<> <> <> <> DIRECTORY PDFileFormat USING [Toner, DeviceCode], PDFileWriter USING [TonerSet], CD USING [Design, Rect, ContextFilter, Layer], Rope USING [ROPE]; CDPDPlot: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN <> <<>> TonerKeys: TYPE = ARRAY PDFileFormat.Toner OF REF; PageMode: TYPE = {fixedPage, finiteStripe, anyStripe}; DeviceDesc: TYPE = RECORD [ <<--fields for PDFileWriter.Create>> deviceCode: PDFileFormat.DeviceCode _ last, sResolution: CARDINAL, fResolution: CARDINAL, imageSSize: CARDINAL, imageFSize: CARDINAL, bandSSize: CARDINAL, copies: CARDINAL _ 1, leftOverMode: BOOLEAN _ TRUE, maxLoadWords: INT _ 60000, <<--fields for this module>> maxPixPerLambda: INT _ -1, stippleKey: ATOM, name: Rope.ROPE _ NIL, toners: PDFileWriter.TonerSet _ ALL[FALSE], pageMode: PageMode, pageSlowSize: CARDINAL, overlap: CARDINAL _ 30, -- number of pixels by which to overlap strips stripClip: CD.Rect, -- clip for a page; not reduced to real design clip tonerToKey: REF TonerKeys _ NIL, --key to get color stipples as properties of the layer contextFilter: REF CD.ContextFilter, unusedYet: REF _ NIL ]; TaskDesc: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ design: CD.Design, dd: REF DeviceDesc _ NIL, fileName: Rope.ROPE _ NIL, clip: CD.Rect _ [0, 0, -1, -1], scale: REAL _ -1, abort: REF BOOL _ NIL, strips: NAT _ 1 ]; MakeDevice: PROC [key: ATOM] RETURNS [dd: REF DeviceDesc]; Plot: PROC [task: REF TaskDesc]; <<--side effects, overwrites task and DeviceDesc>> <<>> <<--for interpreter usage>> fiddleDevice: REF DeviceDesc; Start: PROC[tech, device, b, c, m, y: ATOM, text: Rope.ROPE_NIL, invert: BOOL_FALSE]; End: PROC []; Layer: PROC [uniqueKey: ATOM]; LayerNumber: PROC [layer: CD.Layer]; Color1: PROC [key: ATOM]; Color4: PROC [key: ATOM, i0, i1, i2, i3: [0..16)]; Color8: PROC [key: ATOM, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7: [0..256)]; END.