Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Spreitzer, January 28, 1986 3:22:52 pm PST
DIRECTORY Asserting, HashTable, IO, Rope;
This interface defines the basic data structure used for representing the structure of a design.
Common Types
SymbolTable: TYPE = HashTable.Table;
Assertions: TYPE = Asserting.Assertions;
Random Connectivity
A random pile of boxes and wires is represented with a bipartate graph.
Vertex: TYPE = REF VertexPrivate;
VertexPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [
firstEdge, lastEdge: Edge ← NIL,
extraConnections: SymbolTable ← NIL,
names: RopeList ← NIL,
container: CellType,
other: Assertions ← NIL,
variant: SELECT class: VertexClass FROM
wire => [
parent: Wire ← NIL,
myIndex: NAT ← 0,
elts: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Wire
cell => [
type: CellType ← NIL,
nextInstance, prevInstance: Vertex ← NIL
VertexClass: TYPE = {wire, cell};
Wire: TYPE = REF WirePrivate;
WirePrivate: TYPE = VertexPrivate[wire];
CellInstance: TYPE = REF CellInstancePrivate;
CellInstancePrivate: TYPE = VertexPrivate[cell];
Edge: TYPE = REF EdgePrivate;
EdgePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [
sides: ARRAY VertexClass OF RECORD [v: Vertex, next, prev: Edge],
other: Assertions ← NIL,
portIndex: CARDINAL];
Cell Types
CellType: TYPE = REF CellTypePrivate;
CellTypePrivate: TYPE = RECORD [
names: RopeList ← NIL,
ports: PortS ← NIL,
At most one of these two should be present:
Fully general description:
parts: SymbolTable ← NIL,
mirror: Vertex ← NIL, --the outside world, as seen from the inside
AM1: A mirror is not entered in its parent's parts table.
AM2: A mirror is not linked in as an instance of its type.
asArray: Array ← NIL,
wireCount, cellCount: NAT ← 0,
Counts are redundant with parts and asArray.
firstInstance, lastInstance: Vertex ← NIL,
otherPublic, otherPrivate: Assertions ← NIL];
A port is a connection point on a CellType. Each port is connected to extactly one wire. A wire may be connected to any number of ports.
PortS: TYPE = REF PortSeq;
PortSeq: TYPE = RECORD [ports: SEQUENCE length: PortIndex OF Port];
PortIndex: TYPE = NAT;
NullPortIndex: PortIndex = LAST[PortIndex];
names: RopeList ← NIL,
netNames: RopeList ← NIL,
The names of the wire this port is connected to.
other: Assertions ← NIL];
Array Connectivity
There is a special representation for array connectivity. There are constraints beyond what can be expressed with Cedar data types:
AA1: Each connection between adjacent elements involves exactly one port of each element.
AA2: Each port of an array connects to no more than one port of each element.
AA3: For any port of an array, all of the element ports it connects to are connected by array elements.
Array: TYPE = REF ArrayPrivate;
ArrayPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [
eltType: CellType,
shape: ARRAY Dim OF Range,
joints: ARRAY Dim--perp to joint-- OF ARRAY Phase--perp to dim-- OF ARRAY Phase--along dim-- OF Joint ← ALL[ALL[ALL[NIL]]],
portConnections: ArrayPortConnections,
redundant with porting.
porting: SEQUENCE eltPorts: PortIndex OF Porting
porting[p] gives port connections for e[f, b].p, for all f, b on edge of array.
Dim--ension--: TYPE = {Foo, Bar};
OtherDim: ARRAY Dim OF Dim = [Foo: Bar, Bar: Foo];
Range: TYPE = RECORD [min, maxPlusOne: INT];
Phase: TYPE = INTEGER [0 .. MaxPeriod);
MaxPeriod: INTEGER = 2;
Joint: TYPE = REF JointSeq;
JointSeq: TYPE = RECORD [joints: SEQUENCE eltPorts: PortIndex OF RECORD [low, high: PortIndex]];
e[i].pl é e[i+1].ph { j[pl].high = ph ' j[ph].low = pl
e[i].pl not connected to any e[i+1].ph { j[pl].high = NullPortIndex
Porting: TYPE = REF ANY --actually UNION [{notPorted, unknownPorting}, DetailedPorting]--;
notPorted: Porting;
unknownPorting: Porting;
DetailedPorting: TYPE = REF DetailedPortingRep;
DetailedPortingRep: TYPE = RECORD [
corners: ARRAY End--Foo-- OF ARRAY End--Bar-- OF PortIndex,
e[Foo.LAST, Bar.LAST].p é a.q { porting[p].corners[high][high] = q
NullPortIndex means elt port not connected to any array port.
sideIndices: ARRAY End OF ARRAY Dim OF SideIndex,
sideIndices[low][Foo] covers [f, b] f = FIRST[Foo] ' b  (FIRST[BAR] .. LAST[BAR])
slots: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF PortIndex];
End: TYPE = {low, high};
OtherEnd: ARRAY End OF End = [low: high, high: low];
SideIndex: TYPE = RECORD [same: BOOL, firstSlot: NAT];
ArrayPortConnections: TYPE = REF ArrayPortConnectionSeq;
ArrayPortConnectionSeq: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE arrayPorts: PortIndex OF ARRAY End OF ARRAY Dim OF SideConnection];
SideConnection: TYPE = RECORD [range: Range, sockets: ArraySocketList];
ArraySocketList: TYPE = LIST OF ArraySocket;
ArraySocket: TYPE = RECORD [ai: ArrayIndex, pi: PortIndex];
ArrayIndex: TYPE = ARRAY Dim OF INT;