Last edited by: Eric Bier on April 6, 1987 6:26:10 pm PDT
Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Stone, August 5, 1985 2:13:37 pm PDT
Pier, May 11, 1987 7:20:35 pm PDT
AtomButtonsTypes, GGBasicTypes, GGSegmentTypes, GGFont, Imager, ImagerPath, ImagerTransformation, IO, Rope, Rosary, ViewerClasses;
Imported Types
BitMatrix: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.BitMatrix;
BitVector: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.BitVector;
BoundBox: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.BoundBox;
Circle: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Circle;
FeedbackData: TYPE = AtomButtonsTypes.FeedbackData;
Joint: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Joint;
Line: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Line;
Point: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Point;
Scene: TYPE = REF SceneObj;
SceneObj: TYPE; -- Opaque Type, Implemented by GGSceneImpl
Segment: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.Segment;
SelectedObjectData: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.SelectedObjectData;
SelectionClass: TYPE = GGSegmentTypes.SelectionClass;
SequenceOfReal: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.SequenceOfReal;
StrokeEnd: TYPE = Imager.StrokeEnd; -- TYPE = {square, butt, round}
StrokeJoint: TYPE = Imager.StrokeJoint; -- TYPE = {miter, bevel, round}
Vector: TYPE = GGBasicTypes.Vector;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
Transformation: TYPE = ImagerTransformation.Transformation;
Joint and Control Point sizes
jointSize: REAL = 6;
halfJointSize: REAL = 3;
hotJointSize: REAL = 10;
halfHotJointSize: REAL = 5;
CameraData: TYPE = REF CameraDataObj;
CameraDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
quality: QualityMode ← fast,
displayStyle: DisplayStyle ← print,
hideAlignments: BOOLFALSE
DisplayStyle: TYPE = {print, screen};
print uses Press fonts on the screen.
screen uses Tioga fonts on the screen
QualityMode: TYPE = {fast, showall, quality};
fast is for interactive use.
showall is for making interpress masters which look like the screen.
quality is for previewing masters on the screen and making interpress masters for final artwork.
DefaultData: TYPE = REF DefaultDataObj;
DefaultDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
strokeWidth: REAL ← 2.0,
strokeJoint: StrokeJoint ← round,
strokeEnd: StrokeEnd ← round,
dashed: BOOLFALSE,
pattern: SequenceOfReal,
offset: REAL ← 0.0,
length: REAL ← 0.0,
strokeColor: Imager.Color,-- no color
fillColor: Imager.Color ← NIL, -- no fill
font: GGFont.FontData
SliceParts: TYPE = REF ANY;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = REF SliceDescriptorObj;
SliceDescriptorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
slice: Slice,
parts: SliceParts
Slice: TYPE = REF SliceObj;
SliceObj: TYPE = RECORD [
class: SliceClass,
data: REF ANY,
parent: Slice, -- for when slices can be part of clusters
selectedInFull: SelectedObjectData,
normalSelectedParts: SliceDescriptor, -- maintained by GGSelect to improve performance
hotSelectedParts: SliceDescriptor, -- maintained by GGSelect to improve performance
activeSelectedParts: SliceDescriptor, -- maintained by GGSelect to improve performance
nullDescriptor: SliceDescriptor, -- to reduce allocations when there is nothing to report
boundBox: BoundBox ← NIL,
onOverlay: BOOLFALSE,
extraPoints: LIST OF Joint,
priority: INT ← 0, -- scene order priority. 0 => in back
mark: BOOLFALSE -- for sweeping thru scenes by Undelete mechanism
SliceClass: TYPE = REF SliceClassObj;
SliceClassObj: TYPE = RECORD [
type: ATOM,
getBoundBox: SliceBoundBoxProc, -- includes space for stroke width and control points
getTightBox: SliceTightBoxProc, -- fits tightly around the graphical part of the slice
copy: SliceCopyProc,
drawParts: SliceDrawPartsProc,
drawTransform: SliceDrawTransformProc,
drawSelectionFeedback: SliceDrawSelectionFeedbackProc,
drawAttractorFeedback: SliceDrawAttractorFeedbackProc,
transform: SliceTransformProc,
Textual Description
describe: SliceDescribeProc,
describeHit: SliceDescribeHitProc,
fileout: SliceFileoutProc,
filein: SliceFileinProc,
isEmptyParts: SliceIsEmptyPartsProc,
isCompleteParts: SliceIsCompletePartsProc,
newParts: SliceNewPartsProc,
unionParts: SliceUnionPartsProc,
differenceParts: SliceDifferencePartsProc,
movingParts: SliceMovingPartsProc,
augmentParts: SliceAugmentPartsProc,
setSelectedFields: SliceSetSelectedFieldsProc,
Part Generators
pointsInDescriptor: SlicePointsInDescriptorProc,
pointPairsInDescriptor: SlicePointPairsInDescriptorProc,
segmentsInDescriptor: SliceSegmentsInDescriptorProc,
walkSegments: SliceWalkSegmentsProc,
nextPoint: SliceNextPointProc,
nextPointPair: SliceNextPointPairProc,
nextSegment: SliceNextSegmentProc,
Hit Testing
closestPoint: SliceClosestPointProc,
closestJointToHitData: SliceClosestJointToHitDataProc,
closestPointAndTangent: SliceClosestPointAndTangentProc,
closestSegment: SliceClosestSegmentProc,
lineIntersection: SliceLineIntersectionProc,
circleIntersection: SliceCircleIntersectionProc,
hitDataAsSimpleCurve: SliceHitDataAsSimpleCurveProc,
setDefaults: SliceSetDefaultsProc,
setStrokeWidth: SliceSetStrokeWidthProc,
getStrokeWidth: SliceGetStrokeWidthProc,
setStrokeEnd: SliceSetStrokeEndProc,
getStrokeEnd: SliceGetStrokeEndProc,
setStrokeJoint: SliceSetStrokeJointProc,
getStrokeJoint: SliceGetStrokeJointProc,
setStrokeColor: SliceSetStrokeColorProc,
getStrokeColor: SliceGetStrokeColorProc,
setFillColor: SliceSetFillColorProc,
getFillColor: SliceGetFillColorProc,
setArrows: SliceSetArrowsProc,
getArrows: SliceGetArrowsProc,
setDashed: SliceSetDashedProc,
getDashed: SliceGetDashedProc
Fundamental Slice Routines
SliceBoundBoxProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts ← NIL] RETURNS [box: BoundBox];
Returns the geometric bound box for the named parts of the slice. IF parts = NIL, find the boundBox of the whole slice. The returned boundbox will allow space for control points and stroke width.
SliceTightBoxProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts ← NIL] RETURNS [box: BoundBox];
Returns the tight fitting geometric bound box for the named parts of the slice. IF parts = NIL, find the boundBox of the whole slice.
SliceCopyProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [copy: Slice];
SliceDrawPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts ← NIL, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, quick: BOOL];
Slice draws its parts into the Imager context. IF parts = NIL, draw the whole slice.
SliceDrawTransformProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, transform: Transformation];
Slice applies transformation (temporarily) to its indicated parts, then draws itself into the Imager context. Used for rubberbanding or dragging
SliceDrawSelectionFeedbackProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, selectedParts: SliceParts, hotParts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, dragInProgress, caretIsMoving, hideHot, quick: BOOL];
Slice draws its selection feedback, as indicated by its parts, into the Imager context. quick is a flag which, if set, causes the slice to draw an abbreviated version of its selection feedback. During motion is true if anything in the scene is currently moving. Hide hot is TRUE if hotness feedback should not be shown.
SliceDrawAttractorFeedbackProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, selectedParts: SliceParts, dragInProgress: BOOL, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData];
sliceD is a simple SliceDescriptor describing where on the slice, the caret has been placed. The slice should draw appropriate feedback.
SliceTransformProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, transform: Transformation];
Apply the given transformation to internal data of the slice as specified by parts. It is now in a new position, orientation, scaling, or skewing.
Textual Description
SliceDescribeProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE];
Return a short description of slice and parts suitable for feedback line.
SliceDescribeHitProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE];
Return a short description of hitData suitable for feedback line.
SliceFileoutProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, f: IO.STREAM];
Write a description of yourself onto stream f.
SliceFileinProc: TYPE = PROC [f: IO.STREAM, version: REAL, feedback: FeedbackData] RETURNS [slice: Slice];
Read a description of yourself from stream f.
ExtendMode: TYPE = {literal, joint, controlPoint, segment, segmentRange, traj, slice, topLevel, none};
SelectMode: TYPE = ExtendMode;
SelectMode is used in SliceNewPartsProc. It is used to decide what kind of descriptor to build given a Slice and a HitData. It is interpreted as follows:
literal => Select the hit part.
joint => Select a joint or control point near the hit part.
controlPoint => Has no meaning for SliceNewPartsProc.
segment => Select a segment near that hit part.
segmentRange => Has no meaning for SliceNewPartsProc.
traj => Select the entire path that includes the hit part.
slice => Select the entire slice that most immediately includes the hit part.
topLevel => Select the largest slice that includes the slice that includes the hit part.
none => return an empty descriptor.
SliceIsEmptyPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [BOOL];
SliceIsCompletePartsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [BOOL];
SliceNewPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, hitData: REF ANY, mode: SelectMode] RETURNS [sliceD: SliceDescriptor];
Returns a class-specific description of its parts to be used in calls to SelectSlice. Parts are determined from the mode and from the hitData within the slice, which was set by the slice during calls to SliceClosest* procs.
SliceUnionPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [partsA: SliceDescriptor, partsB: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [aPlusB: SliceDescriptor];
Takes two parts descriptions and returns their union. This routine is used by the ExtendSelection routines.
SliceDifferencePartsProc: TYPE = PROC [partsA: SliceDescriptor, partsB: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [aMinusB: SliceDescriptor];
Takes two parts descriptions and returns their difference. This routine is used by the Deselection routines.
SliceMovingPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, selectedParts: SliceParts] RETURNS [background, overlay, rubber, drag: SliceDescriptor];
We are about to perform a drag operation. Some parts of the object will stay in the background plane, some will be drawn on the overlay plane but stay stationary, some will rubber-band, and some will be dragged as a unit. This procedure identifies these four classes of parts.
SliceAugmentPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, selectClass: SelectionClass] RETURNS [more: SliceDescriptor];
Takes a parts description (usually the selected parts just before a SelectSlice operation) and returns a parts descriptor which describes parts which should be selected as well. Used so that slices with segment/joint analogies can behave like polygons.
SliceSetSelectedFieldsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, selected: BOOL, selectClass: SelectionClass];
Part Generators
PointAndDone: TYPE = RECORD [point: Point, done: BOOL];
PointPairAndDone: TYPE = RECORD [lo, hi: Point, done: BOOL];
SlicePointsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [pointGen: PointGenerator];
SlicePointPairsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [pointPairGen: PointPairGenerator];
SliceSegmentsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor] RETURNS [segGen: SegmentGenerator];
SliceWalkSegmentsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, walkProc: WalkProc] RETURNS [sliceD: SliceDescriptor];
The SliceWalkSegmentsProc takes a slice and calls the walkProc for each segment in the slice with the segment data and possibly an associated transformation. It returns a slice descriptor which describes all segments of the slice for which the walkProc returned TRUE.
WalkProc: TYPE = PROC [seg: Segment, transform: Transformation] RETURNS [keep: BOOL];
SliceNextPointProc: TYPE = PROC [pointGen: PointGenerator] RETURNS [pointAndDone: PointAndDone];
SliceNextPointPairProc: TYPE = PROC [pointPairGen: PointPairGenerator] RETURNS [pointPairAndDone: PointPairAndDone];
SliceNextSegmentProc: TYPE = PROC [segGen: SegmentGenerator] RETURNS [seg: Segment, transform: Transformation];
Hit Testing
SliceClosestPointProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOL];
Used for hit testing. Find the nearest point on the parts of sliceD to testPoint. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If a valid point is returned, then success = TRUE. The proc should fill in slice.hitData, which is class-specific data describing the actual part of the slice that was closest. For some classes, this data will be a joint number, if the class objects have joints.
SliceClosestJointToHitDataProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, mapPoint: Point, hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [jointD: SliceDescriptor, point: Point];
This slice has been hit somewhere (perhaps on a segment). Find the closest joint to that segment point. Return its position and a descriptor of it.
SliceClosestPointAndTangentProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, tangent: Vector, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOL];
Used for hit testing. Find the nearest point on the parts of sliceD to testPoint and the tangent vector (towards hi end of segment) at that point. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If a valid point is returned, then success = TRUE. The proc should fill in slice.hitData, which is class-specific data describing the actual part of the slice that was closest. For some classes, this data will be a joint number, if the class objects have joints.
SliceClosestSegmentProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOL];
Used for hit testing. Find the nearest segment of the parts of sliceD to testPoint. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If a valid point is returned, then success = TRUE. The proc should fill in slice.hitData, which is class-specific data describing the actual part of the slice that was closest. For some classes, this data will be a segment number, if the class objects has segments.
SliceLineIntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, line: Line] RETURNS [points: LIST OF Point, pointCount: NAT];
Finds the intersection of the line with those slice parts mentioned in sliceD.
SliceCircleIntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: SliceDescriptor, circle: Circle] RETURNS [points: LIST OF Point, pointCount: NAT];
Finds the intersection of the circle with those slice parts mentioned in sliceD.
SliceHitDataAsSimpleCurveProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [simpleCurve: REF ANY];
simpleCurve will be of type Edge, Arc, etc. There will be Conic and Bezier types as well.
SliceSetDefaultsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, defaults: DefaultData];
SliceSetStrokeWidthProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, strokeWidth: REAL] RETURNS [box: BoundBox];
Sets the stroke width of the named parts of slice to be strokeWidth. Returns the bounding box of all elements of the slice that will require refreshing as a result of the change.
SliceGetStrokeWidthProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeWidth: REAL ← 0.0];
Get the stroke width of the named parts of slice.
SliceSetStrokeEndProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, strokeEnd: StrokeEnd];
Sets the stroke end of the named parts of slice to be strokeEnd.
SliceGetStrokeEndProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeEnd: StrokeEnd ← round];
Get the stroke end of the named parts of slice.
SliceSetStrokeJointProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, strokeJoint: StrokeJoint];
Sets the stroke Joint of the named parts of slice to be strokeJoint.
SliceGetStrokeJointProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeJoint: StrokeJoint ← round];
Get the stroke Joint of the named parts of slice.
SliceSetStrokeColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, color: Imager.Color];
Sets the stroke color of the named parts of slice to be color.
SliceGetStrokeColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color ← NIL];
Get the stroke color of the named parts of slice.
SliceSetFillColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, color: Imager.Color];
Sets the fill color of the slice to be color.
SliceGetFillColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color ← NIL];
Get the fill color of the slice.
SliceSetArrowsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, leftDown, rightUp: BOOL];
Sets the arrow ends of the named parts of the slice.
SliceGetArrowsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice] RETURNS [leftDown, rightUp: BOOLFALSE];
Get the arrow ends of the named parts of the slice.
SliceSetDashedProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts, dashed: BOOL ← FALSE, pattern: SequenceOfReal ← NIL, offset: REAL ← 0.0, length: REAL ← -1.0];
SliceGetDashedProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Slice, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [dashed: BOOLFALSE, pattern: SequenceOfReal ← NIL, offset, length: REAL ← 0.0];
OutlineDescriptor: TYPE = SliceDescriptor;
OutlineDescriptorObj: TYPE = SliceDescriptorObj;
OutlineDescriptor: TYPE = REF OutlineDescriptorObj;
OutlineDescriptorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
slice: Outline,
parts: SliceParts
Outline: TYPE = Slice;
OutlineObj: TYPE = SliceObj;
Outline: TYPE = REF OutlineObj;
OutlineObj: TYPE = RECORD [
class: OutlineClass,
data: REF ANY,
fillColor: Imager.Color, -- store in data
lineEnds: Imager.StrokeEnd, -- store in data. OBSOLETE: use individual traj.strokeEnd
children: LIST OF Traj, -- store in data
parent: Slice, -- for when slices can be part of clusters
selectedInFull: SelectedObjectData,
normalSelectedParts: OutlineDescriptor, -- maintained by GGSelect to improve performance
hotSelectedParts: OutlineDescriptor, -- maintained by GGSelect to improve performance
activeSelectedParts: OutlineDescriptor, -- maintained by GGSelect to improve performance
nullDescriptor: OutlineDescriptor, -- to reduce allocations when there is nothing to report
boundBox: BoundBox,
onOverlay: BOOLFALSE,
extraPoints: LIST OF Joint,
priority: INT ← 0, -- scene order priority. 0 => in back
mark: BOOLFALSE -- for sweeping thru scenes by Undelete mechanism
OutlineClass: TYPE = SliceClass;
OutlineClassObj: TYPE = SliceClassObj;
OutlineClass: TYPE = REF OutlineClassObj;
OutlineClassObj: TYPE = RECORD [
type: ATOM,
getBoundBox: OutlineBoundBoxProc,
getTightBox: OutlineTightBoxProc,
copy: OutlineCopyProc,
drawParts: OutlineDrawPartsProc,
drawTransform: OutlineDrawTransformProc,
drawSelectionFeedback: OutlineDrawSelectionFeedbackProc,
drawAttractorFeedback: OutlineDrawAttractorFeedbackProc,
transform: OutlineTransformProc,
Textual Description
describe: OutlineDescribeProc,
describeHit: OutlineDescribeHitProc,
fileout: OutlineFileoutProc,
filein: OutlineFileinProc,
emptyParts: OutlineEmptyPartsProc,
newParts: OutlineNewPartsProc,
unionParts: OutlineUnionPartsProc,
differenceParts: OutlineDifferencePartsProc,
movingParts: OutlineMovingPartsProc,
augmentParts: OutlineAugmentPartsProc,
setSelectedFields: OutlineSetSelectedFieldsProc,
Part Generators
pointsInDescriptor: OutlinePointsInDescriptorProc,
pointPairsInDescriptor: OutlinePointPairsInDescriptorProc,
segmentsInDescriptor: OutlineSegmentsInDescriptorProc,
nextPoint: OutlineNextPointProc,
nextPointPair: OutlineNextPointPairProc,
nextSegment: OutlineNextSegmentProc,
Hit Testing
closestPoint: OutlineClosestPointProc,
closestJointToHitData: OutlineClosestJointToHitDataProc,
closestPointAndTangent: OutlineClosestPointAndTangentProc,
closestSegment: OutlineClosestSegmentProc,
lineIntersection: OutlineLineIntersectionProc,
circleIntersection: OutlineCircleIntersectionProc,
hitDataAsSimpleCurve: OutlineHitDataAsSimpleCurveProc,
setDefaults: OutlineSetDefaultsProc,
setStrokeWidth: OutlineSetStrokeWidthProc,
getStrokeWidth: OutlineGetStrokeWidthProc,
setStrokeEnd: OutlineSetStrokeEndProc,
getStrokeEnd: OutlineGetStrokeEndProc,
setStrokeJoint: OutlineSetStrokeJointProc,
getStrokeJoint: OutlineGetStrokeJointProc,
setStrokeColor: OutlineSetStrokeColorProc,
getStrokeColor: OutlineGetStrokeColorProc,
setFillColor: OutlineSetFillColorProc,
getFillColor: OutlineGetFillColorProc,
setArrows: OutlineSetArrowsProc,
getArrows: OutlineGetArrowsProc,
setDashed: OutlineSetDashedProc,
getDashed: OutlineGetDashedProc
--OutlineBoundBoxProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts ← NIL] RETURNS [box: BoundBox];
Returns the geometric bounds the named parts of the outline. If parts = NIL, return the boundbox of the whole outline. Allows space for control points and stroke width.
--OutlineTightBoxProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts ← NIL] RETURNS [box: BoundBox];
Returns the tight geometric bounds the named parts of the outline. If parts = NIL, return the boundbox of the whole outline.
--OutlineCopyProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline] RETURNS [copy: Outline];
--OutlineDrawPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts ← NIL, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, quick: BOOL];
--OutlineDrawTransformProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, transform: Transformation];
--OutlineDrawSelectionFeedbackProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, selectedParts: SliceParts, hotParts: SliceParts, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData, dragInProgress, caretIsMoving, hideHot, quick: BOOL];
--OutlineDrawAttractorFeedbackProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, selectedParts: SliceParts, dragInProgress: BOOL, dc: Imager.Context, camera: CameraData];
sliceD is a simple SliceDescriptor describing where on the slice, the caret has been placed. The slice should draw appropriate feedback.
--OutlineTransformProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, transform: Transformation];
Apply the given transformation to internal data of the slice as specified by parts. It is now in a new position, orientation, scaling, or skewing.
--OutlineDescribeProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE];
Return a short description of slice and parts suitable for feedback line.
--OutlineDescribeHitProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE];
Return a short description of hitData suitable for feedback line.
--OutlineFileoutProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, f: IO.STREAM];
Write a description of yourself onto stream f.
--OutlineFileinProc: TYPE = PROC [f: IO.STREAM, version: REAL, feedback: FeedbackData] RETURNS [slice: Outline];
Read a description of yourself from stream f.
--OutlineEmptyPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [BOOL];
--OutlineNewPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, hitData: REF ANY, mode: SelectMode] RETURNS [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor];
--OutlineUnionPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [partsA: OutlineDescriptor, partsB: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [aPlusB: OutlineDescriptor];
Takes two parts descriptions and returns their union. This routine is used by the ExtendSelection routines.
--OutlineDifferencePartsProc: TYPE = PROC [partsA: OutlineDescriptor, partsB: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [aMinusB: OutlineDescriptor];
Takes two parts descriptions and returns their difference. This routine is used by the Deselection routines.
--OutlineMovingPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, selectedParts: SliceParts] RETURNS [background, overlay, rubber, drag: OutlineDescriptor];
Takes a parts description (usually the selected parts just before a Drag operation) and returns a parts descriptor which describes everything in the slice that will move when the input parts are moved.
--OutlineAugmentPartsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, selectClass: SelectionClass] RETURNS [more: OutlineDescriptor];
--OutlineSetSelectedFieldsProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, selected: BOOL, selectClass: SelectionClass];
Part Generators
--OutlinePointsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [pointGen: OutlinePointGenerator];
--OutlinePointPairsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [pointPairGen: OutlinePointPairGenerator];
--OutlineSegmentsInDescriptorProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor] RETURNS [segGen: SegmentGenerator];
--OutlineNextPointProc: TYPE = PROC [pointGen: OutlinePointGenerator] RETURNS [pointAndDone: PointAndDone];
--OutlineNextPointPairProc: TYPE = PROC [pointPairGen: OutlinePointPairGenerator] RETURNS [pointPairAndDone: PointPairAndDone];
--OutlineNextSegmentProc: TYPE = PROC [segGen: SegmentGenerator] RETURNS [seg: Segment, transform: Transformation];
Hit Testing
--OutlineClosestPointProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOL];
Used for hit testing. Find the nearest point on the parts of sliceD to testPoint. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If a valid point is returned, then success = TRUE. The proc should fill in slice.hitData, which is class-specific data describing the actual part of the slice that was closest. For some classes, this data will be a joint number, if the class objects have joints.
--OutlineClosestJointToHitDataProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, mapPoint: Point, hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [jointD: OutlineDescriptor, point: Point];
This slice has been hit somewhere (perhaps on a segment). Find the closest joint to that segment point. Return its position and a descriptor of it.
--OutlineClosestPointAndTangentProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, tangent: Vector, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOL];
Used for hit testing. Find the nearest point on the parts of sliceD to testPoint and the tangent vector (towards hi end of segment) at that point. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If a valid point is returned, then success = TRUE. The proc should fill in slice.hitData, which is class-specific data describing the actual part of the slice that was closest. For some classes, this data will be a joint number, if the class objects have joints.
--OutlineClosestSegmentProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, testPoint: Point, tolerance: REAL] RETURNS [bestPoint: Point, bestDist: REAL, hitData: REF ANY, success: BOOL];
Used for hit testing. Find the nearest segment of the parts of sliceD to testPoint. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If the nearest point is farther away than tolerance units, this procedure may opt to return success = FALSE. If a valid point is returned, then success = TRUE. The proc should fill in slice.hitData, which is class-specific data describing the actual part of the slice that was closest. For some classes, this data will be a segment number, if the class objects has segments.
--OutlineLineIntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, line: Line] RETURNS [points: LIST OF Point, pointCount: NAT];
Finds the intersection of the line with those slice parts mentioned in sliceD.
--OutlineCircleIntersectionProc: TYPE = PROC [sliceD: OutlineDescriptor, circle: Circle] RETURNS [points: LIST OF Point, pointCount: NAT];
Finds the intersection of the circle with those slice parts mentioned in sliceD.
--OutlineHitDataAsSimpleCurveProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, hitData: REF ANY] RETURNS [simpleCurve: REF ANY];
simpleCurve will be of type Edge, Arc, etc. There will be Conic and Bezier types as well.
--OutlineSetDefaultsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, defaults: DefaultData];
--OutlineSetStrokeWidthProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, strokeWidth: REAL] RETURNS [box: BoundBox];
Sets the stroke width of the named parts of slice to be strokeWidth. Returns the bounding box of all elements of the slice that will require refreshing as a result of the change.
--OutlineGetStrokeWidthProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeWidth: REAL];
Get the stroke width of the named parts of slice.
--OutlineSetStrokeEndProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, strokeEnd: StrokeEnd];
Sets the stroke end of the named parts of slice to be strokeEnd.
--OutlineGetStrokeEndProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeEnd: StrokeEnd];
Get the stroke end of the named parts of slice.
--OutlineSetStrokeJointProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, strokeJoint: StrokeJoint];
Sets the stroke joint of the named parts of slice to be StrokeJoint.
--OutlineGetStrokeJointProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [strokeJoint: StrokeJoint];
Get the stroke joint of the named parts of slice.
--OutlineSetStrokeColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, color: Imager.Color];
Sets the stroke color of the named parts of slice to be color.
--OutlineGetStrokeColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color];
Get the stroke color of the named parts of slice.
--OutlineSetFillColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, color: Imager.Color];
Sets the fill color of the slice to be color.
--OutlineGetFillColorProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline] RETURNS [color: Imager.Color];
Get the fill color of the slice.
--OutlineSetArrowsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, leftDown, rightUp: BOOL];
Sets the arrow ends of the named parts of the slice.
--OutlineGetArrowsProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline] RETURNS [leftDown, rightUp: BOOL];
Get the arrow ends of the named parts of the slice.
--OutlineSetDashedProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts, dashed: BOOL, pattern: SequenceOfReal ← NIL, offset: REAL ← 0.0, length: REAL ← -1.0];
--OutlineGetDashedProc: TYPE = PROC [slice: Outline, parts: SliceParts] RETURNS [dashed: BOOL, pattern: SequenceOfReal, offset, length: REAL];
Outline Parts
Traj: TYPE = REF TrajObj;
TrajObj: TYPE = RECORD [
role: FenceHoleOpen,
segCount: NAT, -- the number of segments currently in this trajectory
segments: Rosary.ROSARY, -- the segments themselves
Segments refer to joints (and other control points), and have drawing styles.
joints: Rosary.ROSARY, -- the segCount+1 joints at which the segments meet
Joints have a position and a continuity constraint
extraPoints: LIST OF Joint,
parent: Outline, -- the parent outline of this trajectory,
boundBox: BoundBox,
visibleJoints: BOOLTRUE,
strokeJoint: Imager.StrokeJoint ← round,
loArrow, hiArrow: BOOLFALSE,
selectedInPart: SelectedObjectData
FenceHoleOpen: TYPE = {fence, hole, open};
TrajEnd: TYPE = {lo, hi};
TrajPartType: TYPE = {none, joint, controlPoint, segment};
Sequence: TYPE = REF SequenceObj;
SequenceObj: TYPE = RECORD [
traj: Traj,
boundBox: BoundBox, -- bounding box of this sequence. May =seq.traj.boundBox or be tighter.
segments: BitVector,
joints: BitVector,
controlPoints: BitMatrix, -- one BitVector per segment, one bit per CP per BitVector
segCount: NAT, -- the number of segments represented by this sequence
jointCount: NAT, -- the number of joints represented by this sequence
controlPointCount: NAT
TrajGenerator: TYPE = REF TrajGeneratorObj;
TrajGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF Traj
SliceGenerator: TYPE = REF SliceGeneratorObj;
SliceGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF Slice
SliceDescriptorGenerator: TYPE = REF SliceDescriptorGeneratorObj;
SliceDescriptorGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF SliceDescriptor
EntityGenerator: TYPE = SliceGenerator;
EntityGeneratorObj: TYPE = SliceGeneratorObj;
EntityGenerator: TYPE = REF EntityGeneratorObj;
EntityGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
countValid: BOOLFALSE,
count: NAT
OutlineGenerator: TYPE = SliceGenerator;
OutlineGeneratorObj: TYPE = SliceGeneratorObj;
OutlineGenerator: TYPE = REF OutlineGeneratorObj;
OutlineGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF Outline
OutlineDescriptorGenerator: TYPE = SliceDescriptorGenerator;
OutlineDescriptorGeneratorObj: TYPE = SliceDescriptorGeneratorObj;
OutlineDescriptorGenerator: TYPE = REF OutlineDescriptorGeneratorObj;
OutlineDescriptorGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF OutlineDescriptor
SequenceGenerator: TYPE = REF SequenceGeneratorObj;
SequenceGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF Sequence
SegmentGenerator: TYPE = REF SegmentGeneratorObj;
SegmentGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
traj: Traj,
toGo: NAT,
index: NAT ← 0,
touched: NAT ← 0, -- how many segments have we considered returning (should be <= segCount).
seq: Sequence,
completeSeq: BOOL,
sliceD: SliceDescriptor,
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor,
classSpecific: REF ANY
JointGenerator: TYPE = REF JointGeneratorObj;
JointGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
traj: Traj,
toGo: NAT,
index: NAT,
seq: Sequence,
completeSeq: BOOLFALSE
ControlPointGenerator: TYPE = REF ControlPointGeneratorObj;
ControlPointGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
seq: Sequence,
toGo: NAT,
segIndex: NAT, -- together [segIndex, cpIndex] name the next control point to consider
cpIndex: NAT
PointGenerator: TYPE = REF PointGeneratorObj;
PointGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
sliceD: SliceDescriptor,
toGo: NAT,
index: NAT,
classSpecific: REF ANY
PointPairGenerator: TYPE = REF PointPairGeneratorObj;
PointPairGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
sliceD: SliceDescriptor,
toGo: NAT,
index: NAT,
classSpecific: REF ANY
OutlinePointGenerator: TYPE = PointGenerator;
OutlinePointGeneratorObj: TYPE = PointGeneratorObj;
OutlinePointGenerator: TYPE = REF OutlinePointGeneratorObj;
OutlinePointGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor,
toGo: NAT,
index: NAT,
classSpecific: REF ANY
OutlinePointPairGenerator: TYPE = PointPairGenerator;
OutlinePointPairGeneratorObj: TYPE = PointPairGeneratorObj;
OutlinePointPairGenerator: TYPE = REF OutlinePointPairGeneratorObj;
OutlinePointPairGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
outlineD: OutlineDescriptor,
toGo: NAT,
index: NAT,
classSpecific: REF ANY
BoundBoxGenerator: TYPE = REF BoundBoxGeneratorObj;
BoundBoxGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
list: LIST OF BoundBox
Gravity and Alignments
AlignmentObject: TYPE = REF ANY; -- types: AlignmentLine, AlignmentCircle, AlignmentPoint, SliceDescriptor, Sequence
FeatureData: TYPE = REF FeatureDataObj;
FeatureDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
type: FeatureType,
shape: AlignmentObject
FeatureType: TYPE = {outline, slice, distanceLine, slopeLine, angleLine, symmetryLine, radiiCircle, intersectionPoint, midpoint, anchor};
ResultFeatureType: TYPE = {outline, slice, distanceLine, slopeLine, angleLine, symmetryLine, radiiCircle, intersectionPoint, midpoint, anchor};