CDPanel.mesa (part of ChipNDale)
Copyright © 1983, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, August 8, 1983 5:20 pm
Last edited by: Christian Jacobi, September 16, 1986 5:55:08 pm PDT
CD USING [Design, Technology, Number, Layer],
CDSequencer USING [CommandProc, QueueMethod],
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer];
Control panels for the display and modification of values by the interactive user.
Don't use define procedures from forked process! (order gets fooled)
CreatePanel: PROC [design: CD.Design] RETURNS [ViewerClasses.Viewer];
--only one panel-viewer per design is created
--if panel-viewer already exists, simply return it
DefineNewLine: PROC [tech: CD.Technology←NIL];
--the next features will be defined on a new line
DefineLayerEntry: PROC [tech: CD.Technology←NIL, layer: CD.Layer, text: Rope.ROPE, min, default: CD.Number ← 1];
--introduces a layer entry
--only layers of technology tech may be used
--use CDLayers to querry or update values; display is updated automatically
DefineIntEntry: PROC [tech: CD.Technology ← NIL, cdValueKey: REF, text: Rope.ROPENIL, min: INTFIRST[INT], max: INTLAST[INT], default: INT ← 0, lambda: INT ← 1, redisplay: BOOL TRUE];
--cdValueKey must have been correctly registered with CDValue! CDPanel does NOT itself.
--(allows hooking entries onto already used keys)
--Restriction: displayed value does not follow changes of CDValue.StoreInt
--lambda=0: use lambda of technology
DefineButton: PROC [tech: CD.Technology ← NIL, name: Rope.ROPE ← NIL, proc: CDSequencer.CommandProc ← NIL, command: ATOMNIL, queue: CDSequencer.QueueMethod ← useDefault, topLine: BOOLFALSE, border: BOOLFALSE, data: REFNIL, cdValueKey: REFNIL, redisplay: BOOL TRUE];
--button is always forked
--data is hanged on
--cdValueKey # NIL: overwrites name field by using CDValue
DefineLabel: PROC [tech: CD.Technology ← NIL, name: Rope.ROPE, border: BOOLFALSE, cdValueKey: REFNIL, redisplay: BOOL TRUE];
--if cdValueKey # NIL: overwrites name field by using CDValue
DefineRopeEntry: PROC [tech: CD.Technology ← NIL, cdValueKey: REF, button: Rope.ROPENIL, width: INT ← -1, editable: BOOL TRUE, redisplay: BOOL FALSE];
--cdValueKey must have been correctly registered with CDValue
-- value on design typical a ROPE; technology may have LIST OF ROPE
--width: of field for text; in viewer units; -1 means: use total width of panel
--Usually it is bad to set redisplay to true: user edited text may get lost
FromDisplayRope: PROC [design: CD.Design, cdValueKey: REF] RETURNS [rope: Rope.ROPE];
--Shortcut for text entries
--Takes the displayed rope, stores it using CDValue.Store, and also returns it
ToDisplayRope: PROC [design: CD.Design, cdValueKey: REF, rope: Rope.ROPE];
--Shortcut for text entries
--Takes the given rope, stores it using CDValue.Store and updates the display on the panel
FromDisplay: PROC [design: CD.Design, cdValueKey: REF] RETURNS [REF];
--Takes any displayed entry, stores it using CDValue.Store and also returns it
ToDisplay: PROC [design: CD.Design, cdValueKey: REF] RETURNS [REF];
--Takes any value using CDValue.Fetch, displays and returns it
Redisplay: PROC [design: CD.Design];
--fetches with CDValue and update display for all entries which have a redisplay flag