<> <> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY BitHacks, Convert, Core, CoreOps, CoreProperties, IO, RefTab, RefText, Rope, Ports; PortsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS BitHacks, Convert, CoreOps, CoreProperties, IO, RefTab, RefText, Rope EXPORTS Ports = BEGIN OPEN Ports; portDataAtom: ATOM _ CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[prop: $PortData]; portTesterDriveAtom: ATOM _ CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[prop: $PortTesterDrive]; CreatePort: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire, testerPort: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [port: Port] = { wireTab: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; -- wire to port MakePort: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire] RETURNS [port: Port] = { IF (port _ NARROW[RefTab.Fetch[x: wireTab, key: wire].val])=NIL THEN { data: PortData _ NARROW[CoreProperties.GetWireProp[from: wire, prop: portDataAtom]]; type: PortType _ IF data=NIL THEN IF wire.size=0 THEN b ELSE composite ELSE data.type; IF type=composite THEN { port _ NEW[PortRec[wire.size]]; FOR sub: NAT IN [0..wire.size) DO port[sub] _ MakePort[wire: wire[sub]]; ENDLOOP; } ELSE { port _ NEW[PortRec[0]]; port.type _ type; IF testerPort THEN { testerDrive: REF Drive _ NARROW[CoreProperties.GetWireProp[from: wire, prop: portTesterDriveAtom]]; port.d _ IF testerDrive=NIL THEN none ELSE testerDrive^; } ELSE port.d _ IF data=NIL THEN none ELSE data.drive; SELECT type FROM ls => { port.ls _ NEW[LevelSequenceRec[CoreOps.WireBits[wire]]]; FOR bit: NAT IN [0..port.ls.size) DO port.ls[bit] _ L; ENDLOOP; }; bs => { port.bs _ NEW[BoolSequenceRec[CoreOps.WireBits[wire]]]; FOR bit: NAT IN [0..port.bs.size) DO port.bs[bit] _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; }; c => port.fieldStart _ 16 - CoreOps.WireBits[wire]; lc => port.fieldStart _ 32 - CoreOps.WireBits[wire]; ENDCASE; }; IF NOT RefTab.Insert[x: wireTab, key: wire, val: port] THEN ERROR; }; }; port _ MakePort[wire]; }; InitPort: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire, initType: PortType _ b, initDrive: Drive _ none] RETURNS [sameWire: Core.Wire] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[on: wire, prop: portDataAtom, value: NEW[PortDataRec _ [ type: initType, drive: initDrive]]]; sameWire _ wire; }; InitTesterDrive: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire, initDrive: Drive _ none] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[on: wire, prop: portTesterDriveAtom, value: NEW[Drive _ initDrive]]; }; WirePortType: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire] RETURNS [type: PortType] = { data: PortData _ NARROW[CoreProperties.GetWireProp[from: wire, prop: portDataAtom]]; type _ IF data=NIL THEN IF wire.size=0 THEN b ELSE composite ELSE data.type; }; PortLeaves: PUBLIC PROC [port: Port] RETURNS [leaves: CARDINAL] = { visited: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; CountLeaves: PROC [port: Port] RETURNS [leaves: CARDINAL _ 0] = { IF NOT RefTab.Fetch[x: visited, key: port].found THEN { IF NOT RefTab.Insert[x: visited, key: port, val: $Visited] THEN ERROR; IF port.size=0 THEN leaves _ 1 ELSE FOR sub: NAT IN [0..port.size) DO leaves _ leaves + CountLeaves[port[sub]]; ENDLOOP; }; }; leaves _ CountLeaves[port]; }; PortIndex: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire, name: Core.ROPE] RETURNS [index: NAT] = { index _ CoreOps.GetWireIndex[wire, name]; IF index=-1 THEN ERROR; -- not found }; PortRope: PROC [port: Port] RETURNS [value: Core.ROPE _ NIL] = { SELECT port.type FROM l => value _ SELECT port.l FROM L => "0", X => "X", H => "1" ENDCASE => ERROR; ls => value _ LevelSequenceToRope[container: port.ls, size: port.ls.size]; b => value _ IF port.b THEN "1" ELSE "0"; bs => { FOR bit: NAT IN [0..port.bs.size) DO value _ Rope.Concat[value, IF port.bs[bit] THEN "1" ELSE "0"]; ENDLOOP; }; c => value _ Convert.RopeFromCard[from: port.c, base: 16]; lc => value _ Convert.RopeFromCard[from: port.lc, base: 16]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; LevelSequenceToRope: PUBLIC PROC [container: LevelSequence, size: NAT _ 0, base: NAT _ 16] RETURNS [val: Core.ROPE _ NIL] = { bitsPerDigit: NAT _ BitHacks.NBits[base]; scratch: REF TEXT; bitsInDigit: NAT; digitBitCount: NAT _ 0; allX: BOOL _ TRUE; someX: BOOL _ FALSE; digitVal: CARDINAL _ 0; IF size=0 THEN size _ container.size; scratch _ RefText.New[(size/bitsPerDigit)+1]; bitsInDigit _ IF size MOD bitsPerDigit = 0 THEN bitsPerDigit ELSE size MOD bitsPerDigit; FOR bit: NAT IN [0..size) DO bitVal: Level _ container[bit]; digitVal _ 2*digitVal; IF bitVal=X THEN someX _ TRUE ELSE { allX _ FALSE; IF bitVal=H THEN digitVal _ digitVal + 1; }; digitBitCount _ digitBitCount + 1; IF digitBitCount=bitsInDigit THEN { SELECT TRUE FROM allX => scratch _ RefText.InlineAppendChar[scratch, 'X]; someX => { scratch _ RefText.InlineAppendChar[scratch, '(]; FOR rescan: NAT DECREASING IN [0..bitsInDigit) DO scratch _ RefText.InlineAppendChar[scratch, SELECT container[bit-rescan] FROM L => '0, X => 'X, H => '1, ENDCASE => ERROR]; ENDLOOP; scratch _ RefText.InlineAppendChar[scratch, ')]; }; ENDCASE => scratch _ Convert.AppendCard[to: scratch, from: digitVal, base: base, showRadix: FALSE]; bitsInDigit _ bitsPerDigit; digitBitCount _ 0; allX _ TRUE; someX _ FALSE; digitVal _ 0; }; ENDLOOP; val _ Rope.FromRefText[scratch]; }; CopyPortValue: PUBLIC PROC [from: Port, to: Port] = { CopyBits: EachPortPairProc = { IF onePort.type#composite THEN { anotherPort.d _ onePort.d; SELECT onePort.type FROM l => anotherPort.l _ onePort.l; ls => { IF anotherPort.ls.size#onePort.ls.size THEN ERROR; FOR bit: NAT IN [0..onePort.ls.size) DO anotherPort.ls[bit] _ onePort.ls[bit]; ENDLOOP; }; b => anotherPort.b _ onePort.b; bs => { IF anotherPort.bs.size#onePort.bs.size THEN ERROR; FOR bit: NAT IN [0..onePort.bs.size) DO anotherPort.bs[bit] _ onePort.bs[bit]; ENDLOOP; }; c => anotherPort.c _ onePort.c; lc => anotherPort.lc _ onePort.lc; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; }; IF VisitPortPair[from, to, CopyBits] THEN ERROR; }; CheckPortValue: PUBLIC PROC [root: Core.Wire, truth: Port, question: Port] = { CheckBits: EachPortPairProc = { Complain: PROC = { SetErrorMessage: EachWirePortPairProc = { IF onePort=port THEN { quit _ TRUE; msg _ IO.PutFR["Port %g expected %g but has %g", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetFullWireNames[root, wire].first], IO.rope[PortRope[onePort]], IO.rope[PortRope[anotherPort]]]; }; }; msg: Core.ROPE; IF NOT VisitBinding[root, truth, SetErrorMessage] THEN ERROR; SIGNAL CheckError[msg]; }; IF onePort.type#composite AND (onePort.d=expect OR onePort.d=force) THEN { SELECT onePort.type FROM l => IF anotherPort.l#onePort.l THEN Complain[]; ls => FOR bit: NAT IN [0..onePort.ls.size) DO IF anotherPort.ls[bit]#onePort.ls[bit] THEN Complain[]; ENDLOOP; b => IF anotherPort.b#onePort.b THEN Complain[]; bs => FOR bit: NAT IN [0..onePort.bs.size) DO IF anotherPort.bs[bit]#onePort.bs[bit] THEN Complain[]; ENDLOOP; c => IF anotherPort.c#onePort.c THEN Complain[]; lc => IF anotherPort.lc#onePort.lc THEN Complain[]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; }; IF VisitPortPair[truth, question, CheckBits] THEN ERROR; }; CheckError: PUBLIC SIGNAL [msg: Core.ROPE] = CODE; VisitPortPair: PUBLIC PROC [onePort: Port, anotherPort: Port, eachPortPair: EachPortPairProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { subElements: BOOL; IF onePort.size#anotherPort.size OR onePort.type#anotherPort.type OR (onePort.type=ls AND anotherPort.ls.size#onePort.ls.size) OR (onePort.type=bs AND anotherPort.bs.size#onePort.bs.size) THEN RETURN [TRUE]; -- ports do not conform [subElements, quit] _ eachPortPair[onePort, anotherPort]; IF quit OR ~subElements THEN RETURN; FOR i: NAT IN [0..onePort.size) DO IF VisitPortPair[onePort[i], anotherPort[i], eachPortPair] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; quit _ FALSE; }; VisitBinding: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire, port: Port, eachWirePortPair: EachWirePortPairProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { subElements: BOOL; [subElements, quit] _ eachWirePortPair[wire, port]; IF quit OR ~subElements THEN RETURN; FOR i: NAT IN [0..wire.size) DO IF VisitBinding[ wire[i], IF port = NIL THEN NIL ELSE IF port.type#composite THEN NIL ELSE port[i], eachWirePortPair] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; quit _ FALSE; }; END.