DIRECTORY Atom USING [MakeAtom], BasicTime USING [GMT, Now, OutOfRange, Period, Update], CD USING [CreateDrawRef, Design, DrawProc, DrawRectProc, DrawRef, Instance, InstanceList, Layer, LayerKey, Orientation, original, Position, Rect, undefLayer], CDBasics USING [BaseOfAnyRect, Intersection, NonEmpty, SizeOfRect], CDDirectory USING [EachEntryAction, Enumerate], CDColors USING [ColorTable, DisplayMode, DisplayType, globalColors], CDCurves USING [CurvePtr], CDInstances USING [NewInst], CDOps USING [DrawDesign, InstList], CDOrient USING [CreateTransform], CDTexts USING [TextPtr], CDValue USING [Fetch], Checksum USING [ComputeChecksum], CStitching USING [all, Area, ChangeEnumerateArea, ChangeRect, DumpCache, EnumerateArea, NewTesselation, RectProc, Region, ResetTesselation, Tesselation, Tile, TileProc], FS USING [ComponentPositions, Error, ExpandName, Position], HashTable USING [Create, EachPairAction, Fetch, GetSize, Insert, Key, Pairs, Table], Imager USING [ClipRectangle, Color, ColorOperator, ConcatT, Context, ConstantColor, DoSave, Font, MaskRectangle, MaskStrokeTrajectory, Rectangle, ScaleT, SetColor, SetFont, SetPriorityImportant, SetStrokeEnd, SetStrokeWidth, SetXY, ShowRope, StrokeEnd, TranslateT, VEC], ImagerBrick USING [Brick, BrickRep], ImagerColor USING [ColorFromRGB, RGB], ImagerColorPrivate USING [ComponentFromColor], ImagerColorOperator USING [ColorOperator, RGBLinearColorModel], ImagerFont USING [Modify], ImagerInterpress USING [Close, Create, DeclareColor, DeclareColorOperator, DeclareFont, DoPage, Ref], ImagerPDPublic USING [Toner], ImagerTransformation USING [Invert, Transformation], Interpress USING [classAppearanceError, classAppearanceWarning, classComment, classMasterError, classMasterWarning, LogProc], IO USING [atom, int, PutFR1, real, time], MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink, Clear], Nectarine USING [], NodeStyle USING [FontFace], NodeStyleFont USING [FontFromStyleParams], PeachPrint USING [DoPeachPrintCommand, PupAborted], PrincOpsUtils USING [], PrintFileConvert USING [InterpressToPD, ParamsFromPrinterType, PDParams, ProgressProc], Process USING [CheckForAbort, Detach, priorityBackground, SetPriority], Real USING [Fix, Float], RefTab USING [Create, Delete, EachPairAction, Fetch, Insert, Pairs, Ref], Rope USING [Cat, Equal, Fetch, IsEmpty, Length, Replace, ROPE, SkipTo, Substr], TerminalIO USING [TOS, WriteF, WriteInt, WriteRope], UserProfile USING [Boolean, CallWhenProfileChanges, ProfileChangedProc, Token]; NectarineImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, BasicTime, CD, CDBasics, CDColors, CDDirectory, CDInstances, CDOps, CDOrient, CDValue, Checksum, CStitching, FS, HashTable, Imager, ImagerColor, ImagerColorPrivate, ImagerColorOperator, ImagerFont, ImagerInterpress, ImagerTransformation, IO, MessageWindow, NodeStyleFont, PeachPrint, PrintFileConvert, Process, Real, RefTab, Rope, TerminalIO, UserProfile EXPORTS Nectarine ~ BEGIN OPEN Real; break: SIGNAL = CODE; -- for debugging invalidPrinter: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE; communicationsFailure: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE; tooComplex: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE; Font: TYPE = Imager.Font; Color: TYPE = Imager.Color; State: TYPE = REF StateRec; StateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ previousColour: Color _ NIL, previousStrokeWidth: REAL _ -1.0, previousFont: Font _ NIL, previousTextOrientation: CD.Orientation _ CD.original, cardTile: CARD _ 0, -- |{tile}| startTime: BasicTime.GMT, context: Imager.Context, design: CD.Design, interpress: ImagerInterpress.Ref, tess: Tess, abort: REF BOOL, clip: BOOL _ FALSE, -- Wysiwyg or selectedOnly cdClip: CD.Rect, -- Wysiwyg or selectedOnly selectedOnly: BOOL, band: REF CD.Rect _ NIL]; statistics: BOOL _ FALSE; debug: BOOL _ FALSE; remindFontConventions: BOOL _ TRUE; risk: [0 .. 10) _ 2; -- decrease if Nectarine runs out of VM. More risk mean much more speed. Geometric interpretation: consider a horizontal straight line through the design; you state that you have a rectangle only each risk l. At zero risk, Nectarine uses only 14 MB of memory in the worst case. Region: TYPE ~ LIST OF REF CStitching.Region; Tess: TYPE ~ CStitching.Tesselation; Tile: TYPE ~ CStitching.Tile; empty: REF ~ NIL; nothing: REF INT ~ NEW [INT]; StartDecomposition: PROC [state: State] RETURNS [dec: Tess] ~ {RETURN [CStitching.NewTesselation[stopFlag: state.abort]]}; FlushDecomposition: PROC [dec: Tess] ~ BEGIN CStitching.ResetTesselation [dec] END; -- FlushDecomposition PrintTile: CStitching.TileProc ~ BEGIN state: State ~ NARROW [data]; b: Blend ~ NARROW [tile.value]; r: CD.Rect ~ CStitching.Area [tile]; -- not the area but the rectangle ! ChangeColour [state, b.blend]; state.context.MaskRectangle [ImagerRect [r]]; IF state.abort^ THEN ERROR ABORTED; IF statistics THEN BEGIN b.area _ b.area + (r.x2 - r.x1) * (r.y2 - r.y1); state.cardTile _ SUCC [state.cardTile] END END; -- PrintTile PrintBand: PROC [state: State] ~ BEGIN decomposition: Tess _ StartDecomposition [state]; gdr: CD.DrawRef ~ CD.CreateDrawRef [[]]; EnumerateGeometry: PROC ~ BEGIN state.context.SetPriorityImportant [FALSE]; -- works for the devices at PARC today decomposition.EnumerateArea [rect: CStitching.all, eachTile: PrintTile, data: state, skip: empty] END; -- EnumerateGeometry Process.CheckForAbort []; IF state.abort^ THEN ERROR ABORTED; IF (state.clip OR ( # NIL)) THEN gdr.interestClip _ IF ( = NIL) THEN state.cdClip ELSE CDBasics.Intersection [state.cdClip,^]; state.tess _ decomposition; gdr.drawRect _ NewRect; gdr.devicePrivate _ state; IF state.selectedOnly THEN DrawSelection [, gdr] ELSE CDOps.DrawDesign [, gdr]; -- pass 2 TerminalIO.WriteRope ["."]; BlendAllColours []; TerminalIO.WriteRope ["."]; -- pass 3 state.previousColour _ NIL; -- needed by Interpress state.context.DoSave [EnumerateGeometry]; -- pass 4 FlushDecomposition [decomposition]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [". "]; -- state.tess _ decomposition _ NIL END; -- PrintBand NewRect: CD.DrawRectProc ~ BEGIN state: State ~ NARROW [pr.devicePrivate, State]; rect: CD.Rect _ IF ( = NIL) THEN r ELSE CDBasics.Intersection [r,^]; IF (CDBasics.NonEmpty [rect]) THEN BEGIN dec: Tess ~ state.tess; InsertRect: CStitching.RectProc = BEGIN WITH oldValue SELECT FROM b: Blend => IF NOT b.flavours[l] THEN dec.ChangeRect [rect: rect, new: ColourTile [b, l]]; ENDCASE => BEGIN b: Blend _ NEW [BlendRec]; dec.ChangeRect [rect: rect, new: ColourTile [b, l]] END END; -- InsertRect dec.ChangeEnumerateArea [rect: rect, eachRect: InsertRect, skip: nothing]; IF state.abort^ THEN ERROR ABORTED END END; -- NewRect DrawText: CD.DrawProc ~ BEGIN state: State ~ NARROW [pr.devicePrivate]; context: Imager.Context ~ state.context; text: CDTexts.TextPtr ~ NARROW [inst.ob.specificRef]; offset: Imager.VEC ~ text.cdFont.xy; transf: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ~ CDOrient.CreateTransform [cellSize: inst.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos]; invTransf: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ~ ImagerTransformation.Invert [transf]; Process.CheckForAbort []; IF state.abort^ THEN ERROR ABORTED; context.ConcatT [transf]; context.SetXY [offset]; ChangeColour [state, LayerColour [inst.ob.layer]]; ChangeFont [state, text.cdFont.font]; context.ShowRope [text.text]; context.ConcatT [invTransf] END; -- DrawText DrawPath: CD.DrawProc ~ BEGIN state: State ~ NARROW [pr.devicePrivate]; context: Imager.Context ~ state.context; curve: CDCurves.CurvePtr ~ NARROW [inst.ob.specificRef]; transf: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ~ CDOrient.CreateTransform [cellSize: inst.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos]; invTransf: ImagerTransformation.Transformation ~ ImagerTransformation.Invert [transf]; Process.CheckForAbort []; IF state.abort^ THEN ERROR ABORTED; context.ConcatT [transf]; -- context.SetXY [offset]; ChangeColour [state, LayerColour [inst.ob.layer]]; ChangeStrokeWidth [state, Float [curve.w]]; context.MaskStrokeTrajectory [curve.path]; context.ConcatT [invTransf] END; -- DrawPath DrawObjectBorder: CD.DrawRectProc ~ BEGIN state: State ~ NARROW [pr.devicePrivate, State]; pen: REAL ~ Float [ / 4]; object, border: Imager.Rectangle; Process.CheckForAbort []; IF state.abort^ THEN ERROR ABORTED; ChangeColour [state, black]; object _ ImagerRect [r]; object.x _ object.x - pen; object.y _ object.y - pen; object.w _ object.w + 2 * pen; object.h _ object.h + 2 * pen; border _ [x: object.x, y: object.y, w: object.w , h: pen]; state.context.MaskRectangle [border]; border _ [x: object.x, y: object.y, w: pen, h: object.h]; state.context.MaskRectangle [border]; border _ [x: object.x + object.w - pen, y: object.y, w: pen, h: object.h]; state.context.MaskRectangle [border]; border _ [x: object.x, y: object.y + object.h - pen, w: object.w, h: pen]; state.context.MaskRectangle [border] END; -- DrawObjectBorder DrawObject: CD.DrawProc ~ BEGIN Process.CheckForAbort []; SELECT inst.ob.class.objectType FROM $Text => DrawText [inst, pos, orient, pr]; $Spline0, $Line0, $Polygon0 => DrawPath [inst, pos, orient, pr]; ENDCASE => inst.ob.class.drawMe [inst, pos, orient, pr] END; -- DrawObject DoInterpress: PUBLIC PROC [design: CD.Design, chipNDaleWindow: CD.Rect, clip, onlySel: BOOL _ FALSE, abortFlag: REF BOOL] RETURNS [masterName: Rope.ROPE, usedField: Imager.Rectangle] ~ BEGIN interpress: ImagerInterpress.Ref; state: State ~ NEW [StateRec]; rgbLinear: Imager.ColorOperator ~ ImagerColorOperator.RGBLinearColorModel [255]; medium: Imager.Rectangle ~ [x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 215.9, h: 279.4]; -- in mm field: Imager.Rectangle ~ [x: medium.x + 10.0, y: medium.y + 10.0, w: medium.w - 20.0, h: medium.h - 20.0]; -- in mm OpenIPMaster: PROC [] RETURNS [ImagerInterpress.Ref] ~ BEGIN ENABLE {FS.Error => GOTO failure}; subDir: Rope.ROPE ~ "[]<>Temp>Nectarine>"; -- follows the religion pos: FS.ComponentPositions; ext: Rope.ROPE ~ ".dummy"; -- anything, just not to lose the dot IF NOT[] THEN masterName _ [ext] ELSE BEGIN cdName: Rope.ROPE ~ NARROW [CDValue.Fetch [design, $CDxLastFile]]; IF cdName.IsEmpty[] THEN masterName _ Rope.Cat ["UnnamedMaster", ext] ELSE BEGIN shortFName: Rope.ROPE; [fullFName: masterName, cp: pos] _ FS.ExpandName [cdName, subDir]; shortFName _ masterName.Substr [start: pos.base.start, len: pos.base.length]; masterName _ shortFName.Cat [ext] END END; [fullFName: masterName, cp: pos] _ FS.ExpandName [masterName, subDir]; masterName _ masterName.Replace [pos.ext.start, pos.ext.length, "Interpress"]; RETURN [ImagerInterpress.Create [masterName]]; EXITS failure => BEGIN masterName _ "[]<>Temp>Nectarine>UnnamedMaster.Interpress"; RETURN [ImagerInterpress.Create [masterName]] END END; -- OpenIPMaster DrawToIP: PROC [context: Imager.Context] ~ BEGIN tdr: CD.DrawRef ~ CD.CreateDrawRef [[]]; window: Imager.Rectangle ~ ImagerRect [chipNDaleWindow]; -- in the CG sense ratioW, ratioH, y0: REAL; iterations, bandSize: INT; -- number and size of bands chronos: BOOL; lap, end: BasicTime.GMT; EnumerateTextInDesign: PROC ~ BEGIN state.context.SetPriorityImportant [TRUE]; -- see EnumerateGeometry IF state.selectedOnly THEN DrawSelection [, tdr] ELSE CDOps.DrawDesign [, tdr] END; -- EnumerateTextInDesign state.context _ context; state.clip _ clip; state.selectedOnly _ onlySel; state.cdClip _ chipNDaleWindow; SetLayerColourTable []; ratioW _ field.w / window.w; ratioH _ field.h / window.h; usedField.x _ field.x; usedField.y _ field.y; -- in mm IF ratioH < ratioW THEN {usedField.w _ window.w * ratioH; usedField.h _ field.h} ELSE {usedField.w _ field.w; usedField.h _ window.h * ratioW}; y0 _ 0.0; context.TranslateT [[field.x, y0 + field.y]]; context.ScaleT [MIN [ratioW, ratioH]]; context.TranslateT [[-window.x, -window.y]]; IF statistics THEN CleanColourTable [state]; state.startTime _ BasicTime.Now []; IF clip THEN context.ClipRectangle [window]; -- global to context !!! bandSize _ (1000000 * (risk+1)) / Fix[window.w /]; IF bandSize < 4 * THEN SIGNAL tooComplex; iterations _ Fix [window.h] / bandSize; -- "zero relative" ! IF debug THEN BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope [" there will be "]; TerminalIO.WriteInt [iterations]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [" reiterations "] END ELSE TerminalIO.WriteInt [iterations]; IF ((iterations = 0) AND (NOT state.clip)) THEN PrintBand [state] -- shortcut ELSE BEGIN halftime: INT ~ iterations / 2; currentBand: REF CD.Rect ~ NEW [CD.Rect _ chipNDaleWindow]; _ currentBand; chronos _ iterations > 5; FOR b: INT DECREASING IN [0 .. iterations] DO currentBand.y1 _ chipNDaleWindow.y1 + b * bandSize; currentBand.y2 _ MIN [chipNDaleWindow.y2, currentBand.y1 + bandSize]; IF chronos THEN BEGIN fudge: INT ~ 8; IF (b = iterations - 3) THEN lap _ BasicTime.Now []; IF (b = iterations - 4) THEN BEGIN duration: INT ~ BasicTime.Period [lap, BasicTime.Now[]]; end _ BasicTime.Update [lap, fudge * duration * (b + 2) ! BasicTime.OutOfRange => GOTO endless]; TerminalIO.WriteF ["\nInterpress master will be ready ca. %g\n", IO.time [end]]; chronos _ FALSE END END; PrintBand [state]; IF (b = halftime) AND (iterations > 10) THEN BEGIN fudge: INT ~ 3; -- more than 2 because of memory fragmentation duration: INT ~ BasicTime.Period [state.startTime, BasicTime.Now[]]; end _ BasicTime.Update [state.startTime, fudge * duration ! BasicTime.OutOfRange => GOTO endless]; TerminalIO.WriteF ["\nInterpress master will be ready ca. %g\n", IO.time [end]] END ENDLOOP; _ NIL END; IF (state.tess # NIL) THEN {CStitching.DumpCache []; state.tess _ NIL}; context.SetStrokeEnd [square]; IF clip THEN tdr.interestClip _ chipNDaleWindow; tdr.drawChild _ DrawObject; tdr.drawOutLine _ DrawObjectBorder; tdr.borders _ TRUE; tdr.devicePrivate _ state; state.previousColour _ NIL; -- needed by Interpress state.previousStrokeWidth _ -1.0; -- needed by Interpress context.DoSave [EnumerateTextInDesign]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [". "]; -- pass 5 TerminalIO.WriteRope [TimeToRope [state.startTime, BasicTime.Now[]]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope ["\n"]; EXITS endless => BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope [" Would not terminate before 2036.\n"]; MessageWindow.Clear []; MessageWindow.Append ["Nectarine would not terminate before 2036"]; MessageWindow.Blink []; SIGNAL tooComplex END END; -- DrawToIP Action: PROC [] ~ BEGIN DeclareColours: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ BEGIN blendRec: Blend ~ NARROW [value]; IF (blendRec.blend # NIL) THEN interpress.DeclareColor [blendRec.blend]; RETURN [FALSE] END; DeclareFonts: RefTab.EachPairAction ~ {interpress.DeclareFont [NARROW [val,Font]]; RETURN [FALSE]}; ListFonts: RefTab.EachPairAction ~ {TerminalIO.WriteRope [NARROW[val,Font].name]; TerminalIO.WriteRope ["\n"]; RETURN [FALSE]}; state.interpress _ interpress _ OpenIPMaster []; TerminalIO.WriteRope [Rope.Cat ["Producing Interpress master ", masterName, "\n"]]; interpress.DeclareColorOperator [rgbLinear]; [] _ colourTable.Pairs [DeclareColours]; -- this is a terrible hack, since the colours in the table are those from the previuos run. A request to provide a clean solution has been filed with the Imaging People. UpdateFontMap [state]; -- pass 1 [] _ fontMap.Pairs [DeclareFonts]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [". "]; IF debug THEN BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope ["\nThe following fonts are in the preamble:\n"]; [] _ fontMap.Pairs [ListFonts] END; interpress.DoPage [action: DrawToIP, scale: 0.001]; interpress.Close []; IF (statistics OR debug) THEN ListColourTable [state]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [Rope.Cat ["Interpress master ", masterName, " is ready.\n"]] END; -- Action _ design; state.abort _ IF abortFlag # NIL THEN abortFlag ELSE NEW [BOOL _ FALSE]; Action [] -- fork END; -- DoInterpress DrawSelection: PROC [design: CD.Design, d: CD.DrawRef] ~ BEGIN FOR all: CD.InstanceList _ CDOps.InstList [design], WHILE all # NIL DO IF all.first.selected THEN d.drawChild [all.first, all.first.location, all.first.orientation, d] ENDLOOP END; -- DrawSelection EnumerateObjects: PROC [design: CD.Design, d: CD.DrawRef] ~ BEGIN DoObject: CDDirectory.EachEntryAction ~ BEGIN i: CD.Instance ~ CDInstances.NewInst [ob]; d.drawChild [i, [0,0], 0, d] END; -- DoObject [] _ CDDirectory.Enumerate [design, DoObject] END; -- EnumerateObjects ChangeColour: PROC [state: State, colour: Color] ~ INLINE BEGIN context: Imager.Context ~ state.context; a: ImagerColor.RGB ~ RGBFromColour [colour]; b: ImagerColor.RGB ~ RGBFromColour [state.previousColour]; IF (a.R # b.R) OR (a.G # b.G) OR (a.B # b.B) OR (state.previousColour = NIL) THEN BEGIN context.SetColor [colour]; state.previousColour _ colour END END; -- ChangeColour ChangeStrokeWidth: PROC [state: State, w: REAL] ~ INLINE BEGIN context: Imager.Context ~ state.context; IF (w < 0) OR (w # state.previousStrokeWidth) THEN BEGIN context.SetStrokeWidth [w]; state.previousStrokeWidth _ w END END; -- ChangeStrokeWidth ChangeFont: PROC [state: State, skFont: Font] ~ INLINE BEGIN context: Imager.Context ~ state.context; IF (skFont # state.previousFont) THEN BEGIN context.SetFont [NARROW [fontMap.Fetch[skFont].val, Font]]; state.previousFont _ skFont END END; -- ChangeFont LogInterpress: Interpress.LogProc ~ BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope [SELECT class FROM Interpress.classMasterError => "Master Error: ", Interpress.classMasterWarning => "Master Warning: ", Interpress.classAppearanceError => "Appearance Error: ", Interpress.classAppearanceWarning => "Appearance Warning: ", Interpress.classComment => "Comment: ", ENDCASE => IO.PutFR1 ["Class %g error: ", [class]]]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [explanation]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [" . . . \n"] END; -- LogInterpress ProgressLog: PrintFileConvert.ProgressProc ~ BEGIN IF begin THEN TerminalIO.WriteRope [IO.PutFR1 ["[%g", [page]]] ELSE TerminalIO.WriteRope ["] "] END; -- ProgressLog Bitset: TYPE ~ PACKED ARRAY CD.Layer OF BOOLEAN _ ALL [FALSE]; BlendKey: TYPE ~ REF Bitset; Blend: TYPE ~ REF BlendRec; BlendRec: TYPE ~ RECORD [count: CD.Layer _ 0, flavours: Bitset, blend: Color _ black, area: CARD _ 0]; colourTable: HashTable.Table ~ HashTable.Create [557, Match, Hash]; -- or 997 layerColorTable: ARRAY CD.Layer OF Color; -- must be set for each task ColourTile: PROC [old: Blend, l: CD.Layer] RETURNS [new: Blend] ~ BEGIN key: BlendKey ~ NEW [Bitset _ old.flavours]; key[l] _ TRUE; new _ NARROW [colourTable.Fetch[key].value, Blend]; IF (new = NIL) THEN BEGIN copy: Blend _ NEW [BlendRec _ [flavours: old.flavours]]; copy.count _ SUCC [old.count]; copy.flavours[l] _ TRUE; new _ copy; IF NOT colourTable.Insert [key, copy] THEN ERROR END END; -- ColourTile black: Color ~ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]; blue: Color ~ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]; blackRGB: ImagerColor.RGB ~ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; yellowRGB: ImagerColor.RGB ~ [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]; magentaRGB: ImagerColor.RGB ~ [1.0, 0.0, 1.0]; cyan: Color ~ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB [[0.0, 1.0, 1.0]]; lightYellow: Color ~ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB [[6.0/7.0, 6.0/7.0, 3.0/7.0]]; lightMagenta: Color ~ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB [[5.0/7.0, 0.0, 5.0/7.0]]; BlendColours: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ BEGIN components: Blend ~ NARROW [value]; n: REAL _ Float [components.count]; comp: PACKED ARRAY CD.Layer OF BOOLEAN _ components.flavours; mix: ImagerColor.RGB _ blackRGB; IF (components.blend # black) THEN RETURN [FALSE]; -- caching across sessions SELECT n FROM 0 => ERROR; -- should never have been allocated 1 => BEGIN i: CD.Layer _ 0; WHILE NOT comp[i] DO i _ SUCC [i] ENDLOOP; components.blend _ LayerColour [i] END; ENDCASE => BEGIN poly, diff, met, met2, cut, cut2, well: CD.Layer _ 0; FOR i: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO IF comp[i] THEN SELECT CD.LayerKey[i] FROM $pol => poly _ i; $ndif, $pdif => diff _ i; $met => met _ i; $met2 => met2 _ i; $nwel => well _ i; $cut => cut _ i; $cut2 => {cut _ i; cut2 _ i}; ENDCASE => NULL ENDLOOP; IF (cut # 0) THEN components.blend _ IF (cut2 # 0) THEN blue ELSE black ELSE BEGIN -- Assume: all other colours have the same weight. IF (poly # 0) AND (diff # 0) THEN BEGIN -- Handle gates. mix _ yellowRGB; n _ n - 1.0; comp[poly] _ comp[diff] _ FALSE END; IF (poly # 0) AND (met # 0) AND (diff = 0) THEN BEGIN -- Handle metal over poly. mix _ magentaRGB; n _ n - 1.0; comp[poly] _ comp[met] _ FALSE END; FOR i: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO -- Compute mean colour. IF comp[i] THEN BEGIN v: ImagerColor.RGB ~ RGBFromColour [LayerColour[i]]; mix.R _ mix.R + v.R; mix.G _ mix.G + v.G; mix.B _ mix.B + v.B END ENDLOOP; IF (met2 # 0) THEN BEGIN -- make metal-2 transparent mix.R _ mix.R - 4.0/7.0; mix.B _ mix.B - 4.0/7.0; n _ n - 4.0/7.0 END; IF (well # 0) THEN BEGIN -- make wells transparent mix.R _ mix.R - 5.0/7.0; mix.G _ mix.G - 5.0/7.0; n _ n - 5.0/7.0; mix.B _ mix.B - (3.0/7.0 * 2.0/7.0) -- take out well lightener END; mix.R _ mix.R / n; mix.G _ mix.G / n; mix.B _ mix.B / n; components.blend _ ImagerColor.ColorFromRGB [mix] END END; RETURN [FALSE] END; -- BlendColours LayerColour: PROC [l: CD.Layer] RETURNS [Color] ~ INLINE BEGIN RETURN [layerColorTable[l]] END; -- LayerColour SetLayerColourTable: PROC ~ BEGIN FOR i: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO SELECT CD.LayerKey[i] FROM $nwel => layerColorTable[i] _ lightYellow; $met => layerColorTable[i] _cyan; $met2 => layerColorTable[i] _ lightMagenta; ENDCASE => layerColorTable[i] _ CDColors.globalColors[bit8][normal].cols[i] ENDLOOP END; -- SetLayerColourTable BlendAllColours: PROC ~ BEGIN [] _ colourTable.Pairs [BlendColours] END; -- BlendAllColours Hash: PROC [k: HashTable.Key] RETURNS [CARDINAL] ~ BEGIN TRUSTED BEGIN RETURN [Checksum.ComputeChecksum [0, SIZE [BlendKey], LOOPHOLE [k]]] END END; -- Hash Match: PROC [a, b: HashTable.Key] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ BEGIN k1: BlendKey ~ NARROW [a, BlendKey]; k2: BlendKey ~ NARROW [b, BlendKey]; RETURN [(k1^ = k2^)] END; -- Match fontMap: RefTab.Ref ~ RefTab.Create []; -- global fontPrefix: ATOM ~ Atom.MakeAtom ["xerox/pressfonts/"]; visitedCells: RefTab.Ref; DrawFilter: CD.DrawProc ~ BEGIN SELECT inst.ob.class.objectType FROM $Text => FindFont [inst, pos, orient, pr]; $Cell => IF visitedCells.Insert [inst.ob, $hack] THEN inst.ob.class.drawMe [inst, pos, orient, pr]; ENDCASE => NULL END; -- DrawFilter FindFont: CD.DrawProc ~ BEGIN text: CDTexts.TextPtr ~ NARROW [inst.ob.specificRef]; font: Font ~ text.cdFont.font; IF NOT fontMap.Fetch[font].found THEN [] _ fontMap.Insert [font, Mapping [font]] END; -- FindFont UpdateFontMap: PROC [state: State] ~ BEGIN tdr: CD.DrawRef ~ CD.CreateDrawRef [[]]; Evict: RefTab.EachPairAction ~ {[] _ visitedCells.Delete [key]; RETURN [FALSE]}; remindFontConventions _ TRUE; tdr.drawChild _ DrawFilter; tdr.devicePrivate _ state; IF state.selectedOnly THEN DrawSelection [, tdr] ELSE BEGIN visitedCells _ RefTab.Create [557]; EnumerateObjects [, tdr]; [] _ visitedCells.Pairs [Evict]; visitedCells _ NIL END END; -- UpdateFontMap Mapping: PROC [sk: Font] RETURNS [mr: Font] ~ BEGIN shortFName, subDir, fullFName, family, attributes: Rope.ROPE; cp: FS.ComponentPositions; sizePos, facePos: INTEGER; face: NodeStyle.FontFace _ Regular; size: REAL; [fullFName, cp] _ FS.ExpandName [name:]; subDir _ fullFName.Substr [start: cp.subDirs.start, len: cp.subDirs.length]; SELECT TRUE FROM subDir.Equal ["Xerox>PressFonts", FALSE] => BEGIN IF remindFontConventions THEN BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope ["Nectarine takes care of all the font substitutions. You can use the strike fonts for the layout.\n"]; remindFontConventions _ FALSE END; mr _ sk END; subDir.Equal ["Xerox>TiogaFonts", FALSE] => BEGIN shortFName _ fullFName.Substr [start: cp.base.start, len: cp.base.length]; sizePos _ shortFName.SkipTo [0, "0123456789"]; attributes _ shortFName.Substr [sizePos, shortFName.Length[]-sizePos]; facePos _ attributes.SkipTo [0, "bBiI"]; size _ (ORD [attributes.Fetch[0]] - ORD ['0]); FOR i: INT IN [1 .. facePos) DO size _ size * 10.0 + (ORD [attributes.Fetch[i]] - ORD ['0]) ENDLOOP; IF (facePos # attributes.Length[]) THEN BEGIN it: BOOL ~ (attributes.SkipTo [0, "iI"] # attributes.Length[]); b: BOOL ~ (attributes.SkipTo [0, "bB"] # attributes.Length[]); SELECT TRUE FROM it AND b => face _ BoldItalic; it AND NOT b => face _ Italic; NOT it AND b => face _ Bold; ENDCASE => ERROR END; family _ shortFName.Substr [0, sizePos]; mr _ NodeStyleFont.FontFromStyleParams [prefix: fontPrefix, family: Atom.MakeAtom[family], face: face, size: size, alphabets: CapsAndLower]; mr _ ImagerFont.Modify [mr, sk.charToClient] END; ENDCASE => BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope [Rope.Cat [fullFName, "font class", subDir, " unknown, not substituted.\n"]]; mr _ sk END END; -- Mapping ImagerRect: PROC [r: CD.Rect] RETURNS [Imager.Rectangle] ~ BEGIN base: CD.Position ~ CDBasics.BaseOfAnyRect [r]; size: CD.Position ~ CDBasics.SizeOfRect [r]; RETURN [[Float[base.x], Float[base.y], Float[size.x], Float[size.y]]] END; -- ImagerRect ImagerVec: PROC [p: CD.Position] RETURNS [Imager.VEC] ~ BEGIN RETURN [[Float[p.x], Float[p.y]]] END; -- ImagerVec RGBFromColour: PROC [c: Color] RETURNS [rgb: ImagerColor.RGB] ~ INLINE BEGIN WITH c SELECT FROM constant: Imager.ConstantColor => BEGIN rgb.R _ ImagerColorPrivate.ComponentFromColor [constant, $Red]; rgb.G _ ImagerColorPrivate.ComponentFromColor [constant, $Green]; rgb.B _ ImagerColorPrivate.ComponentFromColor [constant, $Blue] END; ENDCASE => rgb _ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; RETURN [rgb] END; -- RGBFromColour PeachProcess: PROC [masterName, peachName: Rope.ROPE, printerKey: ATOM, copies: INT] ~ BEGIN ENABLE {PeachPrint.PupAborted => GOTO failure}; serverName: Rope.ROPE; FillSample: PROC [s: ImagerBrick.Brick, a, b, c, d: REAL] ~ BEGIN IF (s.size # 4 )THEN ERROR; s.sSize _ 2; s.fSize _ 2; s.phase _ 0; s.u _ 0; s.v _ 0; s.samples[0] _ a; s.samples[1] _ b; s.samples[2] _ c; s.samples[3] _ d END; -- FillSample TRUSTED {Process.SetPriority [Process.priorityBackground]}; SELECT printerKey FROM $NVersatec => BEGIN par: PrintFileConvert.PDParams _ PrintFileConvert.ParamsFromPrinterType [$versatec]; scale: REAL ~ (25.4 * par.pageFSize) / 215.9; -- medium size in mm serverName _ UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.Versatec", "Sleepy"]; PrintFileConvert.InterpressToPD [inputName: masterName, outputName: peachName, params: par, sx: scale, sy: scale, logProc: LogInterpress, progressProc: ProgressLog] END; $NColorVersatec, $NPeachExpand => BEGIN par: PrintFileConvert.PDParams _ PrintFileConvert.ParamsFromPrinterType [$colorVersatec]; scale: REAL ~ (25.4 * par.pageFSize) / 215.9; -- medium size in mm brickC: ImagerBrick.Brick _ NEW [ImagerBrick.BrickRep[4]]; brickM: ImagerBrick.Brick _ NEW [ImagerBrick.BrickRep[4]]; brickY: ImagerBrick.Brick _ NEW [ImagerBrick.BrickRep[4]]; serverName _ IF (printerKey = $NColorVersatec) THEN UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.ColorVersatec", "Sleepy"] ELSE UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.PeachExpand", "Bennington"]; FillSample [brickC, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4]; FillSample [brickM, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.8]; FillSample [brickY, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.4]; par.bricks [cyan] _ brickC; par.bricks [magenta] _ brickM; par.bricks [yellow] _ brickY; PrintFileConvert.InterpressToPD [inputName: masterName, outputName: peachName, params: par, sx: scale, sy: scale, logProc: LogInterpress, progressProc: ProgressLog] END; $NBw400 => BEGIN par: PrintFileConvert.PDParams _ PrintFileConvert.ParamsFromPrinterType [$bw400]; serverName _ UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.Bw400", "MtFuji"]; PrintFileConvert.InterpressToPD [inputName: masterName, outputName: peachName, params: par, sx: 1.3, sy: 1.3, logProc: LogInterpress, progressProc: ProgressLog] END; $NColor400 => BEGIN par: PrintFileConvert.PDParams _ PrintFileConvert.ParamsFromPrinterType [$color400]; par.ppd _ 4.0; serverName _ UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.Color400", "MtFuji"]; PrintFileConvert.InterpressToPD [inputName: masterName, outputName: peachName, params: par, sx: 1.3, sy: 1.3, logProc: LogInterpress, progressProc: ProgressLog] END; $NRaven300 => serverName _ UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.Raven300", "Quoth"]; ENDCASE => NULL; -- can never happen TerminalIO.WriteRope [Rope.Cat ["Sending ", peachName, " to ", serverName, "\n."]]; PeachPrint.DoPeachPrintCommand [serverName, peachName, TerminalIO.TOS[], FALSE, copies]; IF (printerKey = $NPeachExpand) THEN BEGIN pos: FS.ComponentPositions ~ FS.ExpandName[peachName].cp; server2Name: Rope.ROPE ~ UserProfile.Token ["Nectarine.ColorVersatec", "Sleepy"]; simpleName: Rope.ROPE ~ peachName.Substr [pos.base.start, pos.base.length]; peachName _ Rope.Cat ["[", serverName, "]PD>", simpleName, "-1.PD"]; TerminalIO.WriteRope [Rope.Cat ["Sending ", peachName, " to ", server2Name, "\n."]]; PeachPrint.DoPeachPrintCommand [server2Name, peachName, TerminalIO.TOS[], FALSE, copies] END; EXITS failure => BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope [Rope.Cat ["Communications failure. File saved on ", peachName, "for manual retry.\n"]]; MessageWindow.Clear []; MessageWindow.Append ["Nectarine: Peach communications failure"]; MessageWindow.Blink [] END END; -- PeachProcess Print: PUBLIC PROC [masterName: Rope.ROPE, printerKey: ATOM, copies: INT _ 1] RETURNS [peachName: Rope.ROPE] ~ BEGIN IF (masterName = NIL) THEN TerminalIO.WriteRope ["Produce an Interpress master first.\n"] ELSE BEGIN pos: FS.ComponentPositions ~ FS.ExpandName[masterName].cp; SELECT printerKey FROM $NVersatec, $NColorVersatec, $NBw400, $NColor400, $NPeachExpand => peachName _ masterName.Replace [pos.ext.start, pos.ext.length, "PD"]; $NRaven300 => peachName _ masterName; -- understands Interpress ENDCASE => SIGNAL invalidPrinter; Process.CheckForAbort []; TRUSTED BEGIN Process.Detach [FORK PeachProcess [masterName, peachName, printerKey, copies]] END; TerminalIO.WriteRope ["Peach printing process forked off.\n"] END END; -- Print GetStatisticsToggle: UserProfile.ProfileChangedProc ~ BEGIN statistics _ UserProfile.Boolean [key: "Nectarine.Statistics"] END; ListColourTable: PROC [state: State] ~ BEGIN totalArea: REAL _ 0.0; -- It is the way it is because of numerical stability. ComputeArea: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ BEGIN data: Blend ~ NARROW [value]; totalArea _ totalArea + Float [data.area] END; -- ComputeArea ListEntry: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ BEGIN data: Blend ~ NARROW [value]; comp: ImagerColor.RGB ~ RGBFromColour [data.blend]; IF totalArea = 0.0 THEN totalArea _ 1.0; TerminalIO.WriteF ["%g\t%g\t%g\t\t%g\t", IO.real[comp.R], IO.real[comp.G], IO.real[comp.B], IO.real[Float[data.area]/totalArea]]; FOR i: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO IF data.flavours[i] THEN TerminalIO.WriteF [" %g", IO.atom [CD.LayerKey[i]]] ENDLOOP; TerminalIO.WriteRope ["\n"] END; -- ListEntry TerminalIO.WriteF ["Statistical data gathered by Nectarine:\n\tSize of color table: %g; number of tiles: %g\n\tColor (R, G, B), relative area and layers\n", [colourTable.GetSize[]], [state.cardTile]]; [] _ colourTable.Pairs [ComputeArea]; IF debug THEN BEGIN [] _ colourTable.Pairs [ListEntry]; TerminalIO.WriteRope ["Colors with null area were intermediate.\n"] END END; -- ListColourTable CleanColourTable: PROC [state: State] ~ BEGIN ResetArea: HashTable.EachPairAction ~ {rec: Blend ~ NARROW [value]; rec.area _ 0}; [] _ colourTable.Pairs [ResetArea]; state.cardTile _ 0 END; -- CleanColourTable TimeToRope: PROC [from, to: BasicTime.GMT] RETURNS [time: Rope.ROPE] ~ BEGIN tmp: Rope.ROPE; sec: INT = BasicTime.Period [from, to]; min: INT = sec / 60; h: INT = min / 60; tmp _ IO.PutFR1 [value: [h]]; time _ SELECT h FROM = 0 => "00", < 10 => Rope.Cat ["0", tmp], ENDCASE => tmp; tmp _ IO.PutFR1 [value: [min MOD 60]]; time _ Rope.Cat [time, ":", SELECT min FROM = 0 => "00", < 10 => Rope.Cat ["0", tmp], ENDCASE => tmp]; tmp _ IO.PutFR1 [value: [sec MOD 60]]; time _ Rope.Cat [time, ":", SELECT sec FROM = 0 => "00", < 10 => Rope.Cat ["0", tmp], ENDCASE => tmp] END; -- TimeToRope UserProfile.CallWhenProfileChanges [GetStatisticsToggle] END. lNectarineImpl.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Giordano Bruno Beretta, April 11, 1986 7:57:41 pm PST gbb August 21, 1986 6:10:29 pm PDT Implements an alternate way to produce Interpress masters from ChipNDale drawings. The difference is in the user interface. It is similar to the one in programs by Imaging Folks, and it is simpler to use for casual users. Fuzzless and sweeter than peaches (Suzanne Williams) Implementation note on clipping: If bands have to be created because of the size of the design, true clipping to bands must be done when traversing the design. The penalty on the corner stitched data structure may be swallowed, since it is an overnight job anyway. However, leaving clipping to the Imager, you will have all those rectangles in the Interpress master with their multiciplity. A large disk can hold only about 90% of a thing like the Cross-RAM, and every single file on your disk will have been flushed off when you come in in the morning. If you insist on leaving the clipping to the imager, then you must be very careful deciding where to place it. The reason is that clipping in the Imager is relative, and therefore the window must be specified inside Do-Save-Simple-Body, in order not to disturb the global clipping window. The places would be EnumerateGeometry and EnumerateTextInDesign. Geometry Does what FreeTesselation supposedly did once upon a time. PROC [tile: REF Tile, data: REF] Prints a band. If there is only one band and no clipping is necessary, setting clip to false will make it faster. [r: Rect, l: Layer, pr: DrawRef] Note that merging works correctly because of the use of the colour table. [plane: REF Tesselation, rect: Rect, oldValue: REF, data: REF] Annotation [inst: CD.Instance, pos: CD.Position, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] [inst: CD.Instance, pos: CD.Position, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] [r: Rect, l: Layer, pr: DrawRef] The border is drawn outside the cell, since this is the way they are used by Rick Barth, currently the only creator of documents using boxes. South: West: East: North: [inst: Instance, pos: Position, orient: Orientation, pr: REF DrawInformation] $FilledCurve0 => The procedure for rectangles is called through the recursion step. Interpress Produces an Interpress master of the design. The master is scaled such that it fits a whole page. chipNDaleWindow is either the bounding box of the design or a window in it. In the latter case, clip must be set to TRUE, and objects completetly outside the window will be ommitted from the Interpress master (because of things like mitering, actual clipping can be performed only when a bitmap is created). The usedField is specified in millimeters. It is useful for subsequent processing of the Interpress master as long as this field cannot be specified in the preamble of Interpress masters themselves. If onlySel is true, only the selected object are included in the Interpress master. May return signal tooComplex if it is believed that there might be too many rectangles in a horizontal cross section. The used criterion is the width of the design; if you do not agree, use the Interpreter to increase the risk. Creates the interpress master. Called back by the Interpress machinery. Preview considers the top of the page to be most important, because we write text from top to bottom. Also designers want have images to be flush to the top of the field, so they can use the bottom of the medium for hand-annotations. Unfortunately, this causes a severe problem when producing a PD file. In fact there is said to be a hack fixing a hard bug in the Peach software. This hack is said to be a white rectangle at the lower left corner of the medium. On the Versatec this means that with every image in landscape format you would get meters of white paper. This is why images are positioned in the lower left corner of the field. y0 _ IF ratioH < ratioW THEN 0.0 ELSE field.h - window.h * ratioW; Rectangles: Magic numbers: Assume 14 MB of memory may be used. Each tile requires 7 words of storage, hence 106 tiles can be stored. In the current worst case, a die is 10 mm wide. If a gate can be 2 mm long, in the worst case there is a rectangle each mm. The intersection of the current band with the clipping window is performed by PrintBand. The field state.cdClip is assigned earlier. Produce bands from high to low y-coordinate values in order to avoid paging in succeeding software. The first bands are not typical, because they are not dense. Text: Does it at background priority. TRUSTED {Process.SetPriority [Process.priorityBackground]}; Produce preamble. Create a table of the fonts and them in the preamble. Produce the page. All coordinates will be in millimeters. Close. Same as CDOps.DrawDesign, but visits only the selected objects. Same as CDOps.DrawDesign, but visits objects only once. PROC [name: Rope.ROPE, ob: CD.Object] RETURNS [quit: BOOL_FALSE] At this point we know that only one colour representation is used. Must be fast as a bullet. w < 0 means that it has not yet been set in this body. Must be fast as a bullet. Must be fast as a bullet Called for errors during interpress execution. [class: INT, code: ATOM, explanation: ROPE] [begin: BOOL, page: INT] Color Blending Data is global Sets up a blending record for a tile. Must be fast as a bullet. Takes the layers covering a tile and blend an RBG-colour out of them. Find exception layers. Cuts always win. Reinitialize mix by yellow and eliminate poly and diff. Ensure that only one colour representation is used. Spread out hues & make "more subtractive". The logarithm of the number of colours is two, that of the rectangles is six. PROC [Key] RETURNS [CARDINAL] HashTable.EqualProc Conversions Data is global [inst: Instance, pos: Position, orient: Orientation, pr: REF DrawInformation] There is no facility offered by ChipNDale to visit only a cell without recursing to its subcells, so here is a homebrew hack. [inst: Instance, pos: Position, orient: Orientation, pr: REF DrawInformation] The map is global, because fonts rarely change across designs. DrawDesign is an overkill, which easily takes 20 minutes on the CrossRAM. There is no facility offered by ChipNDale to visit only a cell without recursing to its subcells, so here is a homebrew hack. Translates from strike to spline fonts. Construct the old style name: Find the size and face from the old style name: Compute the size (assume: there always is a size): Determine the face: CdPos: PROC [v: Imager.VEC] RETURNS [CD.Position] ~ BEGIN RETURN [[Round[v.x], Round[v.y]]] END; -- CdPos Assume that LayerColour had previously been called. Printing This is a mess. The religion asks me to propagate the error I get from PeachPrint to my client. However, PeachPrint just sits there until all printing is done or aborts locking up ChipNDale. Therefore, until PeachPrint is not fixed and forks off a process by its own, I do it myself and swallow that bloody event. Should be in Cedar. Medium size in inches: 40" X 40". Exact scale: 4.705883 Medium size in inches: 40" X 40". Exact scale: 4.705883 Use the following three statements to obtain very fast colors: Or use the following statement to obtain quality colors (rotated screens): par.ppd _ 2.0; Medium size in inches: 11" X 14". Exact scale: 1.294118 Medium size in inches: 11" X 14". Exact scale: 1.294118 SIGNAL communicationsFailure Produces (if necessary) a PD file from an Interpress master and ships it to the printer. Valid printer keys are $NVersatec, $NColorVersatec, $NBw400, $NColor400, $NRaven300. May return signals invalidPrinter and communicationsFailure. Statistics Lists the statistics on the colour table. We initialize only the area so as to cache colour blendings across sessions. Although the INT returned BasicTime.Period is the same as GMT and might hence be loopholed to use IO.time from Conversions, the latter uses BasicTime.Unpack which allows only values that give a valid date. 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