DIRECTORY Convert, IO, Rope, Real, SC, SCChanUtil, SCInitialPlace, SCInstUtil, SCPlaceUtil, SCPrivate, SCRowUtil, TerminalIO; SCPrePlaceImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, IO, Real, Rope, SC, SCChanUtil, SCInstUtil, SCPlaceUtil, SCRowUtil, TerminalIO EXPORTS SCInitialPlace SHARES SC = BEGIN debug: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; ChooseNonZero: PROCEDURE [num1, num2, num3: SC.Number _ 0] RETURNS[ result: SC.Number] = { IF num1 # 0 THEN result _ num1 ELSE IF num2 # 0 THEN result _ num2 ELSE result _ num3}; InitBpSide: PROCEDURE [handle: SC.Handle] = { SideProc: SCRowUtil.EachSideProc = { bpRow.maxBpsOnSide _ bpRow.initMaxBpsOnSide; bpRow.size.p _ 0; bpRow.size.q _ 0; bpRow.dimInvalid _ FALSE; bpRow.nBpsOnSide _ 0; bpRow.fnlBpFxd _ FALSE; bpRow.initBpFxd _ FALSE}; [] _ SCRowUtil.EnumerateSides[handle, SideProc]}; InitLgRow: PROCEDURE [handle: SC.Handle] = { RowProc: SCRowUtil.EachRowProc = { lgRow.size.p _ 0; lgRow.size.q _ 0; lgRow.dimInvalid _ FALSE; lgRow.nLgsOnRow _ 0; lgRow.nFtsOnRow _ 0; lgRow.fnlLgFxd _ FALSE; lgRow.initLgFxd _ FALSE}; [] _ SCRowUtil.EnumerateRows[handle, RowProc]}; PrePlaceComps: PROCEDURE [handle: SC.Handle, initialized: BOOLEAN] = { IntBounds: PROCEDURE[checkNum, lowLimit, upLimit, default: SC.Number, name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[ result: SC.Number] = { IF lowLimit <= checkNum AND checkNum <= upLimit THEN result _ checkNum ELSE { result _ default; TerminalIO.PutRope[Rope.Cat[Rope.Cat[" instance: ", name, " variable: ", Convert.RopeFromInt[checkNum], " limits = "], Rope.Cat[Convert.RopeFromInt[lowLimit], Convert.RopeFromInt[upLimit], "\n"]]]}}; SideBounds: PROCEDURE[checkNum, lowLimit, upLimit, default: SC.SideOrNone, name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[ result: SC.SideOrNone] = { IF lowLimit <= checkNum AND checkNum <= upLimit THEN result _ checkNum ELSE { result _ default; TerminalIO.PutRope[Rope.Cat[Rope.Cat[" instance: ", name, " variable: ", SCRowUtil.sideName[checkNum], " limits: "], Rope.Cat[SCRowUtil.sideName[lowLimit], " .. ", SCRowUtil.sideName[upLimit], "\n"]]]}}; PrePlacLg: PROCEDURE[handle: SC.Handle, instance: SCPrivate.Instance, initialized: BOOLEAN] = { layoutData: SCPrivate.LayoutData _ NARROW[handle.layoutData]; lgRows: SCPrivate.LgRows _ layoutData.lgRows; iRow, fRow: SCPrivate.ZMaxRowSr; IF initialized THEN { instance.curRow _ instance.initRow; instance.curPos _ instance.initPos; instance.curOrien _ instance.initOrien}; fRow _ IntBounds[instance.fnlRow, 0, SCPrivate.maxLgRows, 0,]; iRow _ IntBounds[instance.initRow, 0, SCPrivate.maxLgRows, 0,]; IF instance.preRow > 0 THEN { instance.preRow _ IntBounds[instance.preRow, 1, SCPrivate.maxLgRows, 0,]; instance.prePos _ IntBounds[instance.prePos, 1, SCPrivate.maxPos, 0,]; instance.preOrien _ IntBounds[instance.preOrien, 1, SCPrivate.maxOrien, SCInstUtil.defltLgOrien,]; IF instance.preRow = 0 OR instance.prePos = 0 OR instance.preOrien = 0 THEN { instance.preRow _ 0; instance.prePos _ 0; instance.preOrien _ 0}} ELSE IF fRow > 0 THEN { instance.preRow _ fRow; instance.prePos _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlPos, instance.initPos], 0, SCPrivate.maxPos, 0,]; instance.preOrien _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlOrien, instance.initOrien, SCInstUtil.defltLgOrien], 1, SCPrivate.maxOrien, SCInstUtil.defltLgOrien,]} ELSE IF iRow > 0 THEN { instance.preRow _ iRow; instance.prePos _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlPos, instance.initPos], 0, SCPrivate.maxPos, 0,]; instance.preOrien _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlOrien, instance.initOrien, SCInstUtil.defltLgOrien], 1, SCPrivate.maxOrien, SCInstUtil.defltLgOrien,]}; IF instance.preRow > 0 THEN SCPlaceUtil.PutLgRow[handle, instance, instance.preRow, instance.preOrien] ELSE {instance.curRow _ 0; instance.curPos _ 0; instance.curOrien _ 0}; IF instance.preRow > 0 AND instance.prePos > 0 THEN { IF fRow > 0 AND instance.fnlPos > 0 THEN lgRows.rows[fRow].fnlLgFxd _ TRUE; IF iRow > 0 AND instance.initPos > 0 THEN lgRows.rows[iRow].initLgFxd _ TRUE}}; PrePlacBp: PROCEDURE[handle: SC.Handle, instance: SCPrivate.Instance, initialized:BOOLEAN] = { layoutData: SCPrivate.LayoutData _ NARROW[handle.layoutData]; bpRows: SCPrivate.BpRows _ layoutData.bpRows; iSide, fSide: SC.SideOrNone; IF initialized THEN { instance.curSide _ instance.initSide; instance.curPos _ instance.initPos; instance.curOrien _ instance.initOrien}; iSide _ SideBounds[instance.initSide, bottom, none, none,]; fSide _ SideBounds[instance.fnlSide, bottom, none, none,]; IF instance.preSide # none THEN { instance.preSide _ SideBounds[instance.preSide, bottom, right, none,]; instance.prePos _ IntBounds[instance.prePos, 1, SCPrivate.maxPos, 0,]; instance.preOrien _ IntBounds[instance.preOrien, 1, SCPrivate.maxOrien, SCInstUtil.defltBpOrien[instance.preSide],]; IF instance.preSide = none OR instance.prePos = 0 OR instance.preOrien = 0 THEN { instance.preSide _ none; instance.prePos _ 0; instance.preOrien _ 0}} ELSE IF fSide # none THEN { instance.preSide _ fSide; instance.prePos _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlPos, instance.initPos], 0, SCPrivate.maxPos, 0,]; instance.preOrien _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlOrien, instance.initOrien, SCInstUtil.defltBpOrien[instance.preSide]], 1, SCPrivate.maxOrien, SCInstUtil.defltBpOrien[instance.preSide],]} ELSE IF iSide # none THEN { instance.preSide _ iSide; instance.prePos _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlPos, instance.initPos], 0, SCPrivate.maxPos, 0,]; instance.preOrien _ IntBounds[ChooseNonZero[instance.fnlOrien, instance.initOrien, SCInstUtil.defltBpOrien[iSide]], 1, SCPrivate.maxOrien, SCInstUtil.defltBpOrien[iSide],]}; IF instance.preSide # none THEN SCPlaceUtil.PutBpSide[handle, instance, instance.preSide] ELSE {instance.curSide _ none; instance.curPos _ 0; instance.curOrien _ 0}; IF instance.preSide # none AND instance.prePos > 0 THEN { IF fSide # none AND instance.fnlPos > 0 THEN bpRows[fSide].fnlBpFxd _ TRUE; IF iSide # none AND instance.initPos >0 THEN bpRows[iSide].initBpFxd _ TRUE}}; EachInstance: SCInstUtil.EachInstanceProc = { SELECT instance.whichClass FROM logic, ft => PrePlacLg[handle, instance, initialized]; io => PrePlacBp[handle, instance, initialized]; ENDCASE}; [] _ SCInstUtil.EnumerateAllInstances[handle, EachInstance]}; DetermineRows: PROCEDURE [handle: SC.Handle, numRows: NAT, routingFactor: REAL] = { EachInstance: SCInstUtil.EachInstanceProc = { IF instance.whichClass = logic THEN { maxRowSpec _ MAX[instance.initRow, MAX[maxRowSpec, instance.fnlRow]]; totLinComps _ totLinComps + SCInstUtil.InstWidth[instance]; avgHeight _ avgHeight + SCInstUtil.InstHeight[instance]}}; layoutData: SCPrivate.LayoutData _ NARROW[handle.layoutData]; lgRows: SCPrivate.LgRows _ layoutData.lgRows; structureData: SCPrivate.StructureData _ NARROW[handle.structureData]; instances: SCPrivate.Instances _ structureData.instances; routFact: REAL = 2.5; detRow: NAT; maxRowSpec, avgHeight, totLinComps: SC.Number _ 0; [] _ SCInstUtil.EnumerateAllInstances[handle, EachInstance]; avgHeight _ avgHeight /MAX[1, instances.numLogics]; IF avgHeight > 0 THEN detRow _ MAX[1, Real.RoundI[Real.SqRt[totLinComps * avgHeight* routingFactor] / (avgHeight * routingFactor)]] ELSE detRow _ 0; IF numRows > 0 THEN lgRows.count _ MIN[SC.Number[SCPrivate.maxLgRows], MAX[maxRowSpec, numRows]] ELSE IF maxRowSpec > 0 THEN lgRows.count _ MIN[SC.Number[SCPrivate.maxLgRows], MAX[maxRowSpec, detRow]] ELSE lgRows.count _ MIN[SCPrivate.maxLgRows, detRow]; lgRows.count _ MAX[1, lgRows.count]; layoutData.rowChans.count _ lgRows.count +1; TerminalIO.PutRope[" number of rows calculation:\n"]; TerminalIO.PutF1[" maximum row specified: %g\n",[maxRowSpec]]; TerminalIO.PutF1[" computed number of rows: %g\n",[detRow]]; TerminalIO.PutF1[" number of rows specified: %g\n",[numRows]]; TerminalIO.PutF1[" number of rows used: %g\n",[lgRows.count]]}; DetermineSides: PROCEDURE [handle: SC.Handle] = { SideSlots: SCRowUtil.EachSideProc = { bpRow.maxBpsOnSide _ MAX[bpRow.initMaxBpsOnSide, bpRow.nBpsOnSide]; IF bpRow.maxBpsOnSide > 0 THEN { totBpSlots _ totBpSlots + bpRow.maxBpsOnSide; nSidesAvail _ nSidesAvail -1}}; SetSlots: SCRowUtil.EachSideProc = { -- 2X is a HACK IF bpRow.maxBpsOnSide <= 0 THEN bpRow.maxBpsOnSide _ nBps*2}; structureData: SCPrivate.StructureData _ NARROW[handle.structureData]; instances: SCPrivate.Instances _ structureData.instances; nSidesAvail: NAT[0..4] _ 4; totBpSlots: NAT _ 0; nBps: NAT; [] _ SCRowUtil.EnumerateSides[handle, SideSlots]; IF nSidesAvail > 0 THEN nBps _ MAX[0, (instances.numIOs - totBpSlots +3) /nSidesAvail] ELSE { nBps _ 0; IF instances.numIOs > totBpSlots THEN SC.Error[callingError, "Too many IO's"]}; [] _ SCRowUtil.EnumerateSides[handle, SetSlots]}; PrePlace: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[handle: SC.Handle, numRows: NAT _ 0, routingFactor: REAL _ 2.5, initialized: BOOLEAN _ TRUE] = { TerminalIO.PutRope["Pre placement\n"]; InitBpSide[handle]; InitLgRow[handle]; SCChanUtil.ClearRouteDat[handle]; PrePlaceComps[handle, initialized]; DetermineRows[handle, numRows, routingFactor]; DetermineSides[handle]; TerminalIO.PutRope["End pre placement\n"]; IF debug THEN SCPlaceUtil.WriteCurPlace[handle]}; END. ΪSCPrePlaceImpl.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. last edited by Bryan Preas, January 18, 1987 1:56:51 pm PST Choose non zero num in priority order make the bonding pad rows empty make the interior rows empty pre place the components preplace the logic component instance check if this instance has a currently defined position check if the final position is specified check for initial position specified check if this instance restricts a row by specifying a position on a row preplace the bonding pad component instance check if this instance has a currently defined position check if the final position is specified check for initial position specified check to see if this bp restricts this side by having a position assigned determine the number of rows to use must use direct data access, no placement exists yet determine the number of Bps on sides to use compute number of slots to put on currently empty sides Κπ˜šœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™˜>—J˜š Ÿ œž œ žœžœžœ˜SJšœ$™$J˜šŸ œ!˜-šžœžœ˜%Jšœ žœžœ˜EJšœ4™4Jšœ;˜;Jšœ:˜:—J˜—Jšœ#žœ˜=Jšœ-˜-Jšœ)žœ˜FJšœ9˜9Jšœ žœ˜J˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ$žœ ˜2J˜Jšœ<˜—šžœ˜Jšœ ˜ šžœžœ'˜OJ˜——Jšœ2˜2J˜—šŸœžœž œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜{J˜Jšœ&˜&Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ!˜!Jšœ#˜#Jšœ.˜.Jšœ˜Jšœ*˜*Jšžœžœ%˜2—šžœ˜J˜J˜———…—$Ό1†