CDCrib.tioga Copyright (C) 1984, 1987 by Xerox Corp. All rights reserved. By Gasbarro and Jacobi.
More Documentation: ChipNDaleIntroduction.tioga ChipNDaleDoc.tioga ChipNDaleToolsDoc.tioga
Start program:  CDNMos, CDCMosA, CDCMosB, or CDSil or simply read in a design
New Design:  CDNewNMos, CDNewCMosA, CDNewCMosB, or CDNewSil
Read Design:  CDOpen filename
Key Summary
Esc: NOT
Tab: Stretch
CTRL: Move, Execute
CTRL-Tab: Stretchy move
Shift: COPY, Chose the other thing (P+ N-, other Viewer)
Space: Viewer, Menu
WASZ: Directions
ERT: Transforms
D: Delete
QWET: Transistor, Pullup (nmos), Text (chipnsil)
Mouse left: redo the selection (together with command)
Mouse right: add to the selection
Mouse middle: draw
Select exclusively Left
Select Additional Right
Area Select exclusively Contained Left-stretch
Area Select additional Contained Right-stretch
Area Select exclusively Touching Swat-Left
Area Select additional Touching Swat-Right
Select All Space-Right
Cycle Selection For Overlapped Objects Space
Select single off current layer exclusively 0-1-Left
Select all off current layer exclusively Left-LF
Select all off current layer additional Right-LF
Deselect Object Esc-Right
Deselect All Esc-Left
Area Deselect Contained Esc-Right-stretch
Area Deselect Touching Shift-Swat
Draw Wire Middle
Confirm Wire Segment Shift
Flip Wire Space
Cut Wire \-{Left or Right}
Stop Drawing Wire Esc
Draw n/p Transistor Q-Middle / Q-Shift-Middle
Draw angle n/p Transistor W-Middle / W-Shift-Middle
Draw Pullup E-Middle (NMos)
Select Layer <1> diffusion <2> poly <3> metal <4> well contact <5> n-well <6> metal-2
{Shift or Lock} p-type diffusion or p-contact
ESC-middle layer of pointed rectangle
Change layer '-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Draw Contact <number>-Middle same as layers above plus:
<1>-<2> buried contact
<3> butting contact
Draw Text Y-Middle [change text: Y-{Left or Right or CTRL}]
Change font F-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Move CTRL-{Left or Right}
Step Move {A, S, W, Z}-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Stretchy Move Tab-CTRL-{Left or Right}
Step Stretchy Move Tab-{A, S, W, Z}-CTRL
Move to grid /-CTRL-{Left or Right}
Copy Shift-{Left or Right}
Rotate R-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Mirror Horizontally T-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Mirror Vertically E-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Delete D-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Undelete Esc-D
Stretch Tab-{Left or Right}
Step Stretch Tab-{A, S, W, Z}-{Left or Right}
Lengthen by width G-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Change magnification "<"or ">"
Change position Space-Middle
View all Space-A
View top level Space-Tab
View selections Space—Control
Previous view Space-ESC
Push C-Left
Push corrsponding X-Left
Pop Shift-C
Draw cell C-Middle
Create cell X-C-Middle
Repetitions (arrays) =-Middle
Decrement Repetition count ]-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Increment Repetition count [-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Transfrom repitition to cells [-]-{Left or Right or CTRL}
Type Properties P-Left
Enter Property Value P-Middle
Enter signal name N-Middle
Type signal name N-Left
Type Coordinates (measure) CTRL-Middle
Statistic CTRL-Middle quick
Show Instance Satellites I-LeftClick
Add Instance Satellite I-MiddleClick
Set Instance Satellites I-RightClick
Show Object Satellites O-LeftClick
Add Object Satellite O-MiddleClick
Set Object Satellites O-RightClick
Show Instance Expressions LI-LeftClick
Add Instance Expression LI-MiddleClick
Edit Instance Expressions LI-RightClick
Show Object Expressions LO-LeftClick
Add Object Expression LO-MiddleClick
Edit Object Expressions LO-RightClick
Global Menu Space-G  Global Menu on Rectangles G-Middle
Cell Menu Space-C
Viewer Menu Space-V
Directory Menu Space-D
Hardcopy Menu ..  Hardcopy Menu on Rectangles H-Mouse
Text & property Menu Space-B
IO Menu Space-I
DRC Menu Space-K  DRC Menu on Rectangles Space-K
Drawing-Modes Menu Space-M
Name & property Menu Space-N
Other Program Menu Space-O 
Program Menu Space-P Program Menu on Rectangles P-Mouse
Selection Menu Space-Q Selection Menu on Rectangles Q-Middle
Special Menu Space-S  Special Menu on Rectangles S-Middle (interest rect commands)
Transforms Menu Space-T
Generator setup Menu Space-U Generator call Menu (position) U-Middle
Ticks Menu Space-.
Grid Menu Space-/
Stop Repaint Esc-LF
Abort Command Esc-Del
Abort Command while input expected Del
Debug command ^-mouse
Procedure for inter design cell import:
(If name is different: Load design for import with (via Space-O))
Select design for interdesign source X-Z-Right
Select source cell
Include source cell X-Z-Middle
Procedure for inter design cell copy:
select the INCLUDE generator in the panel of the destination and use U-Middle