Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, December 19, 1986 11:32:16 am PST
Last Edited by: Christian Jacobi, January 19, 1987 5:23:08 pm PST
Mike Spreitzer February 26, 1987 10:56:57 am PST
the table as defined for Lichen
ProgramMenu | PWCoreLichenCompare | Sisyph Extract design & structurally compare to layout | Loads Lichen!
ProgramMenu | PWCoreLichenForgetComparison | Forget comparison results in subtree | Loads Lichen!
ProgramMenu | PWCoreLichenEnableAutomorphismHack | Enable Automorphism Hack | Loads Lichen!
ProgramMenu | PWCoreLichenDisableAutomorphismHack | Disable Automorphism Hack | Loads Lichen!
the table as defined for Extract
temporary to avoid people having problems if their user profile doesn't define it
DefineMenu | SisyphIconMenu    | Sisyph: Make Icon
DefineMenu | SisyphVisibilityMenu   | Sisyph: Change Visibility
DefineMenu | SisyphParameterMenu   | Sisyph: Parameter Specification
OtherProgramMenu  | ExtractLayout    | Extract layout    | calls layout extractor
OtherProgramMenu  | HighlightNetInLayout  | Highlight layout   | invokes submenu
OtherProgramMenu  | FlushSisyphCaches  | Sisyph: flush caches  | forgets previous extractions
OtherProgramMenu  | SisyphIconMenu   | Sisyph: make icons  | invokes submenu
OtherProgramMenu  | SisyphVisibilityMenu  | Sisyph: change visibility | invokes submenu
OtherProgramMenu  | CoreRosemaryExtractSelectedObjAndRunRosemary  | Sisyph Extract and Rosemary |   
OtherProgramMenu  | ExtractSelectedObjAndMeasure       | Sisyph Extract and Measure |   
OtherProgramMenu  | SchBackgroundExtract    | Sisyph: background extraction | invokes submenu
OtherProgramMenu  | SisyphParameterMenu    | Sisyph: parameter specification | invokes submenu
SisyphIconMenu  | CreateIconCommand   | create icon from schematics | Jean Marc's hack function
SisyphIconMenu  | MakeCellIconWithGeometryDef | associate cell icon with schematic
SisyphIconMenu  | MakeCellIconWithCodeDef  | associate cell icon with code
SisyphIconMenu  | MakeSequenceIcon     | make sequence icon
SisyphIconMenu  | MakeWireIconWithCodeDef  | associate wire icon with code
SisyphIconMenu  | UnMakeIcon      | dissociate icon from source
SisyphVisibilityMenu | MakeInvisibleToExtractor  | Make Invisible to Sisyph
SisyphVisibilityMenu | MakeVisibleToExtractor  | Make Visible to Sisyph
SisyphParameterMenu | SisyphShowParmNames  | Show Parameter Names
SisyphParameterMenu | SisyphAddParmName   | Add Parameter Name
SisyphParameterMenu | SisyphEditParmNames   | Edit Parameter Names
SatellitesMenu   | SisyphShowInstExpressions  | Show Instance Expressions (LI-Left)
SatellitesMenu   | SisyphAddInstExpression   | Add Instance Expression (LI-Middle)
SatellitesMenu   | SisyphEditInstExpressions   | Edit Instance Expressions (LI-Right)
SatellitesMenu   | SisyphShowObjExpressions  | Show Object Expressions (LO-Left)
SatellitesMenu   | SisyphAddObjExpression   | Add Object Expression (LO-Middle)
SatellitesMenu   | SisyphEditObjExpressions   | Edit Object Expressions (LO-Right)
the table as defined for CoreThyme
OtherProgramMenu | CoreThymeExtractSelectedObjAndRunThyme | Sisyph Extract and Thyme | circuit simulation
the table as as used for DAUser
temporary to avoid people having problems if their user profile doesn't define it
OtherProgramMenu  | DAUserXNLayout   | Sisyph Extract and Layout |   
OtherProgramMenu  | DAUserXNStatic   | Sisyph Extract and Static |   
OtherProgramMenu  | DAUserSeeRoseValue  | SeeRoseValue |   
OtherProgramMenu  | DAUserCheckSchematics | Check selected Schematics |   
OtherProgramMenu  | DAUserSchematicSimulationValue | Show Simulation Value |
the table as as used for Sos
ProgramMenu  | DrcSel | DRC Selected |   
ProgramMenu  | DrcDir | List Violations (Drc) |   
ProgramMenu  | DrcAll | List All Violations (Drc) |