Catalog Components
Boole: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Boole.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: BooleDoc.tioga
Keywords: Boolean Algebra, Boolean expressions, Disjunctive Normal Form, PLA, DCVS, Cascode, Static
Commands: Boole
Abstract: Boole (also called Alps) is a layout generator which accepts a set of boolean equations, much like PLA generators do. It makes use of an original tree-structured representation of arbitrary boolean expressions. This representation is usually more compact than the classic disjunctive form, is suitable for fast symbolic manipulation, and maps naturally into silicon. Boole produces static CMOS layout using the cascode switch style.
BringDATools24: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>BringDATools24.df
Commands: LoadBringDATools, BringDATools24, BringDATools23
Cabbage23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Cabbage23.df
Commands: Cabbage
CDBackgroundCheck23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDBackgroundCheck23.df
Commands: CDBackgroundCheck
CDCifGen23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDCifGen23.df
Commands: CDCifGen
CDCMosA23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDCMosA23.df
Documentation: CMosLayersDoc.tioga
Commands: CDCMosA, CDNewCMosA, CMosA8BitColors, CDReadCMCMos
CDCMosB23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDCMosB23.df
Documentation: CMosBLayersDoc.tioga
Commands: CDCMosB, CDNewCMosB, CMosB8BitColors
CDCommon23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDCommon23.df
Commands: ChipNDale, CDRead, CDOpen, CDLoadCDBusCells, CDOldPolygons, CDOldCDMenus
CDConvertTechnologies23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDConvertTechnologies23.df
Documentation: CDConvertTechnologiesDoc.tioga
CDDoc23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDDoc23.df
Documentation: ChipNDaleIntroduction.tioga, ChipNDaleDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleToolsDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleProgramsDoc.tioga, CDCrib.tioga
CDExtras23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>top>CDExtras23.df
Documentation: CDExtrasDoc.tioga, CDFeatureCheckDoc.tioga
Commands: CDUtil, CDDynamicObs, CDBottomUp, CDPropertyExtraction, CDSimplifyStructure, CDSetDisplayTresholds, CDColor, CDArrays
CDLabel23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDLabel23.df
Commands: CDLabel
CDMakeProc23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDMakeProc23.df
Commands: CDMakeProc
CDNMos23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDNMos23.df
Commands: CDNMos, CDNewNMos, CDCMNmos, CDReadCMNMos, NMos8BitColors
CDPDPlot23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDPDPlot23.df
Commands: CDPDPlot
CDSatellites23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CDSatellites23.df
Documentation: CDSatellitesDoc.tioga
Commands: CDSatellites
CellLibraries: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CellLibraries.df
Documentation: LogicDoc.Tioga, StdCellsCmosBDoc.tioga
Commands: CellLibraries
ChipNSil23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ChipNSil23.df
Created by: Giordano Beretta, Lissy Bland, Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: <>
Documentation: ChipNSil23Doc.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, Documentation, Schematics, Illustration, Illustrator, Sil
Commands: CDSil, CDSilBW, ChipNSil, CDNewSil, CDReadSil, CDSil8BitColors
Abstract: ChipNSil is a graphical editor featuring the same user interface as ChipNDale. From an implementation point of view, ChipNSil is just another ChipNDale technology, therefore the designer needs no additional documentation beyond the ChipNDale documentation. However, ChipNSil is also used to create simple illustrations, and the ability to read Alto and Cedar Sil files has attracted users outside the designer community. This document shall help them to get started; it does not duplicate the full ChipNDale documentation.
ColorMaps2: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ColorMaps2.df
Documentation: ColorMapsDoc.tioga
Commands: ColorMap
Core: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Core.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Mike Spreitzer and Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>, Serlet <>, Spreitzer <>
Documentation: CoreDoc.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, Design Automation, Tools Integration
Commands: Core
Abstract: Core is a common set of interfaces for exchanging information between different DA tools. It is also used to capture the designer's intents at a high level.
CoreThyme: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CoreThyme.df
Created by: Pradeep Sindhu
Maintained by: Sindhu <>
Documentation: CoreThymeDoc.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Schematics Extraction
Commands: CoreThyme
Abstract: CORETHYME is a program that translates Core data structures into THYME input, permitting circuit diagrams drawn as schematics to be simulated conveniently. With some additional work it will also be possible to simulate layouts with comparable ease.
CStitching2: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>CStitching2.df
Commands: CStitching
D2Basic1: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>D2Basic1.df
DAUser: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>DAUser.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: DAUserDoc.tioga, DAToolsCatalog.tioga
Keywords: Design automation, Core, ChipNDale, DATools, Bringover, Version Maps, Schematics, Simulation, Catalog, DF Files, BringDAUser
Commands: DAUser, BringDAUser, LayoutSimulation, LayoutSchematics, Schematics
Abstract: DAUser is a repository for commands, documentation or programs which are at the crossroads of different tools. DAUser contains the DATools catalog. DAUser also supplies the BringDAUser command, that allows fast recovery of all the DA sostware.
Extract: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Extract.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>, Frailong <>, Sindhu <>
Documentation: ExtractDoc.tioga, SisyphDoc.tioga
Keywords: Layout Extractor, Schematics Extractor, Extraction, Technology Independent Extraction, Core, ChipNDale, Schematics, Wire Icons, Icons, Visual Programming, Schematics
Commands: Extract
Abstract: Extract is a package grouping the extraction engine [Sinix], the layout extractor and the schematics extractor [Sisyph].
Gismo: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Gismo.df
Created by: Giordano Beretta & Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Giordano Beretta <Beretta.PA>
Documentation: GismoDoc.tioga
Keywords: Design Rule Checking, Layout Verification, Design Automation Tools
Commands: Gismo
Abstract: Gismo is a collection of small interactive design rule checkers verifying single rules. Use the load file Gismo.Load and use the ChipNDale program menu to apply them interactively.
Graph: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Graph.df
Created by: Sweetsun Chen
Maintained by: Sweetsun Chen <>
Documentation: GraphDoc.tioga
Keywords: Graph, Controller, Thyme, Post Processor.
Commands: Graph, Waves
Abstract: Graph is a tool for creating or editing line graphs (x-y charts) manually or programmably. Many convenient functionalities are supported. The first section below contains tutorial steps to help users get familiar with the package easily.
ICTest: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>ICTest.df
Commands: ICTest, ICTestLocal
IMSTester: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>IMSTester.df
Commands: IMSTester, IMSTesterLocal
IMSLink: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>IMSLink.df
Commands: IMSLink
Mint: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Mint.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Le Cocq <>
Documentation: MintDoc.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Graph Display
Commands: Mint
Abstract: Mint is a program that simulates a Core data structure extracted from a layout.
Nectarine: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Nectarine.df
Created by: Giordano Bruno Beretta
Maintained by: Giordano Bruno Beretta <>
Documentation: NectarineDoc.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, ChipNSil, Documentation, Illustration, Imaging, Interpress, Layout Printing, No Fuzz, PD Files, Peach Expansion, Peach Printing, Printing, Schematics Printing, Sweet Dreams, Tioga Illustration
Commands: Nectarine, NectarineBoard, NectarineHybrid, NectarineSchematics
Abstract: The ultimate layout and schematics documentation and printing system. Creates Interpress masters and does with them anything you might dream of: stuffs into Tioga documents, prints on Interpress servers and Peach servers, in black and white or in colour, expanding on the printer server or on a special expansion server. Once three buttons are bugged to answer three orthogonal questions (what, where, how often), all the magic happens with the single press of a button. The Interpress masters can be further manipulated with Gargoyle.
OnionCore: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>OnionCore.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: OnionCoreDoc.tioga
Keywords: Routing, PadFrame, Loop Routing Scheme
Commands: OnionCore
Abstract: Onion is a small and (relatively) efficient PadRing router implemented from a paper by Smith, Saxe, Newkirk and Mathews (Stanford; CH1813-5, 1982 IEEE). This method is called Loop Routing Scheme (LRS).
PlotGraph: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PlotGraph.df
Created by: The Will of Rosemary's Users, who was obeyed by Rick Barth and Christian Le Cocq.
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <LeCocq.PA>
Documentation: PlotGraphDoc.tioga
Keywords: Viewers, Imager, InterPress, oscilloscope, Rosemary.
Commands: PlotGraph
Abstract: PlotGraph is a display package which provides the ability to show a collection of axis (i.e. display frames) layed out bottom up. Each axis is the local reference for one or more graphs (i.e. visualization of a set of data). The graphs can be displayed as curves, or the values can be written along the horizontal direction either horizontally or vertically.
PW: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PW.df
Created by: Louis Monier and Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>, Monier <>
Documentation: PWDoc.tioga
Keywords: BringOver, Layout Assembly, Layout Generator, Satellites, Silicon Assembly
Commands: PW
Abstract: PatchWork is a Silicon Assembler, i.e. a VLSI layout program which generates geometry from ChipNDale cells (usually hand-drawn) and a Cedar Program describing the topological placement of these cells. It runs under Cedar and is fully integrated in ChipNDale. This manual corresponds to the version ChipNDale 23. PatchWork is also a repository for other ChipNDale related conveniences, such as Satellites, or the BringOver command. Documentation for Satellites is in CDSatellitesDoc.tioga.
PWCore: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWCore.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Louis Monier
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: PWCoreDoc.tioga
Keywords: Comparator, Core, ChipNDale, PatchWork, Extraction, Sinix, Decorations, Interface Geometry
Commands: PWCore
Abstract: PWCore is the general framework for connecting CD layout to Core. The Core structure either comes from schematics, or by a piece of code. In both cases, this Core data structure is decorated with some properties, which permit the construction of the corresponding layout. When the layout is constructed, publics of cells having layout are decorated with the interface geometry, to allow for routing. A primitive interface check is made at that time, but no structural isomorphism is made at this point.
PWCoreLichen: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWCoreLichen.df
Commands: PWCoreLichen
PWCoreRoute: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWCoreRoute.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Louis Monier, Bryan Preas
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: PWCoreRouteDoc.tioga
Keywords: Router, Pad Frame Generator, PWCore, Onion, Tools Integration
Commands: PWCoreRoute, PadFrame
Abstract: PWCoreRoute allows interfacing purely geometric routers to the world of structure. PWCoreRoute does not route in itself but calls routers within the framework define by PWCore. Currently PWCoreRoute proposes a Channel router and a PadFrame generator.
PWDemo: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWDemo.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: PWDemoDoc.tioga
Commands: PWDemo
Abstract: PWDemo is a package for a flashing demo about the ChipNDale graphic editor, the PatchWork generator system and the Onion router. This demo represents the June 86 state of the tools and do not show any Core related tools.
PWPLA: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWPLA.df
Created by: Louis Monier
Maintained by: Serlet <>, Monier <>
Documentation: PWPLADoc.tioga
Commands: PWPLA
Abstract: PWPLA is a PLA generator. It uses a library of cells, a set of user-defined parameters including a truth-table, and generates PLAs with the help of PatchWork. It can be used interactively from ChipnDale. Its procedural interface make it also easy to call from any user program.
PWRoute23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>PWRoute23.df
Commands: PWRoute
Rosemary: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Rosemary.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: RosemaryDoc.tioga
Keywords: Simulation
Commands: Rosemary
Abstract: Rosemary is a simulator.
Route23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Route23.df
Documentation: RouteAttributes.tioga
Commands: Route
RT23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>RT23.df
SC23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>SC23.df
Documentation: SCThingsToDo.tioga
Commands: SC
Scald: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Scald.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: ScaldDoc.tioga
Keywords: scald, file format
Commands: Scald
Abstract: Scald writes scald format files.
SoS: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>SoS.df
Created by: Giordano Bruno Beretta
Documentation: SoSDoc.tioga
Keywords: Core, Design Rule Checking, Layout Verification, Design Automation Tools
Commands: SoS
Abstract: SoS is the Son of Spinifex. It is a hierarchical design rule checker that enumerates a Core design and uses the ChipNDale geometry with which it is decorated to verify separation and width design rules. Clients can define enumeration procedures for own classes.
Spinifex23: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Spinifex23.df
Created by: Shand & Beretta
Maintained by: Giordano Beretta <Beretta.PA>
Documentation: Spinifex23Doc.Tioga, CMosRules.tioga
Keywords: Corner-Based DRC, Design Automation Tools, Design Rule Checking, Extraction, Layout Verification, Level-Order Conflict Resolution
Commands: Spinifex, CMosASpinifex, CMosBSpinifex, NMosSpinifex
Abstract: Spinifex is a circuit extractor and design rule checker. It features a new approach to the processing of hierarchically defined VLSI artwork, called level-order conflict resolution. The approach has the attractive features of retaining the cell hierarchy specified by the designer, and being applicable to the task of combined circuit extraction and geometric rule checking. Spinifex operates on constrained layouts and provides incremental analysis. The DRC part is corner-based.
Static: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Static.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: StaticDoc.tioga
Keywords: design automation, static checking
Commands: Static
Abstract: Static checks that some interesting invariants hold.
StructuralComparison: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>StructuralComparison.df
Documentation: IntHashTableThreadedDoc.tioga
TerminalIO2: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>TerminalIO2.df
Documentation: TerminalIODoc.tioga
Commands: TerminalIO
Thyme: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>Thyme.df
Created by: Neil Welhelm
Maintained by: & DAToolsImplementors^.pa
Documentation: ThymeDoc.tioga, ThymeManual.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Graph, Timing Diagrams.
Commands: Thyme
Abstract: Thyme is a circuit simulator originally written in the Alto environment in 1982, and ported to Cedar in 1984. This documentation only dicusses the special features of its Cedar version.
WriteCapa: [DATools]<DATools6.1>Top>WriteCapa.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <LeCocq.PA>
Documentation: WriteCapaDoc.tioga
Keywords: Capacitance, Layout, Core Wire
Commands: WriteCapa
Abstract: WriteCapa writes the capacitances of the layout wires as properties on the CoreWires
Keyword Index
Boolean Algebra: Boole
Boolean expressions: Boole
BringDAUser: DAUser
Bringover: DAUser, PW
Capacitance: WriteCapa
Cascode: Boole
Catalog: DAUser
ChipNDale: ChipNSil23, Core, DAUser, Extract, Nectarine, PWCore
ChipNSil: Nectarine
Circuit Simulation: CoreThyme, Mint, Thyme
Comparator: PWCore
Controller: Graph
Core: DAUser, Extract, PWCore, SoS
Core Wire: WriteCapa
Corner-Based DRC: Spinifex23
DATools: DAUser
DCVS: Boole
Decorations: PWCore
Design Automation: Core, DAUser, Static
Design Automation Tools: Gismo, SoS, Spinifex23
Design Rule Checking: Gismo, SoS, Spinifex23
DF Files: DAUser
Disjunctive Normal Form: Boole
Documentation: ChipNSil23, Nectarine
Extraction: Extract, PWCore, Spinifex23
file format: Scald
Graph: Graph, Thyme
Graph Display: Mint
Icons: Extract
Illustration: ChipNSil23, Nectarine
Illustrator: ChipNSil23
Imager: PlotGraph
Imaging: Nectarine
Interface Geometry: PWCore
Interpress: Nectarine, PlotGraph
Layout: WriteCapa
Layout Assembly: PW
Layout Extractor: Extract
Layout Generator: PW
Layout Printing: Nectarine
Layout Verification: Gismo, SoS, Spinifex23
Level-Order Conflict Resolution: Spinifex23
Loop Routing Scheme: OnionCore
No Fuzz: Nectarine
Onion: PWCoreRoute
oscilloscope: PlotGraph
Pad Frame Generator: PWCoreRoute
PadFrame: OnionCore
PatchWork: PWCore
PD Files: Nectarine
Peach Expansion: Nectarine
Peach Printing: Nectarine
PLA: Boole
Post Processor. : Graph
Printing: Nectarine
PWCore: PWCoreRoute
Rosemary.: PlotGraph
Router: PWCoreRoute
Routing: OnionCore
Satellites: PW
scald: Scald
Schematics: ChipNSil23, DAUser, Extract
Schematics Extraction: CoreThyme
Schematics Extractor: Extract
Schematics Printing: Nectarine
Sil: ChipNSil23
Silicon Assembly: PW
Simulation: DAUser, Rosemary
Sinix: PWCore
Static: Boole
static checking: Static
Sweet Dreams: Nectarine
Technology Independent Extraction: Extract
Thyme: Graph
Timing Diagrams. : Thyme
Tioga Illustration: Nectarine
Tools Integration: Core, PWCoreRoute
Version Maps: DAUser
Viewers: PlotGraph
Visual Programming: Extract
Wire Icons: Extract