PROC [rootCellType: Core.CellType, newPath: Core.
ROPE, currentInstancePath: CoreClasses.CellInstances ←
NIL, currentWirePath: Core.Wires ←
RETURNS [newInstancePath: CoreClasses.CellInstances, newWirePath: Core.Wires];
ParseError: ERROR [msg: Core.ROPE ← NIL];
Syntax Notation
item | item = choose one
?item = zero or one item
SMALL CAPS or puncuation other than bold ()?| = terminals
item s... = zero or more items, separated by s;
::= = keyword on left hand side is defined by expression on right hand side
Path ::= ?(/ ?(Remove | ROOT ) ?InstancePath .) ?(((PUBLIC | INTERNAL | ACTUAL ) . ) | Remove ) WirePath
Remove ::= -...
InstancePath ::= ( Name | Number ) /...
WirePath ::= ( Name | Number ) ....
Name ::= Letter (Letter | Digit) ...
Number ::= Digit ...
Letter ::= one of a-z | one of A-Z
Digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Grammar Notes
White space may appear anywhere except inside Name or Number. Reserved words are matched ignoring case. Each "-" causes the last item on the corresponding current path to be removed. ROOT causes the instance path to begin at the root cell type. ACTUAL causes the wire path to begin at the actual of the last instance of the instance path and then use the public names of the instance's cell type to index the actual. PUBLIC and INTERNAL cause the wire path to begin at the public or internal of the cell type of the last instance.