Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christian LeCocq April 17, 1987 5:36:18 pm PDT
Core, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, HashTable, IO, LinearSystem, PlotGraph, Rope, Schedule;
ps: TYPE = REAL;  -- picosecond (1e-12 s)
mVolt: TYPE = REAL;  -- millivolt (1e-3 V)
pF: TYPE = REAL;  -- picofarad (1e-12 F)
ohm: TYPE = REAL;  -- W
Circuit: TYPE = REF CircuitRec; -- global handle
CircuitRec: TYPE = RECORD [
rootCell: Core.CellType,
nodeTable: HashTable.Table,
agenda: Schedule.Agenda ← NIL,
library: Library ← NIL,
fetTypeList: LIST OF FetType,
info: Info,
private: MintPrivateData
Info: TYPE = REF InfoRec;
InfoRec: TYPE = RECORD [
totalNodes: INT ← 0,
eachWireCapa: pF ← 0.0,
totalFets: ARRAY CoreClasses.TransistorType OF INTALL[0],
nbOfSimulations: INT ← 0,
tStart: ps ← 0.0,
tStop: ps ← 1.0e5
MintPrivateData: TYPE = REF; -- caches of matrices and so on...
MintPrivateData: PUBLIC TYPE = REF MintPrivateDataRec;
MintPrivateDataRec: TYPE = RECORD[
matrix: LinearSystem.MatrixN,
cstTerm: LinearSystem.ColumnN,
vInit: LinearSystem.ColumnN,
tau: LinearSystem.ColumnN,
copyMatrix: LinearSystem.MatrixN,
subMatrix: LinearSystem.MatrixN,
fetSeqPool: ARRAY [1..128] OF LIST OF FetSeq ← ALL[NIL]
NodeList: TYPE = LIST OF Node;
NodeSeq: TYPE = REF NodeSeqRec;
NodeSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD [elements: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF Node];
Node: TYPE = REF NodeRec; -- others call them wires
NodeRec: TYPE = RECORD [
flatWire: CoreFlat.FlatWire,
history: Schedule.History, --Last notables events around
cap: REAL,  --Intrinsic capacitance.
fetSeq: FetSeq, --fets connnecting to this node.
setList: SetList, --sets connnecting their inputs to this node.
input,  --node forced to a fixed value by outside world.
watched,  --means the value of the node is used by the outside world
fixedV,  --this node is a power node
ignoreMe: BOOLEAN ← FALSE,
FetList: TYPE = LIST OF Fet;
FetSeq: TYPE = REF FetSeqRec;
FetSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD [nUsed: NAT ← 0, elements: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF Fet];
Fet: TYPE = REF FetRec;
gate, ch1, ch2: Node, --Nodes connecting to transistor.
type: FetType, --Type of transistor
switch,  --TRUE means that the fet is turn on
done: BOOLEAN ← FALSE --multi purpose flag
FetType: TYPE = REF FetTypeRec;
FetTypeRec: TYPE = RECORD [
l: NAT,  -- transistor length
w: NAT,  -- transistor width
type: CoreClasses.TransistorType,
rOnInv: REAL -- Inverse of equivalent resistance when the fet is on
SetList: TYPE = LIST OF Set;
SetSeq: TYPE = REF SetSeqRec;
SetSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD [elements: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF Set];
Set: TYPE = REF SetRec; --two fets are in the same set iff there is a path between them
SetRec: TYPE = RECORD [  --following sources and drains
lFets: FetList ← NIL,  
lNodes: NodeList ← NIL, --nodes connecting the fets of the set
inList: NodeList ← NIL, --other nodes connected to the gates of the fets (set inputs)
fixedV: NodeList ← NIL, --nodes fixed by the outside world (like Vdd and Gnd)
type: SetType ← NIL,
done: BOOLEAN ← FALSE --multi purpose flag
SetType: TYPE = REF SetTypeRec; -- some figures allowing easy recognition of simple structures
SetTypeRec: TYPE = RECORD [
nFets: ARRAY CoreClasses.TransistorType OF CARDINALALL[0],
nInput: CARDINAL ← 0,
solve: SolveProc ← NIL
SolveProc: TYPE = PROC[set: Set, t: ps, circuit: Circuit] RETURNS [nextTime: ps];
Caminos: TYPE = LIST OF Camino;
Camino: TYPE = RECORD[length: REAL, data: LIST OF CaminoCell];
CaminoCell: TYPE = RECORD[set: Set, node: Node];
Library: TYPE = LIST OF LibraryElem ← NIL; -- the sets accessed by SetType.
LibraryElem: TYPE = REF LibraryElemRec;
LibraryElemRec: TYPE = RECORD [
type: SetType,
nElem: CARDINAL ← 0,
setList: SetList ← NIL
TypeTable: ARRAY CoreClasses.TransistorType OF TType; -- for physical constants
TType: TYPE = REF TTypeRec;
name: Rope.ROPE,
cPerArea, cPerWidth: REAL,
ignoreMe: ATOM; -- $MintIgnoreMe. This prop stops the analysis of a path for timing if set to $TRUE. Could be on a celltype, instance or wire.
CircuitSimulate: PROC[circuit: Circuit, from: ps ← 0.0] RETURNS [t: ps];
Build the initial calendar of events and simulate until a steady state is reached.
InteractiveSimulate: PROC [circuit: Circuit, watchList: NodeList ← NIL, from: ps ← 0.0];
the same as CircuitSimulate except that it builds and refreshes a display.
PrintFet: PROC [fet: Fet, circuit: Circuit];
Prints the type, size, switch and ports of the fet.
PrintNode: PROC [node: Node, circuit: Circuit];
Prints the name and list of HistoryPts on StdOut
PrintFetList: PROC [fetList: FetList, circuit: Circuit];
PrintNodeList: PROC [nodeList: NodeList, circuit: Circuit];
PrintCamino: PROC [camino: Camino, circuit: Circuit];
PrintCaminos: PROC [caminos: Caminos, circuit: Circuit];
EditNodeHistory: PROC [node: Node, t: ps, v: mVolt];
The basic way to specify the stimuli. The events must be edited in time order, a modification of the middle of the history deletes the end of the history from this time.
EditNodeInputBool: PROC [node: Node, forcedInput: BOOLEAN];
Specifies the fact that a node is or is not a voltage source. Vdd and Gnd are inputs.
NodeFromRope: PROC [id: Rope.ROPE, circuit: Circuit] RETURNS [node: Node];
Finds the node with the specified (ROPE) name.
RopeFromNode: PROC [node: Node, circuit: Circuit] RETURNS [id: Rope.ROPE];
gives the rope name of the node.
SetNode: PROC [node: Node, val, input: BOOLEANTRUE, t: ps ← 0.0];
edits the value of the node for t.
GetNode: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [val: BOOLEAN];
gives the last value of the node
SettledValuesOfNode: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [t: ps, v: mVolt];
gives the last value of the node
KillFetList: PROC [fetList: FetList];
KillNodeList: PROC [nodeList: NodeList];
KillSetList: PROC [setList: SetList, killSets: BOOLEANTRUE];
KillCircuit: PROC [circuit: Circuit];
4 procs to improve GC use. If killSets then KillSetList will kill the LIST and each set of the List, else it will kill only the LIST;
MaxFreqEvaluate: PROC [circuit: Circuit, clkList: NodeList, numberOfPaths: CARD, from: ps ← 0.0, histOk: BOOLEANTRUE] RETURNS [worst: ps ← 0.0, caminos: Caminos];
finds the numberOfPaths longest paths in the circuit. if histOk then a Histogram of the path through time is created.
MaxCapa: PROC [circuit: Circuit, n: NAT ← 1] RETURNS [fatest: REAL, fatNodes: NodeList];
computes and print the laziest nodes. Print on StdOut the tup and tdown of the n slowest ones.
LastTime: PROC [circuit: Circuit, n: NAT ← 1] RETURNS [veryLastTime: ps, slowNodes: NodeList];
gives you the n last nodes to settle for the circuit.
SetTime: PROC [t: ps, circuit: Circuit];
Cuts all histories at t.
DrawNodeList: PROC [nodeList: NodeList, circuit: Circuit] RETURNS[plot: PlotGraph.Plot];
Builds the oscilloscope that display this list of Nodes.
AddNodeToPlot: PROC [node: Node, plot: PlotGraph.Plot, r: Rope.ROPENIL];
Appends a graph showing node to plot, using r as a name if specified.
CreateCircuit: PROC [rootCell: Core.CellType] RETURNS [circuit: Circuit];
create the empty data structure with only the top level public, so that you can specify the power nodes before actually constructing the "Circuit" with InputData.
InputData: PROC [circuit: Circuit, fixedVList: NodeList, layout: BOOLEANTRUE, eachWireCapa: pF ← 0.0];
Builds the handle of Mint data from the Core structures.
CreatePrivate: PUBLIC PROC [circuit: Circuit];
PrepareSets: PROC [circuit: Circuit, fixedVList: NodeList];
Cuts the Mint flat circuit into sets and store them by type in the circuit library. Called by InputData.
CheckLibrary: PROC [circuit: Circuit];
Verify the static connectivity: isolated nodes, nodes that cannot be driven, node not reachable from Vdd or Gnd.
OutputResults: PROC [circuit: Circuit];
Print the statistics of the library on the number and types of sets created by PrepareSets.