<> <> <> ChipNDale-Registration Meta Documentation All pieces of code implementing features in the kernel part of ChipNDale should be listed here; please tell me any ommissions. This is meta documentation, it basically contains the name of the feature and the place where the truth about that feature is implemented. Most features are implemented or defined in just one place. But specially those features which are not defined completely in one single place will benefit from this meta documentation. This documentation is no substitute for proper registration; proper registration is absolutely mandatory. This documentation obviously can not document features added by any non basic ChipNDale tool. Completeness can not be achieved. @: means feature is old and should not be used in new designs +: widely defined and used italic: direct (non-meta) comment. This is not the truth but some hint only. -->: see also &: really a private feature; don't use #: technology Object Types $Rect CDRectsImpl $Cell CDCellsImpl $Import CDImportsImpl $PinOb0 CDSymbolicObjectsImpl $SymbolicSegment CDSymbolicObjectsImpl $AlignmentMarkOb CDSymbolicObjectsImpl $Repetitions CDRepetitionsImpl $Bus @ CDBusCellsImpl read operation will replace it by a cell $Text CDTextsImpl $Polygon CDPolygonsImpl $CDDynamicObs & CDDynamicObsImpl quite crazy; will not be written onto files CMos (a) $CMosTransistor @ CMosTransistorsImpl $CMosPTypeTransistor @ CMosTransistorsImpl $CMosATransistor @ CMosTransistorsImpl $CMosPTypeATransistor @ CMosTransistorsImpl $CMosContactDifAndPol @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosContactWellDifAndPol @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosContactDifShort @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosContactWellDifShort @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosContactBut @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosContactWellBut @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosBurContact @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosWellBurContact @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosMmContact @ CMosContactsImpl $CMosPDifRect CMosPDif pdif with nwell $CMosNDifRect CMosPDif ndif with pwell $CTrans CMosObsImpl $CWellTrans CMosObsImpl $CLTrans CMosObsImpl $CLWellTrans CMosObsImpl $CSimpleCon CMosObsImpl $CWellSimpleCon CMosObsImpl $CDifShortCon CMosObsImpl $CWellDifShortCon CMosObsImpl $CWellButtingCont CMosObsImpl $CVia CMosObsImpl $CBurContS CMosBuriedContactsImpl $CBurContPS CMosBuriedContactsImpl $CBurContDI CMosBuriedContactsImpl $CBurContDL CMosBuriedContactsImpl CMosB $C2PDifRect CMosBWellDifImpl pdif with nwell $C2NDifRect CMosBWellDifImpl ndif with pwell $C2Trans CMosBObsImpl $C2WellTrans CMosBObsImpl $C2LTrans CMosBObsImpl $CLWellTrans CMosBObsImpl $C2SimpleCon CMosBObsImpl $C2WellSimpleCon CMosBObsImpl $C2LargeSimpleCon CMosBObsImpl $C2LargeWellSimpleCon CMosBObsImpl $C2DifShortCon CMosBObsImpl $C2WellDifShortCon CMosBObsImpl $C2Via CMosBObsImpl $C2LargeVia CMosBObsImpl NMos $NMosTransistor NMosTransistorsImpl $NMosATransistor NMosTransistorsImpl $NMosPullUp NMosTransistorsImpl $NMosContactDifAndPol NMosContactsImpl $NMosContactDifShort NMosContactsImpl $NMosContactBut NMosContactsImpl $NMosBurContact NMosContactsImpl $NMosMmContact NMosContactsImpl Layers CD.combined + CD CDImpl etc. CD.highLightShade +& CD CDImpl etc. CD.highLightError + CD CDImpl etc. CD.backGround +& CD CDImpl etc. $pinRepresentation & CDSymbolicObjects $segmentRepresentation & CDSymbolicObjects CMos --> CMosLayersDoc.tioga $ndif $pdif $wndif $wpdif $pwel $nwel $pwelCont $nwelCont $pol $met $met2 $imp $ovg $bur $cut $cut2 CMosB $ndif $pdif $wndif $wpdif $pwel $nwel $pwelCont $nwelCont $pol $met $met2 $imp $ovg $bur $cut $cut2 $comment NMos $cut $pol $dif $met $imp $imp0 $impWeak $ovg $bur $met2 $cut2 Properties $OwnerDesign & CDDirectoryImpl, CDCells, CDCleanUpImpl this is very private! $SignalName + CDPropertiesImpl $InstanceName + CDPropertiesImpl $Tioga CDPropertiesImpl $layerOfPin & CDPinObjectsImpl $ownerOfPin & CDPinObjectsImpl $ErrorOwner & CDErrorsImpl $showErrorsElseWhere & CDErrorsImpl $showErrorsForOthers & CDErrorsImpl $RegistrationRoot & CDPropertiesImpl Menus $RectProgramMenu CDMenuCommands $ProgramMenu CDMenuCommands $OtherProgramMenu CDMenuCommands $CellMenu CDMenuCommands $GlobalMenu CDMenuCommands $IOMenu CDMenuCommands $DirectoryMenu CDMenuCommands $ViewerMenu CDMenuCommands $SpecialMenu CDMenuCommands $HardCopyMenu CDMenuCommands $DisplayMenu CDMenuCommands Events $BeforeCellReplacement Must be fast (No enumerations of directory...) $AfterCellReplacement Must be fast $AfterPush Must be fast $AfterPop Must be fast $BeforeOutput Design may be readonly; file is not yet set up $AfterInput Design may be readonly; file is already closed $WriteTechnologyPrivate & $ReadTechnologyPrivate & CDValue $ImportList & CDImportsImpl $KeepObjects CDOpsImpl storing the value $KeepObjects on key $KeepObjects prevents finalization of the design to destroy all the objects found in its directory Technologies $cmos $cmosB $nmos $chipnsil $CSMonitor CDViewerBase $Grid CDViewerImpl $Ticks CDVTicksImpl CommandTool commands CDNmos # CDCMos # CDCMosB # CDOpen CDIOCommands CDRead CDIOCommands CDGenerate CDGenerateCommands CDNewCmosA #CMosImpl CDNewCmosB #CMosBImpl CDNewNmos #NMosImpl CD18InputToggle @CDIn CDColor @CDColorCommands ///ChipNDale/CDAssociateRegistration CDPropertiesImpl ///ChipNDale/CDRemoveRegistration CDPropertiesImpl Command atoms I give up keeping a list Definition Modules See df files