Catalog Components
Boole24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Boole24.df
Documentation: BooleDoc.tioga
Commands: Boole
BringDATools: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>BringDATools.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: BringDAToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Design automation, Bringover, DATools, DF Files, DAToolsAdministration
Commands: BringDATools
Abstract: BringDATools is a command that brings over all the released DATools software in much less time that traditional bringovers.
Cabbage24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Cabbage24.df
Commands: Cabbage
CDBackgroundCheck24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDBackgroundCheck24.df
Commands: CDBackgroundCheck
CDCifGen24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDCifGen24.df
Commands: CDCifGen
CDCMosA24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDCMosA24.df
Documentation: CMosLayersDoc.tioga
Commands: CDCMosA, CDNewCMosA, CMosA8BitColors, CDReadCMCMos
CDCMosB24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDCMosB24.df
Documentation: CMosBLayersDoc.tioga
Commands: CDCMosB, CDNewCMosB, CMosB8BitColors
CDCommon24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDCommon24.df
Commands: CDOpen, CDRead, ChipNDale, CDLoadCDBusCells
CDConvertTechnologies24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDConvertTechnologies24.df
Documentation: CDConvertTechnologiesDoc.tioga
CDCounting24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDCounting24.df
Commands: CDCount
CDDoc24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDDoc24.df
Documentation: ChipNDaleIntroduction.tioga, ChipNDaleDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleToolsDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleProgramsDoc.tioga, CDCrib.tioga
CDExtras24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDExtras24.df
Documentation: CDExtrasDoc.tioga, CDFeatureCheckDoc.tioga
Commands: CDUtil, CDDynamicObs, CDBottomUp, CDPropertyExtraction, CDColor, CDArrays, CDSimplifyStructure, CDSetDisplayTresholds
CDInterpressPlot24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDInterpressPlot24.df
Commands: CDInterpress
CDLabel24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDLabel24.df
Commands: CDLabel
CDNMosA24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDNMosA24.df
Commands: CDNMosA, CDNewNMosA, CDCMNmosA, CDReadCMNMosA, NMosA8BitColors
CDPDPlot24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDPDPlot24.df
Commands: CDPDPlot
CDSatellites24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDSatellites24.df
Documentation: CDSatellitesDoc.tioga
Commands: CDSatellites
CDTables24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDTables24.df
CellLibraries24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CellLibraries24.df
Documentation: LogicDoc.Tioga, StdCellsCmosBDoc.tioga
Commands: CellLibraries, SCCmosb
ColorMaps3: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ColorMaps3.df
Documentation: ColorMapsDoc.tioga
Commands: ColorMaps
Core: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Core.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Mike Spreitzer and Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>, Serlet <>, Spreitzer <>
Documentation: CoreDoc.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, Design Automation, Tools Integration
Commands: Core
Abstract: Core is a common set of interfaces for exchanging information between different DA tools. It is also used to capture the designer's intents at a high level.
CoreView: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CoreView.df
Created by: Giordano Beretta
Documentation: CoreViewDoc.Tioga
Keywords: Core, Debugging, Design Automation Tools, Extraction, Illustration, Layout Visualization, Technology Independence, Viewers
Commands: CoreView
Abstract: CoreView visualizes the geometry in a Core data structure. Two options are available. With the first option a Core cell is recursively traversed and its geometry is painted into a viewer. The same non-linear RGB model as in Nectarine is used, hence the Cedar color map should be used. The second option simply creates an empty viewer, into which rectangles can be added incrementally. Viewers created with the second option are monochrome, every rectangle is labelled. This second option is intended for debugging packages based on Core.
CSMonitor24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CSMonitor24.df
CStitching3: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CStitching3.df
Commands: CStitching
DAUser24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>DAUser24.df
Documentation: DAUserDoc.tioga, DAToolsCatalog.tioga
Commands: DAUser, LayoutSimulation, LayoutSchematics, Schematics
D2Basic2: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>D2Basic2.df
ElectricalCoreClasses: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ElectricalCoreClasses.df
Created by: Pradeep Sindhu as NewCoreClasses
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: ElectricalCoreClassesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Schematics Extraction
Abstract: ElectricalCoreClasses contains the definitions of the basic elements used in the electrical description of the circuits. It more or less follows the description understood by Spice.
ExtendCells: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ExtendCells.df
Commands: ExtendCells
Extract24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Extract24.df
Documentation: ExtractDoc.tioga, SisyphDoc.tioga
Commands: Extract
Genista: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Genista.df
Created by: Giordano Bruno Beretta
Documentation: GenistaDoc.Tioga
Keywords: Core, Design Rule Checking, Layout Verification, Design Automation Tools, Technology Independence
Commands: Genista, Drc, DrcCdCMOSb, DrcCMOSb
Abstract: Genista is the Grandson of Spinifex. It is a hierarchical design rule checker that enumerates a Core design and uses the ChipNDale geometry with which it is decorated to verify separation and width design rules. Clients can define enumeration procedures for own classes.
Gismo24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Gismo24.df
Documentation: GismoDoc.tioga
Commands: Gismo
Graph: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Graph.df
Created by: Sweetsun Chen
Maintained by: Sweetsun Chen <>
Documentation: GraphDoc.tioga
Keywords: Graph, Controller, Thyme, Post Processor.
Commands: Graph, Waves
Abstract: Graph is a tool for creating or editing line graphs (x-y charts) manually or programmably. Many convenient functionalities are supported. The first section below contains tutorial steps to help users get familiar with the package easily.
ICTest: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ICTest.df
Commands: ICTest, ICTestLocal
IMSTester: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>IMSTester.df
Commands: IMSTester, IMSTesterLocal
IMSLink: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>IMSLink.df
Commands: IMSLink
Mint24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Mint24.df
Documentation: MintDoc.tioga
Commands: Mint
NectarineX: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>NectarineX.df
Documentation: NectarineDoc.tioga
Commands: Nectarine, NectarineBoard, NectarineHybrid, NectarineLayout, NectarineSchematics, NectarineVanilla
NewThyme: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>NewThyme.df
Documentation: CoreThymeDoc.tioga, ThymeDoc.tioga, ThymeManual.tioga
Commands: Thyme
PlotGraph: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PlotGraph.df
Created by: The Will of Rosemary's Users, who was obeyed by Rick Barth and Christian Le Cocq.
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <LeCocq.PA>
Documentation: PlotGraphDoc.tioga
Keywords: Viewers, Imager, InterPress, oscilloscope, Rosemary.
Commands: PlotGraph
Abstract: PlotGraph is a display package which provides the ability to show a collection of axis (i.e. display frames) layed out bottom up. Each axis is the local reference for one or more graphs (i.e. visualization of a set of data). The graphs can be displayed as curves, or the values can be written along the horizontal direction either horizontally or vertically.
PW24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PW24.df
Documentation: PWDoc.tioga
Commands: PW
PWCore24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWCore24.df
Documentation: PWCoreDoc.tioga
Commands: PWCore
PWCoreLichen24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWCoreLichen24.df
Commands: PWCoreLichen
PWCoreRoute24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWCoreRoute24.df
Documentation: PWCoreRouteDoc.tioga
Commands: PWCoreRoute, PadFrame
PWRoute24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWRoute24.df
Commands: PWRoute
Rosemary: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Rosemary.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: RosemaryDoc.tioga, RosemaryExample.tioga, RosemaryTemplate.tioga
Keywords: Simulation
Commands: Rosemary
Abstract: Rosemary is a simulator.
Route24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Route24.df
Documentation: RouteAttributes.tioga
Commands: Route
RT24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>RT24.df
SC24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>SC24.df
Documentation: SCThingsToDo.tioga
Commands: SC, SCDAUser
Scald: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Scald.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: ScaldDoc.tioga
Keywords: scald, file format
Commands: Scald
Abstract: Scald writes scald format files.
SpiceOps: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>SpiceOps.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: SpiceOpsDoc.tioga, SpiceUserGuide.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Schematics Extraction,
Commands: SpiceOps
Abstract: SpiceOps provides (as much as possible) simple ways to use the Spice Circuit simulator on the Vax in the Unix environment from our DATools in the Cedar environment.
Spinifex24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Spinifex24.df
Created by: Shand & Beretta
Maintained by: Giordano Beretta <Beretta.PA>
Documentation: SXConversion24.tioga, Spinifex24Doc.Tioga, CMosRules.tioga
Keywords: Corner-Based DRC, Design Automation Tools, Design Rule Checking, Extraction, Layout Verification, Level-Order Conflict Resolution, Technology Independence
Commands: Spinifex, CMosASpinifex, CMosBSpinifex, NMosASpinifex
Abstract: Spinifex is a circuit extractor and design rule checker. It features a new approach to the processing of hierarchically defined VLSI artwork, called level-order conflict resolution. The approach has the attractive features of retaining the cell hierarchy specified by the designer, and being applicable to the task of combined circuit extraction and geometric rule checking. Spinifex operates on constrained layouts and provides incremental analysis. The DRC part is corner-based.
Static24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Static24.df
Documentation: StaticDoc.tioga
Commands: Static
StructuralComparison: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>StructuralComparison.df
Documentation: IntHashTableThreadedDoc.tioga
TerminalIO3: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>TerminalIO3.df
Documentation: TerminalIODoc.tioga
Commands: TerminalIO
WriteCapa24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>WriteCapa24.df
Documentation: WriteCapaDoc.tioga
Commands: WriteCapa
Command Index
Boole: Boole24
BringDATools: BringDATools
Cabbage: Cabbage24
CDArrays: CDExtras24
CDBackgroundCheck: CDBackgroundCheck24
CDBottomUp: CDExtras24
CDCifGen: CDCifGen24
CDColor: CDExtras24
CDCount: CDCounting24
CDDynamicObs: CDExtras24
CDInterpress: CDInterpressPlot24
CDLabel: CDLabel24
CDLoadCDBusCells: CDCommon24
CDOpen: CDCommon24
CDPDPlot: CDPDPlot24
CDPropertyExtraction: CDExtras24
CDRead: CDCommon24
CDSatellites: CDSatellites24
CDSetDisplayTresholds: CDExtras24
CDSimplifyStructure: CDExtras24
CDUtil: CDExtras24
CellLibraries: CellLibraries24
ChipNDale: CDCommon24
CMosA8BitColors: CDCMosA24
CMosASpinifex: Spinifex24
CMosB8BitColors: CDCMosB24
CMosBSpinifex: Spinifex24
ColorMaps: ColorMaps3
Core: Core
CoreView: CoreView
CStitching: CStitching3
DAUser: DAUser24
Drc: Genista
DrcCdCMOSb: Genista
DrcCMOSb: Genista
ExtendCells: ExtendCells
Extract: Extract24
Genista: Genista
Gismo: Gismo24
Graph: Graph
ICTest: ICTest
ICTestLocal: ICTest
IMSLink: IMSLink
IMSTester: IMSTester
IMSTesterLocal: IMSTester
LayoutSchematics: DAUser24
LayoutSimulation: DAUser24
Mint: Mint24
Nectarine: NectarineX
NectarineBoard: NectarineX
NectarineHybrid: NectarineX
NectarineLayout: NectarineX
NectarineSchematics: NectarineX
NectarineVanilla: NectarineX
NMosA8BitColors: CDNMosA24
NMosASpinifex: Spinifex24
PadFrame: PWCoreRoute24
PlotGraph: PlotGraph
PW: PW24
PWCore: PWCore24
PWCoreLichen: PWCoreLichen24
PWCoreRoute: PWCoreRoute24
PWRoute: PWRoute24
Rosemary: Rosemary
Route: Route24
SC: SC24
Scald: Scald
SCCmosb: CellLibraries24
SCDAUser: SC24
Schematics: DAUser24
SpiceOps: SpiceOps
Spinifex: Spinifex24
Static: Static24
TerminalIO: TerminalIO3
Thyme: NewThyme
Waves: Graph
WriteCapa: WriteCapa24