Copyright © 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Pavel Curtis, May 25, 1984 2:27:56 pm PDT
Russ Atkinson (RRA) June 19, 1985 7:03:36 pm PDT
Last edited by: gbb January 23, 1986 10:32:14 am PST
copy /User/Beretta/6.0/Beretta.profile ← ///Beretta.profile
This file contains a minimal user profile suitable for installation. For documentation of all available options, see UserProfileDoc.tioga. This example file meets the requirements of the policies laid out in HowToUseAPublicCedarMachine.tioga.
VersionMap options
VersionMap.SourceMaps: /Cedar/Cedar6.0/VersionMap/CedarSource.VersionMap /Cedar/CedarChest6.0/VersionMap/CedarChestSource.VersionMap
VersionMap.SymbolsMaps: /Cedar/Cedar6.0/VersionMap/CedarSymbols.VersionMap /Cedar/CedarChest6.0/VersionMap/CedarChestSymbols.VersionMap
CommandTool options
CommandTool.BootCommands: "
... is executed in the very first CommandTool instance that is created after a full boot. The intention is to setup the machine to be ready to take a checkpoint. It is highly recommended that the amount of stuff in a checkpoint be kept small, so other users have as much capacity remaining as possible. This entry can also be executed by the ///Commands/NoteBootCommands command.
cd ///Commands/
Bringover -p /Cedar/CedarChest6.0/Top/Environment
Run BootTool
Run PowerOff
ColorDisplay on
FastMouse on
Run EditorComforts
Run GmtDebug
STPServer start
Alias Call Remember to Phone
Alias See Remember to See
Alias Write Remember to Write
Alias umlaut open []<>Users>>varia>Umlaut.tioga
Alias Hornet (file) TSetter Stinger file
Alias Notebook Walnut [Luther.alpine]<CSL-Notebook>Walnut.root
Alias suOn SummonerServerOn; SummonerClientOn
Alias suOff SummonerClientRequests; SummonerServerOff; SummonerClientOff
Alias suI SummonerInfo; SummonerClientRequests
Alias cleanDir cacheki []<>*; delete []<>*.press!*; delete []<>*.pd!*; delete []<>*.log!*; delete []<>temp>ChipNDale>saved>*!*; KillEx
DoTiogaOps MatchWords LeaveInitCap SubstituteInEntireDoc
Open [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Forms>FontCache.tioga
CommandTool.PerLogin: "
... is executed in every existing CommandTool instance whenever there is a new user at (1) credentials change, (2) rollback, or (3) return from idle. The intention is to use this entry to customize the command tool instance. This entry can also be executed by the ///Commands/NotePerLogin command.
Statistics off
CreateButton Open Open $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton Comp RCompile $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton Bind Bind $ShortFileNameSelection$
CreateButton BP SetBreak $SelectedViewerName$ $ViewerPosition$
CreateButton SoS SoS
CreateButton Make MakeDo -dr SoS22.df
CreateButton SX CMosBSpinifex
CreateButton MakeT MakeDo -dr SpinifexT.df
CreateButton MS22 MakeDo -dr Spinifex22.df
CreateButton WRS WalnutVoice; SpellingTool; TSetter; Remember
CreateButton Tel Phone $MouseButton$ $CurrentSelection$
Finch; Finch -- Remove prior to full boots
CommandTool.NewUser: "
... is executed in exactly one existing CommandTool instance whenever the user logs in (even if the same user), a rollback occurs, or at return from idle. The intention is to use this entry to acquire files peculiar to the user. This entry can also be executed by the ///Commands/NoteNewUser command.
Walnut; Remember; SpellingTool
CommandTool.PerCommandTool: "
... is executed for every new CommandTool instance (except for the first one, created at full boot). In most cases, the same customization as NotePerLogin is desired. This entry can also be executed by the ///Commands/NotePerCommandTool command. For compatibility, this entry is treated the same as "EachCommandToolCommands".
Statistics off
CreateButton Open Open $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton Comp RCompile $FileNameSelection$
CreateButton Bind Bind $ShortFileNameSelection$
CreateButton SetBP SetBreak $SelectedViewerName$ $ViewerPosition$
CreateButton PS Push ///Users/
CreateButton PTT Push ///Users/
CreateButton Tel Phone $MouseButton$ $CurrentSelection$
Debugger.CommandTool.BootCommands: "
... is executed for the Debugger volume only in the very first CommandTool instance that is created after a full boot. The intention is to setup the machine to be ready to take a checkpoint. It is highly recommended that the amount of stuff in a checkpoint be kept small, so other users have as much capacity remaining as possible.
cd ///Commands/
Bringover -p [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>BootTool [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>Clock [Cedar]<Cedar6.0>Top>EditorComforts
Run BootTool EditorComforts
BootTool.Alto: FALSE
Viewers.SuppressIconPrefix: "[]<>Users>>ChipNDale>"
FastMouse.Enabled: TRUE
FastMouse.Threshold: 2
FastMouse.SpeedUp: quadratic
FastMouse.AmpxTen: 15
Interminal.VBWEscape: 5
Interminal.VColorEscape: 5
Tioga options
Tioga.DefaultTiogaMenus: places levels
Tioga.OpenFirstLevelOnly: FALSE
Tioga.UserCategory: Advanced
Tioga.TryVersionMap: TRUE
EditorComforts options
EditorComforts.LastEdited: "gbb"
EditorComforts.ChangesLog: ///ChangesLog.tioga
Interpreter options
Interpreter.SearchTheWorld: TRUE
Printer (TSetter) related options
Hardcopy.PressPrinter: "Clover"
Hardcopy.PrintedBy: "BBB Giordano Beretta"
Compiler.IconicLogs: TRUE
Compiler.BlinkLogs: FALSE
Compiler.SeparateLogs: TRUE
Compiler.ViewSeparateLogs: FALSE
Compiler.VerboseComputeServer: TRUE
Walnut.AutoNewMail: FALSE
Walnut.DestroyAfterSend: TRUE
Walnut.InitialActiveOpen: FALSE
WalnutSend.MsgForms: ///Users/ ///Users/ ///Users/ ///Users/ ///Users/ ///LibraryRequest.form []<>Users>>ChipNDale>DAToolsMsg.form
Walnut.NewPageEveryMsg: TRUE
Walnut.ReplyToSelf: FALSE
Walnut.TOCDefaultLooks: "s"
Walnut.TOCSelectedLooks: "sb"
Walnut.TOCUnreadLooks: "i"
Walnut.WalnutSegmentFile: "[Ebbetts.alpine]<>Walnut.segment"
Walnut.WalnutRootFile: [Ebbetts.alpine]<>Walnut.Root
Watch.GCInterval: 4000
Watch.idleMinutesTilPowerOff: 60
Watch.powerOffAfter: 2100
Watch.powerOffBefore: 0800
DFTool.DFNamePrefixes: /User/Beretta/Top/ /DATools/DATools6.0/Top/ /Cedar/Cedar6.0/Top/ /Cedar/CedarChest6.0/Top/
DFTool.CompactLayout: TRUE
DFDWIM adds a little bit of smarts about how to find a file
DFDWIM.TryBringover: TRUE
Remember.KeyWords: "
Menu: IconFlavor: Lunch, Repeat: WeekDays, Time: NOON
Meeting: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabelType: Prev
Attend: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabelType: Next
Forum: Leadtime: 30, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabel: Forum, Time: \"Thursday, 3:45PM\"
MDG:  Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabel: MDG
Dragon: Leadtime: 30, IconFlavor: Cookies, IconLabel: Dragon, Time: \"Monday, 2:00PM\"
Dealer: Leadtime: 60, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabel: Dealer, Time: \"Wednesday, 1:15PM\"
Call:  Leadtime : 0, IconFlavor: Phone, IconLabelType: Next
Phone: Leadtime: 0, IconFlavor: Phone, IconLabelType: Next
See:   IconFlavor: Conversation, IconLabelType: next
Write:   IconFlavor: Envelope, IconLabelType: next
SoftBall: IconFlavor: SoftBall
Fitness IconFlavor: SoftBall, Repeat: Tuesday Thursday, Time: 5:30PM
Remember.Duration: -1 -- says in the absence of other information, the duration of an event is infinite.
Remember.LeadTime: 60
RegisteredIcons: "
Remember.defaultIcon: ///Commands/Remember.icons 11 -- a calendar
Phone: ///Commands/Remember.Icons 0 -- pushbutton handset
Conversation: ///Commands/Remember.Icons 1 -- two people talking over a desk
Meeting: ///Commands/Remember.Icons 3 -- one person talking to a group of several
Envelope: ///Commands/Remember.Icons 4 -- an envelope
SoftBall: ///Commands/Remember.icons 6
Lunch: ///Commands/Remember.icons 7
Cookies: ///Commands/Remember.icons 13
Telephone system (Finch and Lark) Specifications
ThrushClientServerInstance: Strowger.Lark
FinchTelephoneDirectory: "
copy /User/Beretta/PTT/Beretta.TDir ← ///Beretta.TDir
NuthatchSegment: [Luther.Alpine]<Nuthatch>Strowger>Nuthatch.Segment
NuthatchLogPrefix: [Luther.Alpine]<Nuthatch>Strowger>
Finch.InitialDirectoriesRight: FALSE
PhoneList: An expensive Phone Book
PhoneList.Files: [Indigo]<Registrar>ParcPhoneList.txt [Indigo]<Registrar>Paos-PhoneList.Press []<>Beretta.TDir
ChipNDale.FirstViewerOnColor: TRUE
ChipNDale.ColorStartBits: 0
ChipNDale.ChipmonkColorMaps: "///Users/"
ChipNDale.ChipmonkColorMapNum: 2
ChipNDale.ChipmonkColorPatterns: "///Users/"
ChipNDale.ChipmonkColorPatternNum: 3
Chipndale.NMos.ChipmonkColorPatternNum: 2
ChipNDale.ChipNSil.Library5: "///ChipNSil/SilLib5.dale"
ChipNDale.ChipNSil.Library6: "///ChipNSil/SilLib6.dale"
ChipNDale.ChipNSil.Library7: "///ChipNSil/SilLib7.dale"
ChipNDale.ChipNSil.Library8: "///ChipNSil/SilLib8.dale"
ChipNDale.ChipNSil.Library9: "///ChipNSil/SilLib9.dale"
Sil.Font0: Helvetica10B Helvetica10
Sil.Font1: Helvetica7 Helvetica7
Sil.Font2: Template64 Template64
Sil.Font3: Gates32 Gates32
Sil.Font5: [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Sil>sil.lb5
Sil.Font6: [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Sil>Sil.lb6
Sil.Font7: [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Sil>Sil.lb7
Sil.Font8: [Cedar]<CedarChest6.0>Sil>Sil.lb8
Sil.Font9: [Indigo]<Lark>Sil>Voicelb9.sil
Summoner.OKToRunBCDs: TRUE