DIRECTORY CD, CDBasics, CDDirectory, CDSymbolicObjects, Convert, Core, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreGeometry, CoreOps, CoreProperties, HashTable, Properties, PW, PWCore, PWPins, Rope, RTBasic, RTCoreUtil, RTStructure, TerminalIO; RTStructureImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CD, CDBasics, CDDirectory, CDSymbolicObjects, Convert, CoreClasses, CoreGeometry, CoreOps, CoreProperties, HashTable, PW, PWCore, PWPins, Rope, RTBasic, RTCoreUtil, RTStructure, TerminalIO EXPORTS RTStructure = BEGIN Error: PUBLIC ERROR[errorType: RTStructure.ErrorType _ callingError, explanation: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] = CODE; Signal: PUBLIC SIGNAL[signalType: RTStructure.ErrorType _ callingError, explanation: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] = CODE; CreateForRopes: PUBLIC PROC [name: Rope.ROPE, nInsts, nObjs, nNets, nPubs: HashTable.SeqIndex _ 17, netWidth: RTStructure.NetWidthProc _ WidestPinProc, properties: Properties.PropList _ NIL] RETURNS [RTStructure.Structure] ~ { RETURN[NEW[RTStructure.StructureRec _ [name: name, instances: HashTable.Create[nInsts, HashTable.RopeEqual, HashTable.HashRope], objects: HashTable.Create[nObjs, HashTable.RopeEqual, HashTable.HashRope], nets: HashTable.Create[nNets, HashTable.RopeEqual, HashTable.HashRope], netWidth: netWidth -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[properties] -- ]]]}; CreateForRefs: PUBLIC PROC [name: Rope.ROPE, nInsts, nObjs, nNets, nPubs: HashTable.SeqIndex _ 17, netWidth: RTStructure.NetWidthProc _ WidestPinProc, properties: Properties.PropList _ NIL] RETURNS [RTStructure.Structure] ~ { RETURN[NEW[RTStructure.StructureRec _ [name: name, instances: HashTable.Create[nInsts], objects: HashTable.Create[nObjs], nets: HashTable.Create[nNets], netWidth: netWidth -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[properties] -- ]]]}; FetchInstance: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, key: RTStructure.Key] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, instance: RTStructure.Instance] ~ { value: REF; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[structure.instances, key]; instance _ NARROW[value]}; FetchInstancePin: PUBLIC PROC [instance: RTStructure.Instance, key: RTStructure.Key] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, iPin: RTStructure.InstancePin] ~ { value: REF; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[instance.iPins, key]; iPin _ NARROW[value]}; EnumerateInstances: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, action: RTStructure.EachInstanceAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { eachPair: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ { TRUSTED{instance _ LOOPHOLE[value]}; quit _ action[key, instance]}; instance: RTStructure.Instance; RETURN[HashTable.Pairs[structure.instances, eachPair]]}; EnumerateInstancePins: PUBLIC PROC [instance: RTStructure.Instance, action: RTStructure.EachInstancePinAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { eachPair: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ { TRUSTED{instancePin _ LOOPHOLE[value]}; quit _ action[key, instance, instancePin]}; instancePin: RTStructure.InstancePin; RETURN[HashTable.Pairs[instance.iPins, eachPair]]}; FetchObject: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, key: RTStructure.Key] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, object: RTStructure.Object] ~ { value: REF; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[structure.objects, key]; object _ NARROW[value]}; FetchObjectPin: PUBLIC PROC [object: RTStructure.Object, key: RTStructure.Key] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, oPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin] ~ { value: REF; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[object.oPins, key]; oPin _ NARROW[value]}; EnumerateObjects: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, action: RTStructure.EachObjectAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { eachPair: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ { TRUSTED{object _ LOOPHOLE[value]}; quit _ action[key, object]}; object: RTStructure.Object; RETURN[HashTable.Pairs[structure.objects, eachPair]]}; EnumerateObjectPins: PUBLIC PROC [object: RTStructure.Object, action: RTStructure.EachObjectPinAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { eachPair: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ { TRUSTED{oPin _ LOOPHOLE[value]}; quit _ action[key, object, oPin]}; oPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin; RETURN[HashTable.Pairs[object.oPins, eachPair]]}; EnumeratePhysicalPins: PUBLIC PROC [oPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin, action: RTStructure.EachPhysicalPinAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] ~ { FOR list: LIST OF RTStructure.PhysicalPin _ oPin.physicalPins, WHILE list # NIL AND ~quit DO quit _ action[oPin, list.first] ENDLOOP; }; PosOfObjectPin: PUBLIC PROC [object: RTStructure.Object, pPin: RTStructure.PhysicalPin] RETURNS [position: CD.Position] ~ { position _ SELECT pPin.side FROM bottom => [pPin.range.min, 0], right => [CD.InterestSize[object.cdObject].x, pPin.range.min], top => [pPin.range.min, CD.InterestSize[object.cdObject].y], left => [0, pPin.range.min], ENDCASE => [0, 0]}; FetchNet: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, key: RTStructure.Key] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, net: RTStructure.Net] ~ { value: REF; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[structure.nets, key]; net _ NARROW[value]}; FetchNetPin: PUBLIC PROC [net: RTStructure.Net, key: RTStructure.Key] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, nPin: RTStructure.NetPin] ~ { value: REF; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[net.nPins, key]; nPin _ NARROW[value]}; EnumerateNets: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, action: RTStructure.EachNetAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { eachPair: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ { TRUSTED{net _ LOOPHOLE[value]}; quit _ action[key, net]}; net: RTStructure.Net; RETURN[HashTable.Pairs[structure.nets, eachPair]]}; EnumerateNetPins: PUBLIC PROC [net: RTStructure.Net, action: RTStructure.EachNetPinAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { eachPair: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ { TRUSTED{nPin _ LOOPHOLE[value]}; quit _ action[key, net, nPin]}; nPin: RTStructure.NetPin; RETURN[HashTable.Pairs[net.nPins, eachPair]]}; WidestPinProc: PUBLIC RTStructure.NetWidthProc ~ { EachNetPin: RTStructure.EachNetPinAction ~ { EachPhysicalPin: RTStructure.EachPhysicalPinAction ~ { wireWidth _ MAX[wireWidth, pPin.range.max - pPin.range.min]}; [] _ EnumeratePhysicalPins[nPin.oPin, EachPhysicalPin]}; wireWidth _ 0; [] _ EnumerateNetPins[net, EachNetPin]}; IsPublic: PUBLIC PROC [net: RTStructure.Net] RETURNS [isPublic: BOOLEAN] ~ { EachNetPin: RTStructure.EachNetPinAction ~ { quit _ nPin.instance.object.heirarchyLevel = nextHigher}; isPublic _ EnumerateNetPins[net, EachNetPin]}; CreateFromCore: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: Core.CellType, flattenCellType: RTCoreUtil.FlattenCellTypeProc, pinFilter: RTStructure.CorePinFilterProc _ NIL, interestingProperties: RTCoreUtil.PropertyKeys, userData: REF ANY _ NIL, decoration: CoreGeometry.Decoration, libDesign: CD.Design, properties: Properties.PropList] RETURNS [ structure: RTStructure.Structure] ~ { InternalWireProc: RTCoreUtil.FlatWireProc = { net: RTStructure.Net _ NEW[RTStructure.NetRec _ [name: pathName, nPins: HashTable.Create[] -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreNet[structure, wire, net]}; ExternalWireProc: RTCoreUtil.FlatWireProc = { objectPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin _ NEW[RTStructure.ObjectPinRec _ [name: pathName, heirarchyLevel: nextHigher -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; netPin: RTStructure.NetPin _ NEW[RTStructure.NetPinRec _ [oPin: objectPin, instance: structure.outerInstance]]; net: RTStructure.Net _ FetchNet[structure, wire].net; instancePin: RTStructure.InstancePin _ NEW[RTStructure.InstancePinRec _ [oPin: objectPin, net: net]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreObjectPin[structure.outerInstance.object, wire, objectPin]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreInstancePin[structure.outerInstance, wire, instancePin]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreNetPin[net, wire, netPin]}; InstanceProc: RTCoreUtil.FlatInstanceProc = { EachInstancePin: RTCoreUtil.EachInstancePinProc = { EachObjectPin: RTStructure.EachObjectPinAction ~ { IF Rope.Equal[, name] THEN { IF net # NIL THEN { netPin: RTStructure.NetPin _ NEW[RTStructure.NetPinRec _ [oPin: oPin, instance: instance]]; instancePin: RTStructure.InstancePin _ NEW[RTStructure.InstancePinRec _ [oPin: oPin, net: net]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreInstancePin[instance, publicWire, instancePin]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreNetPin[net, netPin, netPin]}}}; name: Rope.ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[publicWire]; net: RTStructure.Net _ FetchNet[structure, actualWire].net; IF net = NIL THEN Signal[callingError, Rope.Cat[Rope.Cat["Net not defined: ", CoreOps.GetShortWireName[actualWire], " on component: ",], Rope.Cat[", type: ",]]]; [] _ EnumerateObjectPins[object, EachObjectPin]; -- get the pin }; object: RTStructure.Object _ DefineObject[structure, cellInstance.type, pinFilter, userData, decoration, libDesign]; instance: RTStructure.Instance _ DefineInstance[structure, object, cellInstance]; [] _ RTCoreUtil.EnumFlatInstancePins[cellInstance, EachInstancePin]}; outerName: Rope.ROPE _ CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType]; outerObject: RTStructure.Object _ NEW[RTStructure.ObjectRec _ [name: outerName, cdObject: NIL, heirarchyLevel: nextHigher, oPins: HashTable.Create[] -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; outerInstance: RTStructure.Instance _ NEW[RTStructure.InstanceRec _ [name: CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType], object: outerObject, iPins: HashTable.Create[]]]; outerCoreInstance: CoreClasses.CellInstance _ CoreClasses.CreateInstance[NIL, cellType]; structure _ CreateForRefs[name: CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreInstance[structure, outerCoreInstance, outerInstance]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreObject[structure, cellType, outerObject]; structure.outerInstance _ outerInstance; TerminalIO.WriteRope["Getting structure description . . .\n"]; RTCoreUtil.Flatten[cellType, flattenCellType, ExternalWireProc, InternalWireProc, InstanceProc, interestingProperties]; }; InsertPublic: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, name: Rope.ROPE, cdObject: CD.Object, pinFilter: RTStructure.CDPinFilterProc, userData: REF ANY, makeHashKey: RTStructure.HashKeyProc] ~ { }; InsertInstance: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, name: Rope.ROPE, position: CD.Position, orientation: CD.Orientation, cdObject: CD.Object, pinFilter: RTStructure.CDPinFilterProc, userData: REF ANY, makeHashKey: RTStructure.HashKeyProc] ~ { EachInstPin: CDSymbolicObjects.InstEnumerator = { usePin: BOOLEAN _ IF pinFilter = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE pinFilter[inst, cdObject, userData]; IF usePin THEN { InsertInstPin[structure, object, instance, inst, makeHashKey]}}; EachObjPin: CDSymbolicObjects.InstEnumerator = { usePin: BOOLEAN _ IF pinFilter = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE pinFilter[inst, cdObject, userData]; IF usePin THEN { InsertObjectPin[structure, object, cdObject, inst, makeHashKey]}}; object: RTStructure.Object; instance: RTStructure.Instance; IF cdObject # NIL THEN { objectName: Rope.ROPE _ CDDirectory.Name[cdObject]; object _ FetchObject[structure, objectName].object; IF object = NIL THEN { object _ NEW[RTStructure.ObjectRec _ [objectName, cdObject, this, HashTable.Create[equal: HashTable.RopeEqual, hash: HashTable.HashRope] -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreObject[structure, objectName, object]; [] _ PWPins.EnumerateEdgePins[cdObject, EachObjPin]}; instance _ NEW[RTStructure.InstanceRec _ [name, TRUE, position, orientation, object, HashTable.Create[equal: HashTable.RopeEqual, hash: HashTable.HashRope]]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreInstance[structure, name, instance]; [] _ PWPins.EnumerateEdgePins[cdObject, EachInstPin]}}; PrintStructure: PUBLIC PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure] ~ { TerminalIO.WriteRopes["Writing structure for: ",, "\n"]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[" Objects\n"]; [] _ EnumerateObjects[structure, PrintObject]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[" Instances\n"]; [] _ EnumerateInstances[structure, PrintInstance]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[" Nets\n"]; [] _ EnumerateNets[structure, PrintNet]}; InsertInstPin: PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, object: RTStructure.Object, instance: RTStructure.Instance, pin: CD.Instance, makeHashKey: RTStructure.HashKeyProc] ~ { netPin: RTStructure.NetPin; instancePin: RTStructure.InstancePin; pinName: Rope.ROPE _ CDSymbolicObjects.GetName[pin]; tabIndex: Rope.ROPE _ IF makeHashKey=NIL THEN pinName ELSE makeHashKey[pin]; netPinName: Rope.ROPE _ Rope.Cat[tabIndex, "/",]; rect: CD.Rect _ CDSymbolicObjects.Denotes[pin]; objectPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin _ FetchObjectPin[object, tabIndex].oPin; net: RTStructure.Net _ FetchNet[structure, tabIndex].net; IF net = NIL THEN { net _ NEW[RTStructure.NetRec _ [name: tabIndex, nPins: HashTable.Create[equal: HashTable.RopeEqual, hash: HashTable.HashRope]]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreNet[structure, tabIndex, net]}; netPin _ NEW[RTStructure.NetPinRec _ [oPin: objectPin, instance: instance]]; instancePin _ NEW[RTStructure.InstancePinRec _ [oPin: objectPin, net: net]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreInstancePin[instance, netPinName, instancePin]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreNetPin[net, netPinName, netPin]}; InsertObjectPin: PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, object: RTStructure.Object, cdObject: CD.Object, pin: CD.Instance, makeHashKey: RTStructure.HashKeyProc] ~ { physicalPin: RTStructure.PhysicalPin; pinName: Rope.ROPE _ CDSymbolicObjects.GetName[pin]; tabIndex: Rope.ROPE _ IF makeHashKey=NIL THEN pinName ELSE makeHashKey[pin]; side: RTBasic.Side _ FromSideToSide[PWPins.GetSide[cdObject, pin].side]; outsideRect: CD.Rect _ CD.InterestRect[cdObject]; pinRect: CD.Rect _ CDSymbolicObjects.Denotes[pin]; depth: INT _ SELECT side FROM bottom => pinRect.y1 - outsideRect.y1, right => outsideRect.x2 - pinRect.x2, top => outsideRect.y2 - pinRect.y2, left => pinRect.x1 - outsideRect.x1, ENDCASE => Error[programmingError, "Call maintainer"]; objectPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin _ FetchObjectPin[object, tabIndex].oPin; IF objectPin = NIL THEN { objectPin _ NEW[RTStructure.ObjectPinRec _ [name: tabIndex, heirarchyLevel: this -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreObjectPin[object, tabIndex, objectPin]}; physicalPin _ NEW[RTStructure.PhysicalPinRec _ [range: CoordsAlongSide[pin, cdObject, side], side: side, layer: CDSymbolicObjects.GetLayer[pin], depth: depth -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; RTStructure.StorePhysicalPin[objectPin, physicalPin]}; CoordsAlongSide: PUBLIC PROC [instance: CD.Instance, object: CD.Object, side: RTBasic.Side] RETURNS [range: RTStructure.Range] ~ { pos: CD.Position _ PW.GetLocation[instance, object]; size: CD.Position _ CDBasics.SizeOfRect[CDSymbolicObjects.Denotes[instance]]; SELECT side FROM top, bottom => range _ [pos.x, pos.x + size.x]; left, right => range _ [pos.y, pos.y + size.y]; ENDCASE}; FromSideToSide: PUBLIC PROC [side: PWPins.Side] RETURNS [routeSide: RTBasic.Side] = { routeSide _ SELECT side FROM left => left, right => right, top => top, bottom => bottom, ENDCASE => ERROR}; DefineObject: PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, cellType: Core.CellType, pinFilter: RTStructure.CorePinFilterProc, userData: REF ANY, decoration: CoreGeometry.Decoration, libDesign: CD.Design] RETURNS [object: RTStructure.Object] = { EachWire: PROC [wire: Core.Wire] ~ { name: Rope.ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire]; objectPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin _ NEW[RTStructure.ObjectPinRec _ [name: name, heirarchyLevel: this -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreObjectPin[object, wire, objectPin]}; EachPhysicalPin: CoreGeometry.EachWirePinProc = { rtSide: RTBasic.Side _ SELECT side FROM bottom => bottom, right => right, top => top, left => left, ENDCASE => RTBasic.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen."]; usePin: BOOLEAN _ IF pinFilter = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE pinFilter[wire, [min, max], rtSide, layer, userData]; IF usePin THEN { range: RTStructure.Range _ [min, max]; depth: INT _ 0; physicalPin: RTStructure.PhysicalPin _ NEW[RTStructure.PhysicalPinRec _ [range: range, side: rtSide, layer: layer, depth: depth -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; objectPin: RTStructure.ObjectPin _ FetchObjectPin[object, wire].oPin; RTStructure.StorePhysicalPin[objectPin, physicalPin]}}; cdObject: CD.Object _ NIL; object _ FetchObject[structure, cellType].object; IF object = NIL THEN { objectName: Rope.ROPE _ CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType]; IF PWCore.GetLayoutAtom[cellType] # NIL THEN cdObject _ PWCore.Layout[cellType] ELSE IF libDesign # NIL THEN cdObject _ PW.Get[libDesign, objectName] ELSE { Signal[callingError, Rope.Cat["Core object: ", objectName, " not in found"]]; RETURN}; IF cdObject = NIL THEN { Signal[callingError, Rope.Cat["Core object: ", objectName, " not in found"]]; RETURN}; object _ NEW[RTStructure.ObjectRec _ [name: objectName, cdObject: cdObject, heirarchyLevel: this, oPins: HashTable.Create[] -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreObject[structure, cellType, object]; CoreOps.VisitRootAtomics[cellType.public, EachWire]; [] _ CoreGeometry.EnumerateNonOverlappingSides[decoration, cellType, EachPhysicalPin]; }}; DefineInstance: PROC [structure: RTStructure.Structure, object: RTStructure.Object, cellInstance: CoreClasses.CellInstance] RETURNS [instance: RTStructure.Instance] = { name: Rope.ROPE _ NARROW[CoreProperties.GetCellInstanceProp[cellInstance, CoreOps.nameProp]]; instance _ NEW[RTStructure.InstanceRec _ [name: name, object: object, iPins: HashTable.Create[] -- , properties: CoreProperties.CopyProps[] -- ]]; [] _ RTStructure.StoreInstance[structure, cellInstance, instance]}; PrintObject: RTStructure.EachObjectAction ~ { PrintObjectPins: RTStructure.EachObjectPinAction ~ { PrintPhysicalPins: RTStructure.EachPhysicalPinAction ~ { TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" range: [", Convert.RopeFromInt[pPin.range.min], ", ", Convert.RopeFromInt[pPin.range.max], "], "]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat["side: ", RTBasic.sideName[pPin.side], "\n"]]}; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" ",, IF object.heirarchyLevel = this THEN " this" ELSE " nextHigher"]]; [] _ EnumeratePhysicalPins[oPin, PrintPhysicalPins]}; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" ",, IF object.heirarchyLevel = this THEN " this" ELSE " nextHigher", "\n"]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" connections: ", "\n"]]; [] _ EnumerateObjectPins[object, PrintObjectPins]}; PrintInstance: RTStructure.EachInstanceAction ~ { PrintInstancePins: RTStructure.EachInstancePinAction ~ { TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" net: ",, ", pin: ",, "\n"]]; }; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" ",, "\n"]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" position: [", Convert.RopeFromInt[instance.position.x], ", ", Convert.RopeFromInt[instance.position.y], "], "]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat["orientation: ", Convert.RopeFromInt[instance.orientation], "\n"]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" object: ",, "\n"]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" connections: ", "\n"]]; [] _ EnumerateInstancePins[instance, PrintInstancePins]}; PrintNet: RTStructure.EachNetAction ~ { PrintNetPins: RTStructure.EachNetPinAction ~ { TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" instance: ",, ", pin: ",, "\n"]]; }; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" ",, "\n"]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope[Rope.Cat[" connections: ", "\n"]]; [] _ EnumerateNetPins[net, PrintNetPins]}; TranslateRange: PUBLIC PROC [instance: RTStructure.Instance, pPin: RTStructure.PhysicalPin] RETURNS [range: RTStructure.Range]~ { range _ SELECT pPin.side FROM top, bottom => [instance.position.x + pPin.range.min, instance.position.x + pPin.range.max], left, right => [instance.position.y + pPin.range.min, instance.position.y + pPin.range.max], ENDCASE => RTBasic.Error[programmingError, "Call maintainer."]; }; END. ÞRTStructureImpl.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reversed. Created by Bryan Preas, August 22, 1986 3:20:09 pm PDT Errors Building and Using The Structure Table Creating The Structure Table Creates new structure for Rope keys. Creates new structure for REF keys. Instance Manipulation looks up key in table, returns associated instance (if any) if found is TRUE, net is value associated with given key if found is FALSE, instance is NIL looks up key in table, returns associated instancePin (if any) if found is TRUE, net is value associated with given key if found is FALSE, instancePin is NIL enumerates objects currently in symbol table in unspecified order instances inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each object until action returns TRUE or no more pairs returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE enumerates pins on instance in unspecified order pins inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each pin until action returns TRUE or no more pins returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE Object Manipulation looks up key in table, returns associated object (if any) if found is TRUE, net is value associated with given key if found is FALSE, net is NIL looks up key in table, returns associated objectPin (if any) if found is TRUE, net is value associated with given key if found is FALSE, objectPin is NIL enumerates objects currently in symbol table in unspecified order instances inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each object until action returns TRUE or no more pairs returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE enumerates pins on object in unspecified order pins inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each segment until action returns TRUE or no more segments returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE enumerates physical pins on ObjectPin in unspecified order pins inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each segment until action returns TRUE or no more object pins returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE returns position of object Pin wrt the object Net Manipulation looks up key in table, returns associated net (if any) if found is TRUE, net is value associated with given key if found is FALSE, net is NIL looks up key in table, returns associated netPin (if any) if found is TRUE, net is value associated with given key if found is FALSE, netPin is NIL enumerates nets currently in symbol table in unspecified order nets inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each net until action returns TRUE or no more nets returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE enumerates pins on net in unspecified order pins inserted/deleted during enumeration may or may not be seen applies action to each pin until action returns TRUE or no more pins returns TRUE if some action returns TRUE PROC[net: Net, structure: Structure, direction: RTBasic.Direction, context: REF ANY _ NIL] RETURNS [wireWidth: INT] PROC [key: Key, net: Net, nPin: NetPin] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE]; PROC [oPin: ObjectPin, pPin: PhysicalPin] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE]; TRUE iff this tet has a connection to the next higher level PROC [key: Key, net: Net, nPin: NetPin] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE]; Utilities derive the interconnection requirements from a Core data structure. structure is indexed by the following REFs: instances: Core cellInstance of flattened object instancePins: Core public wires on associated object objects: Core cellType objectPins: Core public wires on associated object nets: Core actual wires of flattened object netPins: PROC [wire: Core.Wire, pathName: Rope.ROPE] register the net using internal wire PROC [wire: Core.Wire, pathName: Rope.ROPE] build and insert the external object pins from the public wire PROC [cellInstance: CoreClasses.CellInstance, pathName: Rope.ROPE] PROC [actualWire, publicWire: Wire] RETURNS [subWires: BOOL _ TRUE, quit: BOOL _ FALSE] add connection for comp, pin construct an instance, an object and put the pins on the interest rec of the object in the structure if pinFilter returns true. makeHashKey can be used to transform the pin names to net names. Ropes are use for keys; this means that CreateForRopes must be used to create the structure used by theis procedure. In addition, the obhect and pins must be named. construct an instance, an object and put the pins on the interest rec of the object in the structure if pinFilter returns true. makeHashKey can be used to transform the pin names to net names. Ropes are use for keys; this means that CreateForRopes must be used to create the structure used by theis procedure. In addition, the obhect and pins must be named. [inst: CD.Instance] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] [inst: CD.Instance] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] print the given structure Internal Procedures make a segment from a pin (inst) on an object and put it in the table make an object pin from pin (inst) on an object and put it in the table construct object pins for this object bind pin to public wire of object PROC [wire: Wire, min, max: INT, side: Side, layer: CD.Layer] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE]; get the ChipNDale object define the object define the pins on the object find range of an instance pin ʲ˜– "Cedar" stylešœ™Jšœ Ïmœ1™™>Kšœ8™8Kšœ%™%K˜Kšœžœ˜ Kšœ6˜6Kšœžœ ˜K˜—š ŸœžœžœLžœžœ˜†KšœA™AKšœD™DKšœH™HKšœ(™(—˜šœ&˜&Kšžœ žœ ˜$Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšžœ2˜8K˜—š ŸœžœžœMžœžœ˜ŠKšœ0™0Kšœ?™?KšœD™DKšœ(™(—˜šœ&˜&Kšžœžœ ˜'Kšœ+˜+—Kšœ%˜%Kšžœ-˜3K˜—L™š Ÿ œžœžœ:žœ žœ!˜ŠKšœ9™9Kšœ8™8Kšœ™K˜Kšœžœ˜ Kšœ9˜9Kšœ žœ ˜K˜—š Ÿœžœžœ4žœ žœ"˜ˆKšœ<™Kšœžœ"˜™>Kšœ?™?KšœD™DKšœ(™(—˜šœ&˜&Kšžœžœ ˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšžœ-˜3K˜—š Ÿœžœžœ>žœžœ˜vKšœ+™+Kšœ?™?KšœD™DKšœ(™(—™šœ&˜&Kšžœžœ ˜ Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšžœ(˜.K˜—šŸ œžœ˜2Kšœs™sK˜šŸ œ"˜,KšœH™HK˜šŸœ'˜6KšœJ™JKšœ žœ.˜=K˜—Kšœ8˜8K˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ(˜(K˜—š Ÿœžœžœžœ žœ˜Lšœ;™;K˜—šŸ œ"˜,KšœH™HKšœ9˜9K˜—Kšœ.˜.——™ šŸœžœžœwžœ<žœžœžœ2žœ*žœ(˜ëKšœC™C™+šœ0™0K™4—šœ™K™3—™+K™ ——K™šŸœ˜-Kšœ+™+K˜Kšœ$™$Kšœžœ‚˜šœ1˜1K˜——šŸœ˜-Kšœ+™+K˜Kšœ>™>Kšœ#žœ‰˜¯KšœžœO˜oKšœ5˜5Kšœ'žœ;˜eKšœQ˜QKšœN˜NKšœ1˜1K˜—šŸ œ!˜-KšœB™BK™šŸœ$˜3KšœW™WK˜šŸ œ%˜2šžœžœ˜%šžœžœžœ˜Kšœ™Kšœžœ;˜[Kšœ'žœ6˜`KšœE˜EKšœ5˜5——K˜—Kšœ žœ)˜8Kšœ;˜;šžœžœž˜Kšœ«˜«—Kšœ1 ˜?šœ˜K˜——Kšœt˜tKšœQ˜QšœE˜EK˜——Kšœžœ%˜9Kšœ"žœ5žœ}˜ÚKšœ&žœv˜ŸKšœIžœ ˜XKšœC˜CKšœL˜LKšœ?˜?Kšœ(˜(K˜K˜>Kšœw˜wK˜K˜—šŸ œžœžœ/žœ žœ;žœžœ+˜ÇKšœÁ™ÁKšœ'Ÿœo™¥K˜K˜—šŸœžœžœ/žœ žœžœžœ;žœžœ+˜ýKšœÁ™ÁKšœ'Ÿœo™¥K˜K˜•StartOfExpansion4 -- [inst: CD.Instance] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE]šÐbn œ&˜1KšÐck0™0Kš œžœžœ žœžœžœžœ%˜Xšžœžœ˜Kšœ@˜@—K˜—–4 -- [inst: CD.Instance] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE]š£ œ&˜0Kš¤0™0Kš œžœžœ žœžœžœžœ%˜Xšžœžœ˜KšœB˜B—K˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ˜šžœ žœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜3Kšœ3˜3šžœ žœžœ˜Kšœ žœÂ˜ÎKšœ<˜˜>—KšœžœÍ˜ÞKšœ6˜6K˜—š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœžœ˜‚Kšœžœ žœ˜4KšœžœE˜Mšžœž˜K˜/K˜/Kšžœ˜ ——K˜–[]šŸœžœžœžœ˜Ušœ žœž˜K˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšžœžœ˜—K˜—–[]š Ÿ œžœqžœžœ2žœ žœ!˜ïK˜šŸœžœ˜$Kšœ%™%K˜Kšœ žœ#˜2Kšœ#žœ˜¥Kšœ:˜:K˜—šŸœ"˜1Kšœ!™!Kš žœžœžœžœžœžœ™[K˜šœžœž˜'Kšœ;˜;Kšžœ>˜E—Kš œžœžœ žœžœžœžœ6˜išžœžœ˜Kšœ&˜&Kšœžœ˜Kšœ(žœ—˜ÂKšœE˜EKšœ7˜7—K˜—Kšœ žœ žœ˜Kšœ1˜1šžœ žœžœ˜Kšœžœ%˜:K˜Kšœ™Kšžœ"žœžœ$˜PKš žœžœ žœžœ žœ˜Ešžœ˜KšœM˜MKšžœ˜—šžœ žœžœ˜KšœM˜MKšžœ˜K˜—Kšœ™Kšœ žœµ˜ÁKšœ:˜:K˜Kšœ™Kšœ4˜4KšœV˜VKšœ˜—K˜—–[]šŸœžœhžœ%˜¨Kšœ žœžœE˜]Kšœ žœ›˜©KšœC˜CK˜—šŸ œ"˜-šŸœ%˜4šŸœ'˜8Kšœ‘˜‘KšœM˜M—K˜Kšœ9žœžœ žœ˜Kšœ5˜5K˜—Kšœ5žœžœ žœ˜Kšœ?˜?Kšœ3˜3K˜—šŸ œ$˜1šŸœ'˜8Kšœc˜cK˜K˜—Kšœ>˜>Kšœ˜˜˜Kšœa˜aKšœP˜PKšœ?˜?Kšœ9˜9K˜—šŸœ˜'šŸ œ"˜.Kšœn˜nK˜K˜—Kšœ9˜9Kšœ?˜?Kšœ*˜*K˜—šŸœžœžœAžœ˜Kšœ™K˜šœžœ ž˜Kšœ\˜\Kšœ\˜\Kšžœ8˜?—Kšœ˜K˜K˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜—…—Mœt,