-- CGReducer.mesa
-- Last changed by Doug Wyatt, August 23, 1982 3:32 pm

CGArea USING [Ref],
GraphicsBasic USING [Vec];


Vec: TYPE = GraphicsBasic.Vec;

Ref: TYPE = REF Rep;
size: NAT, -- number of available edges
edges: Edges, -- array of edges
queue: Queue, -- priority queue for edges
qsize: NAT, -- priority queue size
save: Vec, -- previous vertex
first: Vec, -- first vertex of current boundary
closed: BOOLEAN, -- if TRUE, boundary has been closed
free: EdgeIndex -- head of list of free edges

EdgeIndex: TYPE = NAT;
nil: EdgeIndex = 0;

Tag: TYPE = [0..3];

Edge: TYPE = REF EdgeRep;
EdgeRep: TYPE = RECORD [
this: EdgeIndex, -- index of this edge
next: EdgeIndex, -- index of next edge in list
up: BOOLEAN, -- if TRUE, edge was defined with increasing y
vert: BOOLEAN, -- if TRUE, xbot = xtop AND slope = 0
line: BOOLEANFALSE, -- if TRUE, this edge is a degenerate line
lastR: BOOLEANFALSE, -- if TRUE, right side was inside on previous pass
tag: Tag, -- identifies figure associated with this edge
xbot,ybot: REAL, -- lower endpoint
xtop,ytop: REAL, -- upper endpoint
a,b,c: REAL, -- line equation coefficients
slope: REAL, -- dx/dy
yemit: REAL ← 0 -- bottom of visible portion to emit

Edges: TYPE = REF EdgesRep;
EdgesRep: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE space: EdgeIndex OF Edge];

Queue: TYPE = REF QueueRep;
QueueRep: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE space: NAT OF EdgeIndex];

Error: ERROR[type: ErrorType];
ErrorType: TYPE = {bug};

New: PROC[size: NAT ← 0] RETURNS[Ref];
-- create a new reducer object with given initial size

Clip: PROC[self: Ref, edgeL,edgeR: Edge];
-- enter a pair of clipping edges

Vertex: PROC[self: Ref, v: Vec];
-- enter a vertex of the figure

Close: PROC[self: Ref];
-- close a boundary of the figure

Rectangle: PROC[self: Ref, q: Vec];
-- form a closed rectangular boundary,
-- with previous vertex and q as corners

Generate: PROC[self: Ref, area: CGArea.Ref,
-- generate the intersection of the clipper and the current figure
