: TextParts ← NARROW[partsA];
textPartsB: TextParts ← NARROW[partsB];
newParts: TextParts ← NEW[TextPartsObj ← [points: ALL[FALSE], edges: ALL[FALSE], includeText: FALSE ] ];
IF partsB=NIL THEN {newParts^ ← textPartsA^; aMinusB ← newParts; RETURN;};
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxPoints) DO
newParts.points[i] ← IF textPartsB.points[i] THEN FALSE ELSE textPartsA.points[i];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
newParts.edges[i] ← IF textPartsB.edges[i] THEN FALSE ELSE textPartsA.edges[i];
newParts.includeText ← IF textPartsB.includeText THEN FALSE ELSE textPartsA.includeText;
aMinusB ← newParts; -- RETURN[newParts]
TextMovingParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [moving: SliceParts] = {
If anything is moving, everything is moving
newParts: TextParts ← NEW[TextPartsObj ← [points: ALL[TRUE], edges: ALL[TRUE], includeText: TRUE ] ];
IF IsEmpty[parts] THEN { -- nothing at all is moving
newParts.edges ← ALL[FALSE];
newParts.points ← ALL[FALSE];
newParts.includeText ← FALSE;
moving ← newParts; -- RETURN[newParts]
TextFixedParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, selectedList: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [fixed: SliceParts] = {
Start with every part and remove the ones that are moving
moving: SliceParts ← TextMovingParts[slice, parts];
allParts: TextParts ← NEW[TextPartsObj];
fixed ← TextDiffParts[slice, allParts, moving];
TextAugmentParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, selectClass: SelectionClass] RETURNS [more: SliceParts] = {
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[parts];
newParts: TextParts ← NEW[TextPartsObj ← [points: textParts.points, edges: textParts.edges, includeText: textParts.includeText] ];
For every edge, add its corresponding points
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
IF textParts.edges[i] THEN SELECT i FROM
0 => {newParts.points[0] ← TRUE; newParts.points[1] ← TRUE; newParts.points[2] ← TRUE; newParts.points[3] ← TRUE;};
1 => {newParts.points[3] ← TRUE; newParts.points[7] ← TRUE; newParts.points[11] ← TRUE;};
2 => {newParts.points[8] ← TRUE; newParts.points[9] ← TRUE; newParts.points[10] ← TRUE; newParts.points[11] ← TRUE;};
3 => {newParts.points[0] ← TRUE; newParts.points[4] ← TRUE; newParts.points[8] ← TRUE;};
4 => {newParts.points[1] ← TRUE; newParts.points[5] ← TRUE; newParts.points[9] ← TRUE;};
5 => {newParts.points[2] ← TRUE; newParts.points[6] ← TRUE; newParts.points[10] ← TRUE;};
6 => {newParts.points[4] ← TRUE; newParts.points[5] ← TRUE; newParts.points[6] ← TRUE; newParts.points[7] ← TRUE;};
more ← newParts;
TextPointsInDescriptor: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [pointGen: PointGenerator] = {
parts: TextParts ← NARROW[];
pointGen ← NEW[PointGeneratorObj ← [sliceD, 0, 0, NIL] ];
FOR point: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxPoints) DO
IF parts.points[point] THEN pointGen.toGo ← pointGen.toGo + 1;
TextPointPairsInDescriptor: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [pointPairGen: PointPairGenerator] = {
parts: TextParts ← NARROW[];
pointPairGen ← NEW[PointPairGeneratorObj ← [sliceD, 0, 0, NIL] ]; -- toGo and index now used
FOR edge: INTEGER IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
IF parts.edges[edge] THEN pointPairGen.toGo ← pointPairGen.toGo + 1;
TextNextPoint: PROC [pointGen: PointGenerator] RETURNS [pointAndDone: GGModelTypes.PointAndDone] = {
IF pointGen=NIL OR pointGen.toGo = 0 THEN {
pointAndDone.done ← TRUE;
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← pointGen.sliceD;
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[];
index: INTEGER ← -1;
pointAndDone.done ← FALSE;
FOR index ← pointGen.index, index+1 UNTIL index >=textMaxPoints DO
IF textParts.points[index] THEN EXIT; -- index will point to next available point
pointAndDone.point ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[textData.transform, textData.points[index] ];
pointGen.toGo ← pointGen.toGo-1;
pointGen.index ← IF pointGen.toGo=0 THEN 99 ELSE index+1; -- bump to the next available point in the generator
TextNextPointPair: PROC [pointPairGen: PointPairGenerator] RETURNS [pointPairAndDone: GGModelTypes.PointPairAndDone] = {
IF pointPairGen=NIL OR pointPairGen.toGo = 0 THEN {
pointPairAndDone.done ← TRUE;
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← pointPairGen.sliceD;
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[];
t: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← textData.transform;
index: INTEGER ← -1;
pointPairAndDone.done ← FALSE;
FOR index ← pointPairGen.index, index+1 UNTIL index >=textMaxEdges DO
IF textParts.edges[index] THEN EXIT; -- index will point to next availabe edge
SELECT index FROM -- index in [0..textMaxEdges) of next available edge
0 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[0] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[3] ];
1 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[3] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[11] ];
2 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[11] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[8] ];
3 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[8] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[0] ];
4 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[1] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[9] ];
5 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[2] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[10] ];
6 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[4] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, textData.points[7] ];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL GGError.Problem[msg: "Broken Invariant"];
pointPairGen.toGo ← pointPairGen.toGo - 1;
pointPairGen.index ← IF pointPairGen.toGo=0 THEN 99 ELSE index+1; -- bump to the next available pair in the generator
PointIsInBox: PROC [test: Point, box: GGBasicTypes.BoundBoxObj] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
RETURN[ NOT (test.x < box.loX OR test.x > box.hiX OR test.y < box.loY OR test.y > box.hiY) ];
TextClosestPoint: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOLFALSE] = {
index: NAT ← 9999;
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
bigBox: GGBasicTypes.BoundBoxObj ← [textData.feedbackBox.loX-tolerance, textData.feedbackBox.loY-tolerance, textData.feedbackBox.hiX+tolerance, textData.feedbackBox.hiY+tolerance, FALSE, FALSE]; -- box in GG coordinates
IF PointIsInBox[testPoint, bigBox] THEN {
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[];
localTestpoint: Point ← GGTransform.Transform[textData.inverse, testPoint];
localTolerance: REALABS[tolerance*MAX[textData.inverseScale.x, textData.inverseScale.y]]; -- MAX function is not correct when text is skewed.
[bestDist, index, bestPoint, success] ← TextNearestPoint[textData.points, localTestpoint, localTolerance, textParts.points];
IF success THEN {
bestPoint ← GGTransform.Transform[textData.transform, bestPoint];
bestDist ← GGVector.Distance[testPoint, bestPoint];
hitData ← NEW[TextHitDataObj ← [point: index, edge: -1, hitPoint: bestPoint] ];
TextClosestSegment: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOLFALSE] = {
hitData ← NIL; -- automatically done by compiler
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
bigBox: GGBasicTypes.BoundBoxObj ← [textData.feedbackBox.loX-tolerance, textData.feedbackBox.loY-tolerance, textData.feedbackBox.hiX+tolerance, textData.feedbackBox.hiY+tolerance, FALSE, FALSE];
IF PointIsInBox[testPoint, bigBox] THEN {
seg: NAT ← 9999;
textHitData: TextHitData;
textParts: TextParts ← NARROW[];
localTestpoint: Point ← GGTransform.Transform[textData.inverse, testPoint];
localTolerance: REALABS[tolerance*MAX[textData.inverseScale.x, textData.inverseScale.y]]; -- MAX function is not correct when text is skewed.
[bestDist, seg, bestPoint, success] ← TextNearestEdge[textData.points, localTestpoint, localTolerance, textParts.edges];
IF success THEN {
bestPoint ← GGTransform.Transform[textData.transform, bestPoint];
bestDist ← GGVector.Distance[testPoint, bestPoint];
hitData ← textHitData ← NEW[TextHitDataObj ← [point: -1, edge: seg, hitPoint: bestPoint] ];
TextNearestPoint: PROC [points: TextPoints, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL ← 1E6, mask: TextPointArray ] RETURNS [bestDist: REAL, bestPoint: NAT, bestXY: Point, success: BOOLFALSE] = {
Finds the point which is in mask and nearest to testPoint (and its distance from testPoint). Number the points as shown in the picture above
thisPoint: Point;
thisDist2, bestDist2: REAL;
tolerance2: REAL ← tolerance*tolerance;
index: NAT ← 0;
bestXY ← [-1.0, -1.0];
bestDist2 ← 1E12; -- better be big enough
bestPoint ← 9999;
FOR index IN [0..textMaxPoints) DO
IF mask[index] THEN {
thisPoint ← points[index]; -- use feedbackBox relative coordinates
thisDist2 ← GGVector.DistanceSquared[thisPoint, testPoint];
IF thisDist2 < bestDist2 THEN {
bestDist2 ← thisDist2;
bestPoint ← index;
bestXY ← thisPoint;
bestDist ← RealFns.SqRt[bestDist2];
IF bestDist < tolerance THEN success ← TRUE;
scratchEdge: GGBasicTypes.Edge ← GGLines.CreateEmptyEdge[];
TextNearestEdge: PUBLIC PROC [points: TextPoints, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL ← 1E6, mask: TextEdgeArray ← ALL[TRUE] ] RETURNS [bestDist: REAL, bestSeg: NAT, bestPoint: Point, success: BOOLFALSE] = {
Finds the edge which is in mask and nearest to testPoint (and its distance from testPoint).
thisPoint: Point;
thisDist2, bestDist2: REAL;
tolerance2: REAL ← tolerance*tolerance;
index: NAT ← 0;
bestPoint ← [-1.0, -1.0];
bestDist2 ← 1E12; -- better be big enough
bestSeg ← 9999;
FOR index IN [0..textMaxEdges) DO
IF mask[index] THEN {
0 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[0], points[3], scratchEdge ];
1 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[3], points[11], scratchEdge ];
2 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[11], points[8], scratchEdge ];
3 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[8], points[0], scratchEdge ];
4 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[1], points[9], scratchEdge ];
5 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[2], points[10], scratchEdge ];
6 => GGLines.FillEdge[points[4], points[7], scratchEdge ];
thisPoint ← GGLines.NearestPointOnEdge[testPoint, scratchEdge];
thisDist2 ← GGVector.DistanceSquared[thisPoint, testPoint];
IF thisDist2 < bestDist2 THEN {
bestDist2 ← thisDist2;
bestSeg ← index;
bestPoint ← thisPoint;
bestDist ← RealFns.SqRt[bestDist2];
IF bestDist < tolerance THEN success ← TRUE;
textPointRopes: ARRAY [0..textMaxPoints) OF Rope.ROPE = [
"lower left point", "base left point", "center left point", "upper left point",
"lower mid point", "base mid point", "center mid point", "upper mid point",
"lower right point", "base right point", "center right point", "upper right point"
textEdgeRopes: ARRAY [0..textMaxEdges) OF Rope.ROPE = [
"left edge", "top edge", "right edge", "bottom edge",
"baseline", "horizontal center line", "vertical center line"
TextSetStrokeWidth: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, strokeWidth: REAL] = {};
TextGetStrokeWidth: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeWidth: REAL] = {
TextSetStrokeColor: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, color: Imager.Color] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textData.shadowColor ← color;
TextGetStrokeColor: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
color ← textData.shadowColor;
TextSetFillColor: PROC [slice: Slice, color: Imager.Color] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
textData.color ← color;
TextGetFillColor: PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color] = {
textData: TextData ← NARROW[];
Interpress slice data and class procs
ipMaxPoints: INTEGER = 4;
ipMaxEdges: INTEGER = 4;
IPPointArray: TYPE = --PACKED-- ARRAY [0..ipMaxPoints) OF BOOL; -- ll, ul, ur, lr
IPEdgeArray: TYPE = --PACKED-- ARRAY [0..ipMaxEdges) OF BOOL; -- left, top, right, bottom
IPData: TYPE = REF IPDataObj;
localBox: BoundBox, -- a bounding box in local coordinates. Set once when the slice is created.
tightBox: BoundBox, -- a tight-fitting box in scene coordinates.
slice.boundBox allows for joints and stroke-width
includeByValue: BOOL, -- store the actual interpress in the Gargoyle master?
file: Rope.ROPE, -- fileName of Interpress Master
mem: Imager.Context, -- imager memory context
transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation, -- includes default position
inverse: ImagerTransformation.Transformation,
inverseScale: Vector -- cached value of ImagerTransformation.Factor[inverse].s
IPParts: TYPE = REF IPPartsObj;
points: IPPointArray, -- which corners of box are selected.
edges: IPEdgeArray, -- which edges of box are selected.
innards: BOOLFALSE -- FALSE => corners and edges only; no innards
IPHitData: TYPE = REF IPHitDataObj;
point: [-1..ipMaxPoints), -- which point of box is hit.
edge: [-1..ipMaxEdges) -- which edge of box is hit. THIS DEF CAUSES A FATAL COMPILER ERROR IN PASS FIVE !!
point: [-1..ipMaxPoints), -- which point of box is hit.
edge: INTEGER, -- which edge of box is hit.
hitPoint: Point
Routines peculiar to IPSlices
BuildIPSliceClass: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [class: SliceClass] = {
class ← NEW[SliceClassObj ← [
type: $IP,
getBoundBox: IPBoundBox,
getTightBox: IPTightBox,
copy: IPCopy,
drawParts: IPDrawParts,
drawTransform: IPDrawTransform,
drawSelectionFeedback: IPDrawSelectionFeedback,
drawAttractorFeedback: NoOpDrawAttractorFeedback,
transform: IPTransform,
Textual Description
describe: IPDescribe,
fileout: IPFileout,
filein: IPFilein,
emptyParts: IPEmptyParts,
newParts: IPNewParts,
unionParts: IPUnionParts,
differenceParts: IPDiffParts,
movingParts: IPMovingParts,
fixedParts: IPFixedParts,
augmentParts: IPAugmentParts,
Part Generators
pointsInDescriptor: IPPointsInDescriptor,
pointPairsInDescriptor: IPPointPairsInDescriptor,
nextPoint: IPNextPoint,
nextPointPair: IPNextPointPair,
Hit Testing
closestPoint: IPClosestPoint,
closestPointAndTangent: NIL,
closestSegment: IPClosestSegment,
lineIntersection: NoOpLineIntersection,
circleIntersection: NoOpCircleIntersection,
hitDataAsSimpleCurve: NoOpHitDataAsSimpleCurve,
setStrokeWidth: IPSetStrokeWidth,
getStrokeWidth: IPGetStrokeWidth,
setStrokeColor: IPSetStrokeColor,
getStrokeColor: IPGetStrokeColor,
setFillColor: IPSetFillColor,
getFillColor: IPGetFillColor
MakeIPSliceFromFile: PROC [fullName: Rope.ROPE, feedback: Viewer, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← NIL, localBox: BoundBox, includeByValue: BOOL] RETURNS [slice: Slice] = {
ipMaster: Interpress.Master;
success: BOOLFALSE;
[ipMaster, success] ← GGUtility.OpenInterpressOrComplain[feedback, fullName];
slice ← MakeIPSliceFromMaster[ipMaster, 2834.646, fullName, feedback, transform, localBox, includeByValue];
MakeIPSliceFromMaster: PUBLIC PROC [ipMaster: Interpress.Master, pixelsPerUnit: REAL ← 2834.646, fullName: Rope.ROPENIL, feedback: Viewer, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← NIL, localBox: BoundBox ← NIL, includeByValue: BOOL] RETURNS [slice: Slice] = {
The interpress master is assumed to be in units of pixelsPerUnit pixels.
memContext: Imager.Context;
The memory context has 1 unit = 1/72.0 inch.
memContext ← ImagerMemory.NewMemoryContext[]; -- in pixels
Imager.ScaleT[memContext, pixelsPerUnit];
Interpress.DoPage[master: ipMaster, page: 1, context: memContext, log: NIL];
BEGIN -- compute the bounding box
MakeScene: PROC [context: Imager.Context] = {
ImagerMemory.Replay[memContext, context];
IF localBox = NIL THEN {
scene: Scene ← GGFromImager.Capture[action: MakeScene ! GGFromImager.Warning => {
GGError.Append[feedback, message, oneLiner];
localBox ← GGObjects.TightBoxOfScene[scene];
slice ← MakeIPSliceAux[fullName, memContext, feedback, transform, includeByValue, localBox];
MakeIPSliceFromMaskPixel: PUBLIC PROC [pa: Imager.PixelArray, color: Color, feedback: Viewer, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← NIL] RETURNS [slice: Slice] = {
The transformations should be set up so that MaskPixel[pa] will look correct in a context where the units are pixels if transform is concatenated before pa is drawn. In the common case, transform will be a pure translation.
memContext: Imager.Context;
ipData: IPData;
inverse: ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
inverseScale: Imager.VEC;
localBox: BoundBox;
The memory context has 1 unit = 1/72.0 inch.
memContext ← ImagerMemory.NewMemoryContext[];
Imager.SetColor[memContext, color];
Imager.MaskPixel[memContext, pa];
transform ← IF transform=NIL THEN GGTransform.Identity[] ELSE transform;
inverse ← ImagerTransformation.Invert[transform];
inverseScale ← ImagerTransformation.Factor[inverse].s;
localBox ← GGBoundBox.BoundBoxOfPixelArray[pa];
ipData ← NEW[IPDataObj ← [localBox: localBox, includeByValue: TRUE, file: NIL, mem: memContext, transform: transform, inverse: inverse, inverseScale: inverseScale ]];
slice ← NEW[SliceObj ← [
class: GGSlice.FetchSliceClass[$IP],
data: ipData,
parent: NIL,
selectedInFull: [FALSE, FALSE, FALSE],
boundBox: GGBoundBox.CreateBoundBox[0,0,0,0] -- gets set next line
MakeIPSliceAux: PROC [fileName: Rope.ROPE, memContext: Imager.Context, feedback: Viewer, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation, includeByValue: BOOL, localBox: BoundBox] RETURNS [slice: Slice] = {
ipData: IPData;
inverse: ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
inverseScale: Imager.VEC;
transform ← IF transform=NIL THEN GGTransform.Identity[] ELSE transform;
inverse ← ImagerTransformation.Invert[transform];
inverseScale ← ImagerTransformation.Factor[inverse].s;
ipData ← NEW[IPDataObj ← [localBox: localBox, includeByValue: includeByValue, file: fileName, mem: memContext, transform: transform, inverse: inverse, inverseScale: inverseScale]];
slice ← NEW[SliceObj ← [
class: GGSlice.FetchSliceClass[$IP],
data: ipData,
parent: NIL,
selectedInFull: [FALSE, FALSE, FALSE],
boundBox: GGBoundBox.CreateBoundBox[0,0,0,0] -- gets set next line
SetIncludeByValue: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice, includeByValue: BOOL] = {
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipData.includeByValue ← includeByValue;
GetIncludeByValue: PUBLIC PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [includeByValue: BOOL] = {
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
includeByValue ← ipData.includeByValue;
IP Class Routines
IPUpdateBoundBox: PROC [slice: Slice] = {
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipData.tightBox ← GGBoundBox.BoundBoxOfBoundBox[ipData.localBox, ipData.transform];
slice.boundBox ← GGBoundBox.CopyBoundBox[ipData.tightBox];
IPBoundBox: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [box: BoundBox]= {
IPTightBox: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [box: BoundBox]= {
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
IPCopy: PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [copy: Slice ← NIL] = {
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
transform: Imager.Transformation ← ImagerTransformation.Copy[ipData.transform];
copy ← MakeIPSliceAux[ipData.file, ipData.mem, NIL, transform, ipData.includeByValue, ipData.localBox];
IPDrawParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: GGInterfaceTypes.CameraData, quick: BOOL] = {
DoDrawInnards: PROC = {
Imager.ConcatT[dc, ipData.transform];
Imager.SetColor[dc,]; -- otherwise the replay could end up in a random color.
ImagerMemory.Replay[ipData.mem, dc];
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[parts];
IF ipParts = NIL OR ipParts.innards THEN Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoDrawInnards];
IPDrawSelectionFeedback: PROC [slice: Slice, selectedParts: SliceParts, hotParts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, dragInProgress, caretIsMoving, hideHot, quick: BOOL] = {
The feedback rectangle can be rotated. It is the tight bounding box of the rectangular interpress master. It is derived from the local box.
DoDrawFeedback: PROC = {
t: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← ipData.transform;
box: BoundBox ← ipData.localBox;
thisCPisHot, thisCPisSelected: BOOL;
pts: ARRAY [0..3] OF Point;
pts[0] ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.loX, box.loY]];
pts[1] ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.loX, box.hiY]];
pts[2] ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.hiX, box.hiY]];
pts[3] ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.hiX, box.loY]];
FOR point: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxPoints) DO
thisCPisHot ← hotIPParts#NIL AND hotIPParts.points[point];
thisCPisSelected ← normalIPParts#NIL AND normalIPParts.points[point];
IF thisCPisHot THEN GGShapes.DrawSelectedJoint[dc, pts[point], hot];
IF thisCPisSelected THEN GGShapes.DrawSelectedJoint[dc, pts[point], normal];
IF NOT thisCPisHot AND NOT thisCPisSelected THEN GGShapes.DrawCP[dc, pts[point]];
Imager.SetStrokeJoint[dc, round];
Imager.SetStrokeWidth[dc, 1.0];
IF NOT quick AND normalIPParts # NIL THEN {
IF normalIPParts # NIL THEN {
FOR edge: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxEdges) DO
IF normalIPParts.edges[edge] THEN SELECT edge FROM
0 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[0], pts[1]];
1 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[1], pts[2]];
2 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[2], pts[3]];
3 => Imager.MaskVector[dc, pts[3], pts[0]];
normalIPParts, hotIPParts: IPParts;
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
IF caretIsMoving OR dragInProgress THEN RETURN;
IF selectedParts = NIL AND hotParts = NIL THEN RETURN;
normalIPParts ← NARROW[selectedParts];
hotIPParts ← NARROW[hotParts];
IF camera.quality#quality THEN Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoDrawFeedback];
IPDrawTransform: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: GGInterfaceTypes.CameraData, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation] = {
DoIPDrawTransform: PROC = {
Imager.ConcatT[dc, ImagerTransformation.Concat[ipData.transform, transform]];
Imager.SetColor[dc,]; -- otherwise the replay could end up in a random color.
ImagerMemory.Replay[ipData.mem, dc];
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, DoIPDrawTransform];
IPTransform: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation] = {
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipData.transform ← ImagerTransformation.Concat[ipData.transform, transform];
ipData.inverse ← ImagerTransformation.Invert[ipData.transform];
ipData.inverseScale ← ImagerTransformation.Factor[ipData.inverse].s;
Textual Description
IPDescribe: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE] = {
prefix: Rope.ROPE;
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[parts];
eCount, pCount: NAT ← 0;
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxPoints) DO
IF ipParts.points[i] THEN {
pCount ← pCount + 1;
prefix ← ipCornerRopes[i];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxEdges) DO
IF ipParts.edges[i] THEN {
eCount �ount + 1;
prefix ← ipEdgeRopes[i];
IF pCount+eCount>1 THEN RETURN["multiple parts of an IP slice"];
IF eCount=0 AND pCount=0 THEN RETURN["NO parts of an IP slice"];
rope ← Rope.Concat[prefix, " of an IP slice"];
IPFileout: PROC [slice: Slice, f: IO.STREAM] = {
Write a description of yourself onto stream f.
FromMemory: PROC [dc: Imager.Context] = {
Imager.SetColor[dc,]; -- otherwise the replay could end up in a random color.
ImagerMemory.Replay[ipData.mem, dc];
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipRef: ImagerInterpress.Ref;
masterStream: IO.STREAM;
masterSize: NAT;
masterRope: Rope.ROPE;
f.PutF["\"%q\" ", [rope[ipData.file]]];
GGParseOut.WriteTransformation[f, ipData.transform];
GGParseOut.WriteBox[f, ipData.tightBox];
f.PutRope[" includeByValue: "];
GGParseOut.WriteBOOL[f, ipData.includeByValue];
IF ipData.includeByValue THEN {
Write the interpress into a Rope.ROPE.
masterStream ← IO.ROS[];
ipRef ← ImagerInterpress.CreateFromStream[masterStream, "Interpress/Xerox/3.0 "];
ImagerInterpress.DoPage[ipRef, FromMemory];
masterRope ← masterStream.RopeFromROS[];
masterSize ← Rope.Length[masterRope];
Send the rope to stream f.
f.PutF["%g\n", [integer[masterSize]]];
IPFilein: PROC [f: IO.STREAM, version: REAL, feedback: Viewer] RETURNS [slice: Slice ← NIL] = {
ipMaster: Interpress.Master ← NIL;
fullName: Rope.ROPE;
success: BOOLFALSE;
transform: ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
masterText: REF TEXT;
masterSize, nBytesRead: NAT;
masterStream: IO.STREAM;
includeByValue: BOOL;
localBox: BoundBox;
fullName ← f.GetRopeLiteral[];
[fullName] ← FS.FileInfo[fullName]; -- add the version number
transform ← GGParseIn.ReadTransformation[f];
IF version >= 8701.28 THEN {
localBox ← GGParseIn.ReadBox[f];
ELSE localBox ← NIL;
IF version >= 8612.04 THEN {
goodValue: BOOL;
GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndRope[f, "includeByValue:"];
[includeByValue, goodValue] ← GGParseIn.ReadBOOL[f, version];
IF includeByValue THEN {
Read a description of yourself from stream f.
masterSize ← GGParseIn.ReadBlankAndNAT[f];
masterText ← RefText.ObtainScratch[masterSize+2];
nBytesRead ← IO.GetBlock[f, masterText, 0, masterSize];
IF nBytesRead # masterSize THEN ERROR;
masterStream ← IO.TIS[masterText];
ipMaster ← Interpress.FromStream[masterStream, NIL];
next make an IPSlice and return it
slice ← MakeIPSliceFromMaster[ipMaster, 1.0, fullName, feedback, transform, localBox, TRUE];
slice ← MakeIPSliceFromFile[fullName, feedback, transform, localBox, FALSE];
slice ← MakeIPSliceFromFile[fullName, feedback, transform, localBox, FALSE];
GetInterpressFileName: PROC [ipName: Rope.ROPE, feedback: Viewer] RETURNS [fullName: Rope.ROPENIL, success: BOOLTRUE] = {
cp: FS.ComponentPositions;
IF Rope.Length[ipName]=0 OR Rope.Equal[ipName, ""] THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE];
[fullName, cp, ] ← FS.ExpandName[ipName ! FS.Error => {
GGError.Append[feedback, "Gargoyle: FS Error during name expansion", oneLiner];
success ← FALSE;
}; ];
IF success AND cp.ext.length=0 THEN fullName ← Rope.Concat[fullName, ".IP"]; -- add IP extension
Hit Testing
IPEmptyParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
IPNewParts: PROC [slice: Slice, hitData: REF ANY, mode: SelectMode] RETURNS [parts: SliceParts] = {
ipHitData: IPHitData ← NARROW[hitData];
ipParts: IPParts ← NEW[IPPartsObj ← [points: ALL[FALSE], edges: ALL[FALSE] ] ];
joint => {
IF ipHitData.point#-1 THEN {
ipParts.points[ipHitData.point] ← TRUE;
hitData: REF ANY;
pointHitData: IPHitData;
success: BOOL;
wholeD: SliceDescriptor;
wholeParts: SliceParts;
wholeParts ← IPNewParts[slice, NIL, slice];
wholeD ← NEW[SliceDescriptorObj ← [slice, wholeParts]];
[----, ----, hitData, success] ← slice.class.closestPoint[wholeD, ipHitData.hitPoint, GGUtility.plusInfinity];
pointHitData ← NARROW[hitData];
IF pointHitData.point = -1 THEN ERROR;
ipParts.points[pointHitData.point] ← TRUE;
ipParts.innards ← TRUE;
segment => IF ipHitData.edge#-1 THEN{
ipParts.edges[ipHitData.edge] ← TRUE;
ipParts.innards ← TRUE;
controlPoint => {
ipParts.points ← ALL[TRUE];
ipParts.edges ← ALL[TRUE];
traj, slice, topLevel => MakeComplete[ipParts];
none => { -- prefer corner to edge if both are true
IF ipHitData.point#-1 THEN ipParts.points[ipHitData.point] ← TRUE
ELSE IF ipHitData.edge#-1 THEN ipParts.edges[ipHitData.edge] ← TRUE;
parts ← ipParts; -- RETURN[ipParts]
IPUnionParts: PROC [slice: Slice, partsA: SliceParts, partsB: SliceParts] RETURNS [aPlusB: SliceParts] = {
ipPartsA: IPParts ← NARROW[partsA];
ipPartsB: IPParts ← NARROW[partsB];
newParts: IPParts ← NEW[IPPartsObj ← [points: ALL[FALSE], edges: ALL[FALSE] ] ];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxPoints) DO
newParts.points[i] ← ipPartsA.points[i] OR ipPartsB.points[i];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxEdges) DO
newParts.edges[i] ← ipPartsA.edges[i] OR ipPartsB.edges[i];
newParts.innards ← ipPartsA.innards OR ipPartsB.innards;
aPlusB ← newParts; -- RETURN[newParts]
IPDiffParts: PROC [slice: Slice, partsA: SliceParts, partsB: SliceParts] RETURNS [aMinusB: SliceParts] = {
ipPartsA: IPParts ← NARROW[partsA];
ipPartsB: IPParts ← NARROW[partsB];
newParts: IPParts ← NEW[IPPartsObj ← [points: ALL[FALSE], edges: ALL[FALSE] ] ];
IF partsB=NIL THEN {newParts^ ← ipPartsA^; aMinusB ← newParts; RETURN;};
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxPoints) DO
newParts.points[i] ← IF ipPartsB.points[i] THEN FALSE ELSE ipPartsA.points[i];
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxEdges) DO
newParts.edges[i] ← IF ipPartsB.edges[i] THEN FALSE ELSE ipPartsA.edges[i];
newParts.innards ← IF ipPartsB.innards THEN FALSE ELSE ipPartsA.innards;
aMinusB ← newParts; -- RETURN[newParts]
IPMovingParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [moving: SliceParts] = {
If anything is moving, everything is moving
newParts: IPParts ← NEW[IPPartsObj ← [points: ALL[TRUE], edges: ALL[TRUE], innards: TRUE ] ];
IF IsEmpty[parts] THEN { -- nothing at all is moving
newParts.edges ← ALL[FALSE];
newParts.points ← ALL[FALSE];
newParts.innards ← FALSE;
moving ← newParts; -- RETURN[newParts]
IPFixedParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, selectedList: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [fixed: SliceParts] = {
Start with every part and remove the ones that are moving
moving: SliceParts ← IPMovingParts[slice, parts];
allParts: IPParts ← NEW[IPPartsObj];
fixed ← IPDiffParts[slice, allParts, moving];
IPAugmentParts: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, selectClass: SelectionClass] RETURNS [more: SliceParts] = {
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[parts];
newParts: IPParts ← NEW[IPPartsObj ← [points: ipParts.points, edges: ipParts.edges] ];
For every edge, add its corresponding points
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxEdges) DO
IF ipParts.edges[i] THEN SELECT i FROM
0 => {newParts.points[0] ← TRUE; newParts.points[1] ← TRUE;};
1 => {newParts.points[1] ← TRUE; newParts.points[2] ← TRUE;};
2 => {newParts.points[2] ← TRUE; newParts.points[3] ← TRUE;};
3 => {newParts.points[3] ← TRUE; newParts.points[0] ← TRUE;};
more ← newParts;
IPPointsInDescriptor: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [pointGen: PointGenerator] = {
parts: IPParts ← NARROW[];
pointGen ← NEW[PointGeneratorObj ← [sliceD, 0, 0, NIL] ];
FOR point: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxPoints) DO
IF parts.points[point] THEN pointGen.toGo ← pointGen.toGo + 1;
IPPointPairsInDescriptor: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [pointPairGen: PointPairGenerator] = {
parts: IPParts ← NARROW[];
pointPairGen ← NEW[PointPairGeneratorObj ← [sliceD, 0, 0, NIL] ]; -- toGo and index not used
FOR edge: INTEGER IN [0..ipMaxEdges) DO
IF parts.edges[edge] THEN pointPairGen.toGo ← pointPairGen.toGo + 1;
IPNextPoint: PROC [pointGen: PointGenerator] RETURNS [pointAndDone: GGModelTypes.PointAndDone] = {
IF pointGen=NIL OR pointGen.toGo = 0 THEN {
pointAndDone.done ← TRUE;
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← pointGen.sliceD;
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[];
index: INTEGER ← -1;
box: BoundBox ← ipData.localBox;
pointAndDone.done ← FALSE;
FOR index ← pointGen.index, index+1 UNTIL index >=ipMaxPoints DO
IF ipParts.points[index] THEN EXIT; -- index will point to next available point
pointAndDone.point ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[ipData.transform, SELECT index FROM
0 => [box.loX, box.loY],
1 => [box.loX, box.hiY],
2 => [box.hiX, box.hiY],
3 => [box.hiX, box.loY],
ENDCASE => [0.0, 0.0] -- should not happen
pointGen.toGo ← pointGen.toGo-1;
pointGen.index ← IF pointGen.toGo=0 THEN 99 ELSE index+1; -- bump to the next available point in the generator
IPNextPointPair: PROC [pointPairGen: PointPairGenerator] RETURNS [pointPairAndDone: GGModelTypes.PointPairAndDone] = {
IF pointPairGen=NIL OR pointPairGen.toGo = 0 THEN {
pointPairAndDone.done ← TRUE;
sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← pointPairGen.sliceD;
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[];
box: BoundBox ← ipData.localBox;
t: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ← ipData.transform;
index: INTEGER ← -1;
pointPairAndDone.done ← FALSE;
FOR index ← pointPairGen.index, index+1 UNTIL index >=ipMaxEdges DO
IF ipParts.edges[index] THEN EXIT; -- index will point to next availabe edge
SELECT index FROM -- index in [0..ipMaxEdges) of next available edge
0 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.loX, box.loY] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.loX, box.hiY] ];
1 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.loX, box.hiY] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.hiX, box.hiY] ];
2 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.hiX, box.hiY] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.hiX, box.loY] ];
3 => {
pointPairAndDone.lo ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.hiX, box.loY] ];
pointPairAndDone.hi ← ImagerTransformation.Transform[t, [box.loX, box.loY] ];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL GGError.Problem[msg: "Broken Invariant"];
pointPairGen.toGo ← pointPairGen.toGo - 1;
pointPairGen.index ← IF pointPairGen.toGo=0 THEN 99 ELSE index+1; -- bump to the next available pair in the generator
IPClosestPoint: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOLFALSE] = {
hitData ← NIL; -- automatically done by compiler
index: NAT ← 9999;
slice: Slice ← sliceD.slice;
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
toleranceBox: GGBasicTypes.BoundBoxObj ← [ipData.tightBox.loX-tolerance, ipData.tightBox.loY-tolerance, ipData.tightBox.hiX+tolerance, ipData.tightBox.hiY+tolerance, FALSE, FALSE]; -- box in GG coordinates
IF PointIsInBox[testPoint, toleranceBox] THEN {
ipHitData: IPHitData;
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[];
localTestpoint: Point ← GGTransform.Transform[ipData.inverse, testPoint];
localTolerance: REALABS[tolerance*MAX[ipData.inverseScale.x, ipData.inverseScale.y]]; -- MAX function is not correct when text is skewed.
[bestDist, index, bestPoint, success] ← GGBoundBox.NearestPoint[ipData.localBox, localTestpoint, localTolerance, ipParts.points];
IF success THEN {
bestPoint ← GGTransform.Transform[ipData.transform, bestPoint];
bestDist ← GGVector.Distance[testPoint, bestPoint];
hitData ← ipHitData ← NEW[IPHitDataObj ← [point: index, edge: -1, hitPoint: bestPoint] ];
IPClosestSegment: PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOLFALSE] = {
hitData ← NIL; -- automatically done by compiler
slice: Slice ← sliceD.slice;
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
toleranceBox: GGBasicTypes.BoundBoxObj ← [ipData.tightBox.loX-tolerance, ipData.tightBox.loY-tolerance, ipData.tightBox.hiX+tolerance, ipData.tightBox.hiY+tolerance, FALSE, FALSE]; -- box in GG coordinates
IF PointIsInBox[testPoint, toleranceBox] THEN {
ipHitData: IPHitData;
index: NAT ← 9999;
ipData: IPData ← NARROW[];
ipParts: IPParts ← NARROW[];
localTestpoint: Point ← GGTransform.Transform[ipData.inverse, testPoint]; -- transfrom point to "IP space"
localTolerance: REALABS[tolerance*MAX[ipData.inverseScale.x, ipData.inverseScale.y]]; -- MAX function is not correct when text is skewed.
[bestDist, index, bestPoint, success] ← GGBoundBox.NearestSegment[ipData.localBox, localTestpoint, localTolerance, ipParts.points];
IF success THEN {
bestPoint ← GGTransform.Transform[ipData.transform, bestPoint];
bestDist ← GGVector.Distance[testPoint, bestPoint];
hitData ← ipHitData ← NEW[IPHitDataObj ← [point: -1, edge: index, hitPoint: bestPoint] ];
ipCornerRopes: ARRAY [0..ipMaxPoints) OF Rope.ROPE = [
"lower left corner", "upper left corner", "upper right corner", "lower right corner"];
ipEdgeRopes: ARRAY [0..ipMaxEdges) OF Rope.ROPE = [
"left edge", "top edge", "right edge", "bottom edge"];
IPSetStrokeColor: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, color: Imager.Color] = {};
IPGetStrokeColor: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color ← NIL] = {};
IPSetFillColor: PROC [slice: Slice, color: Imager.Color] = {};
IPGetFillColor: PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color ← NIL] = {};
IPSetStrokeWidth: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, strokeWidth: REAL] = {};
IPGetStrokeWidth: PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeWidth: REAL ← 0.0] = {};
printPrefix: ATOM;
screenPrefix: ATOM;
Init: PRIVATE PROC [] = {
printPrefix ← Atom.MakeAtom["xerox/pressfonts/"];
screenPrefix 𡤊tom.MakeAtom ["xerox/tiogafonts/"];