DIRECTORY Basics, CD, CDAtomicObjects, CDBasics, CDCells, CDDirectory, CDInstances, CDLayers, CDOrient, CDProperties, CDRects, CDSymbolicObjects, CDTexts, Convert, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreOps, CoreProperties, CoreGeometry, GList, HashTable, Rope; CoreGeometryImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Basics, CD, CDAtomicObjects, CDBasics, CDCells, CDDirectory, CDInstances, CDLayers, CDOrient, CDProperties, CDRects, CDSymbolicObjects, CDTexts, Convert, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreOps, CoreProperties, GList, HashTable, Rope EXPORTS CoreGeometry SHARES CDRects ~ BEGIN OPEN CoreGeometry; CreateDecoration: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [decoration: Decoration] ~ { irProp: ATOM = CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[ Convert.AtomFromRope[Rope.Cat[name, "IR"]], CoreProperties.Props[[CoreProperties.propPrint, CoreProperties.PropDontPrint]] ]; pinsProp: ATOM = CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[ Convert.AtomFromRope[Rope.Cat[name, "Pins"]], CoreProperties.Props[[CoreProperties.propPrint, CoreProperties.PropDontPrint]] ]; geometryProp: ATOM = CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[ Convert.AtomFromRope[Rope.Cat[name, "Geometry"]], CoreProperties.Props[[CoreProperties.propPrint, CoreProperties.PropDontPrint]] ]; transfProp: ATOM = CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[ Convert.AtomFromRope[Rope.Cat[name, "Transf"]], CoreProperties.Props[[CoreProperties.propPrint, CoreProperties.PropDontPrint]] ]; decoration _ NEW [DecorationRec _ [ name: name, irProp: irProp, pinsProp: pinsProp, geometryProp: geometryProp, transfProp: transfProp ]]; }; HasIR: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cellType, decoration.irProp]#NIL] }; GetIR: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType] RETURNS [ir: Rect] = { refRect: REF Rect _ NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cellType, decoration.irProp]]; ir _ refRect^; }; PutIR: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType, ir: Rect] = { CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cellType, decoration.irProp, NEW [Rect _ ir]]; }; expandPinsCount: INT = 2; maxLazyPins: INT = 100; clippedRatio: INT = 100000; TransfWireIR: TYPE = REF TransfWireIRRec; TransfWireIRRec: TYPE = RECORD [transf: Instance, wire: Wire, ir: Rect]; InstanceSeq: TYPE = REF InstanceSeqRec; InstanceSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD [instances: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF Instance]; ExpandPins: PRIVATE PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, count: NAT] = { index: NAT _ 0; pins: InstanceSeq _ NEW [InstanceSeqRec[count]]; ConsEachPin: EachInstanceProc = {pins[index] _ instance; index _ index + 1}; WITH CoreProperties.GetWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp] SELECT FROM wire: Wire => [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, wire, ConsEachPin]; wires: LIST OF Wire => WHILE wires#NIL DO [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, wires.first, ConsEachPin]; wires _; ENDLOOP; transfWireIR: TransfWireIR => { ConsTransfEachPin: EachInstanceProc = { IF TransfedNotAtEdge[transfWireIR.transf,, instance] THEN RETURN; pins[index] _ Transform[transfWireIR.transf, instance]; index _ index + 1; }; [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, transfWireIR.wire, ConsTransfEachPin]; }; recordCell: CellType => { recData: CoreClasses.RecordCellType = NARROW []; ir: Rect = GetIR[decoration, recordCell]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. recData.size) DO cellInstance: CoreClasses.CellInstance = recData[i]; transf: CD.Instance = GetTransf[decoration, cellInstance]; ConsTransfClipEachPin: EachInstanceProc = { IF TransfedNotAtEdge[transf, ir, instance] THEN RETURN; pins[index] _ Transform[transf, instance]; index _ index + 1; }; EachBind: CoreOps.EachWirePairProc = { IF actualWire#public THEN RETURN; [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, publicWire, ConsTransfClipEachPin]; }; [] _ CoreOps.VisitBindingSeq[cellInstance.actual, cellInstance.type.public, EachBind]; ENDLOOP; }; refProc: REF LazyPinsEnumerateProc => [] _ refProc^[decoration, public, ConsEachPin]; ENDCASE => ERROR; -- decoration unknown to this module. Pins were probably created without using the procedural interface. IF index#count THEN ERROR; CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, SELECT count FROM 0 => NIL, 1 => pins[0], ENDCASE => pins]; }; EnumeratePins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, eachInstance: EachInstanceProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { value: REF _ CoreProperties.GetWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp]; IF value=NIL THEN RETURN [FALSE]; WITH value SELECT FROM instance: Instance => RETURN [eachInstance[instance]]; instances: InstanceSeq => { FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. instances.size) DO IF eachInstance[instances[i]] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [FALSE]; }; wire: Wire => { count: NAT _ 0; EachWirePin: EachInstanceProc = {count _ count + 1; quit _ eachInstance[instance]}; quit _ EnumeratePins[decoration, wire, EachWirePin]; IF NOT quit AND count<=expandPinsCount THEN ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; }; wires: LIST OF Wire => { count: NAT _ 0; EachWiresPin: EachInstanceProc = {count _ count + 1; quit _ eachInstance[instance]}; quit _ FALSE; WHILE wires#NIL DO quit _ EnumeratePins[decoration, wires.first, EachWiresPin]; IF quit THEN RETURN [TRUE]; wires _; ENDLOOP; IF count<=expandPinsCount THEN ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; }; transfWireIR: TransfWireIR => { count: NAT _ 0; TransfEachPin: EachInstanceProc = { IF TransfedNotAtEdge[transfWireIR.transf,, instance] THEN RETURN; count _ count + 1; quit _ eachInstance[Transform[transfWireIR.transf, instance]]; }; quit _ EnumeratePins[decoration, transfWireIR.wire, TransfEachPin]; IF NOT quit AND count<=expandPinsCount THEN ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; }; recordCell: CellType => { count: NAT _ 0; recData: CoreClasses.RecordCellType = NARROW []; ir: Rect = GetIR[decoration, recordCell]; subTransf: Instance _ NIL; subPublic: Wire _ NIL; nbSubs, clipped: INT _ 0; quit _ FALSE; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. recData.size) DO cellInstance: CoreClasses.CellInstance = recData[i]; transf: CD.Instance = GetTransf[decoration, cellInstance]; TransfClipEachPin: EachInstanceProc = { IF TransfedNotAtEdge[transf, ir, instance] THEN {clipped _ clipped + 1; RETURN}; count _ count + 1; quit _ eachInstance[Transform[transf, instance]]; }; EachBind: CoreOps.EachWirePairProc = { IF actualWire#public THEN RETURN; nbSubs _ nbSubs + 1; subPublic _ publicWire; subTransf _ transf; quit _ EnumeratePins[decoration, publicWire, TransfClipEachPin]; }; IF NOT HasIR[decoration, cellInstance.type] THEN ERROR; -- this sub Cell has not been decorated IF CoreOps.VisitBindingSeq[cellInstance.actual, cellInstance.type.public, EachBind] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; SELECT TRUE FROM quit => ERROR; -- quit can never be TRUE at this point! count<=expandPinsCount => ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; -- cheaper to just record them! nbSubs=1 => PutTransfWireIRLazyPins[decoration, public, subPublic, subTransf, ir]; -- only found in one actual (typical for long abuts) clipped>clippedRatio*count => ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; -- to avoid being lazy on Vdd or Gnd count>maxLazyPins => ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; -- to avoid being lazy on Vdd or Gnd ENDCASE => {}; }; refProc: REF LazyPinsEnumerateProc => { count: NAT _ 0; ProcEachPin: EachInstanceProc = {count _ count + 1; quit _ eachInstance[instance]}; quit _ refProc^[decoration, public, ProcEachPin]; IF NOT quit AND count<=expandPinsCount THEN ExpandPins[decoration, public, count]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; -- decoration unknown to this module. Pins were probably created without using the procedural interface. }; HasPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire] RETURNS [BOOL] = { ReturnFirstPin: EachInstanceProc = {quit _ TRUE}; RETURN [EnumeratePins[decoration, public, ReturnFirstPin]]; }; GetPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire] RETURNS [pins: Instances _ NIL] = { ConsEachPin: EachInstanceProc = {pins _ CONS [instance, pins]}; value: REF _ CoreProperties.GetWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp]; IF value=NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; WITH value SELECT FROM instance: Instance => RETURN [LIST [instance]]; instances: InstanceSeq => FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. instances.size) DO pins _ CONS [instances[i], pins] ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, public, ConsEachPin]; }; PutPin: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, pin: Instance] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, pin]; }; PutPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, pins: Instances] = { SELECT TRUE FROM pins=NIL => CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, NIL]; => CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, pins.first]; ENDCASE => { size: NAT = GList.Length[pins]; instances: InstanceSeq = NEW [InstanceSeqRec[size]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. size) DO instances[i] _ pins.first; pins _; ENDLOOP; CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, instances]; }; }; EnumerateFlatGeometry: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, root: CellType, leafProc: LeafProc, eachFlatWire: EachFlatWireProc _ NIL, eachFlatCell: EachFlatCellProc _ NIL, clipRect: Rect _ universe] = { TransfBoundFlat: CoreFlat.BoundFlatCellProc = { transf: Instance = GetTransf[decoration, instance]; currentTransf: Instance = Transform[NARROW [data], transf]; IF Intersect[clipRect, currentTransf] THEN BoundFlat[cell, target, flatCell, instance, parent, flatParent, currentTransf, bindings]; }; BoundFlat: CoreFlat.BoundFlatCellProc = { IF leafProc[cell] THEN { IF eachFlatCell#NIL THEN eachFlatCell[bindings: bindings, cell: cell, flatCell: flatCell, transf: NARROW [data]]; RETURN; }; IF cell.class=CoreClasses.recordCellClass THEN { RecordGeometry: CoreOps.EachWireProc = { boundWire: FlatWireRec; geometry: Instances _ GetGeometry[decoration, wire]; ringGeometry: Instances _ NIL; FOR geometry: Instances _ GetGeometry[decoration, wire], WHILE geometry#NIL DO geom: Instance = Transform[NARROW [data], geometry.first]; IF Intersect[clipRect, geom] THEN ringGeometry _ CONS [geom, ringGeometry]; ENDLOOP; IF ringGeometry=NIL THEN RETURN; IF bindings=NIL THEN boundWire _ [flatCell: flatCell, wireRoot: public, wire: wire] ELSE { refBoundWire: FlatWire _ NARROW [HashTable.Fetch[bindings, wire].value]; boundWire _ IF refBoundWire#NIL THEN refBoundWire^ ELSE [flatCell: flatCell, wire: wire]; }; eachFlatWire[wire, boundWire, ringGeometry]; }; rct: CoreClasses.RecordCellType = NARROW []; IF eachFlatWire#NIL THEN [] _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[rct.internal, RecordGeometry]; CoreFlat.NextBoundCellType[cell, target, flatCell, instance, parent, flatParent, data, bindings, TransfBoundFlat]; } ELSE CoreFlat.NextBoundCellType[cell, target, flatCell, instance, parent, flatParent, data, bindings, BoundFlat]; }; BoundFlat[cell: root, data: CDInstances.NewInst[CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]]]; }; GetGeometry: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, internal: Wire] RETURNS [geometry: Instances] = { geometry _ NARROW [CoreProperties.GetWireProp[internal, decoration.geometryProp]]; }; PutGeometry: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, internal: Wire, geometry: Instances] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[internal, decoration.geometryProp, geometry]; }; GetTransf: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellInstance: CellInstance] RETURNS [transf: Instance] = { transf _ NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellInstanceProp[cellInstance, decoration.transfProp]]; }; PutTransf: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellInstance: CellInstance, transf: Instance] = { CoreProperties.PutCellInstanceProp[cellInstance, decoration.transfProp, transf]; }; GetSides: PUBLIC PROC [ir: Rect, pin: Instance] RETURNS [sides: Sides _ noSide] = { sides _ PinIRSides[ir, CDBasics.MoveRect[CDInstances.InstRectI[pin], CDBasics.SubPoints[[0, 0], CDBasics.BaseOfRect[ir]]]]; }; PinIRSides: PROC [ir, pinIR: Rect] RETURNS [sides: Sides _ noSide] = { objSize: CD.Position = CDBasics.SizeOfRect[ir]; sides[top] _ CDBasics.Intersect[pinIR, [0, objSize.y-1, objSize.x, objSize.y]]; sides[bottom] _ CDBasics.Intersect[pinIR, [0, 0, objSize.x, 1]]; sides[left] _ CDBasics.Intersect[pinIR, [0, 0, 1, objSize.y]]; sides[right] _ CDBasics.Intersect[pinIR, [objSize.x-1, 0, objSize.x, objSize.y]]; }; EnumerateSides: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType, wire: Wire, eachPin: EachPinProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { InternalEachPin: EachInstanceProc = { EnumerateSeg: PROC [bbox: Rect, layer: CD.Layer] = { pinIR: Rect = CDBasics.MoveRect[bbox, CDBasics.SubPoints[[0, 0], CDBasics.BaseOfRect[ir]]]; -- bbox of the pin in the obj coordinate system of the outer sides: Sides = PinIRSides[ir, pinIR]; layer _ CDLayers.AbstractToPaint[layer]; IF CDProperties.GetLayerProp[layer, $RoutingLayer]=NIL THEN RETURN; FOR side: Side IN Side DO min, max: INT _ 0; IF ~sides[side] THEN LOOP; IF side=top OR side=bottom THEN {min _ pinIR.x1; max _ pinIR.x2}; IF side=left OR side=right THEN {min _ pinIR.y1; max _ pinIR.y2}; IF (quit _ eachPin[min, max, side, layer]) THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; }; SELECT TRUE FROM instance.ob.class=CDRects.bareRectClass => EnumerateSeg[CDInstances.InstRectI[instance], instance.ob.layer]; CDSymbolicObjects.IsSymbolicOb[instance.ob] => EnumerateSeg[CDInstances.InstRectI[instance], CDSymbolicObjects.GetLayer[instance]]; ENDCASE => FOR rList: CDAtomicObjects.DrawList _ FlattenAtomic[instance.ob], WHILE rList#NIL DO EnumerateSeg[ CDOrient.MapRect[rList.first.r, instance.ob.size, instance.orientation, instance.location], rList.first.lev]; ENDLOOP; }; ir: Rect _ GetIR[decoration, cellType]; quit _ EnumeratePins[decoration, wire, InternalEachPin]; }; EnumerateWireSides: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType, eachWirePin: EachWirePinProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { EachWireSide: CoreOps.EachWireProc = { EachPin: EachPinProc = {quit _ eachWirePin[wire, min, max, side, layer]}; quit _ EnumerateSides[decoration, cellType, wire, EachPin]; }; quit _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[cellType.public, EachWireSide]; }; WMMSL: TYPE = RECORD [wire: Wire, min, max: INT, side: Side, layer: CD.Layer]; EnumerateNonOverlappingSides: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType, eachWirePin: EachWirePinProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { list: LIST OF REF WMMSL _ NIL; CompareWMMSL: GList.CompareProc = { wmmsl1: REF WMMSL = NARROW [ref1]; wmmsl2: REF WMMSL = NARROW [ref2]; RETURN [Basics.CompareINT[wmmsl1.min, wmmsl2.min]]; }; EachWirePin: EachWirePinProc = { list _ CONS [NEW [WMMSL _ [wire, min, max, side, layer]], list]; }; [] _ EnumerateWireSides[decoration, cellType, EachWirePin]; list _ NARROW [GList.Sort[list, CompareWMMSL]]; -- modifies the list for good FOR wmmsls: LIST OF REF WMMSL _ list, WHILE wmmsls#NIL DO wmmsl1: REF WMMSL = wmmsls.first; merge: BOOL _ TRUE; WHILE merge DO FOR aux: LIST OF REF WMMSL _ wmmsls, WHILE aux#NIL AND DO wmmsl2: REF WMMSL =; IF wmmsl1.wire=wmmsl2.wire AND wmmsl1.side=wmmsl2.side AND wmmsl1.layer=wmmsl2.layer AND wmmsl2.min<=wmmsl1.max THEN {wmmsl1.max _ MAX [wmmsl1.max, wmmsl2.max]; _; EXIT}; REPEAT FINISHED => merge _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; WHILE list#NIL DO quit _ eachWirePin[list.first.wire, list.first.min, list.first.max, list.first.side, list.first.layer]; IF quit THEN EXIT; list _; ENDLOOP; }; WMML: TYPE = RECORD [wire: Wire, min, max: INT, layer: CD.Layer]; EnumerateSortedSides: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType, side: Side, eachSortedPin: EachSortedPinProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { list: LIST OF REF WMML _ NIL; sideFilter: Side = side; CompareWMML: GList.CompareProc = { wmml1: REF WMML = NARROW [ref1]; wmml2: REF WMML = NARROW [ref2]; RETURN [Basics.CompareINT[wmml1.min, wmml2.min]]; }; EachWirePin: EachWirePinProc = { IF side=sideFilter THEN list _ CONS [NEW [WMML _ [wire, min, max, layer]], list]; }; [] _ EnumerateWireSides[decoration, cellType, EachWirePin]; list _ NARROW [GList.Sort[list, CompareWMML]]; -- modifies the list for good WHILE list#NIL DO quit _ eachSortedPin[list.first.wire, list.first.min, list.first.max, list.first.layer]; IF quit THEN EXIT; list _; ENDLOOP; }; font: CDTexts.CDFont _ CDTexts.MakeFont["Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8", 4]; CreateShell: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType, withCuteFonts: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [shell: CD.Object] = { ConstructEachWire: CoreOps.EachWireProc = { ConstructPins: EachInstanceProc = { inst: CD.Instance _ CDCells.IncludeOb[ design: NIL, cell: shell, ob: instance.ob, position: instance.location, orientation: instance.orientation, cellCSystem: cdCoords, obCSystem: cdCoords, mode: dontPropagate ].newInst; CDProperties.CopyProps[, inst]; -- for example for pins! CDProperties.PutInstanceProp[inst, $InstanceName, name]; }; name: ROPE _ CoreOps.GetFullWireName[cellType.public, wire]; [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, wire, ConstructPins]; IF withCuteFonts THEN { ConstructFonts: EachPinProc = { [] _ CDCells.IncludeOb[ design: NIL, cell: shell, ob: text, position: SELECT side FROM left => [-300, min], right => [iSize.x+10, min], top => [min, iSize.y+10], bottom => [min, -300], ENDCASE => ERROR, orientation: SELECT side FROM left, right => 0, top, bottom => 2, ENDCASE => ERROR, cellCSystem: interrestCoords, obCSystem: interrestCoords, mode: dontPropagate ]; }; text: CD.Object _ CDTexts.CreateText[name, font]; [] _ EnumerateSides[decoration, cellType, wire, ConstructFonts]; }; }; ir: CD.Rect _ GetIR[decoration, cellType]; iSize: CD.Position _ CDBasics.SizeOfRect[ir]; shell _ CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]; CDCells.SetInterestRect[shell, ir]; [] _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[cellType.public, ConstructEachWire]; [] _ CDCells.RepositionCell[shell, NIL]; }; CheckInterface: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, cellType: CellType] RETURNS [ok: BOOL] = { CheckPins: PROC [wire: Wire] = {IF NOT HasPins[decoration, wire] THEN ok _ FALSE}; ok _ HasIR[decoration, cellType]; CoreOps.VisitRootAtomics[cellType.public, CheckPins]; }; CheckInternal: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, recordCell: CellType] RETURNS [ok: BOOL] = { data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType = NARROW []; ok _ CheckInterface[decoration, recordCell]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. data.size) DO IF GetTransf[decoration, data[i]]=NIL THEN ok _ FALSE ENDLOOP; }; PutLazyPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, lazyPinsEnumerate: LazyPinsEnumerateProc] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, NEW [LazyPinsEnumerateProc _ lazyPinsEnumerate]]; }; PutIndirectLazyPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, indirect: Wire] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, indirect]; }; PutIndirectsLazyPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, indirects: LIST OF Wire] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, indirects]; }; AddIndirectLazyPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, indirect: Wire] = { value: REF _ CoreProperties.GetWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp]; SELECT TRUE FROM CoreProperties.GetWireProp[indirect, decoration.pinsProp]=NIL => {}; value=NIL => PutIndirectLazyPins[decoration, public, indirect]; value=indirect => {}; ENDCASE => WITH value SELECT FROM wire: Wire => PutIndirectsLazyPins[decoration, public, LIST [wire, indirect]]; wires: LIST OF Wire => IF NOT CoreOps.Member[wires, indirect] THEN PutIndirectsLazyPins[decoration, public, CONS [indirect, wires]]; ENDCASE => { pins: Instances _ NIL; ConsEachPin: EachInstanceProc = {pins _ CONS [instance, pins]}; [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, public, ConsEachPin]; [] _ EnumeratePins[decoration, indirect, ConsEachPin]; PutPins[decoration, public, pins]; }; }; PutTransfWireIRLazyPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, indirect: Wire, transf: Instance, ir: Rect] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, NEW [TransfWireIRRec _ [transf, indirect, ir]]]; }; PutRecordLazyPins: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: Decoration, public: Wire, recordCell: CellType] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[public, decoration.pinsProp, recordCell]; }; AtEdge: PUBLIC PROC [ir: Rect, instance: Instance] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN [NOT CDBasics.Inside[CDInstances.InstRectO[instance], CDBasics.Extend[ir, -1]]] }; TransfedNotAtEdge: PUBLIC PROC [transf: Instance, ir: Rect, instance: Instance] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN [CDBasics.Inside[ IF transf.orientation=CDOrient.original THEN CDOrient.RectAt[ CDBasics.AddPoints[transf.location, instance.location], instance.ob.size, instance.orientation ] ELSE CDOrient.RectAt[ CDBasics.BaseOfRect[CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: CDOrient.RectAt[instance.location, instance.ob.size, instance.orientation], cellSize: transf.ob.size, cellInstOrient: transf.orientation, cellInstPos: transf.location ]], instance.ob.size, CDOrient.ComposeOrient[itemOrientInCell: instance.orientation, cellOrientInWorld: transf.orientation] ], CDBasics.Extend[ir, -1] ]] }; Intersect: PUBLIC PROC [clipRect: Rect, instance: Instance] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN [CDBasics.Intersect[CDInstances.InstRectO[instance], clipRect]] }; Transform: PUBLIC PROC [transf, instance: Instance] RETURNS [Instance] = { RETURN [NEW [CD.InstanceRep _ [ ob: instance.ob, location: CDBasics.BaseOfRect[CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: CDOrient.RectAt[instance.location, instance.ob.size, instance.orientation], cellSize: transf.ob.size, cellInstOrient: transf.orientation, cellInstPos: transf.location ]], orientation: CDOrient.ComposeOrient[itemOrientInCell: instance.orientation, cellOrientInWorld: transf.orientation], properties: ]]]; }; TransformList: PUBLIC PROC [transf: Instance, instances: Instances] RETURNS [Instances] = { RETURN [CDInstances.ComposedList[instances, transf.location, transf.ob.size, transf.orientation]]; }; FlattenAtomic: PUBLIC PROC [obj: CD.Object] RETURNS [rList: CDAtomicObjects.DrawList _ NIL] = { SELECT TRUE FROM obj.class=CDRects.bareRectClass => RETURN [LIST [[CD.InterestRect[obj], obj.layer]]]; CDSymbolicObjects.IsSymbolicOb[obj] => RETURN [NIL]; CDAtomicObjects.IsAtomicOb[obj] => RETURN [NARROW [obj.specificRef, CDAtomicObjects.AtomicObsPtr].rList]; CDProperties.GetObjectProp[obj, $FlattenAtomicCache]#NIL => RETURN [NARROW [CDProperties.GetObjectProp[obj, $FlattenAtomicCache], REF CDAtomicObjects.DrawList]^]; ENDCASE => { FOR list: LIST OF CD.Instance _ NARROW [CDDirectory.ExpandByDraw[obj, TRUE, TRUE].specificRef, CD.CellPtr].contents, WHILE list#NIL DO IF list.first.ob.class#CDRects.bareRectClass THEN ERROR; rList _ CONS [[CDInstances.InstRectO[list.first], list.first.ob.layer], rList]; ENDLOOP; CDProperties.PutObjectProp[obj, $FlattenAtomicCache, NEW [CDAtomicObjects.DrawList _ rList]]; }; }; Touch: PUBLIC TouchProc = { IF NOT CDBasics.Intersect[CDInstances.InstRectO[instance1], CDInstances.InstRectO[instance2]] THEN RETURN; SELECT TRUE FROM instance1.ob.class=CDRects.bareRectClass => RETURN [TouchRect[instance2, CDInstances.InstRectO[instance1], instance1.ob.layer]]; CDSymbolicObjects.IsSymbolicOb[instance1.ob] => RETURN [TouchRect[instance2, CDInstances.InstRectO[instance1], CDSymbolicObjects.GetLayer[instance1]]]; ENDCASE => FOR rList: CDAtomicObjects.DrawList _ FlattenAtomic[instance1.ob], WHILE rList#NIL DO IF TouchRect[instance2, CDOrient.MapRect[rList.first.r, instance1.ob.size, instance1.orientation, instance1.location], rList.first.lev] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; }; TouchRect: PUBLIC PROC [instance: Instance, rect: Rect, layer: CD.Layer] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = { IF ~Intersect[rect, instance] THEN RETURN; IF CDProperties.GetLayerProp[layer, $Well]#NIL THEN RETURN; IF instance.ob.class=CDRects.bareRectClass THEN RETURN [CDLayers.AbstractToPaint[instance.ob.layer]=CDLayers.AbstractToPaint[layer]]; RETURN [Touch[ instance, CDInstances.NewInst[ ob: CDRects.CreateRect[CDBasics.SizeOfRect[rect], layer], location: CDBasics.BaseOfRect[rect] ] ]]; }; TouchList: PUBLIC PROC [instances: LIST OF CD.Instance, instance: CD.Instance] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = { FOR list: LIST OF CD.Instance _ instances, WHILE list#NIL DO IF Touch[list.first, instance] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; }; TouchListList: PUBLIC PROC [instances1, instances2: LIST OF CD.Instance] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = { FOR list: LIST OF CD.Instance _ instances1, WHILE list#NIL DO IF TouchList[instances2, list.first] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; }; CDProperties.PutLayerProp[CD.commentLayer, $RoutingLayer, $RoutingLayer]; END. €CoreGeometryImpl.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by Bertrand Serlet, August 6, 1986 0:38:23 am PDT Bertrand Serlet December 7, 1986 3:58:58 pm PST Creating Decoration InterestRect Pins This internal PROC is used to replace lazy pins by the physical instances. Geometry We came from that one from a RecordCell [vertical move] Instance Transformation Enumeration of Sides for Routers pinIR is the rectangle expressing the InterestRect of the pin in the InterestRect coordinate system of the outer. inst will disappear as soon as the IFU is out. Fabrication of Shells for Routers or for IO Font used for the text labels Checking of Decorations Lazy Setting of Pins Geometry Utilities looks very much like CDInstances.Composed[instance, transf.location, transf.ob.size, transf.orientation], but shares the property list. 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