<> <> <> DIRECTORY CD, CDBasics, CornerStitching, CDOrient, CDCells, CDRects, CDMenus, CDSequencer, CDInstances, CDProperties, CDDirectory, Recognizer, TerminalIO, CleanObjects; CleanObjectsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CD, CDBasics, CornerStitching, CDOrient, CDCells, CDInstances, CDProperties, CDDirectory, CDRects, CDMenus, CDSequencer, Recognizer, TerminalIO EXPORTS CleanObjects = BEGIN LayerAndTessPtr: TYPE = REF LayerAndTessRec; LayerAndTessRec: TYPE = RECORD [ design: CD.Design, cellOb: CD.Object, cellPtr: CD.CellPtr, abstract: CD.Layer _ CD.combined, actual: CD.Layer _ CD.combined, surround: CD.Layer _ CD.combined, surroundExt: CD.Number _ 0, actualPlane: REF CornerStitching.Tesselation _ NIL, surroundPlane: REF CornerStitching.Tesselation _ NIL, instance: CD.Instance _ NIL ]; AbstractLayerRec: TYPE = RECORD [ technology: CD.Technology, abstract: CD.Layer, actual: CD.Layer, surround: CD.Layer, --The surrounding layer of an abstract layer surroundExt: CD.Number --The extension of the surrounding layer ]; abstractLayerList: LIST OF REF AbstractLayerRec _ NIL; --contains registered abstract Layers RegionList: TYPE = LIST OF REF CornerStitching.Region; CleanObjects: PUBLIC PROC [cellOb: CD.Object, design: CD.Design, recognizeObjects: BOOL _ TRUE] = BEGIN WITH cellOb.specificRef SELECT FROM cp: CD.CellPtr => { IF recognizeObjects THEN Recognizer.RecognizeObjects[design, cellOb]; CleanCell[design, cellOb]; [] _ CDCells.RepositionCell[cellOb, design]; CDDirectory.PropagateChange[cellOb, design]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; END; CleanObjectsAllLevels: PROC [design: CD.Design, recognizeObjects: BOOL] = BEGIN DoIt: CDDirectory.EachEntryAction = { CleanObjects[cellOb: ob, design: design, recognizeObjects: recognizeObjects] }; [] _ CDDirectory.Enumerate[design, DoIt]; CleanObjects[design.actual.first.dummyCell.ob, design, recognizeObjects]; END; RecognizeAllCommand: PROC [comm: CDSequencer.Command] = BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope["Recognize on all levels\n"]; CleanObjectsAllLevels[design: comm.design, recognizeObjects: TRUE]; TerminalIO.WriteRope["Recognizer and Cleaning Done\n"]; END; RecognizeTopCommand: PROC [comm: CDSequencer.Command] = BEGIN TerminalIO.WriteRope["Recognize on top level\n"]; CleanObjects[comm.design.actual.first.dummyCell.ob, comm.design, TRUE]; TerminalIO.WriteRope["Recognizer and Cleaning Done\n"]; END; CleanCell: PROC [design: CD.Design, cellOb: CD.Object] = BEGIN passTessInfo: LayerAndTessPtr _ NEW[LayerAndTessRec _ [design, cellOb, NARROW[cellOb.specificRef]]]; FOR layerList: LIST OF CD.Layer _ design.technology.usedLayers, layerList.rest WHILE layerList #NIL DO passTessInfo.abstract _ layerList.first; passTessInfo.actual _ layerList.first; passTessInfo.surround _ CD.combined; FOR abstractList: LIST OF REF AbstractLayerRec _ abstractLayerList, abstractList.rest WHILE abstractList #NIL DO IF abstractList.first.technology = design.technology AND abstractList.first.abstract = passTessInfo.abstract THEN { passTessInfo.actual _ abstractList.first.actual; passTessInfo.surround _ abstractList.first.surround; passTessInfo.surroundExt _ abstractList.first.surroundExt; EXIT; } ENDLOOP; passTessInfo.actualPlane _ CornerStitching.NewTesselation[]; passTessInfo.surroundPlane _ CornerStitching.NewTesselation[]; FillPlanesByDrawingObjects[passTessInfo]; CheckRectsAgainstPlane[passTessInfo]; ENDLOOP; END; FillPlanesByDrawingObjects: PROC [passTessInfo: LayerAndTessPtr] = BEGIN pr: CD.DrawRef _ CD.CreateDrawRef[passTessInfo.design]; pr.devicePrivate _ passTessInfo; pr.drawRect _ DrawObjectsIntoPlanes; FOR instanceList: CD.InstanceList _ passTessInfo.cellPtr.contents, instanceList.rest WHILE instanceList #NIL DO IF ~instanceList.first.ob.class.wireTyped AND FlattenObject[instance: instanceList.first] THEN instanceList.first.ob.class.drawMe[inst: instanceList.first, pos: instanceList.first.location, orient: instanceList.first.orientation, pr: pr]; ENDLOOP; END; FlattenObject: PROC [instance: CD.Instance] RETURNS [BOOL _ TRUE] = BEGIN IF instance.ob.class.inDirectory THEN RETURN[FALSE]; END; DrawObjectsIntoPlanes: PROC [r: CD.Rect, l: CD.Layer, pr: CD.DrawRef] = BEGIN passTessInfo: LayerAndTessPtr _ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; IF passTessInfo.actual = l THEN CornerStitching.ChangeRect [plane: passTessInfo.actualPlane, rect: r, newValue: $cover] ELSE IF passTessInfo.surround = l THEN CornerStitching.ChangeRect[plane: passTessInfo.surroundPlane, rect: r, newValue: $cover]; END; CheckRectsAgainstPlane: PROC [passTessInfo: LayerAndTessPtr] = BEGIN FOR instanceList: CD.InstanceList _ passTessInfo.cellPtr.contents, instanceList.rest WHILE instanceList#NIL DO IF instanceList.first.ob.class.wireTyped AND instanceList.first.ob.layer = passTessInfo.abstract AND WireNeededCleaning [instanceList.first, passTessInfo] THEN [] _ CDCells.RemoveInstance[design: passTessInfo.design, cell: passTessInfo.cellOb, inst: instanceList.first]; ENDLOOP; END; WireNeededCleaning: PROC [instance: CD.Instance, passTessInfo: LayerAndTessPtr] RETURNS [addedWire: BOOL _ FALSE] = BEGIN rect: CD.Rect _ CDInstances.InstRectI[instance]; keepList: RegionList _ NARROW[CornerStitching.EnumerateArea [plane: passTessInfo.actualPlane, rect: rect, backgroundValue: $cover]]; throwAwayList: RegionList _ NARROW[CornerStitching.EnumerateArea [plane: passTessInfo.actualPlane, rect: rect]]; IF passTessInfo.surround #CD.combined THEN --current Layer is an abstract Layer keepList _ UncoveredSurroundPieces[keepList, throwAwayList, passTessInfo.surroundPlane, passTessInfo.surroundExt]; keepList _ BuildKeepList[keepList, instance, rect]; IF keepList = NIL THEN RETURN[TRUE]; IF (keepList.first.value = NIL) AND (keepList.first.rect = rect) AND (keepList.rest = NIL) THEN RETURN; --keep whole wire WHILE keepList #NIL DO { location: CD.Position _ CDBasics.BaseOfRect [keepList.first.rect]; object: CD.Object _ CDRects.CreateRect[CDOrient.OrientedSize[CDBasics.SizeOfRect[keepList.first.rect], instance.orientation], passTessInfo.abstract]; newInst: CD.Instance _ CDCells.IncludeOb[ design: passTessInfo.design, cell: passTessInfo.cellOb, ob: object, position: location, orientation: instance.orientation, cellCSystem: cdCoords, obCSystem: interrestCoords, mode: dontPropagate ].newInst; newInst.properties _ CDProperties.CopyProps[instance.properties]; addedWire _ TRUE; }; keepList _ keepList.rest; ENDLOOP; END; BuildKeepList: PROC [keepList: RegionList, instance: CD.Instance, rect: CD.Rect] RETURNS [newKeepList: RegionList] = <<--If a piece on the keeplist is actually a cut along the width then the piece is grown to the full width of the original wire.>> BEGIN xWidth: BOOL; width: CD.Number; length: CD.Number; changed: BOOL _ TRUE; wirePlane: REF CornerStitching.Tesselation _ CornerStitching.NewTesselation[]; WHILE keepList #NIL DO CornerStitching.ChangeRect[plane: wirePlane, rect: keepList.first.rect, newValue: $cover]; keepList _ keepList.rest; ENDLOOP; IF CDOrient.IncludesOddRot90[instance.orientation] THEN { xWidth _ FALSE; width _ rect.y2-rect.y1; length _ rect.x2-rect.x1; } ELSE { xWidth _ TRUE; width _ rect.x2-rect.x1; length _ rect.y2-rect.y1; }; IF length > width THEN -- normal shaped object WHILE changed DO changed _ FALSE; newKeepList _ NARROW[CornerStitching.EnumerateArea[plane: wirePlane, rect: rect]]; WHILE newKeepList #NIL DO IF xWidth AND (newKeepList.first.rect.x2-newKeepList.first.rect.x1) #width THEN { changed _ TRUE; CornerStitching.ChangeRect[plane: wirePlane, rect: [rect.x1, newKeepList.first.rect.y1, rect.x2, newKeepList.first.rect.y2], newValue: $cover]; }; IF ~xWidth AND (newKeepList.first.rect.y2-newKeepList.first.rect.y1) #width THEN { changed _ TRUE; CornerStitching.ChangeRect[plane: wirePlane, rect: [newKeepList.first.rect.x1, rect.y1, newKeepList.first.rect.x2, rect.y2], newValue: $cover]; }; newKeepList _ newKeepList.rest; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; RETURN[newKeepList _ NARROW[CornerStitching.EnumerateArea[plane: wirePlane, rect: rect]]]; END; UncoveredSurroundPieces: PROC [keepList, throwAwayList: RegionList, surroundPlane: REF CornerStitching.Tesselation, surroundExt: CD.Number] RETURNS [newKeepList: RegionList] = <<--Used for verifying abstract layers. All pieces on throwAwayList must be surrounded, otherwise the piece is moved onto the keepList>> BEGIN newKeepList _ keepList; WHILE keepList #NIL DO CornerStitching.ChangeRect[plane: surroundPlane, rect: CDBasics.Extend[keepList.first.rect, surroundExt], newValue: $cover]; keepList _ keepList.rest; ENDLOOP; WHILE throwAwayList #NIL DO IF ~RectCoveredCompletely[throwAwayList.first.rect, surroundPlane, surroundExt] THEN newKeepList _ CONS[throwAwayList.first, newKeepList]; throwAwayList _ throwAwayList.rest; ENDLOOP; END; RectCoveredCompletely: PROC [rect: CD.Rect, plane: REF CornerStitching.Tesselation, surroundExt: CD.Number] RETURNS [BOOL _ TRUE] = BEGIN FOR surroundList: RegionList _ NARROW[CornerStitching.EnumerateArea[plane: plane, rect: CDBasics.Extend[rect, surroundExt], backgroundValue: $none]], surroundList.rest WHILE surroundList #NIL DO IF surroundList.first.value = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP; END; RegisterAbstractLayer: PUBLIC PROC [technology: CD.Technology, abstract, actual, surround: CD.Layer, surroundExt: CD.Number] = BEGIN abstractLayerList _ CONS[NEW[AbstractLayerRec _ [technology, abstract, actual, surround, surroundExt]], abstractLayerList]; END; CDMenus.CreateEntry[menu: $ProgramMenu, entry: "Recognize All", key: $RecognizeAll]; CDMenus.CreateEntry[menu: $ProgramMenu, entry: "Recognize Top", key: $RecognizeTop]; CDSequencer.ImplementCommand[a: $RecognizeAll, p: RecognizeAllCommand, queue: doQueue]; CDSequencer.ImplementCommand[a: $RecognizeTop, p: RecognizeTopCommand, queue: doQueue]; END.