Written by: Pradeep Sindhu, November 24, 1985 11:57:14 pm PST
Last Edited by:
Bertrand Serlet April 28, 1986 10:33:42 pm PDT
Pradeep Sindhu, May 1, 1986 2:50:20 pm PDT
SISYPH: A Schematics Extractor
User Manual
Release as [DATools]<DATools6.0>Sisyph>SisyphDoc.tioga, .press
© Copyright 1985, 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: SISYPH is a schematics extractor that produces Core structural descriptions from circuit diagrams drawn using ChipNDale. The program has several interesting features: it encourages users to freely intermix graphical and procedural specifications, permitting more compact and comprehensible descriptions; it allows schematics to be parameterized, thereby deriving the benefits of better abstraction; it does not have the customary distinction between "built-in" circuit primitives and "user defined" ones, making it easy to modify even the lowest-level elements; and finally, it uses standard ChipNDale as input, capitalizing on its facility for hierarchical composition and its familiar user interface. The first three features all derive from a key design decision: namely to treat extraction as a stack-based computational process in which the basic step is the evaluation of expressions embedded within circuits. The scope rules for expression variables are determined by the geometric hierarchy.
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For Internal Xerox Use Only
Basic Objects and Construction Rules
The Evaluation Mechanism
Global Names
Programming Interface
User Interface
Running SISYPH
Appendix A: SISYPH Variables
SISYPH is a schematics extractor that takes logic diagrams drawn using ChipNDale and produces structural descriptions expressed in Core. Its main purpose is to provide a tool that allows the structure of a large VLSI chip to be conveniently specified using a combination of graphical and procedural methods. The motivation for such a tool comes from the fact that some structures such as decoders and trees are best expressed using code, while simple but relatively irregular collections are best handled pictorially. By combining the two methods we expect to get specifications that are both more compact and easier to understand.
The input to SISYPH is a circuit schematic drawn using icons that represent simpler schematics and wires that connect icons together. Icons may have arbitrary geometry, while wires are drawn as collections of connected rectangles. An icon does not necessarily represent a schematic that has actually been drawn—it may represent a fictitious schematic whose Core structure is computed directly by code attatched to the icon.
This attatchment of code to icons is part of a general mechanism that permits arbitrary CEDAR expressions to be attached to geometric objects to control their extraction. During extraction these expressions are evaluated in a stack based environment that includes all procedures callable in the current CEDAR world, certain SISYPH variables used internally during the extraction, and any new variables the user cares to define. This mechanism provides both a convenient link between geometry and code and tight control over the result of extraction. The link between geometry and code is more than just a one-way connection. Since user code may invoke SISYPH via its programming interface, and SISYPH may in turn invoke user code, a single extraction could result in a number of trips across the code-geometry boundary.
When creating schematics, a user typically starts off with a predefined set of icons for standard components such as transistors and SSI gates. For a simple circuit these icons probably will be sufficient, so the user won't need to define his own. Using standard ChipNDale commands he constructs his schematic and then extracts it by invoking SISYPH interactively or via the programming interface. For more complicated circuits the user builds up his schematic hierarchically using predefined icons and icons of his own in much the same way he would write a nontrivial program. The parallel between writing a program and building a schematic is more than a passing analogy. There is direct equivalence between the notion of a procedure and that of an icon: the use of an icon is a procedure call; an icon's schematic is the procedure's definition; expressions attatched to the icon serve as parameters to the procedure call; and finally the returned Core is the procedure's result. Given this equivalence, the procedure model is a good one to keep in mind when using SISYPH.
The remainder of this document provides sufficient information to use SISYPH productively. The first section defines the basic geometric objects a user deals with when drawing schematics and describes the construction rules for each object. With these rules in hand the user knows enough to draw simple schematics. To use SISYPH for real examples, however, he must understand the evaluation mechanism for SISYPH expressions; this is taken up next. During extraction, wires with certain global names are treated specially; precisely what this special treatment entails is explained in the following section. Details of the programming interface, the user interface, and how to run the program occupy the last three sections. It is assumed throughout that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts of Core.
Basic Objects and Construction Rules
SISYPH uses five basic objects to express logic diagrams: expressions, wires, schematics, cell icons, and wire icons. Each object has its own construction rules that specify how it is to be drawn and its own semantics for how it is to be extracted.
An expression is a rope that contains a CEDAR expression and is attached to one of the other four objects. The attachment can be made in several ways: as a property on the ChipNDale object, as a satellite on the object, as a property on the ChipNDale instance, or as a satellite on the instance. It is convenient to call expressions attached in these various ways object p-expressions, object s-expressions, instance p-expressions, and instance s-expressions, respectively. Object and instance p-expressions are invisible since they are kept as ChipNDale properties, but s-expressions are visible since they are kept as satellites. Each expression is further a parameter expression or a result expression.
The purpose of having these categories will become clear once the evaluation mechanism is described, but briefly here is what they are for. Object expressions typically supply default values for parameters and the resulting Core, while instance expressions override these defaults and supply any additional parameters. S-expressions are useful when a designer wants the information to be always visible, while p-expressions come in handy when visible information would clutter up a design.
A wire is a set of connected ChipNDale comment rectangles that represent a Core wire. Two rectangles are connected if a corner from one of them touches or lies inside the other, or if the rectangles have the same name. A rectangle is named by assigning the appropriate ROPE to the SISYPH variable name. Since naming is a frequent operation, simply using the wire's name in place of the expression is also accepted.
By default a rectangle extracts as an atomic wire. However, by using an expression that assigns to the SISYPH variable wire, a rectangle can be made to produce a wire with any desired structure.
A schematic is a ChipNDale cell that expresses the structure of some electrical circuit in terms of simpler circuits. It is drawn using icons, wires, expressions, and perhaps other schematics.
The public wire of a schematic is defined by its interface geometry. This geometry consists of rectangles that either touch the cell's interest rect directly or are connected to directly touching rectangles by geometry or name. The interface geometry also determines where electrical connections may be made when a schematic is used directly within another schematic.
Cell Icons
A cell icon is a ChipNDale cell that serves as a pictorial shorthand for a circuit schematic. Its purpose is to provide a graphical abstraction mechanism that allows a complicated schematic to be drawn simply. The schematic corresponding to an cell icon may be real, in which case the icon points to the appropriate ChipNDale cell, or it may be non-existent, in which case it points directly to a procedure that returns the Core for the fictitious schematic. In either case the cellType for an cell icon is specified by an expression that assigns to the SISYPH variable cI. This scheme trivially allows a schematic to have more than one icon.
An cell icon normally contains pictorial geometry and interface geometry. Pictorial geometry is window dressing as far as extraction is concerned—its only purpose is to make the looks of the icon meaningful to the reader. This geometry is identified to the extractor by marking instances with the property $SisyphIgnoreMe. Instances not marked with this property are significant for extraction. Of the significant instances, those rectangles that touch the icon's interest rect (or are connected to such rectangles by geometry or name) constitute interface geometry, just as for a schematic. This geometry defines the icon's drawnPublic and determines where electrical connections may be made to the icon when it is used. Once the Core for the icon has been computed by evaluating the result expression, a check is made to verify that the drawnPublic conforms to the result's public. The conformance check is made by calling Conforms[drawnPublic, resultPublic]:
Conforms [dp, rp]
BOOL]= {
IF ShortName[dp]#ShortName[rp] THEN RETURN [FALSE];
IF dp.size > 0
dpElements: Wires ← SortByShortName[dp.elements];
rpElements: Wires ← SortByShortName[rp.elements];
IF dp.size#rp.size THEN RETURN [FALSE];
FOR i:
IN [0..dp.size)
IF ~Conforms[dpElements.first, rpElements.first] THEN RETURN [FALSE];
dpElements ←;
rpElements ←;
Intuitively, this conformance check ensures that the drawnPublic matches a "depth-limited" subtree of the result public. S is defined to be a depth-limited subtree of T if: S is subtree of T; if any node N of T is in S then all of N's siblings are in S; and T's root is in S.
Wire Icons
An wire icon is a ChipNDale cell that serves as a pictorial shorthand for a Core wire. The result for a wire icon is specified by assigning to the SISYPH variable wI.
A wire icon normally contains pictorial geometry and interface geometry. Pictorial geometry is window dressing as far as extraction is concerned—its only purpose is to make the looks of the icon meaningful to the reader. This geometry is identified to the extractor by marking instances with the property $SisyphIgnoreMe. Instances not marked with this property are significant for extraction. Of the significant instances, those rectangles that touch the icon's interest rect (or are connected to such rectangles by geometry or name) constitute interface geometry. This geometry defines the icon's drawnWire and determines where electrical connections may be made to the icon when it is used. Once the Core for the icon has been computed by evaluating the result expression, a check is made to verify that the drawnWire conforms to the resultWire. The conformance check is made by calling Conforms[drawnWire, resultWire] where Conforms is defined above.
The Evaluation Mechanism
During extraction, a ChipNDale instance passed to SISYPH generally has one or more expressions attached to it. These expressions are evaluated as part of the process of extracting the instance, and the evaluation directly affects the resulting Core.
The Environment
The environment in which evaluation proceeds consists of a SISYPH Context and an Interpreter Context. The SISYPH Context is simply a symbol table of <name> <value> pairs where each pair defines a SISYPH variable of arbitrary CEDAR type. The Interpreter Context contains definitions of all global frames and interface records currently loaded in the CEDAR world. During evaluation, names are first looked up in the SISYPH context, and if not found there are looked up in the Interpreter Context. If a name does not exist in either context then an error is signalled.
SISYPH uses a number of variables to hold key values such as the name of the entity being extracted, the design in which it lies, and the result to be returned by the extraction (a complete list appears in Appendix A). Since these variables are kept in the SISYPH context, and all SISYPH variables may be assigned to via expressions appearing in a schematic, a user has explicit control over extraction. The user may also use expressions to define new SISYPH variables. These variables can then be assigned to and used either during the extraction of the instance to which the expressions are bound or during the extraction of nested instances.
The Context Stack
To get the semantics of extraction to mimic the semantics of procedure call, SISYPH contexts are maintained in a stack. Before an instance is extracted, the SISYPH context for the instance's parent is first copied into a new context and then pushed onto the context stack after initializing certain local variables to NIL. This allows the new context to inherit values from the parent's context and at the same time isolates variables in the parent's context from any changes that may occur when expressions attatched to the current instance are evaluated. When the extraction of the current instance is complete, the parent's context is restored.
Evaluation Order
The evaluation of expressions proceeds in the parameter phase and the result phase, performed in that order. Expressions that assign to the SISYPH variables wire, wI, or cI are evaluated in the result phase while all other expressions are evaluated in the parameter phase. Within each phase the evaluation order is: object p-expressions, object s-expressions, instance p-expressions, and finally instance s-expressions.
This order has the effect of giving the highest precedence to assignments done via instance s-expressions, a lower precedence to those done via instance p-expressions, lower still to those done via object s-expressions, and the lowest to those done via object p-expressions. This order is desirable for two reasons. First, it makes visible expressions take precedence over invisible ones, bringing us closer to "what you see is what you get". Second, it makes it possible to tailor the extraction of a particular instance of an icon, regardless of how the object says it is to be extracted.
Expression Sugar
Expressions have been embellished with a certain amount of syntactic sugar to make the specification of certain common cases palatable. The two cases are: names, and properties that are to end up on the resulting core.
An expression <expr> with no embedded "←" or ":" is assumed to be a name. It is shorthand for the complete expression:
name ← "<expr>".
An expression of the form <pname>: <pvalue> with no embedded "←" is assumed to specify a Core property with name <pname> and value <pvalue>. It is shorthand for the complete expression:
coreProps ← CoreProperties.PutProp[coreProps, $<pname>, <pvalue>].
NB: An earlier version of Sisyph used to have sugar for s-expressions only. In the interest of uniformity, the above rules now apply to p-expressions as well.
Global Names
During extraction certain global names are treated specially. When a wire with its full name equal to one of the global names is encountered, that wire is promoted to be a public of the cellType in which it lies. When this cellType, say A, is used within another cellType, say B, the same global name also gets promoted to be a public of B. This promotion continues till a cellType is encountered in which a piece of geometry with the global name as its name touches the interest rect of the object corresponding to the cellType. Thus global signals such as Vdd and Gnd may be used in schematics without explicitly making them part of the interface of every cellType in the hierarchy except the very top.
The global names are kept as a list of rope in the SISYPH variable globalNames. Wires that may be treated in this manner are restricted to be atomic.
Programming Interface
The programming interface resides in Sisyph.mesa. In addition to defining the names of SISYPH variables and certain properties used by SISYPH, it provides procedures for extraction and procedures for dealing with SISYPH contexts.
Extraction Procedures
PROC [name:
ROPE, cx: Context]
RETURNS [CellType];
Proc to extract a schematic given the name of the ChipNDale object
PROC [expr:
Returns TRUE if expr is a result expression and FALSE if a parameter expression.
Context Handling Procedures
PROC [design:
CD.Design, globalNames:
ROPE ← defaultGlobalNames]
RETURNS [cx: Context];
Creates a SISYPH Context
PROC [cx: Context]
RETURNS [newCx: Context];
Makes a copy of cx.
PROC [cx: Context, var:
ROPE, value:
Stores value into var in cx; if var didn't exist it is created; a NIL value removes var from cx.
PROC [cx: Context, expr:
ROPE, cedarCx: AMModel.Context ←
Computes the value of expr in <cx, cedarCx>.
User Interface
The user interface for SISYPH is simple. It consists of main commands accessible via the <space>-O menu, and a number of expression commands accessible via the <space>-L, or satellites and expressions menu. In addition, the user needs to be familiar with the usual ChipNDale commands.
Main Commands (<space>-O)
The <space>-O commands are: Make Icon, Make Invisible to Extractor, and Extract Selected Object.
Make Icon takes a ChipNDale object and puts the right expression onto it to compute the core for the icon. For an cell icon that has a schematic the user must specify the name of the ChipNDale object that is the schematic. For an cell icon that has no schematic and for an wire icon, the user must specify the expression that will compute the Core.
Make Invisible to Sisyph marks an instance with the property $SisyphIgnoreMe. This causes SISYPH to ignore the instance if it appears inside an icon.
Extract Selected Object extracts the selected instance and types out the resulting core on the terminal.
Expression Commands (<space>-L)
The expression commands share the satellites Menu accessible via <space>-L. There are three commands each for satellites, instance expressions, and object expressions.
Show Instance Satellites (I-LeftClick) selects the satellite group to which the currently selected instance belongs. Multiple selections are not allowed.
Add Instance Satellite (I-MiddleClick) prompts for text and makes that text a satellite of the currently selected instance. Multiple selections are not allowed, and the current selection must not be a text instance.
Set Instance Satellites (I-RightClick) takes a single non-text instance and zero or more text instances and makes the text instances be satellites of the non-text instance.
Show Object Satellites (O-LeftClick) selects satellites attached to the pushed-in object.
Add Object Satellite (O-MiddleClick) prompts for text and makes that text be a satellite of the pushed-in object.
Set Object Satellites (O-RightClick) takes zero or more text instances and makes them be object satellites of the pushed-in object.
Show Instance Expressions (LI-LeftClick) types out the instance expressions attached to the pointed instance.
Add Instance Expression (LI-MiddleClick) prompts for text and adds the text as an instance expression on the pointed instance.
Edit Instance Expressions (LI-RightClick) allows the instance expressions of the pointed instance to be edited. Existing expressions may be changed or deleted, and new ones may be added.
Show Object Expressions (LO-LeftClick) types out the object expressions attached to the pointed instance's object.
Add Object Expression (LO-MiddleClick) prompts for text and adds the text as an object expression on the pointed instance's object.
Edit Object Expressions (LO-RightClick) allows the object expressions of the pointed instance's object to be edited. Existing expressions may be changed or deleted, and new ones may be added.
Running S
1. Bringover -p [DATools]<DATools6.0>Top>DAUser.df
2. In your profile put the following lines for Chipndale:
ChipNDale.CMosB.TIP: /DATools/DATools6.0/Sisyph/Sisyph.TIP /DATools/DATools6.0/PW/CDSatellites.TIP Default
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font0: 8 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Gates32"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font1: 8 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8I"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font2: 8 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font3: 4 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Gates32"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font4: 4 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8I"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font5: 4 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font6: 2 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Gates32"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font7: 2 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8I"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font8: 2 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font9: 1 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Gates32"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font10: 1 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8I"
ChipNDale.CMosB.Font11: 1 "Xerox/TiogaFonts/Helvetica8"
3. Type Schematics to the Commander.
4. Create a new CMosB design using CDNewCMosB.
5. Do a CDBringover of the file SSI.dale to make the predefined SSI icons available.
It is also possible to use Sisyph without the predefined cell libraries, by just doing a Bringover of Sisyph.df and starting Sisyph by typing Sisyph.
The implementation limits the number of levels to which wires can be nested to 32. This restriction was imposed to catch infinite recursion, and is not a fundamental one. The number of nesting levels will be increased if applications demand it.
Appendix A: S
ISYPH Variables
The following variables are defined by SISYPH. Those marked local are initialzed to NIL when a new context is created, those marked global are inherited from the parent context.
Variable Name Type Value Scope
design CD.Design current design global
globalNames LIST OF ROPE list of global names global
name ROPE name of current entity local
wire Core.Wire result of extracting a wire local
cI Core.CellType result of extracting an icon local
wI Core.CellType result of extracting a wire local
coreProps Core.Properties property to be put on result local
cdObj CD.Object object currently being extracted local