Copyright Ó 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Giordano Bruno Beretta, April 11, 1986 7:57:41 pm PST
gbb February 5, 1987 12:48:22 pm PST
Implements the Nectarine commands for interactive use in ChipNDale. Fuzzless and sweeter than peaches.
Atom USING [PutPropOnList],
CD USING [Design, Number, Position, Rect],
CDBasics USING [SizeOfRect],
CDCommandOps USING [DoWithResource],
CDOps USING [BoundingBox],
CDPanel USING [DefineButton, DefineNewLine, DefineRopeEntry, FromDisplayRope],
CDProperties USING [PutDesignProp, RegisterProperty],
CDSequencer USING [Command, ImplementCommand, UseAbortFlag],
CDValue USING [RegisterKey, Store],
CDViewer USING [ViewerList, ViewersOf, VisibleRect],
Commander USING [CommandProc, Handle, Register],
CommandTool USING [NextArgument],
CStitching USING [NewTesselation, Tesselation, FindTile],
Imager USING [metersPerPoint, Rectangle],
IO USING [GetInt, GetReal, int, PutF, PutFR, real, RIS, rope],
MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink, Clear],
Nectarine USING [DoInterpress, invalidPrinter, Print],
Rope USING [ActionType, Cat, Equal, IsEmpty, Map, ROPE],
RopeFile USING [Create],
SafeStorage USING [GetCanonicalReferentType, Type],
SweepCollectableStorage USING [EnumerateCollectableStorage, InfoProc],
TEditDocument USING [Selection],
TEditInputOps USING [Break, CallWithLocks],
TerminalIO USING [PutRope],
TextNode USING [Ref],
TiogaAccess USING [Create, GetInternalProp, Put, TiogaChar, Writer, WriteSelection, WriteViewer],
UserProfile USING [Token],
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer],
ViewerOps USING [BlinkIcon, CreateViewer];
NectarineCommand: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS Atom, CDBasics, CDCommandOps, CDOps, CDPanel, CDProperties, CDSequencer, CDValue, CDViewer, Commander, CommandTool, CStitching, IO, MessageWindow, Nectarine, Rope, RopeFile, SafeStorage, SweepCollectableStorage, TEditInputOps, TerminalIO, TiogaAccess, UserProfile, ViewerOps
masterKey: ATOM = $Nectarine;
whatKey: ATOM = $NectarineWhat;
whereKey: ATOM = $NectarineWhere;
copiesKey: ATOM = $NectarineCopies;
scaleKey: ATOM = $NectarineScale;
CSTile: SafeStorage.Type;
lastPrint: RECORD [ip: ROPE, key: ATOM, q: INT, l: BOOL, w: Imager.Rectangle];
This global variable is used to implement the Redo command.
NectarineCommand: PROC [comm: CDSequencer.Command] ~ BEGIN
Called by ChipNDale upon activation of the command.
DoIt: PROC [comm: CDSequencer.Command] ~ BEGIN
Protected procedure.
what: ROPE ~ CDPanel.FromDisplayRope [, whatKey];
where: ROPE ~ CDPanel.FromDisplayRope [, whereKey];
howMany: INT ← 0; -- number of copies
scale: REAL ← 0.0; -- lambda in millimetres
cropKey, printKey: ATOM;
masterName: ROPENIL;
usedField: Imager.Rectangle;
rollPaperDeviceHint: REF Imager.Rectangle ← NIL;
The exception: the user does not know what he is doing (may be he is just nervous).
IF where.Equal ["Explain", FALSE] THEN {ExplainGoals []; RETURN};
Interpret what.
what.Equal ["Design", FALSE] => cropKey ← $NectarineAll;
what.Equal ["Wysiwyg", FALSE] => cropKey ← $NectarineWysiwyg;
what.Equal ["Selection", FALSE] => cropKey ← $NectarineSel;
TerminalIO.PutRope ["Unknown cropping option.\n"]; ERROR ABORTED
Interpret where.
where.Equal ["ColorVersatec", FALSE] => BEGIN
ImportantMessage ["Are you sure you did not want to use the printer server 'PeachExpand' (see doc)?"];
printKey ← $NColorVersatec
where.Equal ["Color400", FALSE] => printKey ← $NColor400;
where.Equal ["Raven300", FALSE] => printKey ← $NRaven300;
where.Equal ["Raven384", FALSE] => printKey ← $NRaven384;
where.Equal ["Bw400", FALSE] => printKey ← $NBw400;
where.Equal ["Versatec", FALSE] => printKey ← $NVersatec;
where.Equal ["PlateMaker", FALSE] => printKey ← $NPlateMaker;
where.Equal ["Tioga doc", FALSE] => printKey ← $NPasteInTioga;
where.Equal ["IP only", FALSE] => printKey ← $NmasterOnly;
where.Equal ["PeachExpand", FALSE] => BEGIN
TerminalIO.PutRope ["I will create an Interpress master, which I will use to produce a PD file. I will then send it to the expansion server to create a bitmap, and from there I will send it to the color Versatec. You will have to delete the temporary files manually.\n"];
printKey ← $NPeachExpand
ENDCASE => {TerminalIO.PutRope ["Unknown printer.\n"]; ERROR ABORTED};
Interpret how many.
howMany ← IO.GetInt [IO.RIS [CDPanel.FromDisplayRope [, copiesKey]] ! ANY => howMany ← 1];
Interpret scale (lambda in millimetres).
scale ← IO.GetReal [IO.RIS [CDPanel.FromDisplayRope [, scaleKey]] ! ANY => scale ← 0.0];
IF (scale # 0.0) THEN TerminalIO.PutRope [IO.PutFR ["Fixed scale  = %g mm.\n", IO.real [scale]]]
ELSE TerminalIO.PutRope ["Will scale to fit page.\n"];
Create an Interpress master if necessary.
IF (masterName.IsEmpty []) THEN BEGIN
cW: CD.Rect; -- ChipNDale window
l: CD.Number ~;
$NectarineAll => cW ← CDOps.BoundingBox [];
$NectarineSel => BEGIN
size: CD.Position;
cW ← CDOps.BoundingBox [, TRUE];
size ← CDBasics.SizeOfRect [cW];
IF (size.x <= 0) OR (size.y <= 0) THEN BEGIN
TerminalIO.PutRope ["You do not have a selection in this design !\n"];
$NectarineWysiwyg => BEGIN
viewers: CDViewer.ViewerList = CDViewer.ViewersOf [];
goodViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
good: INT ← 0;
IF (viewers = NIL) THEN BEGIN
TerminalIO.PutRope ["You do not see anything of this design !\n"];
FOR v: CDViewer.ViewerList ← viewers, WHILE v # NIL DO
IF NOT v.first.iconic THEN {goodViewer ← v.first; good ← good.SUCC}
0 => {TerminalIO.PutRope ["You do not see anything !\n"]; ERROR ABORTED};
> 1 => TerminalIO.PutRope ["WARNING: you see more than one viewer. I pick one at random\n"];
cW ← CDViewer.VisibleRect [goodViewer]
The following is not a hack. In schematics the cells may have a border. On the screen this border is one pixel wide, but with Interpress we have to specify a concrete width in millimetres. We choose to make it ¼ l wide. If the border has a width, it takes some finite amount of space on the paper. It would be natural to use this space inside the cell. However, the designers exploit the fact that on the screen the border has no width and put text flush to the border. In order to preserve such text, Nectarine is forced to print the border outside the cell. This means, that the border can now be outside the field on the medium. This is why here we cheat and increase the window by l on each side.
cW ← [x1: cW.x1 - l, x2: cW.x2 + l, y1: cW.y1 - l, y2: cW.y2 + l];
[masterName, usedField] ← Nectarine.DoInterpress [design:,
chipNDaleWindow: cW,
clip: (cropKey = $NectarineWysiwyg) OR (cropKey = $NectarineSel),
onlySel: (cropKey = $NectarineSel),
lambda: scale,
abortFlag: abort];
CDProperties.PutDesignProp [, masterKey, masterName]
END; -- create Interpress master
Print if asked to do so.
lastPrint ← [ip: masterName, key: printKey, q: howMany, l: (scale = 0.0), w: usedField]; -- for Redo
$NmasterOnly => NULL;
$NPasteInTioga => Paste [masterName, usedField];
IF (usedField.h > usedField.w) THEN
rollPaperDeviceHint ← NEW [Imager.Rectangle ← usedField];
[] ← Nectarine.Print [masterName, printKey, howMany, (scale = 0.0), rollPaperDeviceHint
! Nectarine.invalidPrinter => ERROR]
TerminalIO.PutRope ["Design unlocked by Nectarine.\n"]
END; -- DoIt
CDSequencer.UseAbortFlag [, abort];
[] ← CDCommandOps.DoWithResource [DoIt, comm, $Nectarine]
You would probably expect here a direct call of Nectarine, since the implementation is reentrant. However, I wanted to avoid two print commands on the same design, because this would force me to implement a file name manager and to place on the user the burden of descrying it. What I really wanted to do was to prevent multiple calls on the same design, but to allow parallel calls on different designs. Unfortunately, currently there are no provisions for this in ChipNDale: resources are global to ChipNDale and there are none local to designs (at least as long as you imperatively need a lightweight abort capability). Surely I could implement a hack, but there are no hacks in Nectarine.
END; -- NectarineCommand
Paste: PROC [name: ROPE, bb: Imager.Rectangle, newViewer: BOOLFALSE] ~ BEGIN
Pastes the Interpress master in file name and with bounding box bb at the current Tioga selection. The appropriate scaling is being implemented in Tioga and in TiogaToInterpress.
I misteri della vita e della morte.
master: ROPE ~ RopeFile.Create [name]; -- the Interpress master desguised as a rope
document: TiogaAccess.Writer ← TiogaAccess.Create []; -- a working area Tioga doc
vanillaChar: TiogaAccess.TiogaChar = [0, 0C, ALL [FALSE], NIL, TRUE, FALSE, 0, NIL];
dummy, ip, caption: TiogaAccess.TiogaChar ← vanillaChar;
space: REAL ~ 8.0 * Imager.metersPerPoint * 1000.0; -- in mm
topCalcRope: ROPE; -- for postfix property calculating top leading and ident
PutRope: PROC [r: ROPE, attr: TiogaAccess.TiogaChar] ~ BEGIN
Writes into document the characters in r using the attributes of the sample character attr.
PutChar: Rope.ActionType ~ {attr.char ← c; document.Put [attr]};
[] ← Rope.Map [base: r, action: PutChar]
END; -- PutRope
PutProp: PROC [char: TiogaAccess.TiogaChar, prop: ATOM, val: ROPE] RETURNS [TiogaAccess.TiogaChar] ~ BEGIN
Safely attaches a property with key prop and value val to the character char.
char.propList ← Atom.PutPropOnList [propList: char.propList, prop: prop, val: TiogaAccess.GetInternalProp [prop, val]];
RETURN [char]
END; -- PutProp
Stuff: PROC [root: TextNode.Ref, tSel:TEditDocument.Selection] ~ BEGIN
Takes the working area Tioga document document and stuffs it into the current selection.
repository: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer [$Text];
document.WriteViewer [repository]; ViewerOps.BlinkIcon [repository, 0]
ELSE {TEditInputOps.Break []; TiogaAccess.WriteSelection [document]}
END; -- Stuff
Insert block node containing a CR. Why???
dummy.endOfNode ← TRUE; PutRope ["\n", dummy];
Insert an artworkFigure node, with a postfix prop for lead and ident, bounds and with Artwork containing the IP master. The node contains a rope which becomes visible when ArtworkInterpress is off.
dummy.endOfNode ← FALSE; dummy.looks['n] ← TRUE;
PutRope ["[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]", dummy];
ip.char ← '\n; ip.endOfNode ← TRUE; ip.deltaLevel ← 1;
ip.format ← $artworkFigure; -- it is an artwork node
ip ← PutProp [ip, $Postfix, IO.PutFR ["%g mm topLeading %g mm topIndent %g mm bottomLeading", IO.real [bb.y+bb.h+space], IO.real [bb.y+bb.h+space], IO.real [-bb.y+space/2.0]]]; -- margin in the document
topCalcRope ← IO.PutFR ["%g the lineLength .mul %g .add", IO.real [bb.h/bb.w], IO.real [space]];
ip ← PutProp [ip, $Postfix, IO.PutFR ["%g topLeading %g topIndent %g mm bottomLeading",
IO.rope [topCalcRope], IO.rope [topCalcRope], IO.real [space/2.0]]];  -- margin in the document
ip ← PutProp [ip, $Bounds, IO.PutFR ["%g mm xmin %g mm ymin %g mm xmax %g mm ymax", IO.real [bb.x], IO.real [bb.y], IO.real [bb.x+bb.w], IO.real [bb.y+bb.h]]]; -- set the bounding box
ip ← PutProp [ip, $Artwork, "Interpress"]; -- the artwork type is "Interpress"
ip ← PutProp [ip, $Interpress, master]; -- the Interpress master desguised as a rope
ip ← PutProp [ip, $Fit, "TRUE"]; -- fit the figure to the margins of the sibling node
document.Put [ip];
Insert a nested artworkCaption node with a hint rope.
caption.looks['i] ← TRUE; caption.looks['o] ← TRUE; -- should be in the style
PutRope ["Insert caption here", caption];
caption.char ← 0C; caption.format ← $artworkCaption; caption.endOfNode ← TRUE;
document.Put [caption];
Take the contents of document and stuff it into the current Tioga selection. If there is no selection, nothing happens.
TEditInputOps.CallWithLocks [Stuff]
END; -- Paste
Registations: PROC [] ~ BEGIN
defaultCrops: LIST OF ROPE ~ LIST ["Design", "Selection", "Wysiwyg"];
defaultPrinters: LIST OF ROPE ~ LIST ["Explain", "Tioga doc", "Raven300", "Raven384", "Bw400", "Versatec", "PeachExpand", "ColorVersatec", "Color400", "PlateMaker", "IP only"];
[] ← CDProperties.RegisterProperty [masterKey, masterKey];
CDValue.RegisterKey [key: whatKey, registrationKey: masterKey];
CDValue.RegisterKey [key: whereKey, registrationKey: masterKey];
CDValue.RegisterKey [key: copiesKey, registrationKey: masterKey];
CDValue.RegisterKey [key: scaleKey, registrationKey: masterKey];
CDValue.Store [key: whatKey, value: defaultCrops];
CDValue.Store [key: whereKey, value: defaultPrinters];
CDValue.Store [key: copiesKey, value: "1"];
CDValue.Store [key: scaleKey, value: "0.0"];
CDPanel.DefineButton [name: "Nectarine", border: TRUE, command: $NectarineCmd];
CDPanel.DefineRopeEntry [cdValueKey: whatKey, button: "What:", width: 60, editable: FALSE];
CDPanel.DefineRopeEntry [cdValueKey: whereKey, button: "Where:", width: 90, editable: FALSE];
CDPanel.DefineRopeEntry [cdValueKey: copiesKey, button: "Copies:", width: 30];
CDPanel.DefineRopeEntry [cdValueKey: scaleKey, button: " in mm:", width: 30];
CDPanel.DefineNewLine [];
CDSequencer.ImplementCommand [key: $NectarineCmd, proc: NectarineCommand, queue: doQueue];
Commander.Register [key: "NCount", proc: Count, doc: "Counts corner stitching tiles"];
Commander.Register [key: "NRedo", proc: Redo, doc: "Syntax: NRedo <goal>. Redoes the last Nectarine Print command on the same Interpress master but with the newly specified goal. The goal must be one of those specified in the <where> field of the Nectarine line in the ChipNDale control panel. Default: the same as the last time around."]
END; -- Registrations
Count: Commander.CommandProc ~ BEGIN
[cmd: Commander.Handle] RETURNS [result: REF ANY ← NIL, msg: ROPE ← NIL]
PerObject: SweepCollectableStorage.InfoProc ~ BEGIN
[type: SafeStorage.Type, size: INT, object: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [continue: BOOLEAN]
IF type = CODE [CStitching.Tesselation] THEN tessCount ← tessCount + 1
ELSE IF type = CSTile THEN tileCount ← tileCount + 1;
END; -- PerObject
tessCount: INT ← 0;
tileCount: INT ← 0;
TRUSTED { SweepCollectableStorage.EnumerateCollectableStorage [PerObject] };
cmd.out.PutF ["tesselations = %g\n", [tessCount]];
cmd.out.PutF ["tiles = %g\n", [tileCount]]
END; -- Count
Redo: Commander.CommandProc ~ BEGIN
[cmd: Commander.Handle] RETURNS [result: REF ANY ← NIL, msg: ROPE ← NIL]
Syntax: NRedo <goal>. Redoes the last Print command on the same Interpress master but on the newly specified goal. The goal must be one of those specified in the <where> field of the Nectarine line in the ChipNDale control panel. Default: the same as the last time around.
where: ROPE ~ CommandTool.NextArgument [cmd];
savedKey: ATOM ~ lastPrint.key;
IF lastPrint.ip.IsEmpty [] THEN BEGIN
result ← $Failure; msg ← "No Interpress master cached !";
IF NOT where.IsEmpty [] THEN lastPrint.key ← SELECT TRUE FROM
where.Equal ["ColorVersatec", FALSE] => $NColorVersatec,
where.Equal ["Color400", FALSE] => $NColor400,
where.Equal ["Raven300", FALSE] => $NRaven300,
where.Equal ["Raven384", FALSE] => $NRaven384,
where.Equal ["Hornet", FALSE] => $NRaven384,
where.Equal ["Bw400", FALSE] => $NBw400,
where.Equal ["Versatec", FALSE] => $NVersatec,
where.Equal ["PlateMaker", FALSE] => $NPlateMaker,
where.Equal ["Tioga", FALSE] => $NPasteInTioga,
where.Equal ["Tioga doc", FALSE] => $NPasteInTioga,
where.Equal ["Paste", FALSE] => $NPasteInTioga,
where.Equal ["Stuff", FALSE] => $NPasteInTioga,
where.Equal ["IP only", FALSE] => $NmasterOnly,
where.Equal ["IP", FALSE] => $NmasterOnly,
where.Equal ["PeachExpand", FALSE] => $NPeachExpand,
ENDCASE => $cacca;
SELECT lastPrint.key FROM
$NmasterOnly => msg ← lastPrint.ip;
$NPasteInTioga => BEGIN
The problem here is that now the input focus is in the Command Tool viewer, which surely is not the one into which the poor user wanted to paste his image. Therefore, a new Tioga viewer is created and used as a temporary repository for the image.
Paste [lastPrint.ip, lastPrint.w, TRUE];
msg ← "Image deposed in temporary blinking iconic Tioga viewer."
$cacca => BEGIN
lastPrint.key ← savedKey; result ← $Failure; msg ← cmd.procData.doc
rollPaperDeviceHint: REF Imager.Rectangle ← NIL;
IF (lastPrint.w.h > lastPrint.w.w) THEN
rollPaperDeviceHint ← NEW [Imager.Rectangle ← lastPrint.w];
[] ← Nectarine.Print [lastPrint.ip, lastPrint.key, lastPrint.q, lastPrint.l, rollPaperDeviceHint
! Nectarine.invalidPrinter => {result ← $Failure; msg ← cmd.procData.doc}]
END; -- Redo
ExplainGoals: PROC [] ~ BEGIN
Upon popular demand, we explain the entries in the Where menu.
Plop: PROC [plup, plip, plap: ROPE] ~ BEGIN
Plaps plop for plop at plip.
TerminalIO.PutRope [plup.Cat [": print on ", UserProfile.Token [Rope.Cat ["Nectarine.", plup], plip]]];
TerminalIO.PutRope [Rope.Cat [", a ", plap, " printer.\n"]]
END; -- Plop
TerminalIO.PutRope ["The following goals are available for the output:\n"];
TerminalIO.PutRope ["PeachExpand: expand the PD file on "];
TerminalIO.PutRope [UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.PeachExpand", "Kearsarge"]];
TerminalIO.PutRope [" and send it to "];
TerminalIO.PutRope [UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.ColorVersatec", "Sleepy"]];
TerminalIO.PutRope [".\n"];
TerminalIO.PutRope ["Tioga doc: copy in the Tioga document at the caret.\n"];
Plop ["Raven300", "Quoth", "black & white Interpress"];
Plop ["Raven384", "your disk", "black & white Press"];
Plop ["Bw400", "MtFuji", "black & white thermal"];
Plop ["Versatec", "Sleepy", "black & white Versatec"];
Plop ["ColorVersatec", "Sleepy", "colour Versatec"];
Plop ["Color400", "MtFuji", "colour thermal"];
Plop ["PlateMaker", "your disk", "special"];
TerminalIO.PutRope ["Explain: jot down this explanation.\n\n"]
END; -- ExplainGoals
ImportantMessage: PROC [msg: Rope.ROPE] ~ BEGIN
Writes a message in the ChipNDale terminal viewer and in the Message Window at the top of the LF screen and makes it blink.
TerminalIO.PutRope [msg]; TerminalIO.PutRope ["\n"];
MessageWindow.Clear []; MessageWindow.Append [msg]; MessageWindow.Blink []
END; -- ImportantMessage
CSTile ← SafeStorage.GetCanonicalReferentType [CStitching.NewTesselation[].FindTile[[0,0]]];
Registations [];
TerminalIO.PutRope ["Nectarine package loaded.\n"];
ExplainGoals []
gbb September 5, 1986 11:25:18 am PDT
Uses the new parameter sizeHint of the Nectarine print procedure.
changes to: DoIt (local of NectarineCommand)
gbb September 18, 1986 8:03:57 pm PDT
Eliminated the call back stuff for the Nectarine property on the design (a former optimization).
changes to: DoIt (local of NectarineCommand), Registations
gbb September 22, 1986 1:59:48 pm PDT
Added PlateMaker.
changes to: DoIt (local of NectarineCommand), Registations
gbb September 26, 1986 4:01:22 pm PDT
Added an explaination goal for confused users.
changes to: DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, DoIt (local of NectarineCommand), Registations, ExplainGoals, Plop (local of ExplainGoals)
gbb October 14, 1986 3:53:59 pm PDT
Added the Redo command.
changes to: ~, DoIt (local of NectarineCommand), Registations, Count, Redo, ExplainGoals, DIRECTORY
gbb December 5, 1986 1:08:16 pm PST
Added Raven384.
changes to: DoIt (local of NectarineCommand), Registations, Redo, ExplainGoals
gbb December 18, 1986 4:49:05 pm PST
Introduced a check for empty selections.
changes to: DoIt (local of NectarineCommand)
gbb February 3, 1987 10:15:03 am PST
Added the ability to use a fixed value for  specified in mm.
changes to: DoIt (local of NectarineCommand), Registations.