Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reversed.
Created by Bryan Preas, June 4, 1986 4:02:08 pm PDT
Bryan Preas February 6, 1987 5:28:36 pm PST
Power routing to pads needs a better concept. Dropping interfering pins is a kludge!
Cabbage needs to be fixed when PWRoute removes PWPins.
Basics, Cabbage, CabbagePrivate, CD, CDBasics, CDCells, CDOps, CDSimpleRules, CDSymbolicObjects, Connections, Convert, Core, CoreGeometry, CoreOps, HashTable, List, PW, PWPins, PWRoute, Rope, Route, RouteUtil, RTBasic, Sinix, SinixOps, TerminalIO;
CabbageProcsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS Basics, Cabbage, CD, CDBasics, CDCells, CDOps, CDSimpleRules, CDSymbolicObjects, Connections, Convert, CoreGeometry, CoreOps, HashTable, List, PW, PWPins, PWRoute, Rope, Route, RouteUtil, RTBasic, Sinix, SinixOps, TerminalIO
EXPORTS CabbagePrivate
SHARES Route =
CreateHandle: PUBLIC PROC [inner, bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight, right, topRight, top, topLeft, left: Cabbage.Object, connections: Connections.Table, parms: Cabbage.PadRingParams, name: Rope.ROPE, routeType: CabbagePrivate.RouteType] RETURNS [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle]~ {
handle ← NEW[CabbagePrivate.HandleRec ← [name: name, connections: connections, parms: parms]];
handle.routeType ← routeType;
handle.rules ← CreateRouterParms[parms];
handle.globalRouting ← NEW[CabbagePrivate.GlobalRoutingRec];
IF routeType = normal THEN
handle.detailedRouting ← NEW[CabbagePrivate.DetailedRoutingRec]
handle.detailedRoutingPL ← NEW[CabbagePrivate.DetailedRoutingPLRec];
GetSizes[handle, inner, bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight, right, topRight, top, topLeft, left];
Define the routing design rules. technologyKey values are predefinded for now. horizLayer, vertLayer should be "poly", "metal" or "metal2".
CreateRouterParms: PROC [parms: Cabbage.PadRingParams] RETURNS [designRules: CabbagePrivate.DesignRules] = {
hLayer: CD.Layer ← CDSimpleRules.GetLayer[parms.technologyKey, parms.horizLayer];
vLayer: CD.Layer ← CDSimpleRules.GetLayer[parms.technologyKey, parms.vertLayer];
viaTable: HashTable.Table ← IF parms.viaTable # NIL THEN parms.viaTable ELSE HashTable.Create[equal: EqualProc, hash: HashProc];
designRules ← NEW[CabbagePrivate.DesignRulesRec];
designRules.horizParms.parms ← NEW[PWRoute.RouterParamsRec ← [trunkLayer: parms.horizLayer, branchLayer: parms.vertLayer, technologyKey: parms.technologyKey, wireWidthProc: NIL, signalIncomplete: parms.signalIncomplete, signalBreakAtExit: FALSE, signalSinglePinNets: parms.signalSinglePinNets, viaTable: viaTable]];
designRules.vertParms.parms ← NEW[PWRoute.RouterParamsRec ← [trunkLayer: parms.vertLayer, branchLayer: parms.horizLayer, technologyKey: parms.technologyKey, wireWidthProc: NIL, signalIncomplete: parms.signalIncomplete, signalBreakAtExit: FALSE, signalSinglePinNets: parms.signalSinglePinNets, viaTable: viaTable]];
designRules.horizParms.rules ← Route.CreateDesignRules[parms.technologyKey, hLayer, vLayer, horizontal];
designRules.vertParms.rules ← Route.CreateDesignRules[parms.technologyKey, hLayer, vLayer, vertical]};
GetSizes: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, inner, bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight, right, topRight, top, topLeft, left: Cabbage.Object] ~ {
lambda: INT ← handle.rules.horizParms.rules.CDLambda;
handle.inner ← GetObjectDescription[inner, lambda, lambda];
handle.bottom ← GetObjectDescription[bottom, lambda, lambda];
handle.right ← GetObjectDescription[right, lambda, lambda]; ← GetObjectDescription[top, lambda, lambda];
handle.left ← GetObjectDescription[left, lambda, lambda];
handle.bottomLeft ← GetObjectDescription[bottomLeft, handle.left.size.x, handle.bottom.size.y];
handle.bottomRight ← GetObjectDescription[bottomRight, handle.right.size.x, handle.bottom.size.y];
handle.topRight ← GetObjectDescription[topRight, handle.right.size.x,];
handle.topLeft ← GetObjectDescription[topLeft, handle.left.size.x,]};
GetObjectDescription: PROC [object: Cabbage.Object, minX, minY: INT] RETURNS [desc: CabbagePrivate.ObjectDescription] ~ {
desc.object ← object;
IF object = NIL THEN desc.size ← [minX, minY]
desc.size ← RTBasic.IRSize[object];
desc.size.x ← MAX[minX, desc.size.x];
desc.size.y ← MAX[minY, desc.size.y]}};
AssignPositions: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
hBottom, hTop, vLeft, vRight: INT;
[hBottom, hTop, vLeft, vRight] ← GetSize[handle];
handle.bottom.orgin ← [handle.bottomLeft.size.x + (handle.size.x - hBottom)/2, 0];
handle.right.orgin ← [handle.size.x - handle.right.size.x, handle.bottomRight.size.y + (handle.size.y - vRight)/2]; ← [handle.topLeft.size.x + (handle.size.x - hTop)/2, handle.size.y -];
handle.left.orgin ← [0, handle.bottomLeft.size.y + (handle.size.y - vLeft)/2];
InitWires: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
LookForGndAndVdd: Connections.EachNetAction ~ {
IF Rope.Equal[, "Vdd"] THEN handle.vddNet ← net
ELSE IF Rope.Equal[, "Gnd"] THEN handle.gndNet ← net};
EachNet: Connections.EachNetAction ~ {
EachSegment: Connections.EachSegmentAction ~ {
IF segment.object # handle.inner.object OR UseSegment[handle, segment, net] THEN
newNet.width ← MAX[newNet.width, segment.range.max - segment.range.min]
ELSE TerminalIO.PutRope[Rope.Cat[Rope.Cat["Segment ignored on net: ",, ", side: ", RTBasic.sideName[RTBasic.OtherSide[segment.side]], ", range: ["], Rope.Cat[Convert.RopeFromInt[segment.range.min], ", ", Convert.RopeFromInt[segment.range.max], "]\n"]]]};
newNet: Connections.Net ← NEW[Connections.NetRec ← [name:, width: net.width]];
IF net.width <= 0 THEN
[] ← Connections.EnumerateSegments[net, EachSegment];
[] ← Connections.Store[handle.widthTable,, newNet]};
handle.widthTable ← Connections.CreateForRopes[];
[] ← Connections.EnumerateNets[handle.connections, LookForGndAndVdd];
[] ← Connections.EnumerateNets[handle.connections, EachNet]};
CheckInnerPos: PUBLIC PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, innerPos: CD.Position] ~ {
actualInnerPos: CD.Position ← innerPos;
lowerY: INT ← handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y;
upperY: INT ← - handle.inner.size.y;
lowerX: INT ← handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x;
upperX: INT ← handle.right.orgin.x - handle.inner.size.x;
IF ~((lowerX <= innerPos.x AND innerPos.x <= upperX) AND (lowerY <= innerPos.y AND innerPos.y <= upperY)) THEN {
Cabbage.Signal[callingError, "The position specified for the inner object (innerPos) is invalid."];
actualInnerPos ← [(lowerX + upperX)/2, (lowerY + lowerY)/2]};
handle.inner.orgin ← actualInnerPos};
Global Routing
GlobalRoute: PUBLIC PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
EachNet: Connections.EachNetAction ~ {
sortedSegments: CabbagePrivate.SegmentSeq ← SortSegments[handle, net];
IF sortedSegments # NIL THEN {
segmentPair: CabbagePrivate.SegmentPair ← FindStartEndSegments[handle, net, sortedSegments];
AddNetToGlobalRoute[handle, net, segmentPair]}};
IF handle.connections # NIL THEN InitWires[handle];
[] ← Connections.EnumerateNets[handle.connections, EachNet]};
Sort the segments on this net in order arround the periphery
SortSegments: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net] RETURNS [sortedSegments: CabbagePrivate.SegmentSeq ← NIL] ~ {
CountSegments: Connections.EachSegmentAction ~ {
IF UseSegment[handle, segment, net] THEN numSegments ← numSegments + 1};
PinCompare: List.CompareProc ~ {
pos1, pos2: INT;
pos1 ← PosOf[handle, net, LOOPHOLE[ref1]];
pos2 ← PosOf[handle, net, LOOPHOLE[ref2]]};
RETURN [Basics.CompareINT[pos1, pos2]]};
numSegments, index: INT ← 0;
mungedSegmentList, sortedSegmentList: List.LORA;
[] ← Connections.EnumerateSegments[net, CountSegments];
IF numSegments > 1 THEN {
Use Reverse to get a new copy of the list because Sort is destructive
TRUSTED{mungedSegmentList ← List.Reverse[LOOPHOLE[net.segments]]};
sortedSegmentList ← List.Sort[mungedSegmentList, PinCompare];
sortedSegments ← NEW[CabbagePrivate.SegmentSeqRec[numSegments]];
FOR each: List.LORA ← sortedSegmentList, UNTIL each = NIL DO
segment: Connections.Segment;
TRUSTED{segment ← LOOPHOLE[each.first]};
IF UseSegment[handle, segment, net] THEN {
sortedSegments[index] ← segment;
index ← index + 1};
Find the start and end segments of a net arround the periphery
FindStartEndSegments: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net, sortedSegments: CabbagePrivate.SegmentSeq] RETURNS [segmentPair: CabbagePrivate.SegmentPair ← [NIL, NIL]] ~ {
minLength: INTLAST[INT];
perimeter: INT ← 2*(handle.size.x + handle.size.y);
length: INT;
startSeg, endSeg: Connections.Segment;
FOR index: NAT IN [0 .. sortedSegments.numSegments) DO
IF index < sortedSegments.numSegments - 1 THEN {
startSeg ← sortedSegments[index+1];
endSeg ← sortedSegments[index];
length ← perimeter - PosOf[handle, net, startSeg] + PosOf[handle, net, endSeg]}
endSeg ← sortedSegments[index];
startSeg ← sortedSegments[0];
length ← PosOf[handle, net, endSeg] - PosOf[handle, net, startSeg]};
IF length < minLength THEN {
minLength ← length;
segmentPair.seg1 ← startSeg;
segmentPair.seg2 ← endSeg}
IF segmentPair.seg1 = NIL OR segmentPair.seg2 = NIL THEN
Cabbage.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen"]};
Add this net to the global route
AddNetToGlobalRoute: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net, segmentPair: CabbagePrivate.SegmentPair] ~ {
pos1: INT ← PosOf[handle, net, segmentPair.seg1];
pos2: INT ← PosOf[handle, net, segmentPair.seg2];
IF pos1 < pos2 THEN {
FOR d: CabbagePrivate.Division IN CabbagePrivate.Division DO
IF pos1 < PosOfDivision[handle, d] AND PosOfDivision[handle, d] < pos2 THEN
handle.globalRouting.exitLists[d] ← CONS[net, handle.globalRouting.exitLists[d]]
FOR d: CabbagePrivate.Division IN CabbagePrivate.Division DO
IF PosOfDivision[handle, d] > pos1 OR PosOfDivision[handle, d] < pos2 THEN
handle.globalRouting.exitLists[d] ← CONS[net, handle.globalRouting.exitLists[d]]
Detailed Routing
DetailedRoute: PUBLIC PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
IF handle.routeType = normal THEN RouteSwitchBoxes[handle]
ELSE RouteSwitchBoxesPL[handle];
route all of the channels or just the left and right channels depending on routeType
RouteChannels: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
horizParms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet ← handle.rules.horizParms;
vertParms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet ← handle.rules.vertParms;
horizRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.inner.orgin.x, handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x];
vertRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.inner.orgin.y, handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y];
IF handle.routeType = normal THEN {
handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom] ← RouteChannel[handle, handle.bottom, handle.inner, bottom, bottomLeft, bottomRight, horizRange, horizParms];
handle.detailedRouting.channels[right] ← RouteChannel[handle, handle.inner, handle.right, right, rightBottom, rightTop, vertRange, vertParms];
handle.detailedRouting.channels[top] ← RouteChannel[handle, handle.inner,, top, topLeft, topRight, horizRange, horizParms];
handle.detailedRouting.channels[left] ← RouteChannel[handle, handle.left, handle.inner, left, leftBottom, leftTop, vertRange, vertParms]}
ELSE { -- routeType = padLimited
handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right] ← RouteChannel[handle, handle.inner, handle.right, right, rightBottom, rightTop, vertRange, vertParms];
handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left] ← RouteChannel[handle, handle.left, handle.inner, left, leftBottom, leftTop, vertRange, vertParms]}};
route one of the channels
RouteChannel: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle,
llObject, urObject: CabbagePrivate.ObjectDescription,
side: Route.Side,
llDiv, urDiv: CabbagePrivate.Division, range: Connections.Range,
parms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet]
RETURNS [channel: CabbagePrivate.Channel] ~ {
result: Route.RoutingResult;
retrieveRect: Route.RefRect;
rect: CD.Rect;
llSide, blSide: Route.Side;
dist, size, offset: INT;
obj1, obj2, bottomOrLeftObj, topOrRightObj: Cabbage.Object;
bottom => {isX ← FALSE; llSide ← top; blSide ← left};
right => {isX ← TRUE; llSide ← right; blSide ← bottom};
top => {isX ← FALSE; llSide ← top; blSide ← left};
left => {isX ← TRUE; llSide ← right; blSide ← bottom};
obj1 ← BuildObject[handle, llObject, llSide, range, parms.rules, NIL];
obj2 ← BuildObject[handle, urObject, RTBasic.OtherSide[llSide], range, parms.rules, NIL];
bottomOrLeftObj ← BuildEnd[handle, llDiv, blSide, parms.rules];
topOrRightObj ← BuildEnd[handle, urDiv, RTBasic.OtherSide[blSide], parms.rules];
parms.parms.wireWidthProc ← GetWireWidth;
parms.parms.context ← handle.widthTable;
result ← PWRoute.DoRoute[obj1, obj2, bottomOrLeftObj, topOrRightObj, parms.parms, isX, channel];
rect ← result.routingRect;
offset ← result.routingArea.rules.trunkToTrunk;
bottom => {
size ← urObject.orgin.y - (llObject.orgin.y + llObject.size.y);
dist ← MIN[rect.y1, rect.y2 - size + offset];
retrieveRect ← NEW[CD.Rect ← [rect.x1, dist, rect.x2, rect.y2 + offset]]};
right => {
size ← urObject.orgin.x - (llObject.orgin.x + llObject.size.x);
dist ← MAX[rect.x2, size - offset];
retrieveRect ← NEW[CD.Rect ← [rect.x1 - offset, rect.y1, dist, rect.y2]]};
top => {
size ← urObject.orgin.y - (llObject.orgin.y + llObject.size.y);
dist ← MAX[rect.y2, size - offset];
retrieveRect ← NEW[CD.Rect ← [rect.x1, rect.y1 - offset, rect.x2, dist]]};
left => {
size ← urObject.orgin.x - (llObject.orgin.x + llObject.size.x);
dist ← MIN[rect.x1, rect.x2 - size + offset];
retrieveRect ← NEW[CD.Rect ← [dist, rect.y1, rect.x2 + offset, rect.y2]]};
channel.object ← PWRoute.GetRouting[result, retrieveRect, parms.parms];
channel.size ← RTBasic.IRSize[channel.object]; ← BuildChannelShell[handle, channel, parms]};
BuildObject: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, objectDes: CabbagePrivate.ObjectDescription, side: Route.Side, range: Connections.Range, rules: Route.DesignRules, opposingCell: Cabbage.Object] RETURNS [shell: Cabbage.Object ← CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]] ~ {
build a shell for side of channel or switchbox; input to router
opposingCell is a HACK to check for constraint loops caused by the routing channel ends
EachNet: Connections.EachNetAction ~ {
EachSegment: Connections.EachSegmentAction ~ {
IF (segment.object = objectDes.object AND segment.side = side) THEN {
orgin: INTSELECT side FROM
bottom, top => objectDes.orgin.x,
right, left => objectDes.orgin.y,
ENDCASE => Cabbage.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen."];
adjustedRange: Connections.Range ← [orgin + segment.range.min, orgin + segment.range.max];
useThisOuter: BOOLEAN ← segment.object # handle.inner.object AND UseSegment[handle, segment, net] AND ~OverlapsOnOpposing[handle, opposingCell, adjustedRange, RTBasic.OtherSide[side],];
IF useThisOuter AND CrossesBoundry[adjustedRange, range] THEN
Cabbage.Signal[callingError, Rope.Cat["Segment on net: ",, " crosses a seam between routing areas"]];
IF (useThisOuter OR objectDes.object = handle.inner.object) AND ProperSubset[adjustedRange, range] THEN {
bottom => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [adjustedRange.min, oldIR.y1, adjustedRange.max, oldIR.y1+rules.trunkWidth], layer: segment.layer];
right => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [oldIR.x2-rules.trunkWidth, adjustedRange.min, oldIR.x2, adjustedRange.max], layer: segment.layer];
top => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [adjustedRange.min, oldIR.y2-rules.trunkWidth, adjustedRange.max, oldIR.y2], layer: segment.layer];
left => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [oldIR.x1, adjustedRange.min, oldIR.x1+rules.trunkWidth, adjustedRange.max], layer: segment.layer];
[] ← Connections.EnumerateSegments[net, EachSegment]};
oldIR: CD.Rect ← CD.InterestRect[objectDes.object];
interestRect: CD.Rect;
[] ← Connections.EnumerateNets[handle.connections, EachNet];
bottom, top => interestRect ← [range.min, oldIR.y1, range.max, oldIR.y2];
left, right => interestRect ← [oldIR.x1, range.min, oldIR.x2, range.max];
CDCells.SetInterestRect[design: NIL, cell: shell, r: interestRect];
BuildEnd: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, division: CabbagePrivate.Division, side: Route.Side, rules: Route.DesignRules] RETURNS [shell: Cabbage.Object ← CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]] ~ {
build a shell for end of channel; input to router
EachExit: EachExitAction ~ {
width: INTMAX[rules.trunkWidth, net.width];
dist ← dist + rules.trunkWidth;
bottom => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [dist, rules.trunkWidth, dist + width, 2*rules.trunkWidth], layer: rules.trunkLayer];
right => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [0, dist, rules.trunkWidth, dist + width], layer: rules.trunkLayer];
top => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [dist, 0, dist + width, rules.trunkWidth], layer: rules.trunkLayer];
left => IncludePin[object: shell, name:, denotes: [rules.trunkWidth, dist, 2*rules.trunkWidth, dist + width], layer: rules.trunkLayer];
dist ← dist + width};
dist: INT ← 0;
interestRect: CD.Rect;
[] ← EnumerateExits[handle.globalRouting.exitLists[division], division, EachExit];
interestRect ← SELECT side FROM
bottom, top => [0, 0, dist + rules.trunkWidth, 2*rules.trunkWidth],
left, right => [0, 0, 2*rules.trunkWidth, dist + rules.trunkWidth],
ENDCASE => Cabbage.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen"];
CDCells.SetInterestRect[design: NIL, cell: shell, r: interestRect];
BuildChannelShell: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, channel: CabbagePrivate.Channel, parms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet] RETURNS [shell: Cabbage.Object ← CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]] ~ {
build a PWPins shell for the channel
ChanPublics: CoreGeometry.EachWirePinProc ~ {
PROC [wire: Wire, min, max: INT, side: Side, layer: CD.Layer] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE];
add decoration for public; wire is an unbound wire
name: Rope.ROPE ← CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire];
bottom => IncludePin[object: shell, name: name, denotes: [rect.x1+min, rect.y1, rect.x1+max, rect.y1+depth], layer: layer];
right => IncludePin[object: shell, name: name, denotes: [rect.x2-depth, rect.y1+min, rect.x2, rect.y1+max], layer: layer];
top => IncludePin[object: shell, name: name, denotes: [rect.x1+min, rect.y2-depth, rect.x1+max, rect.y2], layer: layer];
left => IncludePin[object: shell, name: name, denotes: [rect.x1, rect.y1+min, rect.x1+depth, rect.y1+max], layer: layer];
mode: Sinix.Mode = SinixOps.GetExtractMode[];
cellType: Core.CellType ← NARROW [Sinix.Extract[channel.object, mode].result];
depth: Route.Number ← parms.rules.trunkWidth;
rect: CD.Rect ← CD.InterestRect[channel.object];
[] ← CoreGeometry.EnumerateNonOverlappingSides[mode.decoration, cellType, ChanPublics];
CDCells.SetInterestRect[design: NIL, cell: shell, r: rect];
adjust he positions of everything to account for the actual channel widths
AdjustPositions: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
adjust for the vertical dimension
routeType: CabbagePrivate.RouteType ← handle.routeType;
sizeBottomArea: INT ← handle.inner.orgin.y - (handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y);
sizeBottomRouting: INTIF handle.routeType = normal THEN handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].size.y
ELSE handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom].size.y;
adjBottom: INT ← sizeBottomRouting - sizeBottomArea;
sizeLeftArea: INT ← handle.inner.orgin.x - (handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x);
sizeLeftRouting: INTIF handle.routeType = normal THEN handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].size.x
ELSE handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].size.x;
adjLeft: INT ← sizeLeftRouting - sizeLeftArea;
adjTop, adjRight, sizeTopArea, sizeTopRouting, sizeRightArea, sizeRightRouting: INT;
handle.inner.orgin ← CDBasics.AddPoints[handle.inner.orgin, [MAX[0, adjLeft], MAX[0, adjBottom]]];
handle.bottom.orgin ← CDBasics.AddPoints[handle.bottom.orgin, [MAX[0, adjLeft], 0]];
handle.right.orgin ← CDBasics.AddPoints[handle.right.orgin, [MAX[0, adjLeft], MAX[0, adjBottom]]]; ← CDBasics.AddPoints[, [MAX[0, adjLeft], MAX[0, adjBottom]]];
handle.left.orgin ← CDBasics.AddPoints[handle.left.orgin, [0, MAX[0, adjBottom]]];
sizeTopArea ← - (handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y);
sizeTopRouting ← IF handle.routeType = normal THEN handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].size.y
ELSE handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top].size.y;
adjTop ← sizeTopRouting - sizeTopArea;
sizeRightArea ← handle.right.orgin.x - (handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x);
sizeRightRouting ← IF handle.routeType = normal THEN handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].size.x
ELSE handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].size.x;
adjRight ← sizeRightRouting - sizeRightArea; ← CDBasics.AddPoints[, [0, MAX[0, adjTop]]];
handle.right.orgin ← CDBasics.AddPoints[handle.right.orgin, [MAX[0, adjRight], 0]];
[] ← GetSize[handle];
IF handle.routeType = normal THEN {
handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x, handle.inner.orgin.y - handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].size.y];
handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y];
handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x, handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y];
handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x - handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y];
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomLeft].orgin ← [handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x, handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y];
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomRight].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x, handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y];
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topRight].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y];
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topLeft].orgin ← [handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y]}
ELSE { -- routeType = padLimited
handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y];
handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].orgin ← [handle.inner.orgin.x - handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y];
handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom].orgin ← [handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x, handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y];
handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top].orgin ← [handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x, handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y]};
route all of the switchBoxes (the corners)
RouteSwitchBoxes: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
horizParms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet ← handle.rules.horizParms;
leftHorizRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x, handle.inner.orgin.x];
rightHorizRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x, handle.right.orgin.x];
bottomVertRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y, handle.inner.orgin.y];
topVertRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y,];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← TRUE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← FALSE;
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomLeft] ← RouteSwitchBox[handle, bottomLeft, leftHorizRange, bottomVertRange, horizParms];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← FALSE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← TRUE;
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomRight] ← RouteSwitchBox[handle, bottomRight, rightHorizRange, bottomVertRange, horizParms];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← FALSE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← TRUE;
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topRight] ← RouteSwitchBox[handle, topRight, rightHorizRange, topVertRange, horizParms];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← TRUE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← FALSE;
handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topLeft] ← RouteSwitchBox[handle, topLeft, leftHorizRange, topVertRange, horizParms];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← FALSE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← FALSE};
route the bottom and top switchBoxes
RouteSwitchBoxesPL: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
horizParms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet ← handle.rules.horizParms;
horizRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.left.orgin.x + handle.left.size.x, handle.right.orgin.x];
bottomVertRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.bottom.orgin.y + handle.bottom.size.y, handle.inner.orgin.y];
topVertRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y,];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← TRUE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← TRUE;
handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom] ← RouteSwitchBoxPL[handle, bottom, horizRange, bottomVertRange, horizParms];
handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top] ← RouteSwitchBoxPL[handle, top, horizRange, topVertRange, horizParms];
horizParms.parms.okToDiddleLLPins ← FALSE; horizParms.parms.okToDiddleURPins ← FALSE};
GetWireWidth: PWRoute.WireWidthProc ~ {
PROC [netName: ROPE, context: REF ANY] RETURNS [wireWidth: INT]
table: Connections.Table ← NARROW[context];
net: Connections.Net ← Connections.Fetch[table, netName].net;
wireWidth ← net.width};
RouteSwitchBoxPL: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, side: RTBasic.TBSide, horizRange, vertRange: Connections.Range, parms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet] RETURNS [switchBox: CabbagePrivate.SwitchBox] ~ {
bottomObject, topObject: Cabbage.Object;
leftObject: Cabbage.Object ← BuildObject[handle, handle.left, right, vertRange, parms.rules, NIL];
rightObject: Cabbage.Object ← BuildObject[handle, handle.right, left, vertRange, parms.rules, NIL];
innerRange: Connections.Range ← [handle.inner.orgin.x, handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x];
bottom => {
innerObject: Cabbage.Object ← BuildObject[handle, handle.inner, bottom, innerRange, parms.rules, NIL];
topObject ← PW.AbutListX[LIST[handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].shell, innerObject, handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].shell]];
bottomObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.bottom, top, horizRange, parms.rules, topObject]};
top => {
innerObject: Cabbage.Object ← BuildObject[handle, handle.inner, top, innerRange, parms.rules, NIL];
bottomObject ← PW.AbutListX[LIST[handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].shell, innerObject, handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].shell]];
topObject ← BuildObject[handle,, bottom, horizRange, parms.rules, bottomObject]};
parms.parms.wireWidthProc ← GetWireWidth;
parms.parms.context ← handle.widthTable;
switchBox.object ← PWRoute.MakeChannel[bottomObject, topObject, leftObject, rightObject, NIL, parms.parms, FALSE, switchBox];
switchBox.size ← RTBasic.IRSize[switchBox.object]};
RouteSwitchBox: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, corner: CabbagePrivate.Corners, horizRange, vertRange: Connections.Range, parms: CabbagePrivate.ParmSet] RETURNS [switchBox: CabbagePrivate.SwitchBox] ~ {
bottomObject, topObject, leftObject, rightObject: Cabbage.Object;
bottomLeft => {
topObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].shell;
bottomObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.bottom, top, horizRange, parms.rules, topObject];
leftObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.left, right, vertRange, parms.rules, NIL];
rightObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].shell};
bottomRight => {
topObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].shell;
bottomObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.bottom, top, horizRange, parms.rules, topObject];
rightObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.right, left, vertRange, parms.rules, NIL];
leftObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].shell};
topRight => {
bottomObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].shell;
topObject ← BuildObject[handle,, bottom, horizRange, parms.rules, bottomObject];
rightObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.right, left, vertRange, parms.rules, NIL];
leftObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].shell};
topLeft => {
bottomObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].shell;
topObject ← BuildObject[handle,, bottom, horizRange, parms.rules, bottomObject];
leftObject ← BuildObject[handle, handle.left, right, vertRange, parms.rules, NIL];
rightObject ← handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].shell};
parms.parms.wireWidthProc ← GetWireWidth;
parms.parms.context ← handle.widthTable;
switchBox.object ← PWRoute.MakeChannel[bottomObject, topObject, leftObject, rightObject, NIL, parms.parms, FALSE, switchBox];
switchBox.size ← RTBasic.IRSize[switchBox.object]};
Object Generation
MakeChip: PUBLIC PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] RETURNS [chip: Cabbage.Object] ~ {
chip ← CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[];
IncludeObject[handle.inner.object, handle.inner.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.bottomLeft.object, handle.bottomLeft.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.bottom.object, handle.bottom.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.bottomRight.object, handle.bottomRight.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.right.object, handle.right.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.topRight.object, handle.topRight.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[,, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.topLeft.object, handle.topLeft.orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.left.object, handle.left.orgin, chip];
IF handle.routeType = normal THEN {
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].object, handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].object, handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].object, handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].object, handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomLeft].object, handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomLeft].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomRight].object, handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[bottomRight].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topRight].object, handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topRight].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topLeft].object, handle.detailedRouting.switchBoxes[topLeft].orgin, chip]}
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].object, handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].object, handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom].object, handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom].orgin, chip];
IncludeObject[handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top].object, handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top].orgin, chip]};
[] ← RTBasic.RepositionCell[chip];
IncludeObject: PROC [object: Cabbage.Object, orgin: CD.Position, chip: Cabbage.Object] ~ {
IF object # NIL THEN
[] ← RouteUtil.Include[cell: chip, ob: object, position: CDOps.FitObjectI[ob: object, location: orgin, orientation: original].off, orientation: original]};
Utility Procedures
Find the position of a segment projected to the periphery. The lower left corner is the orgin.
PosOf: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net, segment: Connections.Segment] RETURNS [INT] ~ {
RETURN[MiddleOfRange[RangeOf[handle, net, segment]]]};
Find the range of a segment projected to the periphery. The lower left corner is the orgin.
RangeOf: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net, segment: Connections.Segment] RETURNS [range: Connections.Range] ~ {
segment.object = handle.inner.object => range ← InnerRange[handle, net, segment];
segment.object = handle.bottom.object => range ← OuterRange[handle, net, segment, bottom];
segment.object = handle.right.object => range ← OuterRange[handle, net, segment, right];
segment.object = => range ← OuterRange[handle, net, segment, top];
segment.object = handle.left.object => range ← OuterRange[handle, net, segment, left];
ENDCASE => Cabbage.Signal[callingError, Rope.Cat["Invalid object in net: ",]]};
Given a segment, compute the middle of the connection point
MiddleOfRange: PROC [range: Connections.Range] RETURNS [INT] ~ {
InnerRange: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net, segment: Connections.Segment] RETURNS [range: Connections.Range] ~ {
orgin: INT;
SELECT segment.side FROM
bottom =>
{orgin ← handle.inner.orgin.x;
range ← [orgin + segment.range.min, orgin + segment.range.max]};
right =>
{orgin ← handle.size.x + handle.inner.orgin.y;
range ← [orgin + segment.range.min, orgin + segment.range.max]};
top =>
{orgin ← handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.x - handle.inner.orgin.x);
range ← [orgin - segment.range.max, orgin - segment.range.min]};
left =>
{orgin ← 2*handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.y - handle.inner.orgin.y);
range ← [orgin - segment.range.max, orgin - segment.range.min]};
OuterRange: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, net: Connections.Net, segment: Connections.Segment, side: Route.Side] RETURNS [range: Connections.Range] ~ {
orgin: INT;
IF segment.side # RTBasic.OtherSide[side] THEN Cabbage.Signal[callingError, Rope.Cat["Invalid side in net: ",]];
bottom =>
{orgin ← handle.bottom.orgin.x;
range ← [orgin + segment.range.min, orgin + segment.range.max]};
right =>
{orgin ← handle.size.x + handle.right.orgin.y;
range ← [orgin + segment.range.min, orgin + segment.range.max]};
top =>
{orgin ← handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.x -;
range ← [orgin - segment.range.max, orgin - segment.range.min]};
left =>
{orgin ← 2*handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.y - handle.left.orgin.y);
range ← [orgin - segment.range.max, orgin - segment.range.min]};
PosOfDivision: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, division: CabbagePrivate.Division] RETURNS [pos: INT] ~ {
SELECT division FROM
bottomLeft => pos ← handle.inner.orgin.x;
bottomRight => pos ← handle.inner.orgin.x + handle.inner.size.x;
rightBottom => pos ← handle.size.x + handle.inner.orgin.y;
rightTop => pos ← handle.size.x + handle.inner.orgin.y + handle.inner.size.y;
topRight => pos ← handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.x - handle.inner.orgin.x - handle.inner.size.x);
topLeft => pos ← handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.x - handle.inner.orgin.x);
leftTop => pos ← 2*handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.y - handle.inner.orgin.y - handle.inner.size.y);
leftBottom => pos ← 2*handle.size.x +handle.size.y + (handle.size.y - handle.inner.orgin.y);
EachExitAction: TYPE = PROC [division: CabbagePrivate.Division, net: Connections.Net] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEANFALSE];
EnumerateExits: PROC [exitList: CabbagePrivate.ExitList, division: CabbagePrivate.Division, eachExitAction: EachExitAction] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEANFALSE] ~ {
FOR list: CabbagePrivate.ExitList ← exitList, WHILE ~quit AND list # NIL DO
exit: Connections.Net ← list.first;
quit ← eachExitAction[division, exit];
returns TRUE if either end but not both ends of r1 is within r2
CrossesBoundry: PROC [r1, r2: Connections.Range] RETURNS [crosses: BOOLEAN] ~ {
crosses ←(r1.min <= r2.min AND r2.min <= r1.max) OR
(r1.min <= r2.max AND r2.max <= r1.max);
returns TRUE if r1 is within r2
ProperSubset: PROC [r1, r2: Connections.Range] RETURNS [subset: BOOLEAN] ~ {
subset ←((r2.min <= r1.min AND r1.min <= r2.max) AND
(r2.min <= r1.max AND r1.max <= r2.max));
GetSize: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] RETURNS [hBottom, hTop, vLeft, vRight: INT] ~ {
vMiddle, hMiddle: INT;
IF handle.routeType = normal THEN {
vMiddle ← handle.bottom.size.y + handle.detailedRouting.channels[bottom].size.y + handle.inner.size.y + handle.detailedRouting.channels[top].size.y +;
hMiddle ← handle.left.size.x + handle.detailedRouting.channels[left].size.x + handle.inner.size.x + handle.detailedRouting.channels[right].size.x + handle.right.size.x}
hCenter: INT ← handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[left].size.x + handle.inner.size.x + handle.detailedRoutingPL.channels[right].size.x;
hInner: INTMAX[hCenter, handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top].size.x, handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom].size.x];
vMiddle ← handle.bottom.size.y + handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[bottom].size.y + handle.inner.size.y + handle.detailedRoutingPL.switchBoxes[top].size.y +;
hMiddle ← handle.left.size.x + hInner + handle.right.size.x};
vLeft ← handle.bottomLeft.size.y + handle.left.size.y + handle.topLeft.size.y;
vRight ← handle.bottomRight.size.y + handle.right.size.y + handle.topRight.size.y;
hBottom ← handle.bottomLeft.size.x + handle.bottom.size.x + handle.bottomRight.size.x;
hTop ← handle.topLeft.size.x + + handle.topRight.size.x;
handle.size.y ← MAX[vLeft, vMiddle, vRight];
handle.size.x ← MAX[hBottom, hMiddle, hTop]};
DoCorners: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle] ~ {
handle.bottomLeft.orgin ← [0, 0];
handle.bottomRight.orgin ← [handle.size.x - handle.bottomRight.size.x, 0];
handle.topRight.orgin ← [handle.size.x - handle.topRight.size.x, handle.size.y - handle.topRight.size.y];
handle.topLeft.orgin ← [0, handle.size.y - handle.topLeft.size.y]};
IncludePin: PROC [object: CD.Object, name: Rope.ROPE, denotes: CD.Rect, layer: CD.Layer] ~ {
pin: CD.Object ← CDSymbolicObjects.CreatePin[CDBasics.SizeOfRect[denotes]];
pinInstance: CD.Instance ← RouteUtil.Include[cell: object, ob: pin, position: CDBasics.BaseOfRect[denotes], orientation: original];
CDSymbolicObjects.SetName[pinInstance, name];
CDSymbolicObjects.SetLayer[pinInstance, layer]};
UseSegment: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, segment: Connections.Segment, net: Connections.Net] RETURNS [useIt: BOOLEANTRUE] ~ {
IF net = handle.vddNet AND
segment.object # handle.inner.object AND SegsOverlap[handle, segment, net, handle.gndNet]
ELSE IF net = handle.gndNet AND
segment.object # handle.inner.object AND SegsOverlap[handle, segment, net, handle.vddNet]
THEN useIt ← FALSE};
SegsOverlap: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, testSegment: Connections.Segment, testNet, net: Connections.Net] RETURNS [overlaps: BOOLEAN] ~ {
Check for overlaps by net; partially redundant with OverlapsOnOpposing
EachSegment: Connections.EachSegmentAction ~ {
IF Overlaps[expandedRange, RangeOf[handle, net, segment]] THEN quit ← TRUE};
testRange: Connections.Range ← RangeOf[handle, testNet, testSegment];
spacing: INTIF testSegment.side = top OR testSegment.side = bottom THEN
ELSE handle.rules.horizParms.rules.branchToBranch;
expandedRange: Connections.Range ← [testRange.min - spacing, testRange.max + spacing];
overlaps ← Connections.EnumerateSegments[net, EachSegment]};
Overlaps: PUBLIC PROC [r1, r2: Connections.Range] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
RETURN [(r1.min<=r2.max) AND (r2.min<=r1.max)]};
OverlapsOnOpposing: PROC [handle: CabbagePrivate.Handle, opposingCell: Cabbage.Object, range: Connections.Range, side: Connections.Side, netName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [overlap: BOOLEANFALSE] ~ {
This is a HACK. Needs to be changed when PWPins/shells are removed!
Test for constraint loop creation. SegOverlap does not test for constraint loops caused by ends of channels. Returns TRUE if there are overlaps accross the channe;l or switchbox
EachPin: PWPins.InstanceEnumerator ~ {
IF pwSide = PWPins.GetSide[opposingCell, inst] AND ((Rope.Equal[netName,] AND Rope.Equal[CDSymbolicObjects.GetName[inst],]) OR (Rope.Equal[netName,] AND Rope.Equal[CDSymbolicObjects.GetName[inst],])) THEN {
rect: CD.Rect ← CDBasics.MapRect[inst.ob.bbox, inst.trans];
pinRange: Connections.Range ← SELECT side FROM
bottom, top => [rect.x1, rect.x2],
right, left => [rect.y1, rect.y2],
ENDCASE => Cabbage.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen."];
quit ← Overlaps[pinRange, expandedRange]}};
pwSide: PWPins.Side ← SELECT side FROM
bottom => bottom, right => right, top => top, left => left,
ENDCASE => Cabbage.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen."];
spacing: INTIF side = top OR side = bottom THEN
ELSE handle.rules.horizParms.rules.branchToBranch;
expandedRange: Connections.Range ← [range.min - spacing, range.max + spacing];
IF opposingCell # NIL THEN
overlap ← PWPins.EnumerateEdgePins[opposingCell, EachPin]};
EqualProc: PROC [k1, k2: HashTable.Key] RETURNS [eq: BOOL] = {
p1: Route.Position ← NARROW[k1, REF Route.Position]^;
p2: Route.Position ← NARROW[k2, REF Route.Position]^;
eq ← p1.x = p2.x AND p1.y = p2.y};
HashProc: PROC [k: HashTable.Key] RETURNS [hash: CARDINAL] = {
size: Route.Position ← NARROW[k, REF Route.Position]^;
hash ← size.x + size.y};