D2Basic.mesa. Provides basic types for use in Planar CAD Tools.
Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Written by Ch. Jacobi, December 18, 1984 9:20:14 am PST
Last Edited by: Jacobi, September 19, 1985 4:15:38 am PDT
Defines integer based basic distances and areas for two dimensional CAD tools.
Number: TYPE = INT;
Pos: TYPE = RECORD [x, y: Number];
Rect: TYPE = RECORD [x1, y1, x2, y2: Number];
-- Conventions
--A Rect is called normalized if (x1>x2) OR (y1>y2) means that the Rect is empty.
--Rects are normalized, except if a special comment denies.
--Rect's are closed: they include all the endpoints; as you expect, points have
--size 0; except if a special comment denies.