Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Bier on January 22, 1987
Contents: Procedures to implement the Outline Slice Class in Gargoyle. Outlines consist of Trajectories which in turn consist of Segments. Outline is the most important slice class.
GGBasicTypes, GGError, GGInterfaceTypes, GGModelTypes, GGOutline, GGObjects, GGSelect, GGSegmentTypes, GGSequence, GGTraj, GGUtility, GGVector, GList, Imager, Rope;
IMPORTS GGError, GGObjects, GGOutline, GGSelect, GGSequence, GGTraj, GGUtility, GGVector, GList, Imager
OPEN GGOutline;
BitVector: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.BitVector;
BoundBox: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.BoundBox;
CameraData: TYPE = GGModelTypes.CameraData;
Circle: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Circle;
Color: TYPE = Imager.Color;
ControlPointGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.ControlPointGenerator;
FeatureData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.FeatureData;
GargoyleData: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.GargoyleData;
Joint: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Joint;
JointGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.JointGenerator;
Line: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Line;
ObjectBag: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.ObjectBag;
Outline: TYPE = REF OutlineObj;
OutlineObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineObj;
OutlineClass: TYPE = REF OutlineClassObj;
OutlineClassObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineClassObj;
OutlineDescriptor: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineDescriptor;
OutlineParts: TYPE = REF OutlinePartsObj;
OutlinePartsObj: TYPE = GGOutline.OutlinePartsObj;
OutlineSequence: TYPE = GGSelect.OutlineSequence;
OutlineSequenceGenerator: TYPE = GGSelect.OutlineSequenceGenerator;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
PointGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointGenerator;
PointPairGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.PointPairGenerator;
Scene: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Scene;
Segment: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Segment;
SegmentGenerator: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SegmentGenerator;
SelectMode: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SelectMode;
SelectionClass: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.SelectionClass;
Sequence: TYPE = GGModelTypes.Sequence;
SliceClass: TYPE = REF SliceClassObj;
SliceClassObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceClassObj;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceDescriptor;
SliceParts: TYPE = GGModelTypes.SliceParts;
Traj: TYPE = REF TrajObj;
TrajEnd: TYPE = GGModelTypes.TrajEnd;
TrajGenerator: TYPE = REF TrajGeneratorObj;
TrajGeneratorObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.TrajGeneratorObj;
TrajObj: TYPE = GGModelTypes.TrajObj;
TrajPartType: TYPE = GGModelTypes.TrajPartType;
TriggerBag: TYPE = GGInterfaceTypes.TriggerBag;
Vector: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Vector;
OutlineDescribeProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineDescribeProc;
OutlineFileoutProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineFileoutProc;
OutlineFileinProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineFileinProc;
OutlineUnionPartsProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineUnionPartsProc;
OutlineDifferencePartsProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineDifferencePartsProc;
OutlineFixedPartsProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineFixedPartsProc;
OutlineAugmentPartsProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineAugmentPartsProc;
OutlinePointsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlinePointsInDescriptorProc;
OutlinePointPairsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlinePointPairsInDescriptorProc;
OutlineNextPointProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineNextPointProc;
OutlineNextPointPairProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineNextPointPairProc;
OutlineClosestPointProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineClosestPointProc;
OutlineClosestPointAndTangentProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineClosestPointAndTangentProc;
OutlineClosestSegmentProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineClosestSegmentProc;
OutlineSetArrowsProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineSetArrowsProc;
OutlineGetArrowsProc: TYPE = GGModelTypes.OutlineGetArrowsProc;
Problem: PUBLIC SIGNAL [msg: Rope.ROPE] = GGError.Problem;
Outline-Only operations.
UnpackOnePointDescriptorOld: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [traj: Traj, isACP: BOOL, segNum, cpNum, jointNum: NAT] = {
outlineD describes either a single control point or a single joint. Return the [segNum, cpNum] pair or the jointNum as appropriate.
parts: OutlineParts;
theSeq: Sequence;
IF outlineD = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE, 999, 999, 999];
parts ← NARROW[];
traj ← NIL;
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← parts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first # NIL THEN {
IF traj # NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE, 999, 999, 999]
theSeq ← list.first;
traj ← theSeq.traj;
[isACP, segNum, cpNum, jointNum] ← GGSequence.UnpackOnePointSequence[theSeq];
UnpackSimpleDescriptorOld: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [success: BOOL, partType: TrajPartType, traj: Traj, joint: Joint ← NIL, jointNum: NAT ← 999, cp: Point, cpNum: NAT ← 999, seg: Segment ← NIL, segNum: NAT ← 999] = {
parts: OutlineParts;
theSeq: Sequence;
IF outlineD = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE, joint, NIL, NIL, 999, [0,0]];
parts ← NARROW[];
traj ← NIL;
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← parts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first # NIL THEN {
IF traj # NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE, joint, NIL, NIL, 999, [0,0]]
theSeq ← list.first;
traj ← theSeq.traj;
[success, partType, traj, joint, jointNum, cp, cpNum, seg, segNum] ← GGSequence.UnpackSimpleSequence[theSeq];
UnpackSimpleDescriptor: PUBLIC PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [success: BOOL, partType: TrajPartType, traj: Traj, joint: Joint ← NIL, jointNum: NAT ← 999, cp: Point, cpNum: NAT ← 999, seg: Segment ← NIL, segNum: NAT ← 999] = {
ERROR Problem[msg: "Outlines are not slices yet"];
UnpackOnePointDescriptor: PUBLIC PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [traj: Traj, isACP: BOOL, segNum, cpNum, jointNum: NAT] = {
ERROR Problem[msg: "Outlines are not slices yet"];
UnpackOneSegmentDescriptorOld: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [traj: Traj, segNum: NAT] = {
outlineD describes either a single control point or a single joint. Return the [segNum, cpNum] pair or the jointNum as appropriate.
parts: OutlineParts;
theSeq: Sequence;
IF outlineD = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, 999];
parts ← NARROW[];
traj ← NIL;
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← parts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first # NIL THEN {
theSeq ← list.first;
traj ← theSeq.traj;
[segNum] ← GGSequence.UnpackOneSegmentSequence[theSeq];
UnpackOneSegmentDescriptor: PUBLIC PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [traj: Traj, segNum: NAT] = {
ERROR Problem[msg: "Outlines are not slices yet"];
FindTrajInDescriptor: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor, traj: Traj] RETURNS [seq: Sequence] = {
outlineParts: OutlineParts;
outlineParts ← NARROW[];
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← outlineParts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first # NIL AND list.first.traj = traj THEN RETURN[list.first];
PartsFromSequence: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, seq: Sequence] RETURNS [sliceParts: SliceParts] = {
realParts: OutlineParts;
ptr: LIST OF Sequence;
trajGen: GGModelTypes.TrajGenerator;
sliceParts ← realParts ← NEW[OutlinePartsObj];
[realParts.seqs, ptr] ← GGUtility.StartSequenceList[];
trajGen ← TrajsInOutline[outline];
FOR traj: Traj ← GGObjects.NextTraj[trajGen], GGObjects.NextTraj[trajGen] UNTIL traj = NIL DO
IF traj = seq.traj THEN [realParts.seqs, ptr] ← GGUtility.AddSequence[seq, realParts.seqs, ptr]
ELSE [realParts.seqs, ptr] ← GGUtility.AddSequence[NIL, realParts.seqs, ptr];
CopyParts: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [copy: SliceParts] = {
realParts, realCopyParts: OutlineParts;
copySeq: Sequence;
ptr: LIST OF Sequence;
realParts ← NARROW[parts];
copy ← realCopyParts ← NEW[OutlinePartsObj];
[realCopyParts.seqs, ptr] ← GGUtility.StartSequenceList[];
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← realParts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first = NIL THEN [realCopyParts.seqs, ptr] ← GGUtility.AddSequence[NIL, realCopyParts.seqs, ptr]
copySeq ← GGSequence.Copy[list.first];
[realCopyParts.seqs, ptr] ← GGUtility.AddSequence[copySeq, realCopyParts.seqs, ptr]
AddHole: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, hole: Traj] RETURNS [holier: Outline] = {
Holes can be removed using DeleteSequence.
Should check for duplicates. -- Bier, February 20
holier ← outline.class.copy[outline];
holier.children ← AppendTrajList[holier.children, LIST[hole]];
hole.parent ← holier;
hole.role ← hole;
ReplaceFence: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, newFence: Traj] RETURNS [newOutline: Outline] = {
Like CopyOutline except in one place.
holeGen: TrajGenerator;
newTraj: Traj;
newOutline ← CreateOutline[newFence, outline.lineEnds, outline.fillColor];
holeGen ← HolesOfOutline[outline];
FOR hole: Traj ← GGObjects.NextTraj[holeGen], GGObjects.NextTraj[holeGen] UNTIL hole = NIL DO
newTraj ← GGTraj.CopyTraj[hole];
newOutline.children ← AppendTrajList[newOutline.children, LIST[newTraj]];
newTraj.parent ← newOutline;
ReplaceHole: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, oldHole, newHole: Traj] RETURNS [newOutline: Outline] = {
Like CopyOutline except in one place.
holeGen: TrajGenerator;
newTraj, fence: Traj;
fence ← FenceOfOutline[outline];
newTraj ← GGTraj.CopyTraj[fence];
newOutline ← CreateOutline[newTraj, outline.lineEnds, outline.fillColor];
holeGen ← HolesOfOutline[outline];
FOR hole: Traj ← GGObjects.NextTraj[holeGen], GGObjects.NextTraj[holeGen] UNTIL hole = NIL DO
IF hole = oldHole THEN {
newOutline.children ← AppendTrajList[newOutline.children, LIST[newHole]];
newHole.parent ← newOutline;
newTraj ← GGTraj.CopyTraj[hole];
newOutline.children ← AppendTrajList[newOutline.children, LIST[newTraj]];
newTraj.parent ← newOutline;
OutlineOfTraj: PUBLIC PROC [traj: Traj] RETURNS [outline: Outline] = {
Finds the unique outline to which traj belongs.
outline ← traj.parent;
SaveSelectionsInOutline: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, scene: Scene] = {
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor;
outlineParts: OutlineParts;
outlineD ← GGSelect.FindSelectedOutline[outline, scene, hot];
ClearSelectionInOutline[outline, hot];
IF outlineD # NIL THEN {
outlineParts ← NARROW[];
FOR seqList: LIST OF Sequence ← outlineParts.seqs, UNTIL seqList = NIL DO
IF seqList.first#NIL THEN SaveSelectionInSequence[seqList.first, hot];
normal selection.
outlineD ← GGSelect.FindSelectedOutline[outline, scene, normal];
ClearSelectionInOutline[outline, normal];
IF outlineD # NIL THEN {
outlineParts ← NARROW[];
FOR seqList: LIST OF Sequence ← outlineParts.seqs, UNTIL seqList = NIL DO
IF seqList.first#NIL THEN SaveSelectionInSequence[seqList.first, normal];
active selection.
outlineD ← GGSelect.FindSelectedOutline[outline, scene, active];
ClearSelectionInOutline[outline, active];
IF outlineD # NIL THEN {
outlineParts ← NARROW[];
FOR seqList: LIST OF Sequence ← outlineParts.seqs, UNTIL seqList = NIL DO
IF seqList.first#NIL THEN SaveSelectionInSequence[seqList.first, active];
SaveSelectionInTraj: PUBLIC PROC [traj: Traj, selectClass: SelectionClass, scene: Scene] = {
seq: Sequence ← GGSelect.FindSelectedSequence[traj, scene, selectClass];
IF seq=NIL THEN ClearSelectionInTraj[traj, selectClass]
ELSE SaveSelectionInSequence[seq, selectClass];
ClearSelectionInTraj: PROC [traj: Traj, selectClass: SelectionClass] = {
seg: Segment;
joint: Joint;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..GGTraj.HiSegment[traj]] DO
seg ← GGTraj.FetchSegment[traj, i];
SetSegmentField[seg, FALSE, selectClass];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..seg.class.controlPointCount[seg]-1] DO
SetControlPointField[seg, j, FALSE, selectClass];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..GGTraj.HiJoint[traj]] DO
joint ← GGTraj.FetchJoint[traj, i];
SetJointField[joint, FALSE, selectClass];
RemakeSelectionFromTraj: PUBLIC PROC [traj: Traj, scene: Scene, selectClass: SelectionClass] = {
seq: Sequence ← GGSequence.CreateEmpty[traj];
seg: Segment;
joint: Joint;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..GGTraj.HiSegment[traj]] DO
seg ← GGTraj.FetchSegment[traj, i];
seq.segments[i] ← GetSegmentField[seg, selectClass];
IF seq.segments[i] THEN seq.segCount ← seq.segCount + 1;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..seg.class.controlPointCount[seg]-1] DO
seq.controlPoints[i][j] ← GetControlPointField[seg, j, selectClass];
IF seq.controlPoints[i][j] THEN seq.controlPointCount ← seq.controlPointCount + 1;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..GGTraj.HiJoint[traj]] DO
joint ← GGTraj.FetchJoint[traj, i];
seq.joints[i] ← GetJointField[joint, selectClass];
IF seq.joints[i] THEN seq.jointCount ← seq.jointCount + 1;
GGSelect.SelectSequence[seq, scene, selectClass];
SaveSelectionInSequence: PROC [seq: Sequence, selectClass: SelectionClass] = {
seg: Segment;
joint: Joint;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..GGTraj.HiSegment[seq.traj]] DO
seg ← GGTraj.FetchSegment[seq.traj, i];
SetSegmentField[seg, seq.segments[i], selectClass];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..seg.class.controlPointCount[seg]-1] DO
SetControlPointField[seg, j, seq.controlPoints[i][j], selectClass];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..GGTraj.HiJoint[seq.traj]] DO
joint ← GGTraj.FetchJoint[seq.traj, i];
SetJointField[joint, seq.joints[i], selectClass];
ClearSelectionInOutline: PROC [outline: Outline, selectClass: SelectionClass] = {
trajGen: GGModelTypes.TrajGenerator;
trajGen ← TrajsInOutline[outline];
FOR traj: Traj ← GGObjects.NextTraj[trajGen], GGObjects.NextTraj[trajGen] UNTIL traj = NIL DO
ClearSelectionInTraj[traj, selectClass];
RemakeSelectionsFromOutline: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline, scene: Scene] = {
This outline has just been created by copying parts from an existing outline. The selection information was copied as well. Make sequences from the selection bits, and select these sequences.
trajGen: GGModelTypes.TrajGenerator;
trajGen ← TrajsInOutline[outline];
FOR traj: Traj ← GGObjects.NextTraj[trajGen], GGObjects.NextTraj[trajGen] UNTIL traj = NIL DO
RemakeSelectionFromTraj[traj, scene, hot];
normal selection.
RemakeSelectionFromTraj[traj, scene, normal];
active selection.
RemakeSelectionFromTraj[traj, scene, active];
SequencesOfOutline: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [seqList: LIST OF Sequence] = {
outlineParts: OutlineParts ← NARROW[];
ptr: LIST OF Sequence;
[seqList, ptr] ← GGUtility.StartSequenceList[];
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← outlineParts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first # NIL THEN [seqList, ptr] ← GGUtility.AddSequence[list.first, seqList, ptr];
RemoveTraj: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor, traj: Traj] = {
Used by GGSelect to do a DeselectTraj.
outlineParts: OutlineParts ← NARROW[];
seq: Sequence;
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← outlineParts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first#NIL AND list.first.traj = traj THEN {
seq ← list.first;
GOTO Done;
Done => {
outlineParts.seqs ← NARROW[GList.DSubst[NIL, seq, outlineParts.seqs]];
Replace the old sequence with a NIL. No trajectory has actually been deleted. It is just no longer mentioned in outlineD.
NearestJointToHitData: PUBLIC PROC [hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [jointNum: NAT, traj: Traj] = {
outlineHitData: OutlineHitData ← NARROW[hitData];
nextNum: NAT;
p1, p2: Point;
d1, d2: REAL;
traj ← outlineHitData.traj;
SELECT outlineHitData.hitType FROM
joint => {
jointNum ← outlineHitData.jointNum;
segment, controlPoint => {
nextNum ← GGTraj.FollowingJoint[traj, outlineHitData.segNum];
p1 ← GGTraj.FetchJointPos[traj, outlineHitData.segNum];
p2 ← GGTraj.FetchJointPos[traj, nextNum];
d1 ← GGVector.DistanceSquared[p1, outlineHitData.hitPoint];
d2 ← GGVector.DistanceSquared[p2, outlineHitData.hitPoint];
IF d1 <= d2 THEN jointNum ← outlineHitData.segNum
ELSE jointNum ← nextNum;
UnpackHitData: PUBLIC PROC [hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [traj: Traj, hitType: TrajPartType, segNum, cpNum, jointNum: INT, hitPoint: Point] = {
This will go away when the Caret machinery is revised.
outlineHitData: OutlineHitData ← NARROW[hitData];
traj ← outlineHitData.traj;
hitType ← outlineHitData.hitType;
segNum ← outlineHitData.segNum;
cpNum ← outlineHitData.cpNum;
jointNum ← outlineHitData.jointNum;
hitPoint ← outlineHitData.hitPoint;
UpdateDescriptorBoundBoxes: PUBLIC PROC [outlineD: OutlineDescriptor] = {
Update the bound boxes of all contained sequences.
parts: OutlineParts ← NARROW[];
FOR list: LIST OF Sequence ← parts.seqs, UNTIL list = NIL DO
IF list.first # NIL THEN GGSequence.UpdateBoundBox[list.first];
Queries about Outlines.
HasHoles: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
FenceOfOutline: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline] RETURNS [fence: Traj] = {
Returns the unique fence trajectory of outline.
fence ← outline.children.first;
HolesOfOutline: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline] RETURNS [trajGen: TrajGenerator] = {
Generates all of the holes of outline.
list: LIST OF Traj ←;
trajGen ← NEW[TrajGeneratorObj ← [
list: list
TrajsInOutline: PUBLIC PROC [outline: Outline] RETURNS [trajGen: TrajGenerator] = {
Generates the fence and all of the holes of outline.
list: LIST OF Traj ← outline.children;
trajGen ← NEW[TrajGeneratorObj ← [
list: list