<> <> DIRECTORY Asserting, GList, IntHashTable, LichenDataStructure, LichenDataOps, LichenSetTheory, Rope; LichenChecking: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Asserting, IntHashTable, LichenDataStructure, LichenDataOps, LichenSetTheory, Rope EXPORTS LichenDataOps = BEGIN OPEN LichenDataStructure, LichenDataOps, LichenSetTheory; <> <> <<>> <<(>> <<(>> <> <> <<>> <<(note that we allow a ci to be >> <> <<>> <> <<>> <> <> <> <<>> <> <<>> <> <> <> <> <> PortList: TYPE = LIST OF Port; debugging: BOOL _ TRUE; OutersToo: BOOL = FALSE; CheckDesign: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, rep, norm: AssertionOp, comparable: MerelyCheckableAssertionOp] = { PerCellType: PROC [ct: CellType] = { CheckCellType[ct, rep, norm, comparable]; }; SELECT norm FROM ignore => NULL; report, check, establish => EnsureAllIn[design]; ENDCASE => ERROR; EnumerateCellTypes[design, PerCellType]; }; PortData: TYPE = RefTable--port PortDatum: TYPE = REF PortDatumPrivate; PortDatumPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ used, seen, deleted: BOOL _ FALSE, assoc: PortList _ NIL, newPort: Port _ NIL]; CheckCellType: PUBLIC PROC [ct: CellType, rep, norm: AssertionOp, comparable: MerelyCheckableAssertionOp, interface, internals, instances: BOOL _ TRUE] = { portData: PortData; consequences: RefTable = SELECT norm FROM establish => CreateRefTable[], ignore, report, check => NIL, ENDCASE => ERROR; altered: BOOL _ FALSE; SELECT norm FROM ignore, report, check => NULL; establish => IF NOT (interface AND internals AND instances) THEN ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF ct.privateKnown AND NOT ct.publicKnown THEN ERROR Error["Broken: private parts known but not the public"]; IF internals THEN EnsurePrivate[ct]; EnsurePublic[ct]; IF ct.privateKnown AND NOT ct.publicKnown THEN ERROR Error["Broken: private parts known but not the public"]; IF interface THEN { CheckPort: PROC [port: Port] = { WITH port.parent SELECT FROM pp: Port => { IF (IF port.prev # NIL THEN port.prev.next ELSE pp.firstChild) # port THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF (IF port.next # NIL THEN port.next.prev ELSE pp.lastChild) # port THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; }; ct: CellType => { IF port.next # NIL OR port.prev # NIL THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF ct.port # port THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF (port.firstChild # NIL) # (port.lastChild # NIL) THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; }; EnumeratePorts[ct, CheckPort]; }; IF instances THEN { SELECT norm FROM ignore => NULL; report, check, establish => { ct.wasntNormalized _ FALSE; portData _ CreatePortData[ct]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF (ct.firstInstance # NIL AND ct.firstInstance.prevInstance # NIL) OR (ct.lastInstance # NIL AND ct.lastInstance.nextInstance # NIL) THEN ERROR Error["Broken: cell type - instance linkage"]; {PerInstance: PROC [v: CellInstance] = { IF v.type # ct THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF IsMirror[v] THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; --AM2 CheckInstance[v, portData, rep, norm]; }; EnumerateInstances[ct, PerInstance]}; SELECT norm FROM ignore => NULL; report, check => IF OutersToo THEN { PerPortDatum: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] --HashTable.EachPairAction-- = { port: Port = NARROW[key]; pd: PortDatum = NARROW[value]; IF NOT pd.used THEN Fail[normal, norm, "%g fails ANPortUsedO", port]; IF pd.assoc # NIL THEN Fail[normal, norm, "%g fails ANPortsMergedO", port]; <> }; [] _ portData.Pairs[PerPortDatum]; }; establish => IF OutersToo THEN { PerPort: PROC [port: Port] = { pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[port].value]; IF (NOT pd.used) AND (pd.assoc # NIL) THEN ERROR; IF NOT pd.used THEN { IF debugging THEN Log["Deleting port %g.\n", port]; DeletePort[ct, port, consequences]; ct.wasntNormalized _ TRUE; CheckCellType[ct, ignore, ignore, comparable]} ELSE IF pd.assoc # NIL THEN { IF debugging THEN Log["On Type %g, merging ports %g.\n", ct, pd.assoc]; MergePorts[ct, CONS[port, pd.assoc], portData, consequences]; ct.wasntNormalized _ TRUE; CheckCellType[ct, ignore, ignore, comparable]}; }; EnumeratePorts[ct, PerPort]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; IF internals AND ct.asUnorganized # NIL THEN { PerInstance: PROC [elt: REF ANY] = { ci: CellInstance = NARROW[elt]; IF ci.containingCT # ct THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF IsMirror[ci] THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]--AM1--; CheckComponent[ci, rep]; }; IF ct.asUnorganized.mirror = NIL THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF ct.asUnorganized.mirror.type # ct THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; --AM3 IF ct.asUnorganized.mirror.containingCT # ct THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF CheckNet[ct.asUnorganized.internalWire, norm, comparable, consequences] THEN altered _ TRUE; ct.asUnorganized.containedInstances.Enumerate[PerInstance]; CheckComponent[ct.asUnorganized.mirror, rep]; }; IF internals AND ct.asArray # NIL THEN CheckArray[ct]; IF instances THEN SELECT norm FROM ignore => NULL; report, check => IF ct.wasntNormalized THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; establish => { SELECT consequences.Fetch[ct].value FROM $T => { [] _ consequences.Delete[ct]; CheckCellType[ct, ignore, establish, comparable]; }; ENDCASE => IF ct.wasntNormalized THEN CheckCellType[ct, ignore, check, comparable]; [] _ consequences.Pairs[FixAffectedType]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; FetchFBJoint: PROC [a: Array, d: Dim, foo, bar: INT] RETURNS [j: Joint] = { j _ NARROW[a.joints[d][bar + foo*a.jointsPeriod[Bar]]]; }; CheckArray: PROC [ct: CellType] = { a: Array = ct.asArray; CheckPortConnections: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] --HashTable.EachPairAction-- = { ap: Port = NARROW[key]; apc: ArrayPortConnections = NARROW[value]; FOR e: End IN End DO FOR d: Dim IN Dim DO index: ArrayIndex _ ALL[SELECT e FROM low => 0, high => a.size[d]-1, ENDCASE => ERROR]; od: Dim = OtherDim[d]; PerPair: PROC [key: INT, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] --IntHashTable.EachPairAction-- = { ep: Port = NARROW[value]; index[od] _ key; IF GetArrayPort[a, index, ep] # ap THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; }; [] _ apc[e][d].Pairs[PerPair]; ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; }; FOR d: Dim IN Dim DO FOR foo: INT IN [0 .. a.jointsPeriod[Foo]) DO FOR bar: INT IN [0 .. a.jointsPeriod[Bar]) DO j: Joint = FetchFBJoint[a, d, foo, bar]; nrp: INT _ 0; CheckTie: PROC [ra: REF ANY] = { tie: Tie = NARROW[ra]; n, nIncomplete: INT _ 0; FOR rpl: RoledPortDataList _ tie.ports, rpl.rest WHILE rpl # NIL DO IF j.toTie[rpl.first.side].Fetch[rpl.first.port].value # tie THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; n _ n + 1; ENDLOOP; IF n # tie.n THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF tie.completion # NIL THEN { FOR cji: INT IN [0 .. j.size) DO complete: BOOL = ComputeComplete[j, tie, cji]; IF NOT complete THEN nIncomplete _ nIncomplete + 1; IF complete # tie.completion[cji] THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; ENDLOOP; IF nIncomplete # tie.completion.nIncomplete THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; }; nrp _ nrp + tie.n; }; IF j = NIL THEN LOOP; IF j.size # j.size2[Foo]*j.size2[Bar] THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF j.roles.length # j.nrp OR j.nrp # nrp THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; [] _ j.ties.Enumerate[CheckTie]; nrp _ 0; FOR side: End IN End DO CheckPair: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] --HashTable.EachPairAction-- = { port: Port = NARROW[key]; tie: Tie = NARROW[value]; IF NOT j.ties.HasMember[tie] THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; }; [] _ j.toTie[side].Pairs[CheckPair]; nrp _ nrp + j.toTie[side].GetSize[]; IF j.toTie[side].GetSize[] # j.toRole[side].GetSize[] THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; ENDLOOP; IF j.nrp # nrp THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; FOR index: INT IN [0 .. j.roles.length) DO rpd: RoledPortData = NARROW[j.roles.refs[index]]; IF rpd.index # index OR j.toRole[rpd.side].Fetch[rpd.port].value # rpd THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; [] _ a.portConnections.Pairs[CheckPortConnections]; }; CheckWireAgainstPort: PROC [wire: Wire, port: Port, andInsertIn: Set] = { subWire: Wire _ wire.firstChild; subPort: Port _ port.firstChild; [] _ andInsertIn.UnionSingleton[port]; WHILE subWire # NIL AND subPort # NIL DO CheckWireAgainstPort[subWire, subPort, andInsertIn]; subWire _ subWire.next; subPort _ subPort.next; ENDLOOP; IF subWire # NIL OR subPort # NIL THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Wire %g doesn't match port %g", wire, port]; }; CheckInstance: PROC [v: CellInstance, portData: PortData, rep, norm: AssertionOp] = { CheckComponent[v, rep]; SELECT norm FROM ignore => NULL; report, check, establish => { PerConnection: PROC [port: Port, net: Vertex] = { pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[port].value]; ClearSeen: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] --HashTable.EachPairAction-- = { pd: PortDatum = NARROW[value]; pd.seen_ FALSE; }; PerNetConnection: PROC [port2: Port, u: Vertex] = { pd2: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[port2].value]; IF u = v THEN pd2.seen _ TRUE; IF u # v OR port2 # port THEN pd.used _ TRUE; }; [] _ portData.Pairs[ClearSeen]; EnumerateImmediateConnections[net, PerNetConnection]; IF NOT pd.seen THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Port %g half connected to", port]; IF v = v.type.firstInstance THEN { StartAssoc: PROC [port2: Port] = { pd2: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[port2].value]; IF pd2.seen AND port # port2 THEN pd.assoc _ CONS[port2, pd.assoc]; }; pd.assoc _ NIL; EnumeratePorts[v.type, StartAssoc]; } ELSE { lastAssoc: PortList _ NIL; FOR la: PortList _ pd.assoc, la.rest WHILE la # NIL DO pd2: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[la.first].value]; IF NOT pd2.seen THEN { IF lastAssoc = NIL THEN pd.assoc _ la.rest ELSE lastAssoc.rest _ la.rest } ELSE lastAssoc _ la; ENDLOOP; }; }; EnumerateImmediateConnections[v, PerConnection]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; CheckIntermediate: PROC [im: Intermediary] = { NULL --er, nothing to do here, since the intermediates are checked as part of the cell instance checking, uh, right?--; }; CheckNet: PROC [v: Wire, norm: AssertionOp, comparable: MerelyCheckableAssertionOp, noteIn: RefTable] RETURNS [altered: BOOL] = { Work: PROC [v: Wire] RETURNS [portSeen, otherSeen, portUsed: BOOL _ FALSE] = { portCount, otherCount: NAT _ 0; ports: PortList _ NIL; iAmPorted, anNetUsed, anPortUsedI: BOOL; SeekPortage: PROC [port: Port, w: Vertex] = { ci: CellInstance = NARROW[w]; IF IsMirror[ci] THEN { portCount _ portCount + 1; ports _ CONS[port, ports]; portSeen _ TRUE; } ELSE {otherCount _ otherCount + 1; otherSeen _ TRUE}; }; EnumerateTransitiveConnections[v, SeekPortage]; iAmPorted _ portSeen; portUsed _ iAmPorted AND portCount + otherCount > 1; IF portCount > 1 THEN SELECT norm FROM ignore => ERROR; report, check => Fail[normal, norm, "%g fails ANPortsMergedI", v]; establish => { IF debugging THEN Log["Merging ports %g.\n", ports]; altered _ TRUE; [] _ noteIn.Store[v.containingCT, $T]; [] _ MergePorts[v.containingCT, ports, NIL, noteIn]; v.containingCT.wasntNormalized _ TRUE; CheckCellType[v.containingCT, ignore, ignore, comparable]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; FOR subWire: Wire _ v.FirstChildWire[], subWire.NextChildWire[] WHILE subWire # NIL DO subPortSeen, subOtherSeen, subPortUsed: BOOL; [subPortSeen, subOtherSeen, subPortUsed] _ Work[subWire]; portSeen _ portSeen OR subPortSeen; otherSeen _ otherSeen OR subOtherSeen; portUsed _ portUsed OR subPortUsed; ENDLOOP; anNetUsed _ portSeen OR otherSeen; anPortUsedI _ portCount = 0 OR portUsed; SELECT norm FROM ignore => ERROR; report, check => { IF NOT anNetUsed THEN Fail[normal, norm, "%g fails ANNetUsed", v]; IF NOT anPortUsedI THEN Fail[normal, norm, "%g fails ANPortUsedI", ports.first]; }; establish => { IF NOT anNetUsed THEN { IF debugging THEN Log["Deleting net %g.\n", v]; altered _ TRUE; [] _ noteIn.Store[v.containingCT, $T]; DeleteVertex[v]; v.containingCT.wasntNormalized _ TRUE; CheckCellType[v.containingCT, ignore, ignore, comparable]}; IF NOT anPortUsedI THEN { IF debugging THEN Log["Deleting port %g.\n", ports.first]; altered _ TRUE; [] _ noteIn.Store[v.containingCT, $T]; [] _ DeletePort[v.containingCT, ports.first, noteIn]; v.containingCT.wasntNormalized _ TRUE; CheckCellType[v.containingCT, ignore, ignore, comparable]}; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; altered _ FALSE; IF norm = ignore THEN RETURN; [] _ Work[v]; }; CheckComponent: PROC [v: CellInstance, rep: AssertionOp] = { portsConnected: Set = CreateHashSet[]; altered: BOOL _ FALSE; CheckConnections: PROC [port: Port, cellward, v: Vertex] = { containingWire, subWire: Wire _ NIL; first, match: BOOL _ TRUE; PerConnection: PROC [port: Port, w: Vertex] = { IF NOT portsConnected.UnionSingleton[port] THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Port %g multiply connected on cell instance %g", port, v]; WITH w SELECT FROM wire: Wire => { IF first THEN {subWire _ wire; first _ FALSE} ELSE IF match AND wire # (subWire _ NextChildWire[subWire]) THEN match _ FALSE; CheckWireAgainstPort[wire, port, portsConnected]; }; im: Intermediary => { match _ first _ FALSE; CheckConnections[port, v, im]; }; ci: CellInstance => { ERROR Error["Broken: Found cell instance %g on wireward end of an edge from cell instance %g", ci, v]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; EnumerateImmediateConnections[v, PerConnection, [cellward: FALSE, wireward: TRUE], forward]; IF first THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; IF match AND NextChildWire[subWire] # NIL THEN match _ FALSE; IF match AND cellward # NIL THEN { containingWire _ subWire.containingWire; SELECT rep FROM ignore => NULL; report, check => Fail[rep, rep, "Effective connection between port %g and wire %g not represented", port, containingWire]; establish => { Unlinkem: PROC [port: Port, w: Vertex, e: Edge] = {RemoveEdge[e]}; IF debugging THEN Log["Making connection between port %g and wire %g.\n", port, containingWire]; EnumerateImmediateEdges[v, Unlinkem, [cellward: FALSE, wireward: TRUE]]; AddEdge[[cellward: cellward, wireward: containingWire], port]; altered _ TRUE; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; }; PerPort: PROC [port: Port] = { IF portsConnected.HasMember[port] # (port # v.type.port) THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Port %g not properly covered by connections to cell instance %g", port, v]; }; SELECT IsMirror[v] FROM FALSE => { IF (IF v.prevInstance # NIL THEN v.prevInstance.nextInstance ELSE v.type.firstInstance) # v THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Cell type - instance linkage"]; IF (IF v.nextInstance # NIL THEN v.nextInstance.prevInstance ELSE v.type.lastInstance) # v THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Cell type - instance linkage"]; }; TRUE => { IF v.prevInstance # NIL OR v.nextInstance # NIL OR v.type.firstInstance = v OR v.type.lastInstance = v THEN ERROR Error["Broken: Mirror %g linked among instances of cell type %g", v, v.type]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; EnsurePublic[v.type]; CheckConnections[v.type.port, NIL, v]; EnumeratePorts[v.type, PerPort]; portsConnected.DestroySet[]; IF altered THEN CheckComponent[v, check]; }; MergeNets: PUBLIC PROC [net1, net2: Wire] RETURNS [merged, doomed: Wire] = BEGIN MoveToMerged: PROC [port: Port, w: Vertex, e: Edge] = { e.sides[wireward].v _ merged; }; PerName: PROC [assertion: Asserting.Assertion] = { name: ROPE = NARROW[Asserting.TermsOf[assertion].first]; KnowVertexName[merged, name]; }; IF net1.containingCT # net2.containingCT THEN ERROR; IF net1 = net2 THEN RETURN [net1, NIL]; merged _ net1; doomed _ net2; EnumerateImmediateEdges[doomed, MoveToMerged]; IF doomed.firstEdge # NIL THEN { IF merged.lastEdge # NIL THEN merged.lastEdge.sides[wireward].next _ doomed.firstEdge ELSE merged.firstEdge _ doomed.firstEdge; merged.lastEdge _ doomed.lastEdge; doomed.firstEdge.sides[wireward].prev _ merged.lastEdge; doomed.firstEdge _ NIL; doomed.lastEdge _ NIL; }; DeleteVertex[doomed]; Asserting.EnumerateAssertionsAbout[nameReln, doomed.other, PerName]; END; MergePorts: PROC [ct: CellType, ports: PortList, portData: PortData, noteIn: RefTable] = { Length: PROC [ln: PortList] RETURNS [len: NAT _ 0] = {FOR ln _ ln, ln.rest WHILE ln # NIL DO len _ len+1 ENDLOOP}; numIndices: NAT = Length[ports]; oldPorts: Port = ct.port; newPorts: Port = oldPorts; updatePortData: BOOL = portData # NIL; surviver: Port = ports.first; siNet: Wire; designed, unked, progged, recent, old: LIST OF NAT _ NIL; oldest: INTEGER _ 0; newPI: NAT _ 0; ClearSeen: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] --HashTable.EachPairAction-- = { pd: PortDatum = NARROW[value]; pd.seen_ FALSE; }; IF numIndices < 2 THEN ERROR; IF numIndices >= 2 AND portData # NIL THEN ERROR--code below might exhibit bugs--; IF portData = NIL THEN portData _ CreatePortData[ct]; [] _ portData.Pairs[ClearSeen]; FOR pil: PortList _ ports, pil.rest WHILE pil # NIL DO pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[pil.first].value]; IF pd.seen THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; pd.seen _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; IF surviver = NIL THEN ERROR Error["Broken"]; [] _ portData.Pairs[ClearSeen]; FOR pil: PortList _ ports, pil.rest WHILE pil # NIL DO pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[pil.first].value]; IF pil.first # surviver THEN { pd.seen _ TRUE; }; ENDLOOP; {InitPortDatum: PROC [port: Port] = { pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[port].value]; IF port = surviver OR NOT pd.seen THEN pd.newPort _ port ELSE pd.newPort _ NIL; }; EnumeratePorts[ct, InitPortDatum]}; IF ExpansionKnown[ct] THEN { InnerCleanup: PROC [ip: Port, w: Vertex, e: Edge] = { iNet: Wire = NARROW[w]; pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[ip].value]; IF pd.seen AND iNet # siNet THEN { RemoveEdge[e]; [] _ MergeNets[siNet, iNet]} }; siNet _ NARROW[FindImmediateConnection[ct.asUnorganized.mirror, surviver]]; EnumerateImmediateEdges[ct.asUnorganized.mirror, InnerCleanup]; }; {FixInstance: PROC [v: CellInstance] = { soNet: Wire = NARROW[FindImmediateConnection[v, surviver]]; OuterCleanup: PROC [op: Port, w: Vertex, e: Edge] = { oNet: Wire = NARROW[w]; pd: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[op].value]; IF pd.seen AND oNet # soNet THEN { RemoveEdge[e]; [] _ MergeNets[soNet, oNet]} }; EnumerateImmediateEdges[v, OuterCleanup]; [] _ noteIn.Store[v.containingCT, $T]; }; EnumerateInstances[ct, FixInstance]}; IF updatePortData THEN { FixPortDatum: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] -- HashTable.EachPairAction-- = { port: Port = NARROW[key]; pd: PortDatum = NARROW[value]; IF NOT pd.seen THEN { oldAssoc: PortList _ pd.assoc; pd.assoc _ NIL; FOR oldAssoc _ oldAssoc, oldAssoc.rest WHILE oldAssoc # NIL DO pd2: PortDatum = NARROW[portData.Fetch[oldAssoc.first].value]; SELECT TRUE FROM oldAssoc.first = port => ERROR Error["Broken"]; pd2.newPort = NIL => NULL; pd2.newPort # NIL => pd.assoc _ CONS[pd2.newPort, pd.assoc]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error["Broken"]; ENDLOOP; }; }; [] _ portData.Pairs[FixPortDatum]; }; }; DeletePort: PROC [ct: CellType, port: Port, noteIn: RefTable] = { FixInstance: PROC [v: CellInstance] = { UnlinkPort[v, port]; [] _ noteIn.Store[v.containingCT, $T]; }; IF ExpansionKnown[ct] THEN UnlinkPort[ct.asUnorganized.mirror, port]; EnumerateInstances[ct, FixInstance]; }; FixAffectedType: PROC [key, value: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ TRUE] = { parent: CellType = NARROW[key]; CheckCellType[parent, ignore, establish, ignore]}; CheckCellTypes: PUBLIC PROC [cts: Set--of CellType--, rep, norm: AssertionOp, comparable: MerelyCheckableAssertionOp, interface, internals, instances: BOOL _ TRUE] = { Checkit: PROC [ra: REF ANY] = { ct: CellType = NARROW[ra]; CheckCellType[ct, rep, norm, comparable, interface, internals, instances]; }; cts.Enumerate[Checkit]; }; ToAO: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [ao: AssertionOp] = { ao _ SELECT ra FROM $ignore => ignore, $report => report, $check => check, $establish => establish, ENDCASE => ERROR}; ToBOOL: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [b: BOOL] = { b _ SELECT ra FROM $FALSE => FALSE, $TRUE => TRUE, ENDCASE => ERROR}; AssertionFamily: TYPE = {rep, normal, comparable}; AssertionFamilyComplaints: ARRAY AssertionFamily OF ROPE = [ rep: "RepNotNormal: ", normal: "NotNormal: ", comparable: "NotComparable: "]; Fail: PROC [af: AssertionFamily, ao: FailableAssertionOp, msg: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: REF ANY _ NIL] = { msg _ AssertionFamilyComplaints[af].Concat[msg]; SELECT ao FROM report => SIGNAL Warning[msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5]; check => ERROR Error[msg, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; CreatePortData: PROC [ct: CellType] RETURNS [portData: PortData] = { InitPortDatum: PROC [port: Port] = { pd: PortDatum = NEW [PortDatumPrivate _ []]; [] _ portData.Insert[port, pd]}; portData _ CreateRefTable[]; EnumeratePorts[ct, InitPortDatum]; }; END.