DIRECTORY Atom, CD, CDBasics, CDMEBES, CStitching, IO; CDMEBESGeomFns: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, CDBasics, CDMEBES, CStitching, IO = BEGIN OPEN CDMEBES; NOTFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN ComplementTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {result.ChangeRect[CDBasics.Intersection[CDBasics.universe, tile.Area], $covered]}; basis: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms, spec.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; result _ NewTesselation[NIL]; [] _ basis.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: ComplementTile, skip: $covered]; basis _ DisposeTesselation[basis]; END; ANDFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN NilTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {result.ChangeRect[CDBasics.Intersection[CDBasics.universe, tile.Area], NIL]}; result _ GenerateCover[ms, spec.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; FOR rest: LIST OF REF ANY _, WHILE rest # NIL DO term: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms, rest.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; [] _ term.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: NilTile, skip: $covered]; term _ DisposeTesselation[term]; ENDLOOP; END; ANDNOTFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN NilTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {result.ChangeRect[CDBasics.Intersection[CDBasics.universe, tile.Area], NIL]}; result _ GenerateCover[ms, spec.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; FOR rest: LIST OF REF ANY _, WHILE rest # NIL DO term: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms, rest.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; [] _ term.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: NilTile, skip: NIL]; term _ DisposeTesselation[term]; ENDLOOP; END; ORFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN CoverTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {result.ChangeRect[tile.Area, $covered]}; layers: LIST OF CDLayer _ NIL; otherThings: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL; FOR subList: LIST OF REF ANY _ spec, WHILE subList # NIL DO WITH subList.first SELECT FROM layer: CDLayer => IF layer.deltaDiameter >= 0 THEN layers _ CONS[layer, layers] ELSE otherThings _ CONS[layer, otherThings]; ENDCASE => otherThings _ CONS[subList.first, otherThings]; ENDLOOP; IF otherThings = NIL THEN result _ NewTesselation[NIL] ELSE BEGIN result _ GenerateCover[ms, otherThings.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; FOR rest: LIST OF REF ANY _, WHILE rest # NIL DO term: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms, rest.first, extInfluenceDiameter]; [] _ term.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: CoverTile]; term _ DisposeTesselation[term]; ENDLOOP; END; IF layers # NIL THEN DrawLayersWithPosDeltas[ms: ms, rects: result, layers: layers, extInfluenceDiameter: extInfluenceDiameter]; END; RunRec: TYPE = RECORD [ desc: ROPE, areaInSqMeters: REAL _ 0, perimInMeters: Meters _ 0.0, runsInMeters: ARRAY Sense OF RECORD [ sense: ROPE, r: REF RunArray ] ]; RunArray: TYPE = RECORD [ ra: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF Meters ]; MeasureRuns: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN PixelRunArray: TYPE = RECORD [ ra: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF MEBESPixels ]; PixelCoverRec: TYPE = RECORD [ sense: ROPE, maxInterestDist, minFeature: MEBESPixels _ 0, r: REF PixelRunArray ]; areaInSqPixels: INT _ 0; perimInPixels: MEBESPixels _ 0; table: ARRAY Sense OF REF PixelCoverRec _ ALL[NIL]; runRef: REF RunRec _ NIL; -- for external consumption mebesPixelPitch: Meters _ ms.mebesPixelPitch -- nm -- *1.0E-9; LookForRuns: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = BEGIN ComplainAboutFeature: PROC [ dia: MEBESPixels, pos: MEBESPosition ] = BEGIN chose: NAT = ComplainAt[ms: ms, pos: pos, explanation: IO.PutFR["Too-small %g", IO.rope[c.sense]], choice: LIST ["Reduce min feature", "Proceed"]]; SELECT chose FROM 1 => c.minFeature _ dia; ENDCASE => NULL; END; EWRuns: PROC [ cov: CStitching.Tile, x1, x2: MEBESPixels ] = BEGIN IF cov.NEdge < keyTileArea.y2+c.maxInterestDist THEN BEGIN covHeight: MEBESPixels = cov.NEdge-keyTileArea.y2; FOR tile: CStitching.Tile _ cov.EN, tile.SW WHILE x1 < tile.EEdge DO tx1: MEBESPixels = MAX[x1, tile.WEdge]; tx2: MEBESPixels = MIN[x2, tile.EEdge]; SELECT TRUE FROM tx2 <= tx1 => NULL; tile.value # keyTilevalue => BEGIN IF covHeight = 0 THEN perimInPixels _ perimInPixels+(tx2-tx1); EWRuns[cov: tile, x1: tx1, x2: tx2]; END; covHeight >= c.minFeature => c.r[covHeight] _ c.r[covHeight]+(tx2-tx1); covHeight > 0 => -- IN (0..minFeature) -- BEGIN ComplainAboutFeature[covHeight, [x: (tx1+tx2)/2, y: (cov.NEdge+keyTileArea.y2)/2]]; c.r[covHeight] _ c.r[covHeight]+(tx2-tx1); END; ENDCASE => NULL; ENDLOOP; END; END; -- of EWRuns NSRuns: PROC [ cov: CStitching.Tile, y1, y2: MEBESPixels ] = BEGIN IF cov.EEdge < keyTileArea.x2+c.maxInterestDist THEN BEGIN covWidth: MEBESPixels = cov.EEdge-keyTileArea.x2; FOR tile: CStitching.Tile _ cov.NE, tile.WS WHILE y1 < tile.NEdge DO ty1: MEBESPixels = MAX[y1, tile.SEdge]; ty2: MEBESPixels = MIN[y2, tile.NEdge]; SELECT TRUE FROM ty2 <= ty1 => NULL; tile.value # keyTilevalue => BEGIN IF covWidth = 0 THEN perimInPixels _ perimInPixels+(ty2-ty1); NSRuns[cov: tile, y1: ty1, y2: ty2]; END; covWidth >= c.minFeature => c.r[covWidth] _ c.r[covWidth]+(ty2-ty1); covWidth > 0 => -- IN (0..minFeature) -- BEGIN ComplainAboutFeature[covWidth, [x: (cov.EEdge+keyTileArea.x2)/2, y: (ty1+ty2)/2]]; c.r[covWidth] _ c.r[covWidth]+(ty2-ty1); END; ENDCASE => NULL; ENDLOOP; END; END; -- of NSRuns keyTilevalue: REF ANY = tile.value; c: REF PixelCoverRec = table[(IF keyTilevalue = NIL THEN cover ELSE space)]; keyTileArea: CStitching.Rect = tile.Area; clippedKeyTileArea: CStitching.Rect = CDBasics.Intersection[ms.mebesStripeClip, keyTileArea]; IF keyTilevalue # NIL THEN areaInSqPixels _ areaInSqPixels+ (clippedKeyTileArea.x2-clippedKeyTileArea.x1)* (clippedKeyTileArea.y2-clippedKeyTileArea.y1); IF keyTileArea.y2 IN (ms.mebesStripeClip.y1 .. ms.mebesStripeClip.y2] THEN EWRuns[cov: tile, x1: clippedKeyTileArea.x1, x2: clippedKeyTileArea.x2]; IF keyTileArea.x2 IN (ms.mebesStripeClip.x1 .. ms.mebesStripeClip.x2] THEN NSRuns[cov: tile, y1: clippedKeyTileArea.y1, y2: clippedKeyTileArea.y2]; END; -- of LookForRuns GetCoverRec: PROC [sense: ROPE, l: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [c: REF PixelCoverRec] = BEGIN c _ NEW[PixelCoverRec _ [sense: sense]]; c.maxInterestDist _ NARROW[l.first, REF Nm]^/ms.mebesPixelPitch; c.minFeature _ NARROW[, REF Nm]^/ms.mebesPixelPitch; c.r _ NEW[PixelRunArray[c.maxInterestDist]]; FOR width: MEBESPixels IN [0..c.r.size) DO c.r[width] _ 0; ENDLOOP; END; table[cover] _ GetCoverRec["cover",]; table[space] _ GetCoverRec["space",]; result _ GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter+MAX[table[cover].maxInterestDist, table[space].maxInterestDist]]; [] _ result.EnumerateArea[rect: ms.mebesStripeClip, eachTile: LookForRuns, skip: $none]; _ runRef _ NEW[RunRec _ [ desc: NARROW[spec.first], areaInSqMeters: areaInSqPixels*mebesPixelPitch*mebesPixelPitch, perimInMeters: perimInPixels*mebesPixelPitch, runsInMeters: [ space: [sense: "space", r: NEW[RunArray[table[space].r.size]]], cover: [sense: "cover", r: NEW[RunArray[table[cover].r.size]]] ] ]]; FOR sense: Sense IN Sense DO FOR width: MEBESPixels IN [0..table[sense].r.size) DO runRef.runsInMeters[sense].r[width] _ table[sense].r[width]*mebesPixelPitch; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; RestrictedEnlarge: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN PlaceNImplant: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = BEGIN InteractWithPImplant: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = BEGIN Relationship: TYPE = {pNn, pEn, pSn, pWn}; pTile: CStitching.Tile = tile; pTileArea: MEBESRect = pTile.Area; bestDir: Relationship; bestGap: MEBESPixels _ -1; tGap: MEBESPixels; gaps: ARRAY Relationship OF MEBESPixels _ ALL[maxRadialExtension]; deInsertedArea: MEBESRect; IF (tGap _ nTileArea.x1-pTileArea.x2)>bestGap THEN {bestDir _ $pWn; bestGap _ tGap}; IF (tGap _ pTileArea.x1-nTileArea.x2)>bestGap THEN {bestDir _ $pEn; bestGap _ tGap}; IF (tGap _ nTileArea.y1-pTileArea.y2)>bestGap THEN {bestDir _ $pSn; bestGap _ tGap}; IF (tGap _ pTileArea.y1-nTileArea.y2)>bestGap THEN {bestDir _ $pNn; bestGap _ tGap}; IF bestGap<0 THEN ERROR; -- design rule violation IF NOT anyInteractingPImplant THEN BEGIN anyInteractingPImplant _ TRUE; nImplPieces.ChangeRect[CDBasics.universe, NIL]; nImplPieces.ChangeRect[desiredNImplant, $covered]; END; gaps[bestDir] _ bestGap/2; deInsertedArea _ [x1: pTileArea.x1-gaps[$pEn], y1: pTileArea.y1-gaps[$pNn], x2: pTileArea.x2+gaps[$pWn], y2: pTileArea.y2+gaps[$pSn]]; IF CDBasics.NonEmpty[deInsertedArea] THEN nImplPieces.ChangeRect[deInsertedArea, NIL]; END; CoverNegotiatedPiece: PROCEDURE [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {area: MEBESRect = tile.Area; result.ChangeRect[area, $covered]}; nTile: CStitching.Tile = tile; nTileArea: MEBESRect = nTile.Area; desiredNImplant: MEBESRect = CDBasics.Extend[nTileArea, maxRadialExtension]; anyInteractingPImplant: BOOL _ FALSE; [] _ pDif.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.Extend[nTileArea, 2*maxRadialExtension], eachTile: InteractWithPImplant]; IF NOT anyInteractingPImplant THEN result.ChangeRect[desiredNImplant, $covered] ELSE [] _ nImplPieces.EnumerateArea[desiredNImplant, CoverNegotiatedPiece]; END; maxRadialExtension: MEBESPixels = NARROW[spec.first, REF Nm]^/ms.mebesPixelPitch; nDif: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter+2*maxRadialExtension]; pDif: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter+2*maxRadialExtension]; nImplPieces: Tesselation _ NewTesselation[]; result _ NewTesselation[]; [] _ nDif.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: PlaceNImplant]; nDif _ DisposeTesselation[nDif]; pDif _ DisposeTesselation[pDif]; nImplPieces _ DisposeTesselation[nImplPieces]; END; EnlargeFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN deltaDiameterNm: Nm = NARROW[spec.first, REF Nm]^; deltaDiameterPixels: MEBESPixels = deltaDiameterNm/ms.mebesPixelPitch; SELECT deltaDiameterPixels FROM =0 => result _ GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter]; >0 => BEGIN EnlargeTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {result.ChangeRect[Bloat[tile.Area, deltaDiameterPixels], tile.value]}; basis: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter+deltaDiameterNm]; result _ NewTesselation[NIL]; [] _ basis.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: EnlargeTile]; basis _ DisposeTesselation[basis]; END; <0 => BEGIN EnlargeGap: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = {result.ChangeRect[CDBasics.Intersection[CDBasics.universe, Bloat[tile.Area, -deltaDiameterPixels]], tile.value]}; basis: Tesselation _ GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter-deltaDiameterNm]; result _ NewTesselation[NIL]; result.ChangeRect[CDBasics.universe, $covered]; [] _ basis.EnumerateArea[rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: EnlargeGap, skip: $covered]; basis _ DisposeTesselation[basis]; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; DeNotchFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN deltaDiams: ARRAY [-1..2] OF Nm _ ALL[0]; ndd: [0..2]; newSpec: REF; FOR ndd_0, ndd+1 WHILE ndd<2 DO WITH spec.first SELECT FROM rnm: REF Nm => {deltaDiams[ndd] _ rnm^; spec _}; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; newSpec _ spec.first; FOR i: [0..2] IN [0..ndd] DO IF deltaDiams[i] # deltaDiams[i-1] THEN newSpec _ LIST[$Enlarge, NEW[Nm _ (deltaDiams[i]-deltaDiams[i-1])], newSpec]; ENDLOOP; result _ GenerateCover[ms, newSpec, extInfluenceDiameter]; END; SizeLEqFn: PROC [ ms: MaskState, spec: LIST OF REF ANY, extInfluenceDiameter: Nm _ 0 ] RETURNS [ result: Tesselation ] -- CoverProc -- = BEGIN sieveWidth: Nm = NARROW[spec.first, REF Nm]^; sieveHeight: Nm = NARROW[, REF Nm]^; sieveWidthPixels: MEBESPixels = MAX[sieveWidth, sieveHeight]/ms.mebesPixelPitch; sieveHeightPixels: MEBESPixels = MIN[sieveWidth, sieveHeight]/ms.mebesPixelPitch; BEGIN SizeFilterTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] -- CStitching.PerTileProc -- = { tileWidth: MEBESPixels; tileHeight: MEBESPixels; IsolatedTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile] RETURNS [b:BOOLEAN] ~ { en: CStitching.Tile _ tile.EN; ws: CStitching.Tile _ tile.WS; b _ ( (en.value # tile.value) AND (en.WEdge < tile.WEdge) AND (ws.value # tile.value) AND (ws.EEdge > tile.EEdge) ); }; tileWidth _ MAX[(tile.EEdge - tile.WEdge), (tile.NEdge - tile.SEdge)]; tileHeight _ MIN[(tile.EEdge - tile.WEdge), (tile.NEdge - tile.SEdge)]; IF ( IsolatedTile[tile] AND (sieveWidthPixels >= tileWidth) AND (sieveHeightPixels >= tileHeight) ) THEN result.ChangeRect[rect: tile.Area, new: $covered]; }; result _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; [] _ CStitching.EnumerateArea[ plane: GenerateCover[ms,, extInfluenceDiameter], rect: CDBasics.universe, eachTile: SizeFilterTile]; END; END; Init: PROC = BEGIN Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $NOT, NEW[CoverProc _ NOTFn]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $AND, NEW[CoverProc _ ANDFn]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $ANDNOT, NEW[CoverProc _ ANDNOTFn]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $OR, NEW[CoverProc _ ORFn]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $MeasureRuns, NEW[CoverProc _ MeasureRuns]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $RestrictedEnlarge, NEW[CoverProc _ RestrictedEnlarge]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $Enlarge, NEW[CoverProc _ EnlargeFn]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $DeNotch, NEW[CoverProc _ DeNotchFn]]; Atom.PutProp[$CDMEBESCoverProcs, $SizeLEq, NEW[CoverProc _ SizeLEqFn]]; END; Init[]; END. -- of CDMEBESGeomFns RCDMEBESGeomFns.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. McCreight, May 16, 1986 3:03:28 pm PDT Hoel, February 27, 1986 3:33:39 pm PST This is a very common case, so we speed it up by separating it into two lists: CDLayer's with nonnegative deltaDiameter's, and other things. We compute the other things first, and then take a single pass at the design for the CDLayer's with nonnegative deltaDiameter's. We examine first the north and then the east neighbors of this key rectangle, noting the nearest rectangle of the same kind in the direction of view. SizeLEq returns a tesselation of all isolated $covered rectangles from input tesselation L3 which are no larger than L1 x L2 nanometers, where L1, L2, and L3 are the elements of spec. Shapes larger than L1 x L2 nanometers, as well as non-rectangular shapes, are omitted. This was added February 27, 1986 to handle VTI's requirement to enlarge minimum size vias over diffusion. JHH. Returns TRUE iff tile doesn't touch other tiles of the same value. Assumes the cornerstitched plane has tiles of only two values. Κz˜Jšœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™<™&K™&—K™šΟk ˜ Jšœžœ žœžœ˜,J˜—šΠbnœžœž˜Jšžœžœžœ˜1Jšžœžœžœ˜J˜šΟnœžœžœžœžœžœ!žœΟcœ˜„Jšž˜J˜š  œžœžœžœ‘œ˜ZJšœS˜SJ˜—JšœI˜IJšœžœ˜Jšœ\˜\Jšœ"˜"Jšžœ˜—J˜J˜š œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜„Jšž˜J˜š  œžœžœžœ‘œ˜SJšœHžœ˜NJ˜—Jšœ=˜=šžœžœžœžœžœžœžœž˜DJšœH˜HJšœT˜TJšœ ˜ Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—š œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜‡Jšž˜J˜š  œžœžœžœ‘œ˜SJšœHžœ˜NJ˜—Jšœ=˜=šžœžœžœžœžœžœžœž˜DJšœH˜HJšœJžœ˜OJšœ ˜ Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—š œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜ƒJšž˜JšœŽ™ŽJ˜š   œžœžœžœ‘œ˜UJšœ)˜)J˜—Jšœžœžœ žœ˜Jš œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜#šžœ žœžœžœžœžœ žœž˜Hšžœžœž˜šœ˜Jšžœžœ žœ˜=Jšžœžœ˜,—Jšžœžœ˜:—šžœ˜J˜——Jšžœžœžœžœ˜6šž˜Jšž˜JšœD˜Dšžœžœžœžœžœžœžœž˜KJšœH˜HJšœF˜FJšœ ˜ Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—šžœ žœž˜Jšœk˜k—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—J˜šΟbœžœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜Jšœ˜šœžœžœžœ˜%Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ ˜Jšœ˜—Jšœ˜J˜—Jš ’œžœžœžœžœžœ ˜=J˜š  œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜ŠJšž˜J˜Jš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜GJš œžœžœ žœ3žœ˜qJ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœ˜Jš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜3Jšœžœ žœ‘˜5Jšœ-‘œ ˜>J˜š   œžœžœžœ‘œ˜WJšž˜J˜š œžœ+˜EJšž˜šœžœ˜)Jšœ žœžœ˜8Jšœžœ$˜0—šžœž˜Jšœ˜Jšžœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—š œžœ0˜Jšœ$˜$Jšžœ˜—šœ˜Jšœ*˜*—šœ‘˜)Jšž˜JšœS˜SJšœ*˜*Jšžœ˜—Jšžœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ‘ ˜J˜—š œžœ0˜˜>JšœAžœ>˜‚JšœX˜XJ˜šœžœ ˜!Jšœžœ ˜Jšœ?˜?Jšœ-˜-šœ˜Jšœžœ!˜?Jšœžœ ˜>J˜—Jšœ˜J˜—šžœžœž˜šžœžœž˜5JšœL˜LJšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—J˜š œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜Jšž˜J˜š   œžœžœžœ‘œ˜YJšž˜J˜š  œžœžœžœ‘œ˜`Jšž˜Jšœžœ˜*Jšœ˜J˜"Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœžœžœžœ˜BJšœ˜J˜šžœ,ž˜2Jšœ!˜!—šžœ,ž˜2Jšœ!˜!—šžœ,ž˜2Jšœ!˜!—šžœ,ž˜2Jšœ!˜!—J˜Jšžœ žœžœ‘˜1šžœžœž˜"Jšž˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœ*žœ˜/Jšœ2˜2Jšžœ˜—Jšœ˜Jšœ†˜†Jšžœ#žœ(žœ˜VJšžœ˜J˜—š  œž œžœžœ‘œ˜eJšœA˜AJ˜—Jšœ˜J˜"JšœL˜LJšœžœžœ˜%Jšœp˜pJšžœžœžœ-˜OJšžœH˜LJšžœ˜J˜—Jšœ"žœ žœ˜QJšœb˜bJšœg˜gJšœ,˜,Jšœ˜JšœJ˜JJšœ ˜ Jšœ ˜ Jšœ.˜.Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—š  œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜ˆJšž˜Jšœžœ žœ˜2JšœF˜Fšžœž˜JšœH˜Hšœ˜Jšž˜J˜š   œžœžœžœ‘œ˜WJšœG˜GJ˜—Jšœ^˜^Jšœžœ˜JšœI˜IJšœ"˜"Jšžœ˜J˜—šœ˜Jšž˜J˜š   œžœžœžœ‘œ˜VJšœr˜rJ˜—Jšœ^˜^Jšœžœ˜Jšœ/˜/JšœX˜XJšœ"˜"Jšžœ˜J˜—Jšžœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—š  œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘œ˜ˆJšž˜Jšœ žœ žœžœ˜)Jšœ ˜ Jšœ žœ˜ šžœžœž˜šžœ žœž˜Jšœžœ2˜:Jšžœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšœ˜šžœ žœ ž˜šžœ!ž˜'Jšœ žœ žœ1˜M—Jšžœ˜—Jšœ:˜:Jšžœ˜J˜—š  œžœžœžœžœžœ!žœ‘Πce ‘œ˜ˆK™K™€K™Kšž˜Kšœžœ žœ˜-Kšœžœžœ˜3Kšœ žœ-˜PKšœ!žœ-˜Q˜Kšž˜K˜š  œžœžœžœ£œ˜\Kšœ˜K˜K˜K˜š  œžœžœžœ˜BKšœB™BKšœ>™>K˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜˜Kšœžœž˜7Kšœžœ˜3K˜—K˜—K˜Kšœ žœ7˜FKšœ žœ7˜Gšžœ˜Kšœž˜Kšœ ž˜#Kšœ!˜!Kšœž˜K˜2—šœ˜K˜——Kšœ%˜%˜K˜EK˜K˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜Kšžœ˜J˜—š œžœ˜ Jšž˜Jšœ'žœ˜?Jšœ'žœ˜?Jšœ*žœ˜EJšœ&žœ˜=Jšœ/žœ˜MJšœ5žœ!˜YJšœ+žœ˜GJšœ+žœ˜GJšœ+žœ˜GJšžœ˜—J˜J˜Jšžœ‘˜—K™J˜J˜J˜—…—8‚MN