file ///StdCell/SCWidthUtil.mesa
placement utility routines
-- InitGetChanWidth - initialize for determining the width of a channel
-- NewWsEntry - get a new wire segment entry and insert pos, return location
-- EnterNet - enter a net on a channel into data base
-- EnterRowDat - enter routing data for one side of one row into data base
-- EnterSideDat - enter routing data for one side of one side into data base
-- EnterExitDat - enter exit data for a channel into routing data base
-- EnterMinDat - minmium route channels need special processing to
include the minimun number of wire segments of minimum length
-- SortPinDat - sort the pin data
-- SortLimitdat - sort the data representing the extremes of each net on each channel
-- GetChanWl - find wirelength for this channel
-- MaxTrackDensity - find maximum track density on a channel
-- GetChanWidth - get width of channel specified
-- EnterCntdDat - enter data for connections between horiz and vert channels
-- GetSideWidth - get width of channel on side
-- AllChanWidths - find widths of all channels
find wirelength for this channel
GetChanWl: PROCEDURE [handle: SC.Handle]RETURNS [wireLength: INT];
get width of channel specified
GetChanWidth: PROCEDURE[handle: SC.Handle, rowChan: SCPrivate.RowChan, fom: SCPrivate.FomType, doWidth: BOOLEAN]
RETURNS [chanWidth, wireLength: INT];
get width of channel on side
GetSideWidth: PROCEDURE[handle: SC.Handle, lRSide: SCPrivate.LRSide, fom: SCPrivate.FomType] RETURNS [chanWidth, wireLength: INT];
find widths of all channels
AllChanWidths: PROCEDURE[handle: SC.Handle, fom: SCPrivate.FomType];