-- CDInterpressPlot21.df
-- Creating Interpress files for ChipNDale
-- Copyright (C) 1985 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
-- 	Last Edited by: Jacobi, June 27, 1985 5:06:56 pm PDT
-- 	Last Edited by: Jacobi, October 2, 1985 5:54:09 pm PDT

Exports [DATools]<DATools6.0>top>
  CDInterpressPlot21.df                        02-Oct-85 17:54:11 PDT

Exports [DATools]<DATools6.0>CDInterpressPlot21>
 +CDInterpressPlotImpl.bcd!1                   30-Aug-85 16:59:38 PDT
 +CDInterpress.load!1                          30-Aug-85 15:37:19 PDT
 +CDSubstituteFonts.SubstituteFonts!1          30-Aug-85 18:48:08 PDT

Directory [DATools]<DATools6.0>CDInterpressPlot21>
  CDInterpressPlotImpl.mesa!1                  30-Aug-85 16:59:16 PDT

Imports [DATools]<DATools6.0>top>cd21.df Of ~=
  Using [CD.bcd, CDEvents.bcd, CDBasics.bcd, CDMenus.bcd, CDOps.bcd, CDSequencer.bcd,
    CDCommandOps.bcd, CDExtras.bcd, CDProperties.bcd, D2Basic.bcd, CDIO.bcd, CDTexts.bcd]

Imports [DATools]<DATools6.0>top>TerminalIO1.df Of ~=
  Using [TerminalIO.bcd]

Exports Imports [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Top>Interpress.df Of ~=
  Using [+InterpressPackage.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>BasicPackages.df Of ~=
  Using [RefTab.bcd, SymTab.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>FS.df Of ~=
  Using [FS.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Top>Interpress.df Of ~=
  Using [ImagerInterpress.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>Imager.df Of ~=
  Using [Imager.bcd, ImagerTransformation.bcd, Vector2.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>IO.df Of ~=
  Using [IO.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>Real.df Of ~=
  Using [Real.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>Rope.df Of ~=
  Using [Rope.bcd]

Imports [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>SafeStorage.df Of ~=
  Using [Atom.bcd]