<> <> <> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Atom, CD, CDBasics, CDEnvironment, CDImports, CDIO, CDVArrow, CDCurves, CDOps, CDPDPlot, CDProperties, CDPropertyTools, CDSequencer, CDValue, Commander, CStitching, Imager, ImagerManhattan, ImagerMaskCapture, ImagerTransformation, IO, PeachPrint, PDFileFormat, PDFileWriter, Process, Real, Rope, RuntimeError USING [UNCAUGHT], TerminalIO, ViewerClasses, ViewerSpecs; CDPDPlotImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, CD, CDBasics, CDEnvironment, CDImports, CDIO, CDValue, CDVArrow, CDOps, CDProperties, CDPropertyTools, CDSequencer, Commander, CStitching, IO, Imager, ImagerManhattan, ImagerMaskCapture, ImagerTransformation, PDFileWriter, PeachPrint, Process, Real, Rope, RuntimeError, TerminalIO EXPORTS CDPDPlot = BEGIN <<--MONITOR: to protect the stipples>> retry: CONDITION; plottingInProgress: BOOL _ FALSE; Enter: ENTRY PROC [d: CD.Design] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; BROADCAST retry; --to make others call CheckAborted WHILE plottingInProgress DO WAIT retry; CDSequencer.CheckAborted[d]; --UNWIND IS CATCHED !!! ENDLOOP; plottingInProgress _ TRUE }; Leave: ENTRY PROC [] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; plottingInProgress _ FALSE; BROADCAST retry }; lastTechPropKey: REF _ $CDxLastTechnology; --a property of the dd.stippleKey abortPlot: REF BOOL _ NEW[BOOL _ FALSE]; <<--handling colors>> Toner: TYPE = PDFileFormat.Toner; -- {black, cyan, magenta, yellow, .. 15}; TonerKeys: TYPE = ARRAY Toner OF REF; LoadArray: TYPE = ARRAY Toner OF PDFileWriter.LoadReference; ColorDescription: TYPE = ARRAY CD.Layer OF REF LoadArray _ ALL[NIL]; noColor: PDFileWriter.LoadReference = LAST[PDFileWriter.LoadReference]; <<-- used to identify tiles without toner so that you can avoid recording them>> fullColor: PDFileWriter.LoadReference = noColor-1; <<-- used to identify tiles with full toner so that you can avoid recording them>> tonerToKeyKeys: REF TonerKeys = NEW[TonerKeys _ ALL[NIL]]; <<--gives a key to get the keys to get the color stipple as property of the layers >> <<>> <<--device description>> DeviceDesc: TYPE = CDPDPlot.DeviceDesc; TaskDesc: TYPE = CDPDPlot.TaskDesc; PageMode: TYPE = {fixedPage, finiteStripe, anyStripe}; Stipple4: TYPE = ARRAY[0..4) OF [0..16); Stipple8: TYPE = ARRAY[0..8) OF [0..256); Stipple16: TYPE = ARRAY[0..16) OF CARDINAL; fiddleDevice: PUBLIC REF DeviceDesc _ NIL; error: ERROR = CODE; MakeDevice: PUBLIC PROC [key: ATOM] RETURNS [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { ColorVersatec: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { dd.deviceCode _ last; --does not yet has an assigned value, use "last" dd.sResolution _ 200; -- resolution (slow directition), pixels / inch dd.fResolution _ 200; -- resolution (fast direction), pixels / inch dd.imageFSize _ 8000; --for the wide-bed Versatec, length in the "fast" direction; dd.toners _ ALL[FALSE]; dd.toners[black] _ TRUE; dd.toners[cyan] _ TRUE; dd.toners[magenta] _ TRUE; dd.toners[yellow] _ TRUE; dd.bandSSize _ 64; -- number chosen because of buffer-size of versatec dd.overlap _ 300; -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips dd.maxPixPerLambda _ 20; -- maximum # of pixels to make lambda dd.pageMode _ anyStripe; dd.leftOverMode _ FALSE; dd.stippleKey _ $CDxVersatec; dd.name _ "color versatec"; }; InkJetC150: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { dd.deviceCode _ VAL[10]; dd.sResolution _ 120; -- resolution (slow directition), pixels / inch dd.fResolution _ 120; -- resolution (fast direction), pixels / inch dd.imageFSize _ 1020; dd.toners _ ALL[FALSE]; dd.toners[black] _ TRUE; dd.toners[cyan] _ TRUE; dd.toners[magenta] _ TRUE; dd.toners[yellow] _ TRUE; dd.bandSSize _ 48; -- dd.overlap _ 30; -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips dd.maxPixPerLambda _ 20; -- maximum # of pixels to make lambda dd.pageMode _ finiteStripe; dd.pageSlowSize _ 1020; dd.leftOverMode _ FALSE; dd.stippleKey _ $CDxVersatec; dd.name _ "ink jet"; }; Color400: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { dd.deviceCode _ VAL[9]; dd.sResolution _ 400; -- resolution (slow directition), pixels / inch dd.fResolution _ 400; -- resolution (fast direction), pixels / inch dd.imageFSize _ 4096; dd.toners _ ALL[FALSE]; dd.toners[black] _ TRUE; dd.toners[cyan] _ TRUE; dd.toners[magenta] _ TRUE; dd.toners[yellow] _ TRUE; dd.bandSSize _ 50; -- dd.overlap _ 30; -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips dd.maxPixPerLambda _ 240; -- maximum # of pixels to make lambda dd.pageMode _ fixedPage; dd.pageSlowSize _ 5500; dd.leftOverMode _ FALSE; dd.stippleKey _ $CDxC400; dd.name _ "Color400"; }; Puffin: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { dd.deviceCode _ PDFileFormat.DeviceCode[puffin]; dd.sResolution _ 384; -- resolution (slow directition), pixels / inch dd.fResolution _ 384; -- resolution (fast direction), pixels / inch dd.imageFSize _ dd.fResolution * 17 / 2; dd.toners _ ALL[FALSE]; dd.toners[black] _ FALSE; dd.toners[cyan] _ TRUE; dd.toners[magenta] _ TRUE; dd.toners[yellow] _ TRUE; dd.bandSSize _ 16; -- dd.overlap _ 30; -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips dd.maxPixPerLambda _ 20; -- maximum # of pixels to make lambda dd.pageMode _ fixedPage; dd.pageSlowSize _ dd.sResolution*11; dd.leftOverMode _ TRUE; dd.stippleKey _ $CDxPuffin; dd.name _ "Puffin"; }; PlateMaker: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { dd.deviceCode _ PDFileFormat.DeviceCode[last]; dd.sResolution _ 1200; -- resolution (slow directition), pixels / inch dd.fResolution _ 1200; -- resolution (fast direction), pixels / inch dd.imageFSize _ dd.fResolution * 17 / 2; dd.toners _ ALL[FALSE]; dd.toners[black] _ TRUE; dd.bandSSize _ 16; -- dd.overlap _ 30; -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips dd.maxPixPerLambda _ 20; -- maximum # of pixels to make lambda dd.pageMode _ fixedPage; dd.pageSlowSize _ dd.sResolution*11; dd.leftOverMode _ TRUE; dd.stippleKey _ $CDxPDPlotPlatemaker; dd.name _ "platemaker [color separation]"; }; Raven384: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { dd.deviceCode _ PDFileFormat.DeviceCode[raven]; dd.sResolution _ 384; -- resolution (slow directition), pixels / inch dd.fResolution _ 384; -- resolution (fast direction), pixels / inch dd.imageFSize _ dd.fResolution * 17 / 2; dd.toners _ ALL[FALSE]; dd.toners[black] _ TRUE; dd.bandSSize _ 16; -- dd.overlap _ 30; -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips dd.maxPixPerLambda _ 20; -- maximum # of pixels to make lambda dd.pageMode _ fixedPage; dd.pageSlowSize _ dd.sResolution*11; dd.leftOverMode _ TRUE; dd.stippleKey _ $CDxPDPlotRaven384; dd.name _ "Raven384 [color separation]"; }; dd _ NEW[DeviceDesc]; dd.contextFilter _ NEW[CD.ContextFilter_ALL[TRUE]]; SELECT key FROM $Versatec, $PDPlotVersatec => ColorVersatec[dd]; $C150, $PDPlotC150 => InkJetC150[dd]; $Puffin, $PDPlotPuffin => Puffin[dd]; $Platemaker, $PDPlotPlatemaker => PlateMaker[dd]; $Raven384, $PDPlotRaven384 => Raven384[dd]; $Color400, $PDPlotColor400 => Color400[dd]; $UserDevice, $PDPlotUserDevice => dd _ fiddleDevice; ENDCASE => ERROR error; }; <<--state of plot>> PlotState: TYPE = REF PlotStateRec; PlotStateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ tes: ARRAY CD.Layer OF CStitching.Tesselation _ ALL[NIL], plotScale: REAL _ 1.0, -- pixels per CD.Number plotClip: CD.Rect _ [0, 0, 0, 0], --in design space touching all geometry in plot stripeClip: CD.Rect _ [0, 0, 0, 0],--in design space touching all geometry in stripe bandClip: CD.Rect _ [0, 0, 0, 0],--in design space touching all geometry in band <<--plot and stripe areas are defined in integral cd units>> <<--the band is defined in pixel units; >> <<-- bandClip contains at least all area contributing to the real band>> pdState: PDFileWriter.PDState, colorLoads: REF ColorDescription, anouncedLayer: INT _ -1, design: CD.Design, band: CD.Rect _ [0, 0, 0, 0], -- in device pixel coordinates but y-sign inversion not yet done <<-- low border points are legal pixels of band, high border points are not>> dd: REF DeviceDesc ]; ToDeviceX: PROC[ps: PlotState, cdX: CD.Number] RETURNS [REAL] = INLINE { <<--but not clipped!>> RETURN [(cdX-ps.stripeClip.x1)*ps.plotScale] }; ToDeviceY: PROC[ps: PlotState, cdY: CD.Number] RETURNS [REAL] = INLINE { <<--but not clipped!>> RETURN [(cdY-ps.stripeClip.y1)*ps.plotScale] }; ToDeviceR: PROC[ps: PlotState, r: CD.Rect] RETURNS [CD.Rect] = INLINE { <<--but not clipped!>> RETURN [[ x1: Real.Round[ToDeviceX[ps, r.x1]], y1: Real.Round[ToDeviceY[ps, r.y1]], x2: Real.Round[ToDeviceX[ps, r.x2]], y2: Real.Round[ToDeviceY[ps, r.y2]] ]] }; ConvertY2: PROC[ps: PlotState, y2: CD.Number] RETURNS [INT] = INLINE { <> RETURN [ps.dd.imageSSize-1-y2] }; Plot: PUBLIC PROC [task: REF TaskDesc] = { ps: PlotState; clipSize: CD.Position; dd: REF DeviceDesc _ task.dd; design: CD.Design _ task.design; pageStep: CD.Position; pageWidth: CD.Position; dr: CD.DrawRef; IF design=NIL OR dd=NIL THEN ERROR; BEGIN ENABLE { -- for ERRORs UNWIND => { CDVArrow.RemoveArrow[design]; TerminalIO.PutRope[" ** plot aborted **\n"]; Leave[]; }; }; Enter[design]; TRUSTED {Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityBackground]}; task.strips _ MAX[1, MIN[10, task.strips]]; IF task.abort=NIL THEN task.abort _ NEW[BOOL_FALSE]; IF ~CDBasics.NonEmpty[task.clip] THEN task.clip _ CDOps.BoundingBox[design]; clipSize _ CDBasics.SizeOfRect[task.clip]; dr _ CD.CreateDrawRef[[ design: design, selections: FALSE, borders: TRUE, specialFonts: task.substituteFonts, stopFlag: task.abort, drawRect: NoteRectangle, drawChildSel: DontDrawChild, drawOutLine: DrawOutline, drawContext: DrawContext, contextFilter: dd.contextFilter ]]; SetStipples[dd, design.technology]; CheckSpecialScale[task]; <<--Center the x range of the selected area of the design on the plotter bed, with at most dd.maxPixPerLambda pixels per lambda. If multiple task.strips are called for, overlap adjacent ones by "dd.toners" pixels.>> <<-- total number of pixels across plot = imageFSize+[imageFSize-overlap]*(strips-1))>> ps _ NEW[PlotStateRec _ [ plotClip: task.clip, colorLoads: NEW[ColorDescription _ ALL[NIL]], design: design, plotScale: task.scale, dd: dd ]]; IF ps.plotScale<=0 THEN { ps.plotScale _ MIN[ REAL[dd.maxPixPerLambda] / design.technology.lambda, REAL[(dd.imageFSize-dd.overlap)*task.strips+dd.overlap] / clipSize.x ] }; dd.imageSSize _ Real.RoundC[clipSize.y*ps.plotScale]+1; IF dd.pageMode=fixedPage THEN { dd.imageSSize _ MIN[dd.imageSSize, dd.pageSlowSize]; ps.plotScale _ MIN[ps.plotScale, REAL[dd.pageSlowSize]/(clipSize.y+1)]; }; pageStep _ [(clipSize.x+task.strips-1)/task.strips, clipSize.y]; pageWidth _ [Real.Round[dd.imageFSize/ps.plotScale]+1, clipSize.y]; --larger to prevent rounding errors dr.devicePrivate _ ps; TerminalIO.PutRopes["start ploting\n"]; FOR strip: INT IN [0..task.strips) DO fileName: Rope.ROPE _ MakeName[task.fileName, strip, task.strips]; ps.stripeClip _ [ --but not yet intersected with complete design clip x1: ps.plotClip.x1+strip*pageStep.x, y1: ps.plotClip.y1, x2: ps.plotClip.x1+strip*pageStep.x+pageWidth.x, y2: ps.plotClip.y2 ]; ps.pdState _ PDFileWriter.Create[ fileName: fileName, deviceCode: dd.deviceCode, sResolution: dd.sResolution, fResolution: dd.fResolution, imageSSize: dd.imageSSize, imageFSize: dd.imageFSize, bandSSize: dd.bandSSize, leftOverMode: dd.leftOverMode, maxLoadWords: dd.maxLoadWords, copies: dd.copies ]; ps.colorLoads^ _ ALL[NIL]; PDFileWriter.StartImage[pdState: ps.pdState, toners: dd.toners]; <<-- For each band in the strip>> FOR bandYtop: INT _ dd.imageSSize, bandYtop-dd.bandSSize WHILE bandYtop>0 DO <<--bandYtop is top pixel not plotted !>> dc: CD.Rect; --task.clip for band in design coordinates; little larger than band CDSequencer.CheckAborted[design]; <<-- Determine coordinate transformations>> ps.band _ [ x1: 0, y1: MAX[0, bandYtop-dd.bandSSize], x2: MIN[Real.Round[ToDeviceX[ps, ps.bandClip.x2]+1], ps.dd.imageFSize], y2: bandYtop ]; dc _ [ x1: ps.stripeClip.x1-1, y1: ps.stripeClip.y1+Real.Round[(bandYtop-dd.bandSSize)/ps.plotScale]-2, x2: ps.stripeClip.x1+pageWidth.x+1, y2: ps.stripeClip.y1+Real.Round[bandYtop/ps.plotScale]+2 ]; dr.interestClip _ ps.bandClip _ CDBasics.Intersection[ps.plotClip, dc]; <<--Display current band under consideration to pacify user>> CDVArrow.ShowArrow[design, CDBasics.Center[dr.interestClip]]; <<-- clear previous tessalations >> ps.anouncedLayer _ -1; FOR l: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO IF ps.tes[l]#NIL THEN CStitching.ChangeRect[plane: ps.tes[l], rect: CDBasics.universe, new: NIL]; ENDLOOP; CDOps.DrawDesign[design, dr]; -- build tesselations of design rectangles AnalyzeTesselations[ps]; -- actually draw tesselations TerminalIO.PutRope["."]; ENDLOOP; -- each band in the strip PDFileWriter.EndPage[ps.pdState]; PDFileWriter.Close[ps.pdState]; TerminalIO.PutRopes["*\nrecorded strip on file ", fileName, "\n"]; ENDLOOP; -- each strip TerminalIO.PutRope[" finished plot\n"]; CDVArrow.RemoveArrow[design: design]; Leave[]; END; }; MaskRect: PROC [ps: PlotState, r: CD.Rect] = INLINE { <<--coordinates in devices pixel coordinates, but y not yet negated; >> <<--plots inclusive low, exclusive high border pixels>> <> <> IF CDBasics.Intersect[r, ps.band] THEN { r _ CDBasics.Intersection[r, ps.band]; IF r.x2>r.x1 AND r.y2>r.y1 THEN PDFileWriter.MaskRectangle[pdState: ps.pdState, sMin: ConvertY2[ps, r.y2-1], fMin: r.x1, sSize: r.y2-r.y1, fSize: r.x2-r.x1]; } }; ProcessTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] = { IF tile.value=$covered THEN { ps: PlotState = NARROW[data]; MaskRect[ps, CStitching.Area[tile]] }; }; AnalyzeTesselations: PROC [ps: PlotState] = { FOR lev: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO IF ps.tes[lev]#NIL THEN { SetColor[ps, lev]; CStitching.EnumerateArea[plane: ps.tes[lev], rect: ps.band, eachTile: ProcessTile, data: ps, skip: NIL]; }; ENDLOOP; }; NoteRectangle: PROC [r: CD.Rect, l: CD.Layer, pr: CD.DrawRef] = { <<--r in cd coords>> ps: PlotState = NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; IF ps.dd.contextFilter[l] THEN { r _ CDBasics.Intersection[r, pr.interestClip]; IF CDBasics.NonEmpty[r] THEN { r _ ToDeviceR[ps, r]; IF ps.tes[l]=NIL THEN ps.tes[l] _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; CStitching.ChangeRect[plane: ps.tes[l], rect: r, new: $covered]; }; }; }; NoteDeviceRectangle: PROC [r: CD.Rect, l: CD.Layer, pr: CD.DrawRef] = { <<--r in device pixel coords; before changing y sign>> ps: PlotState = NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; IF ps.dd.contextFilter[l] THEN { r _ CDBasics.Intersection[r, ps.band]; IF CDBasics.NonEmpty[r] THEN { IF ps.tes[l]=NIL THEN ps.tes[l] _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; CStitching.ChangeRect[plane: ps.tes[l], rect: r, new: $covered]; }; }; }; DontDrawChild: CD.DrawProc = {}; DrawOutline: CD.DrawRectProc = { --PROC [r: Rect, l: Layer, pr: DrawRef] delta: INT = 8;--doesn't cause overflow, plot scale is limited ps: PlotState = NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; <<--restrict outline to be only slightly larger than device, to prevent arithmetic overflow>> r.x1 _ MAX[pr.interestClip.x1-delta, r.x1]; --r in cd Coordinates r.y1 _ MAX[pr.interestClip.y1-delta, r.y1]; r.x2 _ MIN[pr.interestClip.x2+delta, r.x2]; r.y2 _ MIN[pr.interestClip.y2+delta, r.y2]; <<--convert to device pixel coordinates>> r _ ToDeviceR[ps, r]; <<--draw [doesn't draw 2 border pixels]>> NoteDeviceRectangle[[r.x1, r.y1, r.x2+1, r.y1+1], l, pr]; --bottom NoteDeviceRectangle[[r.x1, r.y2-1, r.x2+1, r.y2], l, pr]; --top NoteDeviceRectangle[[r.x1, r.y1, r.x1+1, r.y2+1], l, pr]; --left NoteDeviceRectangle[[r.x2-1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2+1], l, pr]; --right }; <<--command level>> CheckSpecialScale: PROC [task: REF TaskDesc] = { micronsPerInch: REAL ~ 25400; specialScale: REAL _ -1; --means microns on plotted device per lambda WITH CDProperties.GetAtomProp[task.dd.stippleKey, $CDxPDPlotScale] SELECT FROM ri: REF INT => specialScale _ ri^; rr: REF REAL => specialScale _ rr^; ENDCASE => specialScale _ -1; IF specialScale>0 THEN { size: CD.Position _ CDBasics.SizeOfRect[task.clip]; task.scale _ specialScale*task.dd.sResolution/micronsPerInch/task.design.technology.lambda; TerminalIO.PutF["plotting at special scale %g microns/lambda [%g pixels/chipndaleUnit]\n", [real[specialScale]], [real[task.scale]]]; IF task.dd.pageMode=fixedPage THEN { IF task.scale > REAL[task.dd.pageSlowSize]/(size.y+1) THEN TerminalIO.PutRope["doesn't fit on page; must change scale\n"]; }; }; }; cnt: INT _ 0; PDColorPlotComm: PROC [comm: CDSequencer.Command] = { ENABLE error => { SELECT TerminalIO.RequestSelection["ERROR", LIST["abort plot", "reset and abort plot", "debug"]] FROM 1 => GOTO tobad; 2 => {currTech _ NIL; GOTO tobad}; 3 => REJECT; ENDCASE => GOTO tobad; }; clip: CD.Rect; mustSendToDevice: BOOL _ FALSE; server: Rope.ROPE; copies: INT _ 1; task: REF TaskDesc _ NEW[TaskDesc _ [design: comm.design, abort: abortPlot, strips: 1]]; TerminalIO.PutRope["Color plot\n"]; task.dd _ MakeDevice[comm.key]; IF task.dd=NIL THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["no device specified\n"]; RETURN }; TerminalIO.PutRopes[task.dd.name, "\n"]; IF CDImports.HasUnloadedImports[comm.design] THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["design has unloaded imports\n"]; IF ~TerminalIO.Confirm["unloaded imports, continue anyway", "you would better load imports first", 20] THEN ERROR ABORTED; }; SELECT TerminalIO.RequestSelection["PD Plot", LIST["plot complete design", "plot drawn rectangle", "specials, strips, servers..."]] FROM 1 => { clip _ CDOps.BoundingBox[comm.design]; TerminalIO.PutRope["plot all\n"]; }; 2 => { clip _ CDBasics.ToRect[comm.pos, comm.sPos]; TerminalIO.PutRope["plot rectangle\n"]; }; 3 => { default: Rope.ROPE _ NIL; choice: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ LIST["no", "type name of server"]; TerminalIO.PutRope["special\n"]; SELECT TerminalIO.RequestSelection["Plot", LIST["plot complete design", "plot drawn rectangle"]] FROM 1 => { clip _ CDOps.BoundingBox[comm.design]; TerminalIO.PutRope["plot all\n"]; }; 2 => { clip _ CDBasics.ToRect[comm.pos, comm.sPos]; TerminalIO.PutRope["plot rectangle\n"]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR ABORTED; IF task.dd.pageMode=anyStripe THEN { IF TerminalIO.Confirm["plot multiple vertical strips", "it's ok not to..."] THEN task.strips _ TerminalIO.RequestInt["How many vertical strips? [1..10] "]; }; IF TerminalIO.Confirm["ommit comments", "usually not except for lage scale..."] THEN task.dd.contextFilter[CD.commentLayer] _ FALSE; task.substituteFonts _ TerminalIO.Confirm["substitute tioga fonts", "for schematics; don't for layout"]; IF comm.key=$PDPlotVersatec THEN default _ "Sleepy" ELSE IF comm.key=$PDPlotColor400 THEN default _ "MtFuji"; IF default#NIL THEN choice.rest.rest _ LIST[default]; SELECT TerminalIO.RequestSelection["send immediately to server", choice] FROM 0, 1 => NULL; 2 => { mustSendToDevice _ TRUE; server _ TerminalIO.RequestRope["server name>"]; }; 3 => { mustSendToDevice _ TRUE; server _ default; }; ENDCASE => NULL; IF mustSendToDevice THEN { IF TerminalIO.Confirm["multiple copies", "istead of a single one..."] THEN copies _ TerminalIO.RequestInt["copies>"]; IF copies<1 OR copies>10 THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["unreasonable number of copies\n"]; ERROR ABORTED }; }; }; ENDCASE => ERROR ABORTED; IF clip.x1>=clip.x2 OR clip.y1>=clip.y2 THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["**cannot plot empty area\n"]; ERROR ABORTED }; task.clip _ clip; IF mustSendToDevice THEN task.fileName _ IO.PutFR["///temp/chipndale/pdplots/Plot%gX.pd", IO.int[cnt _ cnt+1]]; Plot[task]; IF mustSendToDevice THEN { FOR strip: INT IN [0..task.strips) DO PeachPrint.DoPeachPrintCommand[ server: server, file: MakeName[task.fileName, strip, task.strips], log: TerminalIO.CreateStream[], copies: copies, fork: TRUE ! PeachPrint.PupAborted => {TerminalIO.PutRope["**Pup aborted plotting\n"]; CONTINUE}; RuntimeError.UNCAUGHT => {TerminalIO.PutRope["**Peach aborted plotting\n"]; CONTINUE}; ]; ENDLOOP }; EXITS tobad => NULL }; MakeName: PROC [base: Rope.ROPE, strip, strips: INT_1] RETURNS [fileName: Rope.ROPE] = { modifier: Rope.ROPE _ IF strips>1 THEN IO.PutFR["%d", IO.int[strip+1]] ELSE NIL; IF Rope.IsEmpty[base] THEN base _ "PDPlot"; fileName _ CDIO.MakeName[wDir: "///temp/", base: base, modifier: modifier, ext: "pd"]; }; WaitPlotFinishedCommand: Commander.CommandProc = { prio: Process.Priority = Process.GetPriority[]; IF ~plottingInProgress THEN { IO.PutRope[cmd.out, " waiting for plot to start"]; WHILE ~plottingInProgress DO Process.Pause[Process.SecondsToTicks[1]]; ENDLOOP; IO.PutRope[cmd.out, ". plot started...\n"] }; Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityBackground]; WHILE plottingInProgress DO Process.Pause[Process.SecondsToTicks[2]]; ENDLOOP; Process.SetPriority[prio]; IO.PutRope[cmd.out, " finished\n"] }; <<--interpreter set up>> blackX: REF _ NIL; cyanX: REF _ NIL; yellowX: REF _ NIL; magentaX: REF _ NIL; currTech: CD.Technology _ NIL; currLayer: CD.Layer _ CD.undefLayer; Forgett: PROC [l: CD.Layer] = { IF blackX#NIL THEN CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: l, prop: blackX, val: NIL]; IF cyanX#NIL THEN CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: l, prop: cyanX, val: NIL]; IF magentaX#NIL THEN CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: l, prop: magentaX, val: NIL]; IF yellowX#NIL THEN CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: l, prop: yellowX, val: NIL]; }; Start: PUBLIC PROC[tech, device, b, c, m, y: ATOM, text: Rope.ROPE_NIL, invert: BOOL_FALSE] = { IF currTech#NIL THEN ERROR error; CDPropertyTools.RemoveProperties[$CDxPDPlotScale]; CDPropertyTools.RemoveProperties[device]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, $CDxPDPlotScale, NIL]; --might be not associated IF b#NIL THEN CDPropertyTools.RemoveProperties[b]; IF c#NIL THEN CDPropertyTools.RemoveProperties[c]; IF m#NIL THEN CDPropertyTools.RemoveProperties[m]; IF y#NIL THEN CDPropertyTools.RemoveProperties[y]; currTech _ CD.FetchTechnology[tech]; blackX _ b; cyanX _ c; yellowX _ y; magentaX _ m; CDValue.Store[currTech, device, text]; IF invert THEN { CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[black], yellowX]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[cyan], magentaX]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[yellow], blackX]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[magenta], cyanX]; } ELSE { CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[black], blackX]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[cyan], cyanX]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[yellow], yellowX]; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, tonerToKeyKeys[magenta], magentaX]; }; CDProperties.PutAtomProp[device, $CDxLastTechnology, currTech.key]; FOR l: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO Forgett[l] ENDLOOP; }; End: PUBLIC PROC [] = { currTech _ NIL }; Layer: PUBLIC PROC [uniqueKey: ATOM] = { currLayer _ CD.FetchLayer[t: currTech, uniqueKey: uniqueKey]; Forgett[currLayer] }; LayerNumber: PUBLIC PROC [layer: NAT] = { currLayer _ layer; Forgett[currLayer] }; Color1: PUBLIC PROC [key: ATOM] = { CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: currLayer, prop: key, val: $ink] }; Color4: PUBLIC PROC [key: ATOM, i0, i1, i2, i3: [0..16)] = { CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: currLayer, prop: key, val: IF i0=0 AND i1=0 AND i2=0 AND i3=0 THEN NIL ELSE IF i0=15 AND i1=15 AND i2=15 AND i3=15 THEN $ink ELSE NEW[Stipple4 _ [i0, i1, i2, i3]] ] }; Color8: PUBLIC PROC [key: ATOM, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7: [0..256)] = { CDProperties.PutLayerProp[onto: currLayer, prop: key, val: IF i0=0 AND i1=0 AND i2=0 AND i3=0 AND i4=0 AND i5=0 AND i6=0 AND i7=0 THEN NIL ELSE IF i0=255 AND i1=i0 AND i2=i0 AND i3=i0 AND i4=i0 AND i5=i0 AND i6=i0 AND i7=i0 THEN $ink ELSE NEW[Stipple8 _ [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7]] ] }; <<--initializations>> Init: PROC [] = { CDPropertyTools.Associate[$CDxPDPlotScale, $CDxPDPlotScale]; tonerToKeyKeys[black] _ $CDxPDPlotBlack; tonerToKeyKeys[cyan] _ $CDxPDPlotCyan; tonerToKeyKeys[magenta] _ $CDxPDPlotMagenta; tonerToKeyKeys[yellow] _ $CDxPDPlotYellow; CDSequencer.ImplementCommand[key: $PDPlotVersatec, proc: PDColorPlotComm, queue: doQueue]; CDSequencer.ImplementCommand[key: $PDPlotC150, proc: PDColorPlotComm, queue: doQueue]; CDSequencer.ImplementCommand[key: $PDPlotColor400, proc: PDColorPlotComm, queue: doQueue]; CDSequencer.ImplementCommand[key: $PDPlotUserDevice, proc: PDColorPlotComm, queue: doQueue]; Commander.Register[ key: "///Commands/CDWaitPlotFinished", proc: WaitPlotFinishedCommand, doc: "waits until ChipNDale pd plotting is finished once" ]; TerminalIO.PutRope["ChipNDale PD color plot program loaded\n"]; }; <<>> <<--this would overflow the internal clip regions of ImagerMaskCapture>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < REJECT];>> <<};>> <<>> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<]];>> <> <> <> <<};>> <<};>> <<};>> <<};>> <<>> DrawContext: PROC [pr: CD.DrawRef, proc: CD.DrawContextLayerProc, ob: CD.Object, trans: CD.Transformation, layer: CD.Layer] = { IF --pr.contextFilter#NIL AND-- pr.contextFilter[layer] THEN { IF ob#NIL THEN { ps: PlotState = NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; clip: CD.Rect ~ CDBasics.DeMapRect[pr.interestClip, trans].itemInCell; --in ob coords inter: CD.Rect ~ CDBasics.Intersection[ob.bbox, clip]; IF CDBasics.NonEmpty[inter] THEN { Operator: PROC [context: Imager.Context] = { Imager.SetStrokeWidth[context, 1]; Imager.SetStrokeEnd[context, round]; Imager.SetStrokeJoint[context, round]; Imager.ClipRectangle[context, [x: inter.x1, y: inter.y1, w: inter.x2-inter.x1, h: inter.y2-inter.y1]]; proc[context, ob, layer ! ImagerMaskCapture.Cant => REJECT]; }; t: CD.Transformation = [ off: [ Real.Round[ps.plotScale*(trans.off.x-ps.stripeClip.x1)], Real.Round[ps.plotScale*(trans.off.y-ps.stripeClip.y1)]], orient: trans.orient]; man: ImagerMaskCapture.Manhattan _ ImagerMaskCapture.CaptureManhattan[Operator, ImagerTransformation.Scale[ps.plotScale]]; FOR m: ImagerMaskCapture.Manhattan _ man, m.rest UNTIL m=NIL DO r: CD.Rect _ [ x1: m.first.sMin, y1: m.first.fMin, x2: m.first.sMin+m.first.sSize, y2: m.first.fMin+m.first.fSize ]; IF CDBasics.NonEmpty[r] THEN { <<--we do the transformation on the rectangles instead in the Operator because>> <<--that would exceed the range where ImagerMaskCapture works correctly. >> NoteDeviceRectangle[CDBasics.MapRect[r, t], layer, pr]; } ENDLOOP; ImagerManhattan.Destroy[man]; }; }; }; }; SetStipples: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc, technology: CD.Technology] = { PrepareContextFilter: PROC [dd: REF DeviceDesc] = { FOR l: CD.Layer IN CD.Layer DO IF dd.contextFilter^[l] THEN { color: BOOL _ FALSE; FOR toner: Toner IN Toner DO IF dd.tonerToKey[toner]#NIL THEN IF CDProperties.GetLayerProp[l, dd.tonerToKey[toner]]#NIL THEN { color _ TRUE; EXIT }; ENDLOOP; dd.contextFilter^[l] _ color } ENDLOOP; }; IF dd.stippleKey=NIL THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["device has undefined stipple key\n"]; ERROR ABORTED }; IF technology.key#CDProperties.GetAtomProp[dd.stippleKey, lastTechPropKey] THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["try to load the stipples\n"]; CDEnvironment.ExecFileEntry[Rope.Cat["PDPlot-stipples-", Atom.GetPName[dd.stippleKey], "-", technology.name], NIL, NIL]; TerminalIO.PutRope["stipples loaded; please check whether any errors occured\n"]; }; WITH CDValue.Fetch[technology, dd.stippleKey] SELECT FROM r: Rope.ROPE => TerminalIO.PutRopes["color stipples used: [", r, "]\n"]; ENDCASE => { TerminalIO.PutRope["**color stipples are not defined\n"]; ERROR ABORTED }; IF technology.key#CDProperties.GetAtomProp[dd.stippleKey, lastTechPropKey] THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["**Warning: another technology registered in the meantime; the technology independent stipples are redefined\n"]; }; dd.tonerToKey _ NEW[TonerKeys _ ALL[NIL]]; FOR t: PDFileWriter.Toner IN PDFileWriter.Toner DO dd.tonerToKey^[t] _ CDProperties.GetAtomProp[dd.stippleKey, tonerToKeyKeys[t]]; IF ~dd.toners[t] OR dd.tonerToKey^[t]=NIL THEN { dd.toners[t] _ FALSE; dd.tonerToKey^[t] _ NEW[INT]; } ENDLOOP; PrepareContextFilter[dd]; }; SetColor: PROC [ps: PlotState, lev: CD.Layer] = { MakeLoadref: PROC [pattern: REF ANY] RETURNS [loadRef: PDFileWriter.LoadReference] = TRUSTED { ToTexture: PROC [pattern: REF ANY] RETURNS [texture: Stipple16] = CHECKED { <<--tries to convert pattern to a texture stipple>> WITH pattern SELECT FROM s16: REF Stipple16 => texture _ s16^; s8: REF Stipple8 => FOR i: [0..8) IN [0..8) DO texture[i] _ texture[i+8] _ (256+1)*s8[i]; ENDLOOP; s4: REF Stipple4 => FOR i: [0..4) IN [0..4) DO texture[i] _ texture[i+4] _ texture[i+8] _ texture[i+12] _ s4[i]*1111H; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => RETURN[Stipple16[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0FFFFH]]; -- error texture RETURN [texture] }; -- ToTexture IF pattern=NIL THEN loadRef _ noColor ELSE IF pattern=$ink THEN loadRef _ fullColor ELSE { texture: Stipple16 _ ToTexture[pattern]; loadRef _ PDFileWriter.LoadContiguousColorTile[pdState: ps.pdState, phase: 0, sMin: 0, fMin: 0, sSize: 16, fSize: 16, bitsPtr: @texture]; IF loadRef>=fullColor THEN ERROR; }; }; -- MakeLoadref MakeLoad: PROC [ps: PlotState, lev: CD.Layer] = INLINE { <<--makes the load if it does not already exist>> IF ps.colorLoads^[lev]=NIL THEN { ps.colorLoads^[lev] _ NEW[LoadArray]; FOR toner: Toner IN Toner DO tex: REF _ CDProperties.GetLayerProp[from: lev, prop: ps.dd.tonerToKey[toner]]; IF tex=NIL THEN ps.colorLoads^[lev][toner] _ noColor ELSE ps.colorLoads^[lev][toner] _ MakeLoadref[tex] ENDLOOP; }; }; --MakeLoad <<--SetColor>> IF ps.anouncedLayer=lev THEN RETURN; IF ps.colorLoads^[lev]=NIL THEN MakeLoad[ps, lev]; FOR toner: Toner IN Toner DO IF ps.colorLoads^[lev][toner] = noColor THEN PDFileWriter.SetColorOff[ps.pdState, toner] ELSE IF ps.colorLoads^[lev][toner] = fullColor THEN PDFileWriter.SetColorInk[ps.pdState, toner] ELSE PDFileWriter.SetColorTile[ps.pdState, toner, ps.colorLoads^[lev][toner], transparent]; ENDLOOP; ps.anouncedLayer _ lev }; Init[]; END.