<> <> <> DIRECTORY Asserting, BasicTime, Core2, EDIFfing, HashTable, Imager, ImagerPixelMap, IO, Rope; EDIFDataStructure: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = { LORA: TYPE = LIST OF REF ANY; ATOMList: TYPE = LIST OF ATOM; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; RopeList: TYPE = LIST OF ROPE; Dictionary: TYPE = HashTable.Table; CoreCellType: TYPE = Core2.CellType; Assertions: TYPE = Asserting.Assertions; ParseTreeList: TYPE = EDIFfing.ParseTreeList; ParseTree: TYPE = EDIFfing.ParseTree; EDIFWhole: TYPE = REF EDIFWholePrivate; EDIFWholePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, status: Status, designs: Dictionary--of Design--, libraries: Dictionary--of Library--, externalLibraries: Dictionary--of --, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; EDIFWholeConversion: TYPE = REF EDIFWholeConversionPrivate; EDIFWholeConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ ew: EDIFWhole, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions]; NameStuff: TYPE = RECORD [ edif: ROPE _ NIL, <> rename: ROPE _ NIL <> ]; Comment: TYPE = RopeList _ NIL; Comments: TYPE = LIST OF Comment _ NIL; CommentConversion: TYPE = REF CommentConversionPrivate; CommentConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ c: Comment, tail: RopeList _ NIL]; UserExtensions: TYPE = LIST OF UserExtension _ NIL; UserExtension: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, forms: ParseTreeList _ NIL ]; UserExtensionConversion: TYPE = REF UserExtensionConversionPrivate; UserExtensionConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ ue: UserExtension, fTail: ParseTreeList _ NIL]; Status: TYPE = REF StatusPrivate; StatusPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ version: Version _ unspecifiedVersion, level: Level _ unspecifiedLevel, writtens: WrittenList _ NIL, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; StatusConversion: TYPE = REF StatusConversionPrivate; StatusConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ s: Status, wTail: WrittenList _ NIL, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions]; unspecifiedVersion: Version = []; Version: TYPE = RECORD [major, medium, minor: INT _ unspecifiedINT] _ []; Level: TYPE = INTEGER [-1 .. 2]; unspecifiedLevel: Level = -1; WrittenList: TYPE = LIST OF Written; Written: TYPE = REF WrittenPrivate; WrittenPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ time: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.nullGMT, accountings: AccountingList _ NIL, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; WrittenConversion: TYPE = REF WrittenConversionPrivate; WrittenConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ w: Written, aTail: AccountingList _ NIL, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions]; TimeStampConversion: TYPE = REF BasicTime.Unpacked; AccountingList: TYPE = LIST OF Accounting; Accounting: TYPE = REF AccountingPrivate; AccountingPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: ATOM, data: ROPE _ NIL ]; Design: TYPE = REF DesignPrivate; DesignPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, rootCellTypeGen: ProtoCellType, status: Status _ NIL, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; DesignConversion: TYPE = REF DesignConversionPrivate; DesignConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ d: Design, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions]; ProtoCellType: TYPE = REF ANY --actually UNION [CellType, CellTypeGen]--; CellTypeGen: TYPE = REF CellTypeGenPrivate; CellTypeGenPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, library: Library, Apply: PROC [args: LORA, data: REF ANY] RETURNS [cct: CellType], data: REF ANY ]; CellTypeFromEDIF: TYPE = REF CellTypeFromEDIFPrivate; CellTypeFromEDIFPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ status: Status _ NIL, viewMap: ViewMap _ NIL, views: Dictionary--of ViewGen--, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; CellTypeGenConversion: TYPE = REF CellTypeGenConversionPrivate; CellTypeGenConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ ctg: CellTypeGen, ctfe: CellTypeFromEDIF, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions]; CellType: TYPE = REF CellTypePrivate; CellTypePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ views: Dictionary--of View-- ]; ViewGen: TYPE = REF ViewGenPrivate; ViewGenPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, type: ViewType, status: Status _ NIL, interface, contents: ParseTree _ NIL, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; ViewGenConversion: TYPE = REF ViewGenConversionPrivate; ViewGenConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ vg: ViewGen, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions]; View: TYPE = REF ViewPrivate; ViewPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ quaCore: CoreCellType ]; ViewType: TYPE = {MaskLayout, Netlist, Schematic, Symbolic, Behavior, Document, Stranger}; ViewMap: TYPE = REF ViewMapPrivate; ViewMapPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ portMap: HashTable.Table--MappablePort instanceMap: HashTable.Table--MappableInstance comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; PortMapping: TYPE = REF PortMappingPrivate; PortMappingPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ equiv: MappablePortList, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; MappablePortList: TYPE = LIST OF MappablePort; MappablePort: TYPE = REF MappablePortPrivate; MappablePortPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ viewName, portName: ATOM ]; InstanceMapping: TYPE = REF InstanceMappingPrivate; InstanceMappingPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ equiv: MappableInstanceList, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; MappableInstanceList: TYPE = LIST OF MappableInstance; MappableInstance: TYPE = REF MappableInstancePrivate; MappableInstancePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ viewName: ATOM, instantiationPath: ATOMList ]; Library: TYPE = REF LibraryPrivate; LibraryPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff _ [], status: Status _ NIL, technology: Technology _ NIL, cells: Dictionary--of ProtoCellType--, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; LibraryConversion: TYPE = REF LibraryConversionPrivate; LibraryConversionPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ l: Library, cTail: Comments, ueTail: UserExtensions ]; Technology: TYPE = REF TechnologyPrivate; TechnologyPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ figureGroupDefaults: Dictionary--of FigureGroupDefault--, units: Units, simulationAlgebras: Dictionary--of SimulationAlgebra--, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; Units: TYPE = RECORD [ systemToScales: Dictionary--of DScales--, dimensionToScales: Dictionary--of SScales-- _ NIL ]; DScales: TYPE = REF DScalesPrivate; DScalesPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ system: ROPE, scales: Dictionary--of Scale--, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; SScales: TYPE = REF SScalesPrivate; SScalesPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ dimension: ROPE, scales: Dictionary--of Scale-- ]; Scale: TYPE = REF ScalePrivate; ScalePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ system, dimension: ROPE, factor: REAL ]; <<1 in the EDIF file corresponds to factor*name in system.>> FigureGroupDefault: TYPE = REF FigureGroupDefaultPrivate; FigureGroupDefaultPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, pathType: PathType _ unspecifiedPathType, width: INT _ unspecifiedINT, color: Imager.ConstantColor _ unspecifiedColor, fillPattern: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap _ unspecifiedPixelMap, borderPattern: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap _ unspecifiedPixelMap, comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; unspecifiedPathType: PathType = []; PathType: TYPE = RECORD [ end: EndType _ unspecified, corner: CornerType _ unspecified ]; EndType: TYPE = {extend, truncate, round, unspecified}; CornerType: TYPE = {extend, truncate, round, unspecified}; unspecifiedINT: INT = FIRST[INT]; unspecifiedColor: Imager.ConstantColor = NIL; unspecifiedPixelMap: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap = [ sOrigin: 0, fOrigin: 0, sMin: 0, fMin: 0, sSize: 0, fSize: 0, refRep: NIL ]; SimulationAlgebra: TYPE = REF SimulationAlgebraPrivate; SimulationAlgebraPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameStuff, values: ATOMSequence, combinations: ATOMSequence, <> <> <> isolated: ATOM, simulationMaps: HashTable.Table--from: SimulationAlgebra ]; ATOMSequence: TYPE = REF ATOMSequencePrivate; ATOMSequencePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [atoms: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF ATOM]; SimulationAlgebraMap: TYPE = REF SimulationAlgebraMapPrivate; SimulationAlgebraMapPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ from, to: SimulationAlgebra, forward: HashTable.Table--from:ATOM comments: Comments, ues: UserExtensions]; }.