Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by: Gasbarro November 20, 1985 11:35:38 am PST
Last Edited by: Gasbarro January 16, 1986 10:16:11 am PST
Core, CoreClasses, CoreOps, ICTest, IO, Rope, Ports;
IMPORTS CoreClasses, CoreOps, ICTest, IO, Rope, Ports
DC: PROC [n: ICTest.ROPE, s: NAT ← 0, b: ICTest.Board, p: ICTest.PodTiming, c: ICTest.Channel ← 0, d: Ports.Drive] RETURNS [wire: Core.Wire] = {
IF s=0 THEN {
ICTest.DefineChannel[atomicWire: (wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: n]), board: b, podTiming: p, channel: c];
wireList: LIST OF Core.Wire ← NIL;
FOR w: NAT IN [0..s) DO
subWire: Core.Wire;
name: Rope.ROPE ← Rope.Concat[n, IO.PutFR["%g",[w]]];
subWire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: name];
wireList ← CONS[subWire, wireList];
ICTest.DefineChannel[atomicWire: subWire, board: b, podTiming: p, channel: c];
[b, p, c] ← ICTest.NextChannel[b, p, c];
wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: n, elements: wireList];
Ports.InitPort[wire: wire, initType: IF s=0 THEN b ELSE IF s<17 THEN c ELSE lc, initDrive: d];
DG: PROC [elements: LIST OF Core.Wire, name: ICTest.ROPE ← NIL, format: ICTest.FormatType, delay: ICTest.NSec ← 0, width: ICTest.NSec ← 0, hiDrive: REAL ← 2.4, loDrive: REAL ← 0.4, sample: ICTest.NSec ← 0, threshold: REAL ← 1.4] RETURNS [wire: Core.Wire] = {
wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: name, elements: elements];
ICTest.DefineGroup[wire: wire, groupName: name, format: format, delay: delay, width: width, hiDrive: hiDrive, loDrive: loDrive, sample: sample, threshold: threshold];
DW: PROC [name: ICTest.ROPE, d: Ports.Drive] RETURNS [wire: Core.Wire] = {
wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: name];
Ports.InitPort[wire: wire, initType: b, initDrive: d];
MakeEUCell: PROC [] RETURNS [rootCell: Core.CellType] = {
class: CoreClasses.unspecifiedCellClass,
data: NIL,
name: "EU",
public: CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "EUPads", elements: LIST[
DG[name: "Clocks", format: RC, delay: 10, width: 30, elements: LIST[
-- board 0, pod A, channels [0..3]
DC[n: "PhA", b: 0, p: A, c: 0, d: none],
DC[n: "nPhA", b: 0, p: A, c: 1, d: none],
DC[n: "PhB", b: 0, p: A, c: 2, d: none],
DC[n: "nPhB", b: 0, p: A, c: 3, d: none]]],
CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Power", elements: LIST[
DW[name: "Vdd", d: none],
DW[name: "Gnd", d: none],
DW[name: "PadVdd", d: none],
DW[name: "PadGnd", d: none]]],
DG[name: "MemInterface", format: NRZ, elements: LIST[
-- board 0, pod B, channels [0..1]
DC[n: "MHold", b: 0, p: B, c: 0, d: none],
DC[n: "MnReset", b: 0, p: B, c: 1, d: none]]],
DG[name: "DebugInterface", format: NRZ, elements: LIST[
-- board 0, pod B, channels [2..6]
DC[n: "DShift", b: 0, p: B, c: 2, d: none],
DC[n: "DExecute", b: 0, p: B, c: 3, d: none],
DC[n: "DNSelect", b: 0, p: B, c: 4, d: none],
DC[n: "DDataIn", b: 0, p: B, c: 5, d: none],
DC[n: "DDataOut", b: 0, p: B, c: 6, d: none]]],
DG[name: "PInterface", format: NRZ, elements: LIST[
-- board 3, pod A, channels [0..5]
DC[n: "EPParityB", b: 3, p: A, c: 0, d: force],
DC[n: "EPRejectB", b: 3, p: A, c: 1, d: force],
DC[n: "EPFaultB", s: 3, b: 3, p: A, c: 2, d: force], --Dragon.PBusFaults
DC[n: "EPNPErrorB", b: 3, p: A, c: 5, d: force],
-- board 1, pods A&B, channels [0..7]
-- board 2, pods A&B, channels [0..7]
DC[n: "EPData", s: 32, b: 1, p: A, c: 0, d: force]]],
DG[name: "IInterface", format: NRZ, elements: LIST[
-- board 6, pod A, channels [0..6]
DC[n: "EUAluLeftSrc1BA", s: 2, b: 6, p: A, c: 0, d: force],--Dragon.ALULeftSources
DC[n: "EUAluRightSrc1BA", s: 3, b: 6, p: A, c: 2, d: force], --Dragon.ALURightSources
DC[n: "EUStore2ASrc1BA", s: 2, b: 6, p: A, c: 5, d: force], --Dragon.Store2ASources
-- board 6, pod B, channels [0..6]
DC[n: "EUAluOp2AB", s: 4, b: 6, p: B, c: 0, d: force], --Dragon.ALUOps
DC[n: "EUCondSel2AB", s: 4, b: 6, p: B, c: 4, d: force], --Dragon.CondSelects
-- board 3, pod B, channels [0..6]
DC[n: "EURes3AisCBus2BA", b: 3, p: B, c: 0, d: force],
DC[n: "EUSt3AisCBus2BA", b: 3, p: B, c: 1, d: force],
DC[n: "EUCondition2BA", b: 3, p: B, c: 2, d: force],
DC[n: "EURes3BisPBus3AB", b: 3, p: B, c: 3, d: force],
DC[n: "EUCheckParity3AB", b: 3, p: B, c: 4, d: force],
DC[n: "EULoadField3BA", b: 3, p: B, c: 5, d: force],
DC[n: "EUWriteToPBus3AB", b: 3, p: B, c: 6, d: force],
-- board 4, pods A&B, channels [0..7]
-- board 5, pods A&B, channels [0..7]
DC[n: "KBus", s: 32, b: 4, p: A, c: 0, d: force]]]]]];
EUTestButtons: ICTest.TestButtonsCreateProc = {
createButton[buttonName: "Simple", proc: EUSimpleTest];
Clocks: NAT = 0;
Power: NAT = 1;
MemoryInterface: NAT = 2;
DebugInterface: NAT = 3;
PInterface: NAT = 4;
EPParityB: NAT = 0;
EPRejectB: NAT = 1;
EPFaultB: NAT = 2;
EPNPErrorB: NAT = 3;
EPData: NAT = 4;
IInterface: NAT = 5;
EUAluL: NAT = 0; --2 bits
EUAluR: NAT = 1; --3 bits
EUSimpleTest: ICTest.TestProc = {
p[PInterface][EPParityB].b ← TRUE;
p[PInterface][EPRejectB].b ← TRUE;
p[PInterface][EPFaultB].c ← 7H;
p[PInterface][EPNPErrorB].b ← TRUE;
p[PInterface][EPData].lc ← 0FFFFFFFFH;
p[IInterface][EUAluL].c ← 3H;
p[IInterface][EUAluR].c ← 7H;
p[PInterface][EPData].lc ← 0;
p[PInterface][EPParityB].b ← FALSE;
p[PInterface][EPRejectB].b ← FALSE;
p[PInterface][EPFaultB].c ← 0H;
p[PInterface][EPNPErrorB].b ← FALSE;
p[PInterface][EPData].lc ← 0FFFFFFFFH;
p[IInterface][EUAluL].c ← 0H;
p[IInterface][EUAluR].c ← 0H;
ICTest.MakeStandardViewer[testButtons: EUTestButtons, cellType: MakeEUCell[], name: "EU Tester"];