<> <> <> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Commander, Core, CoreClasses, CoreOps, CoreProperties, HashTable, IO, ProcessProps, Properties; CorePropertiesImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CoreOps, HashTable, IO, ProcessProps, ImplementationProperties: Properties EXPORTS CoreProperties SHARES Core = BEGIN OPEN CoreProperties; CellClass: TYPE = Core.CellClass; CellType: TYPE = Core.CellType; Wire: TYPE = Core.Wire; ROPE: TYPE = Core.ROPE; Properties: TYPE = Core.Properties; propTable: HashTable.Table _ HashTable.Create[]; <> <> GetProp: PUBLIC PROC [from: Properties, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { value _ ImplementationProperties.GetProp[from, prop]; }; PutProp: PUBLIC PROC [on: Properties, prop: ATOM, value: REF ANY _ NIL] RETURNS [new: Properties] = { new _ ImplementationProperties.PutProp[on, prop, value]; }; Enumerate: PUBLIC PROC [props: Properties, consume: PROC [ATOM, REF ANY]] = { FOR pl: Properties _ props, pl.rest WHILE pl # NIL DO consume[NARROW [pl.first.key], pl.first.val]; ENDLOOP; }; PrintProperties: PUBLIC PROC [props: Properties, out: IO.STREAM _ NIL, indent: NAT _ 0, cr: BOOL _ TRUE, level: NAT _ 2] = { PrintIt: PROC [prop: ATOM, val: REF ANY _ NIL] = { propprops: Properties _ FetchProperties[prop]; pp: REF PropPrintProc; IF propprops#NIL THEN { pp _ NARROW [GetProp[propprops, propPrint]]; IF pp # NIL THEN { pp^[to: out, prop: prop, val: val, indent: indent, level: level]; } }; IF propprops=NIL OR pp=NIL THEN { CoreOps.PrintIndent[indent, out, cr]; IO.PutF[out, "%g: ", IO.atom[prop]]; WITH val SELECT FROM atom: ATOM => IO.PutF[out, "$%g", IO.atom[atom]]; rope: ROPE => IO.PutF[out, "%g", IO.rope[rope]]; refText: REF TEXT => IO.PutF[out, "%g", IO.text[refText]]; lor: LIST OF ROPE => FOR l: LIST OF ROPE _ lor, l.rest UNTIL l=NIL DO IO.PutF[out, "%g ", IO.rope[l.first]]; ENDLOOP; lor: LIST OF REF TEXT => FOR l: LIST OF REF TEXT _ lor, l.rest UNTIL l=NIL DO IO.PutF[out, "%g ", IO.text[l.first]]; ENDLOOP; refInt: REF INT => IO.PutF[out, "%g", IO.int[refInt^]]; refReal: REF REAL => IO.PutF[out, "%g", IO.real[refReal^]]; ENDCASE => {}; }; }; IF out=NIL THEN out _ NARROW[ProcessProps.GetProp[$CommanderHandle], Commander.Handle].out; Enumerate[props, PrintIt]; }; HasPrintableProp: PUBLIC PROC [props: Properties] RETURNS [hasSomePrintableProp: BOOL _ FALSE] = { Consume: PROC [atom: ATOM, val: REF ANY] = { propprops: Properties _ FetchProperties[atom]; IF propprops=NIL OR GetProp[propprops, propPrint]#PropDontPrint THEN hasSomePrintableProp _ TRUE; }; Enumerate[props, Consume]; }; <> RegisterProperty: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM, properties: Properties _ NIL] RETURNS [sameProp: ATOM] = { [] _ HashTable.Store[propTable, prop, properties]; sameProp _ prop; }; StoreProperties: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM, properties: Properties] = { [] _ HashTable.Store[propTable, prop, properties]; }; FetchProperties: PUBLIC PROC [prop: ATOM] RETURNS [properties: Properties] = { found: BOOL; value: HashTable.Value; [found, value] _ HashTable.Fetch[propTable, prop]; IF NOT found THEN RETURN[NIL]; properties _ NARROW [value, Properties]; }; propPrint: PUBLIC ATOM _ $PropPrint; DontPrint: PropPrintProc = {}; PropDontPrint: PUBLIC REF PropPrintProc _ NEW [PropPrintProc _ DontPrint]; <> InheritCellTypeProp: PUBLIC PROC [from: CellType, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { DO value _ GetProp[from: from.properties, prop: prop]; IF value=NIL THEN value _ GetProp[from: from.class.properties, prop: prop]; IF value#NIL OR NOT from.class.layersProps THEN EXIT; from _ CoreOps.Recast[from]; ENDLOOP; }; <<>> InheritPublicProp: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType, from: Wire, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { table: HashTable.Table _ NIL; DO value _ GetProp[from: from.properties, prop: prop]; IF value#NIL OR NOT cellType.class.layersProps THEN EXIT; table _ CoreOps.RecastBindingTable[cellType]; IF table=NIL THEN LOOP; from _ NARROW [HashTable.Fetch[table, from].value]; cellType _ CoreOps.Recast[cellType]; ENDLOOP; }; <> Props: PUBLIC PROC [lit1, lit2, lit3, lit4, lit5, lit6: PropertyLiteral _ []] RETURNS [properties: Properties] = { properties _ PutProp[on: NIL, prop: lit1.key, value: lit1.val]; properties _ PutProp[on: properties, prop: lit2.key, value: lit2.val]; properties _ PutProp[on: properties, prop: lit3.key, value: lit3.val]; properties _ PutProp[on: properties, prop: lit4.key, value: lit4.val]; properties _ PutProp[on: properties, prop: lit5.key, value: lit5.val]; properties _ PutProp[on: properties, prop: lit6.key, value: lit6.val]; }; GetWireProp: PUBLIC PROC [from: Wire, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { value _ GetProp[from: from.properties, prop: prop]; }; PutWireProp: PUBLIC PROC [on: Wire, prop: ATOM, value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { on.properties _ PutProp[on: on.properties, prop: prop, value: value]; }; GetCellClassProp: PUBLIC PROC [from: CellClass, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { value _ GetProp[from: from.properties, prop: prop]; }; PutCellClassProp: PUBLIC PROC [on: CellClass, prop: ATOM, value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { on.properties _ PutProp[on: on.properties, prop: prop, value: value]; }; GetCellTypeProp: PUBLIC PROC [from: CellType, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { value _ GetProp[from: from.properties, prop: prop]; }; PutCellTypeProp: PUBLIC PROC [on: CellType, prop: ATOM, value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { on.properties _ PutProp[on: on.properties, prop: prop, value: value]; }; GetCellInstanceProp: PUBLIC PROC [from: CoreClasses.CellInstance, prop: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { value _ GetProp[from: from.properties, prop: prop]; }; PutCellInstanceProp: PUBLIC PROC [on: CoreClasses.CellInstance, prop: ATOM, value: REF ANY _ NIL] = { on.properties _ PutProp[on: on.properties, prop: prop, value: value]; }; END.