-- File: newtest.mesa - Created by SETAR 17-Jan-86 14:31:58 -- Frank Bowers January 20, 1986 11:23:30 am PST DIRECTORY Core, CoreClasses, CoreCompose, CoreOps, CoreProperties, Rope, SCTestCore; newtest: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CoreClasses, CoreCompose, CoreOps, CoreProperties EXPORTS SCTestCore = BEGIN CellInstance: TYPE = CoreClasses.CellInstance; CellType: TYPE = {c1IV00B, c1AN02A, c1NO02B, c1NO03B, c1NA03A, c1OR02A, c1NO04B}; ct: ARRAY CellType OF Core.CellType; InitializeTypes: PROC [context: CoreCompose.Context] = { c1IV00BWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "I, X, Vdd, Gnd"]; c1AN02AWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "IXA, IXB, X, Vdd, Gnd"]; c1NO02BWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "IXA, IXB, X, Vdd, Gnd"]; c1NO03BWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "IXA, IXB, X, IXC, Vdd, Gnd"]; c1NA03AWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "IXA, IXB, IXC, X, Vdd, Gnd"]; c1OR02AWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "IXA, IXB, X, Vdd, Gnd"]; c1NO04BWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "IXA, IXB, IXC, IXD, X, Vdd, Gnd"]; ct[c1IV00B] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1IV00B", c1IV00BWires, NIL, NIL]; ct[c1AN02A] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1AN02A", c1AN02AWires, NIL, NIL]; ct[c1NO02B] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1NO02B", c1NO02BWires, NIL, NIL]; ct[c1NO03B] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1NO03B", c1NO03BWires, NIL, NIL]; ct[c1NA03A] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1NA03A", c1NA03AWires, NIL, NIL]; ct[c1OR02A] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1OR02A", c1OR02AWires, NIL, NIL]; ct[c1NO04B] ← CreateRecordCell[context, "C1NO04B", c1NO04BWires, NIL, NIL]; }; CreateInstance: PROC [context: CoreCompose.Context, actual: Rope.ROPE, type: Core.CellType, name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [instance: CellInstance] = { instance ← NEW[CoreClasses.CellInstanceRec ← [CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, actual], type, NIL]]; CoreProperties.PutCellInstanceProp[instance, CoreClasses.instanceNameProp, name]}; CreateRecordCell: PROC [context: CoreCompose.Context, name: Rope.ROPE, public: Core.WireSequence, onlyInternal: Core.WireSequence ← NIL, instances: CoreClasses.CellInstanceList ← NIL] RETURNS [cellType: Core.CellType] = { internal: Core.WireSequence ← WireUnion[public, onlyInternal]; recCell: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NEW [CoreClasses.RecordCellTypeRec ← [internal: internal, instances: instances]]; cellType ← CoreOps.CreateCellType[ name: name, class: CoreClasses.recordCellClass, public: public, data: recCell]; }; WireUnion: PROC [w1, w2: Core.WireSequence] RETURNS [union: Core.WireSequence] = { IF w1=NIL THEN RETURN [w2]; IF w2=NIL THEN RETURN [w1]; union ← NEW [Core.WireSequenceRec[w1.size+w2.size]]; FOR i: INT IN [0..w1.size) DO union[i] ← w1[i] ENDLOOP; FOR i: INT IN [0..w2.size) DO union[i+w1.size] ← w2[i] ENDLOOP; }; CreateCore: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [CoreCompose.Context, Core.CellType] = BEGIN context: CoreCompose.Context ← CoreCompose.CreateContext[]; instList: LIST OF CellInstance ← NIL; newtest: Core.CellType; pubWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "SD1Output, SF, Don, Act, SX, SD1, Start, Select, SelectOutput, StartOutput, EOP, FD, Contention, RENA, Vdd, Gnd"]; privWires: CoreCompose.WireSequence ← CoreCompose.CreateWires[context, "w141, w140, w131, w127, w125, w108, w102, w98, w81, w78, w75, w72, w70, w69, w68, w67, w64, w63, w62, w56, w54, w51, w47, w46, w45, w44, w40, w37, w36, w18"]; InitializeTypes[context]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "RENA, w131, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst128"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Contention, w127, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst126"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "FD, w125, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst113"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "EOP, w108, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst109"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "SD1, w102, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst100"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Select, w98, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst96"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Start, w81, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst94"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Act, w78, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst90"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Don, w75, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst85"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "SF, w72, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst83"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w67, w68, w69, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1AN02A], "c1AN02AInst66"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "SX, w127, w68, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO02B], "c1NO02BInst65"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Vdd, w64, w70, w69, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst60"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w62, w63, w64, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1AN02A], "c1AN02AInst59"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Gnd, w140, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1IV00B], "c1IV00BInst53"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w78, w127, w131, w51, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NA03A], "c1NA03AInst50"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Gnd, w54, w56, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1OR02A], "c1OR02AInst43"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w45, w44, w47, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1OR02A], "c1OR02AInst42"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Gnd, w51, w54, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO02B], "c1NO02BInst39"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Vdd, w40, w46, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO02B], "c1NO02BInst38"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w36, w37, w40, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1AN02A], "c1AN02AInst35"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w56, w70, StartOutput, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1AN02A], "c1AN02AInst16"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w47, w46, SelectOutput, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1AN02A], "c1AN02AInst15"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Vdd, w18, SD1Output, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1AN02A], "c1AN02AInst14"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "SD1, w98, w81, w108, w36, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO04B], "c1NO04BInst13"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w81, SD1, w67, w98, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst12"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w125, Act, w63, Contention, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst11"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w125, Act, w37, Contention, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst10"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Select, w81, w45, w102, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst9"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w98, w81, w44, SD1, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst8"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "SD1, w81, w18, Select, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO03B], "c1NO03BInst7"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w81, SD1, Select, RENA, w62, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO04B], "c1NO04BInst6"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w81, SD1, Select, SX, , Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO04B], "c1NO04BInst5"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Start, SD1, Select, SX, , Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO04B], "c1NO04BInst4"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "Gnd, Select, w81, SX, w141, Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO04B], "c1NO04BInst3"], instList]; instList ← CONS[CreateInstance[context, "w72, w75, w78, SX, , Vdd, Gnd", ct[c1NO04B], "c1NO04BInst2"], instList]; newtest ← CreateRecordCell[context, "newtest", pubWires, privWires, instList]; RETURN[context, newtest]; END; END.