DIRECTORY Core, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreOps, Commander, HashTable, IO, Ports, ProcessProps, Rosemary; RoseDebug: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CoreFlat, CoreOps, HashTable, IO, Ports, ProcessProps EXPORTS = BEGIN OPEN Rosemary; NeedEval: PROC [simulation: Simulation, out: Core.STREAM _ NIL] = { IF out=NIL THEN out _ NARROW[ProcessProps.GetProp[$CommanderHandle], Commander.Handle].out; IF simulation.perturbed#NIL THEN FOR roseWire: RoseWire _ simulation.perturbed, roseWire.nextPerturbedWire DO ct: Core.CellType _ CoreFlat.GetCellType[simulation.coreCellType, roseWire.path]; rct: CoreClasses.RecordCellType _ NARROW[]; IO.PutF[out, "%g ", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetFullWireNames[rct.internal, roseWire.wire].first]]; IF roseWire=simulation.perturbed.previousPerturbedWire THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; EnumerateRoseWires: PROC [simulation: Simulation] RETURNS [roseWires: LIST OF RoseWire _ NIL] = { ConsWires: HashTable.EachPairAction = { roseWire: RoseWire _ NARROW[value]; roseWires _ CONS[roseWire, roseWires]; }; [] _ HashTable.Pairs[table: simulation.coreToRoseWires, action: ConsWires]; }; FindCoreWires: PROC [simulation: Simulation, wire: Core.Wire] RETURNS [roseWires: LIST OF RoseWire _ NIL] = { ConsWires: HashTable.EachPairAction = { roseWire: RoseWire _ NARROW[value]; IF roseWire.wire=wire THEN roseWires _ CONS[roseWire, roseWires]; }; [] _ HashTable.Pairs[table: simulation.coreToRoseWires, action: ConsWires]; }; Print: PROC [simulation: Simulation, out: Core.STREAM _ NIL] = { Drive: PROC [drive: Ports.Drive] RETURNS [IO.Value] = { RETURN[IO.rope[SELECT drive FROM expect => "e", none => "n", chargeWeak => "cw", chargeMediumWeak => "cmw", charge => "c", chargeMediumStrong => "cms", chargeStrong => "cs", force => "f", driveWeak => "dw", driveMediumWeak => "dmw", drive => "d", driveMediumStrong => "dms", driveStrong => "ds", infinite => "i", ENDCASE => ERROR]]; }; Level: PROC [level: Ports.Level] RETURNS [IO.Value] = { RETURN[IO.rope[SELECT level FROM L => "L", H => "H", X => "X", ENDCASE => ERROR]]; }; PrintTransistor: PROC [trans: RoseTransistor] = { IF trans#NIL THEN IO.PutF[out, "%g%g%g",[LOOPHOLE[trans]], IO.rope[SELECT trans.type FROM nE => "n", pE => "p", nD => "d", ENDCASE => ERROR], Drive[trans.conductivity]]; }; PrintTransistors: PROC [trans: RoseTransistors] = { IF trans#NIL THEN FOR t: NAT IN [0..trans.size) DO IO.PutRope[out, " "]; PrintTransistor[trans[t]]; [] _ HashTable.Insert[table: tranTab, key: trans[t], value: $Transistor]; ENDLOOP; }; PrintEachTransistor: HashTable.EachPairAction = { GetWireName: PROC [roseWire: RoseWire] RETURNS [IO.Value] = { rc: Core.CellType _ CoreFlat.GetCellType[simulation.coreCellType, roseWire.path]; rct: CoreClasses.RecordCellType _ NARROW[]; RETURN[IO.rope[CoreOps.GetFullWireNames[rct.internal, roseWire.wire].first]]; }; trans: RoseTransistor _ NARROW[key]; quit _ FALSE; PrintTransistor[trans]; IO.PutF[out, ", gate: %g, ch1: %g, ch2: %g\n", GetWireName[trans.gate], GetWireName[trans.ch1], GetWireName[trans.ch2]]; }; PrintFieldDriveAndVals: PROC [fields: Fields] = { IF fields#NIL THEN FOR f: NAT IN [0..fields.size) DO field: Field _ fields[f]; IF field.portBinding.instance#NIL THEN IO.PutF[out, " %g -", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[ field.portBinding.instance.instance.type]]] ELSE IO.PutRope[out, " -"]; IO.PutF[out, " fd: %g, fv: %g\n", Drive[field.portBinding.currentDrive], IO.rope[Ports.LevelSequenceToRope[field.currentValue, field.currentValue.size]]]; ENDLOOP; }; PrintWires: HashTable.EachPairAction = { roseWire: RoseWire _ NARROW[value]; rc: Core.CellType _ CoreFlat.GetCellType[simulation.coreCellType, roseWire.path]; rct _ NARROW[]; IF roseWire.currentValue=NIL THEN { IO.PutFL[out, "%g - cd:%g, sd:%g, ud:%g, dd:%g, wd:%g, cl:%g, wl: %g\n", LIST[IO.rope[CoreOps.GetFullWireNames[rct.internal, roseWire.wire].first], Drive[roseWire.connectionDrive], Drive[roseWire.switchDrive], Drive[roseWire.upDrive], Drive[roseWire.downDrive], Drive[roseWire.wireDrive], Level[roseWire.connectionLevel], Level[roseWire.wireLevel]]]; IO.PutRope[out, " gates:"]; PrintTransistors[roseWire.gates]; IO.PutRope[out, "\n channels:"]; PrintTransistors[roseWire.channels]; IO.PutRope[out, "\n"]; } ELSE { ERROR; }; PrintFieldDriveAndVals[roseWire.connections]; }; tranTab: HashTable.Table _ HashTable.Create[]; rct: CoreClasses.RecordCellType; IF out=NIL THEN out _ NARROW[ProcessProps.GetProp[$CommanderHandle], Commander.Handle].out; [] _ HashTable.Pairs[table: simulation.coreToRoseWires, action: PrintWires]; [] _ HashTable.Pairs[tranTab, PrintEachTransistor]; }; END. ¦RoseDebug.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Barth, April 4, 1986 2:42:23 pm PST Bertrand Serlet March 18, 1986 3:39:48 pm PST ÊS– "cedar" style˜codešœ™Kšœ Ïmœ1™